克林顿《My Life》经典语句

       最近读了克林顿的自传《My Life》,受益匪浅。克林顿从一个很普通人家的孩子变成了美国总统,其成就不得不令人赞叹。他创造了很多奇迹,包括:美国历史上最年轻的州长(32岁当选州长),以及是美国历史上第三年轻的总统(46岁当选总统)。


1.       Look up to people otherslooked down on, because we’re not so different after all.


2.       The necessity of listingshort-, medium-, and long-term life goals, then categorizing them in order oftheir importance, with the A group being the most important, the B group next,and the C the last, then listing under each goal specific activities designedto achieve them.


3.       I always tried to keepthings moving in the right direction, to give more people a chance to livetheir dreams, to lift people’s spirits, and to bring them together.


4.       What seems funny to thestrong can be cruel and humiliating to the weak.


5.       Though they never hadextra money, they never felt poor as long as they had a neat house, cleanclothes, and enough food to feed anyone who came in the front door. They workedto live, not the other way around.


6.       No one is perfect but mostpeople are good; that people can’t be judged only by their worst or weakestmoments; that harsh judgments can make hypocrites of us all; that a lot of lifeis just showing up and hanging on; that laughter is often the best, andsometimes the only, response to pain.


7.       His love, and the thingshe taught me, mostly by example, including appreciation for the gifts of dailylife and the problems of other people, made me better than I could have beenwithout him.


8.       I had to face the factthat I was not destined to be liked by everyone, usually for reasons I couldn’tfigure out.


9.       The place where secretsare kept can also provide a haven, a retreat from the rest of the world, whereone’s identity can be shaped and reaffirmed, where being alone can bringsecurity and peace.


10.   Life is comedy and tragedy.


11.   I will study and getready, and perhaps my chance will come.


12.   Freedom has manydifficulties, and democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put a wallup to keep our people in.


13.   It was she who taught meto get up every day and keep going; to look for the best in people even whenthey saw the worst in me; to be grateful for every day and greet it with asmile; to believe I could do or be anything I put my mind to if I were willing tomake the requisite effort; to believe that, in the end, love and kindness wouldprevail over cruelty and selfishness.


14.   Choosing a career is likechoosing a wife from ten girlfriends. Even if you pick the most beautiful, themost intelligent, the kindest woman, there is still the pain of losing theother nine.


15.   I wanted to win and Iwanted to elect a good man who would also be a good President.


16.   As long as you don’t quit,you’ve always got a chance.






Bill Clinton,《My Life》,2004。

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