Core Java™ 2: Volume II–Advanced Features读书笔记(I)

Core Java™ 2: Volume II–Advanced Features读书笔记(I)

Core Java™ 2: Volume II–Advanced Features读书笔记


Chapter 1:  MultiThreading


 线程和进程的区别:The essential difference is that while each process has a complete set of its own variables, threads share the same data

 简单地说,一个进程是资源分配的最小单位, 线程是程序运行的最小单位。





 Java 创建线程的两种方式


1.       extends Thread

2.       implements Runnable




  Class MyThread extends Thread {


Public void run() {





     Thread th=new MyThread();




   Class Worker implements Runnable {

       Public void run() {



    Thread th=new Thread(Worker);




   Thread th=new Thread ( new Runnable() {

          Public void run()





2 中止线程

既然启动了线程,自然有时候需要中止,java提供一个stop()的方法。但这是一个deprecated的方法,可以使用interrupt()方法。 建议使用方法如下:


    Public void run() {

         While(!isInterrupted()) {










1.   If a thread has been put to sleep, the specified number of milliseconds must expire.

2.   If a thread is waiting for the completion of an input or output operation, then the operation must have finished.

3.   If a thread called wait, then another thread must call notifyAll or notify. (We cover the wait and notifyAll/notify methods later in this chapter.)

4.   If a thread is waiting for an object lock that was owned by another thread, then the other thread must relinquish ownership of the lock. (You will see the details later in this chapter.)

5.    If a thread has been suspended, then someone must call its resume method. However, since the suspend method has been deprecated, the resume method has been deprecated as well, and you should not call it in your own code.


可以用isAlive()来判断一个线程是否停止。 注意一点,一个线程如果停止了,就不能再被重新启动了。也就是说:

     Thread a =new Thread(Runnable);

a.    start();

a.    interrupt();

a.    start()这时候不能重新启动了。呵呵






Thread Priority优先级

setPriority 可以设置。

You can set the priority to any value between MIN_PRIORITY (defined as 1 in the Thread class) and MAX_PRIORITY (defined as 10). NORM_PRIORITY is defined as 5.

·         static void yield()

causes the currently executing thread to yield. If there are other runnable threads whose priority is at least as high as the priority of this thread, they will be scheduled next. Note that this is a static method

什么叫做自私线程Selfish Threads


 when a thread contains a tight loop, a loop in which it carries out a lot of work without giving other threads a chance


  for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++)
            if (selfish)
               // busy wait for 5 milliseconds
               long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
               while (System.currentTimeMillis() < t + 5)

如果selfish变量为true了,就不sleep了,不停的跑。。。 这种情况工作中也碰到过,就是一个线程while循环了,其他线程就调度不到了。改变优先级都没有用。



 很简单的,当需要访问共享的资源的时候,就需要Synchronized. 这个就是一把锁,保证只有一个线程能访问。


 The volatile keyword is designed to address these situations. Loads and stores of a 64-bit variable that is declared as volatile are guaranteed to be atomic

Wait() notify() notifyAll() 方法

注意这几个方法都是Object的方法, 不是Thread的方法, Wait()方法是中止当前线程执行,





 Synchronized Method 只有一个线程可以进入该方法。

 Synchronized Object : 该对象上的所有同步方法都不能执行


      public void run()
   . . .
   synchronized (bank) // lock the bank object
      if (bank.getBalance(from) >= amount)
         bank.transfer(from, to, amount);
   . . .

In this sample code segment, the synchronized block will run to completion before any other thread can call a synchronized method on the bank object.


Synchronized Static Methods


 考虑Singleton 模式


 public class Singleton
   public static Singleton getInstance()
      if (instance == null)
         instance = new Singleton(. . .);
      return instance;

   private Singleton(. . .) { . . . }
   . . .
   private static Singleton instance;



        public static synchronized Singleton getInstance()
   if (instance == null)
      instance = new Singleton(. . .);
   return instance;


Calling a static method locks the class object Singleton.class ,当调用static的同步方法的时候,就需要锁定class对象


Therefore, if one thread calls a synchronized static method of a class, all synchronized static methods of the class are blocked until the first call returns.



DeadLocks Starving 死锁和饥饿



例如A1000 块,想转账2000B











The last rule is often called the single thread rule for Swing programming. There are a few exceptions to the single thread rule.

1.    A few Swing methods are thread safe. They are specially marked in the API documentation with the sentence "This method is thread safe, although most Swing methods are not." The most useful among these thread-safe methods are:

2.           JTextComponent.setText
3.           JTextArea.insert
4.           JTextArea.append
5.           JTextArea.replaceRange

6.    The following methods of the JComponent class can be called from any thread:

7.           repaint
8.           revalidate

The repaint method schedules a repaint event. You use the revalidate method if the contents of a component have changed and the size and position of the component must be updated. The revalidate method marks the component's layout as invalid and schedules a layout event. (Just like paint events, layout events are coalesced. If there are multiple layout events in the event queue, the layout is only recomputed once.)

Runnable updater = new LabelUpdater(label, percentage);

The invokeLater method returns immediately when the event is posted to the event queue. The run method is executed asynchronously. The invokeAndWait method waits until the run method has actually been executed.







Timer t = new Timer(1000, listener);



to start the timer. Then, the actionPerformed method of the listener class is called whenever a timer interval has elapsed. The actionPerformed method is automatically called on the event dispatch thread, not the timer thread, so that you can freely invoke Swing methods in the callback.

To stop the timer, call







最后是一个和solaris pipe很类似的IPC通信方式


Using Pipes for Communication Between Threads

Sometimes, the communication pattern between threads is very simple. A producer thread generates a stream of bytes. A consumer thread reads and processes that byte stream. If no bytes are available for reading, the consumer thread blocks. If the producer generates data much more quickly than the consumer can handle it, then the write operation of the producer thread blocks. The Java programming language has a convenient set of classes, PipedInputStream and PipedOutputStream, to implement this communication pattern. (There is another pair of classes, PipedReader and PipedWriter, if the producer thread generates a stream of Unicode characters instead of bytes.)

The principal reason to use pipes is to keep each thread simple. The producer thread simply sends its results to a stream and forgets about them. The consumer simply reads the data from a stream, without having to care where it comes from. By using pipes, you can connect multiple threads with each other without worrying about thread synchronization.

Example 1-13 is a program that shows off piped streams. We have a producer thread that emits random numbers at random times, a filter thread that reads the input numbers and continuously computes the average of the data, and a consumer thread that prints out the answers. (You'll need to use CTRL+C to stop this program.) Figure 1-18 shows the threads and the pipes that connect them. UNIX users will recognize these pipe streams as the equivalent of pipes connecting processes in UNIX.

Figure 1-18. A sequence of pipes

Piped streams are only appropriate if the communication between the threads is on a low level, such as a sequence of numbers as in this example. In other situations, you can use queues. The producing thread inserts objects into the queue, and the consuming thread removes them.

Example 1-13
  1. import java.util.*;
  2. import*;
  4. /**
  5.    This program demonstrates how multiple threads communicate
  6.    through pipes.
  7. */
  8. public class PipeTest
  9. {
 10.    public static void main(String args[])
 11.    {
 12.       try
 13.       {
 14.          /* set up pipes */
 15.          PipedOutputStream pout1 = new PipedOutputStream();
 16.          PipedInputStream pin1 = new PipedInputStream(pout1);
 18.          PipedOutputStream pout2 = new PipedOutputStream();
 19.          PipedInputStream pin2 = new PipedInputStream(pout2);
 21.          /* construct threads */
 23.          Producer prod = new Producer(pout1);
 24.          Filter filt = new Filter(pin1, pout2);
 25.          Consumer cons = new Consumer(pin2);
 27.          /* start threads */
 29.          prod.start();
 30.          filt.start();
 31.          cons.start();
 32.       }
 33.       catch (IOException e){}
 34.    }
 35. }
 37. /**
 38.    A thread that writes random numbers to an output stream.
 39. */
 40. class Producer extends Thread
 41. {
 42.    /**
 43.       Constructs a producer thread.
 44.       @param os the output stream
 45.    */
 46.    public Producer(OutputStream os)
 47.    {
 48.       out = new DataOutputStream(os);
 49.    }
 51.    public void run()
 52.    {
 53.       while (true)
 54.       {
 55.          try
 56.          {
 57.             double num = rand.nextDouble();
 58.             out.writeDouble(num);
 59.             out.flush();
 60.             sleep(Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % 1000));
 61.          }
 62.          catch(Exception e)
 63.          {
 64.             System.out.println("Error: " + e);
 65.          }
 66.       }
 67.    }
 69.    private DataOutputStream out;
 70.    private Random rand = new Random();
 71. }
 73. /**
 74.    A thread that reads numbers from a stream and writes their
 75.    average to an output stream.
 76. */
 77. class Filter extends Thread
 78. {
 79.    /**
 80.       Constructs a filter thread.
 81.       @param is the output stream
 82.       @param os the output stream
 83.    */
 84.    public Filter(InputStream is, OutputStream os)
 85.    {
 86.       in = new DataInputStream(is);
 87.       out = new DataOutputStream(os);
 88.    }
 90.    public void run()
 91.    {
 92.       for (;;)
 93.       {
 94.          try
 95.          {
 96.             double x = in.readDouble();
 97.             total += x;
 98.             count++;
 99.             if (count != 0) out.writeDouble(total / count);
100.          }
101.          catch(IOException e)
102.          {
103.             System.out.println("Error: " + e);
104.          }
105.       }
106.    }
108.    private DataInputStream in;
109.    private DataOutputStream out;
110.    private double total = 0;
111.    private int count = 0;
112. }
114. /**
115.    A thread that reads numbers from a stream and
116.    prints out those that deviate from previous inputs
117.    by a threshold value.
118. */
119. class Consumer extends Thread
120. {
121.    /**
122.       Constructs a consumer thread.
123.       @param is the input stream
124.    */
125.    public Consumer(InputStream is)
126.    {
127.       in = new DataInputStream(is);
128.    }
130.    public void run()
131.    {
132.       for(;;)
133.       {
134.          try
135.          {
136.             double x = in.readDouble();
137.             if (Math.abs(x - oldx) > THRESHOLD)
138.             {
139.                System.out.println(x);
140.                oldx = x;
141.             }
142.          }
143.          catch(IOException e)
144.          {
145.             System.out.println("Error: " + e);
146.          }
147.       }
148.    }
150.    private double oldx = 0;
151.    private DataInputStream in;
152.    private static final double THRESHOLD = 0.01;



建议: 实现一个多线程的生产者,消费者模型。

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