A Brief History of FAST corner detector
在FAST特征提出之后,实时计算机视觉应用中特征提取性能才有显著改善。目前以其高计算效率(computational performance)、高可重复性(high repeatability)成为计算机视觉领域最流行的角点检测方法。
在SUSAN方法的基础上,2005年, Rosten在论文[2]中提出基于The segment test criterion的角点检测方法,全称“Features fromAccelerated Segment Test”,简称FAST。
2010年,Mair在ECCV会议论文[5]中提出AGAST特征。对FAST底层的the accelerated segment test进行改进,通过在扩展配置空间寻找最优决策树,使用特定树的组合获得自适应并且通用的accelerated segment test。对FAST 9-16 detector提速约13%,对FAST 7-12 detector提速最高30%,对FAST 5-8 detector提速最高50%。AGAST项目网址http://www6.in.tum.de/Main/ResearchAgast.
2011年,S. Leutenegger在BRISK描述子[6]中提出multi-scale AGAST detector, 并用实验证明与SURF detector有等效的可重复性(equivalent repeatability)。对Graffiti序列的第一幅图检测时间为17.20ms,约为SURF detector消耗时间的16%,SIFT detector消耗时间的1%. BRISK项目地址http://www.asl.ethz.ch/people/lestefan/personal/BRISK.
[1]S. M. Simth, J. M. Brady, Susan - a new approach to low level image processing. International Journal of Computer Vision 23, 1997.
[2]E. Rosten, T. Drummond, Fusing points and lines for high performance tracking. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2005.
[3]E. Rosten, T. Drummond, Machine learning for high-speed corner detection, ECCV 2006.
[4]E. Rosten, R. Porter, T. Drummond, Faster and better: A machine learning approach to corner detection, IEEE PAMI, 2009.
[5]E. Mair, G. D. Hager, Adaptive and generic corner detection based on the accelerated segment test, ECCV 2010.
[6]S. Leutenegger, et.al. Brisk:Binary robust invariant scalable keypoints, ICCV 2011.