1. 开发Windows产品时,很多东西都需要自己封装,因为它不像Cocoa那样有很好的对象模型,通过类就可以访问文件相关方法. 比如复制文件夹?
要知道Win32是否提供复制文件夹这个函数还真的通过baidu. MSDN真的很差.
2. 界面开发时打开选择文件夹窗口等.
3. 设置文件创建时间和修改时间等.
4. 也是可以在产品中移植.
#ifndef __BAS_UTILITY_FILE_H #define __BAS_UTILITY_FILE_H #include "bas_exp.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <Windows.h> #include "stdio.h" typedef struct BASFileInfo1 { wchar_t* dir; wchar_t* filename; wchar_t* ext; }BASFileInfo; class LIB_BASIC BASUtilityFile { public: static BOOL CopyDir(LPCTSTR lpszSrcDir, LPCTSTR lpszDstDir); static wchar_t* ZLGetFormatSizeFromBytes(uint64_t size); static wchar_t* GetFilePathNewName(const wchar_t* path); //utf8 static bool IsFileExist(const char* path); static bool IsFileExist(const wchar_t* path); static int64_t GetFileSize(const wchar_t* path); //dateTaken: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss ; HH是1-24小时制. static bool SetFileCreateAndModifyTime(const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* date_taken); //0:目录 //1:文件名 //2:扩展名 static BASFileInfo GetFileInfo(const wchar_t* path,TCHAR c); static wchar_t* SelectFolder(); }; #endif
#include <string.h> #include <sstream> #include <ShlObj.h> #include "basic/bas_utility_file.h" #include "basic/bas_utility_string.h" bool BASUtilityFile::SetFileCreateAndModifyTime(const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* date_taken) { wchar_t* date = wcsdup(date_taken); wchar_t* pos = wcschr(date,L'-'); WORD year = 0; WORD month = 0; WORD day = 0; WORD hour = 0; WORD minute = 0; WORD seconds = 0; *pos = 0x0; year = _wtoi(date); wchar_t* start = pos+1; pos = wcschr(start,L'-'); *pos = 0x0; month = _wtoi(start); start = pos+1; pos = wcschr(start,0x20); *pos = 0x0; day = _wtoi(start); start = pos+1; pos = wcschr(start,L':'); *pos = 0x0; hour = _wtoi(start); hour = (hour == 24)?0:hour; start = pos+1; pos = wcschr(start,L':'); *pos = 0x0; minute = _wtoi(start); start = pos+1; seconds = _wtoi(start); HANDLE file = CreateFile(path, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME st,stUTC; BOOL f; //hour: 0-23 GetSystemTime(&st); // Gets the current system time st.wYear = year; st.wMonth = month; st.wDay = day; st.wHour = hour; st.wMinute = minute; st.wSecond = seconds; st.wDayOfWeek = 0; st.wMilliseconds = 0; TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(NULL,&st,&stUTC); SystemTimeToFileTime(&stUTC, &ft); // Converts the current system time to file time format f = SetFileTime(file, // Sets last-write time of the file &ft,NULL, // to the converted current system time &ft); CloseHandle(file); free(date); return true; } return false; } BOOL BASUtilityFile::CopyDir(LPCTSTR lpszSrcDir, LPCTSTR lpszDstDir) { SHFILEOPSTRUCT sfo; ZeroMemory(&sfo, sizeof(sfo)); sfo.wFunc = FO_COPY; sfo.pFrom = lpszSrcDir; sfo.pTo = lpszDstDir; sfo.fFlags = FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR; int ret = SHFileOperation(&sfo); if ( ret == 0 ) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } wchar_t* BASUtilityFile::ZLGetFormatSizeFromBytes(uint64_t size) { double kb = (double) size / 1024; std::wstring result; wchar_t buf[16]; if (kb < 1) { swprintf(buf,L"%.2f B",(double)size); result.append(buf); return wcsdup(result.c_str()); } double mb = kb / 1024; if (mb < 1) { swprintf(buf,L"%.2f KB",kb); result.append(buf); return wcsdup(result.c_str()); } double gb = mb / 1024; if (gb < 1) { swprintf(buf,L"%.2f MB",mb); result.append(buf); return wcsdup(result.c_str()); } swprintf(buf,L"%.2f GB",gb); result.append(buf); return wcsdup(result.c_str()); } wchar_t* BASUtilityFile::SelectFolder() { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]={0}; TCHAR szDir[MAX_PATH]={0}; memset(szDir,0,sizeof(szDir)); GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH,szPath); BROWSEINFO bi; bi.hwndOwner = NULL; bi.pidlRoot=NULL; bi.iImage=NULL; bi.ulFlags = BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE; bi.pszDisplayName=szDir; bi.lpszTitle=szPath; bi.lParam=NULL; bi.lpfn=NULL; if(!SHGetPathFromIDList(SHBrowseForFolder(&bi),szDir)) { return NULL; } szDir[wcslen(szDir)] = L'\\'; return wcsdup(szDir); } BASFileInfo BASUtilityFile::GetFileInfo(const wchar_t* path1,TCHAR c) { std::wstring path(path1); size_t pos = 0; BASFileInfo info; if((pos = path.find_last_of(c)) != std::wstring::npos) { info.dir = wcsdup(path.substr(0,pos+1).c_str()); pos++; }else { info.dir = wcsdup(L""); pos = 0; } size_t dot = path.find_last_of(L'.'); if(dot != std::wstring::npos) { info.filename = wcsdup(path.substr(pos,dot-pos).c_str()); info.ext = wcsdup(path.substr(dot).c_str()); }else { info.filename = wcsdup(path.substr(pos).c_str()); info.ext = wcsdup(L""); } return info; } int64_t BASUtilityFile::GetFileSize(const wchar_t* path) { FILE* file = _wfopen(path,L"rb"); if (file) { fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); int64_t size = ftell(file); fclose(file); return size; } return 0; } bool BASUtilityFile::IsFileExist(const char* path) { wchar_t* path1 = BASUtilityString::ConvertUtf8ToUnicode(path); bool res = IsFileExist(path1); free(path1); return res; } bool BASUtilityFile::IsFileExist(const wchar_t* path) { if (_waccess(path,0)!= -1) { return true; } return false; } wchar_t* BASUtilityFile::GetFilePathNewName(const wchar_t* path1) { if(!IsFileExist(path1)) { return wcsdup(path1); } std::wstring path(path1); int count = 1; std::wstring temp; size_t dot = path.find_last_of(L"."); size_t slash = path.find_last_of(L"\\"); std::wstring dir_part = path.substr(0,slash+1); std::wstring postfix_part = path.substr(dot); std::wstring name_part = path.substr(slash+1,dot-slash-1); int kMaxCount = 1000; while(count < kMaxCount) { std::wstring new_path; std::wstringstream wss; wss << L"(" << count << L")"; new_path.append(dir_part).append(name_part).append(wss.str()).append(postfix_part); if(!IsFileExist(new_path.c_str())) { return wcsdup(new_path.c_str()); } ++count; } return wcsdup(path.c_str()); }