//一个有趣的行列转换 //A表: c1 c2 22 a 25 b 26 c 46 d //B表: c3 c4 1 “22,25,26,46,” //结果: tb_c3 ta_c2 1 a,b,c,d //分析: //从结果可以看出来,这是一个将行数据转换为列数据的问题,可以根据b表中的c4列来连接a,b两个表; //现在的首要问题是,将b表中的c4列转换为4个行,然后与a表进行等值连接; //最后将上一步操作得到的数据,使用wm_concat()字符串连接函数,在按照一定的类分组就可以得到结果 //解法一: //1.首先将b表中的c4列转换为行: //这里需要将c4列中的双引号去掉(用空串来替换) with tb as( select 1 c3,'"22,25,26,46"' c4 from dual) select c3,regexp_substr(replace(c4,'"',''),'[^,]+',1,level) c5 from tb connect by level <= length(replace(c4,'"','')) - length(replace(replace(c4,'"',''),',','')) + 1; / C3 C5 ---------- ---------------------- 1 22 1 25 1 26 1 46 //2.然后将第1不得到的结果与ta表进行等值连接: with ta as( select 22 c1, 'a' c2 from dual union all select 25,'b' from dual union all select 26,'c' from dual union all select 46,'d' from dual) , tb as( select 1 c3,'"22,25,26,46"' c4 from dual) select td.c3,ta.c2 from ta,( select c3,regexp_substr(replace(c4,'"',''),'[^,]+',1,level) c5 from tb connect by level <= length(replace(c4,'"','')) - length(replace(replace(c4,'"',''),',','')) + 1) td where ta.c1 = td.c5 / C3 C2 ---------- -- 1 a 1 b 1 c 1 d //3.使用wm_concat字符串连接函数,将第2步得到的结果连接起来: //这样就能得到我们的结果了: with ta as( select 22 c1, 'a' c2 from dual union all select 25,'b' from dual union all select 26,'c' from dual union all select 46,'d' from dual) , tb as( select 1 c3,'"22,25,26,46"' c4 from dual) select te.a tb_c3,wm_concat(te.b) ta_c2 from ( select td.c3 a,ta.c2 b from ta,( select c3,regexp_substr(replace(c4,'"',''),'[^,]+',1,level) c5 from tb connect by level <= length(replace(c4,'"','')) - length(replace(replace(c4,'"',''),',','')) + 1) td where ta.c1 = td.c5) te group by a / TB_C3 TA_C2 ---------- -------------- 1 a,b,c,d //解法二: with ta as( select 22 c1, 'a' c2 from dual union all select 25,'b' from dual union all select 26,'c' from dual union all select 46,'d' from dual) , tb as( select 1 c3,'"22,25,26,46"' c4 from dual) select c3,max(substr(sys_connect_by_path(c2,','),2)) a from ( select c3,c2,rownum rn,rownum - 1 rm from ( select a.c1,a.c2,b.c3,b.c4 from ta a,tb b) where instr(c4,c1) > 0) start with rn=1 connect by prior rn=rm group by c3 / C3 A ---------- ------------------ 1 a,b,c,d //小结: //对于这个问题,我是首先将其分解为几个小问题,然后再分别解决每一个小问题, //最后将小问题穿连起来,就可以解决最终问题了 //所以,在遇到问题的时候,我们何不先将问题分解,然后逐步的去解决呢?