

   The Cyclic Object Storage Scheme (coss) is an attempt to develop a custom filesystem for Squid.

With the ufs-based schemes, the primary performance bottleneck comes from the need to execute so many open( ) and unlink( ) system calls. Because each cached response is stored in a separate disk file, Squid is always opening, closing, and removing files.


  coss, on the other hand, uses one big file to store all responses. In this sense, it is a small, custom filesystem specifically for Squid. coss implements many of the functions normally handled by the underlying filesystem, such as allocating space for new data and remembering where there is free space.

     Unfortunately, coss is still a little rough around the edges. Development of coss has been proceeding slowly over the last couple of years. Nonetheless, I'll describe it here in case you feel adventurous.



在磁盘上,每个coss cache_dir是一个大文件。文件大小一直增加,直到抵达它的大小上限。这样,squid从文件的开头处开始,覆盖掉任何存储在这里的数据。然后,新的目标总是存储在该文件的末尾处。 


象其他文件系统一样,coss也使用块大小概念。在7.1.4章里,我谈到了文件号码。每个cache目标有一个文件号码,以便squid用于定 位磁盘中的数据。对coss来说,文件号码与块号码一样。例如,某个cache目标,其交换文件号码等于112,那它在coss文件系统中就从第112块 开始。因此coss不分配文件号码。某些文件号码不可用,因为cache目标通常在coss文件里占用了不止一个块。 

coss块大小在cache_dir选项中配置。因为squid的文件号码仅仅24位,块大小决定了coss缓存目录的最大size:size = 块大小 x (2的24次方)。例如,对512字节的块大小,你能在coss cache_dir中存储8GB数据。 





