ECC 6.0 Syntax Correction Message.5 There should only be definitions in the TOP include

Message Code MESSAGEG.5

==> There should only be definitions in the TOP include (or

nested includes within it). This means that all kinds of

implementation (CLASS... IMPLEMENTATION, not meaningful. is

not meaningful.



Assuming that the error is caused by a function group then it means that the TOP include of this function group should contain data type definitions only. If the TOP include contains local class definitions and implementations then move the implementations in ...Fxx includes.


For an example have a look at function group MEREQ:

- TOP include -> contains INCLUDE LMEREQDXX -> contains local class definitions

- main report -> contains   INCLUDE LMEREQFXX -> contains further includes with local classimplementations

It seems you have defined a class & implemented as well in the TOP INCLUDE of your program.

Remove the IMPLEMENTATION part of your class from Top Inlcude & add it to the main program.

TOP INCLUDE should only have definition/data declarations.




The message which SAP provides is misleading. But, When you click on display / change on the message, it points towards the segment which is not supposed to be in TOP include.

In my scenario, It was a selection screen event which was in the TOP include.


你可能感兴趣的:(ECC 6.0 Syntax Correction Message.5 There should only be definitions in the TOP include)