可以测试 Read, write, re-read,re-write, read backwards, read strided, fread, fwrite, random read, pread, mmap, aio_read, aio_write 等等不同的模式下的硬盘的性能。
另:内存信息查看命令:cat /proc/meminfo
Usage: iozone [-s filesize_Kb] [-r record_size_Kb ] [-f [path]filename]
[-i test] [-E] [-p] [-a] [-A] [-z] [-Z] [-m] [-M] [-t children] [-h] [-o]
[-l min_number_procs] [-u max_number_procs] [-v] [-R] [-x]
[-d microseconds] [-F path1 path2...] [-V pattern] [-j stride]
[-T] [-C] [-B] [-D] [-G] [-I] [-H depth] [-k depth] [-U mount_point]
[-S cache_size] [-O] [-K] [-L line_size] [-g max_filesize_Kb]
[-n min_filesize_Kb] [-N] [-Q] [-P start_cpu] [-c] [-e] [-b filename]
[-J milliseconds] [-X filename] [-Y filename] [-w] [-W]
[-y min_recordsize_Kb] [-q max_recordsize_Kb] [-+m filename]
[-+u ] [ -+d ] [-+p percent_read] [-+r] [-+t ] [-+A #]
注意: 不推荐在Iozone3.61版中使用这个参数。使用–az –i 0 –i 1替代。
-b filename
计算时间时将close()包括进来。This is useful only if you suspect that close() is broken in the operating system currently under test. 对于NFS版本3测试而言这将会很有用,同时它也能帮助我们识别nfs3_commit 是否正常工作。
-d #
穿过“壁垒”时微秒级的延迟。在吞吐量测试中所有线程或进程在执行测试前都必须挂起在一道“壁垒”之前。通常来说,所有线程或进程在同一时间被释放。这个参数允许在释放每个进程或线程之间有一定的延迟(微秒级)。Microsecond delay out of barrier. During the throughput tests all threads or processes are forced to a barrier before beginning the test.
对mmap文件使用msync(MS_ASYNC) 。这告诉操作系统在mmap空间的所有数据需要被异步地写到磁盘上。
计算时间时将flush (fsync,fflush) 包括进来。
用来进行一些扩展的测试。只在一些平台上可用。使用pread 接口。
-f filename
-F filename filename filename …
-g #
设置自动模式可使用的最大文件大小(Kbytes),最大测试文件为4G,可以这样写 -g 4G。
-H #
使用POSIX异步I/O接口中的#号异步操作。Iozone使用POSIX 异步I/O接口,并使用bcopy 从异步缓存拷贝回应用程序缓存。一些版本的MSC NASTRAN就是这么进行I/O操作的。应用程序使用这一技术以便异步I/O可以在一个库中实现,而不需要更改程序内模。
This technique is used by applications so that the async I/O may be performed in a library and requires no changes to the applications internal model.
-i #
用来选择测试项, 比如Read/Write/Random 比较常用的是0 1 2,可以指定成-i 0 -i 1 -i2.这些别的详细内容请查man。
8=random mix
总是需要先进行0号测试以便后面的测试有文件可以测试。也支持使用-i # -i # -i # 以便可以进行多个测试。
对所有文件操作使用VxFS VX_DIRECT 。告诉VXFS 文件系统所有对文件的操作将跨过缓存直接在磁盘上进行。
-j #
设置访问文件的跨度为 (# * 块 大小). Stride read测试将使用这个跨度来读块。
-J # (毫秒级)
在每个I/O操作之前产生指定毫秒的计算延迟。看 -X 和-Y来获取控制计算延迟的其他参数。
-k #
Use POSIX async I/O (no bcopy) with # async operations. Iozone will use POSIX async I/O and will not perform any extra bcopys. The buffers used by Iozone will be handed to the async I/O system call directly.
-l #
Set the lower limit on number of processes to run. When running throughput tests this
option allows the user to specify the least number of processes or threads to start. This
option should be used in conjunction with the -u option.
-L #
Set processor cache line size to value (in bytes). Tells Iozone the processor cache line size.This is used internally to help speed up the test.
Tells Iozone to use multiple buffers internally. Some applications read into a single
buffer over and over. Others have an array of buffers. This option allows both types of
applications to be simulated. Iozone’s default behavior is to re-use internal buffers.
This option allows one to override the default and to use multiple internal buffers.
Iozone will call uname() and will put the string in the output file.
-n #
写操作是同步写到磁盘的。 (O_SYNC). Iozone 会以O_SYNC 标志打开文件。这强制所有写操作完全写入磁盘后才返回测试。
This purges the processor cache before each file operation. Iozone will allocate another
internal buffer that is aligned to the same processor cache boundary and is of a size that
matches the processor cache. It will zero fill this alternate buffer before beginning each test.
This will purge the processor cache and allow one to see the memory subsystem without
the acceleration due to the processor cache.
-P #
Bind processes/threads to processors, starting with this cpu #. Only available on some
platforms. The first sub process or thread will begin on the specified processor. Future processes or threads will be placed on the next processor. Once the total number of cpus is exceeded then future processes or threads will be placed in a round robin fashion.
-q #
设置自动模式下使用的最大块大小(Kbytes) 。也可以通过-q #k ( Kbytes) 或 -q #m ( Mbytes) 或 -q #g ( Gbytes)。设置最小块大小见 –y 。
Create offset/latency files. Iozone will create latency versus offset data files that can be
imported with a graphics package and plotted. This is useful for finding if certain offsets
have very high latencies. Such as the point where UFS will allocate its first indirect block.
One can see from the data the impacts of the extent allocations for extent based filesystems
with this option.
-r #
指定测试块大小,K字节,指定一次写入/读出块大小。也可以通过-r #k (Kbytes) 或 -r #m (Mbytes) 或 -r #g (Gbytes).
生成Excel报告. Iozone将生成一个兼容Excel的标准输出报告。这个文件可以使用Microsoft Excel打开,可以创建一个文件系统性能的图表。注意:3D图表是面向列的。画图时你需要选择这项因为Excel默认处理面向行的数据。
-s #
指定测试文件大小,K字节。也可以通过-s #k (Kbytes) 或 -s #m (Mbytes) 或 -s #g (Gbytes).
./iozone -i 0 -i 1 -f /baofeng-data/iozone.tmpfile -Rb /test-iozone.xls -g -C -a -s 512m -y 1k -q 8k -b minfile_result.xls
-S #
Set processor cache size to value (in Kbytes). This tells Iozone the size of the processor cache.
It is used internally for buffer alignment and for the purge functionality.
-t #
-u #
Set the upper limit on number of processes to run. When running throughput tests this
option allows the user to specify the greatest number of processes or threads to start.
This option should be used in conjunction with the -l option.
-U mountpoint
-V #
Specify a pattern that is to be written to the temporary file and validated for accuracy in
each of the read tests.
关闭“stone-walling”. Stonewalling 是 Iozone内部使用的一种技术。它是在进行吞吐量测试时使用的。程序启动所有线程或进程然后将它们暂停在“壁垒”前。一旦它们都做好准备工作,它们将被同时释放。当其中任何一个线程或进程完成工作,整个测试就终止了并计算到达这个点时所有I/O的吞吐量。这保证了整个测试进行时所有的进程和线程都是并行的。这个标志位允许取消 stonewalling并看看会发生什么。
-X filename
Use this file for write telemetry information. The file contains triplets of information:
Byte offset, size of transfer, compute delay in milliseconds. This option is useful if one has taken a system call trace of the application that is of interest. This allows Iozone to replicate the I/O operations that this specific application generates and provide benchmark results for this file behavior. (if column 1 contains # then the line is a comment)
-y #
设置自动模式下使用的最小块大小(Kbytes) 。也可以通过-y #k ( Kbytes) 或 -y #m ( Mbytes) 或 -y #g ( Gbytes)。设置最大块大小见 –y 。
-Y filename
Use this file for read telemetry information. The file contains triplets of information:
Byte offset, size of transfer, compute delay in milliseconds. This option is useful if one has taken a system call trace of the application that is of interest. This allows Iozone to replicate the I/O operations that this specific application generates and provide benchmark results for this file behavior. (if column 1 contains # then the line is a comment)
Used in conjunction with -a to test all possible record sizes. Normally Iozone omits testing
of small record sizes for very large files when used in full automatic mode. This option forces Iozone to include the small record sizes in the automatic tests also.
启动混合 mmap I/O 和文件 I/O.
-+m filename
Use this file to obtain the configuration information of the clients for cluster testing. The file contains one line for each client. Each line has three fields. The fields are space delimited. A # sign in column zero is a comment line. The first field is the name of the client. The second field is the path, on the client, for the working directory where Iozone will execute. The third field is the path, on the client, for the executable Iozone.
To use this option one must be able to execute commands on the clients without being challenged for a password. Iozone will start remote execution by using “rsh”.
Enable CPU utilization mode.
-+p percent_read
Set the percentage of the thread/processes that will perform random read testing. Only valid in throughput mode and with more than 1 process/thread.
Enable O_RSYNC and O_SYNC for all I/O testing.
启动网络性能测试。需要 -+m
Enable madvise. 0 = normal, 1=random, 2=sequential, 3=dontneed, 4=willneed.
For use with options that activate mmap() file I/O. See: -B