Unity3d MegaFiers变形插件介绍





Unity3d MegaFiers变形插件介绍_第1张图片

Unity3d MegaFiers变形插件介绍_第2张图片

MegaFiers 是一个Unity3d专用的物体变形与动画解决方案,并支持所有的开发平台,从 PC、Mac、网页浏览或是 iPhone 与 Android 终端都支持使用这个插件功能。
MegaFiers 具备将四十种以上的变形功能单独或是整合到一个多边形物体,例如我们将 3ds Max 使用的 Morph  直接导入到 Unity,




 Mega-Fiers is out in the Asset store. Easily adjust and make new versions of your meshes with them bent, squashed, stretched etc or any combination of such effects. Why have just one variety of a mesh in your game, with Mega-Fiers you can endless varieties all made inside Unity, plus animate them easily to add real time deformation effects.

The system is inspired by the  Modifier system in 3ds max, so if you are familiar with how that works  then you should feel at home. The system allows for stackable modifiers  so you can do multiple bends for examples. The framework is written in  C# and will work on all platforms iPhone/Android/Web etc and the user can add their own modifiers as  easily as overriding a Map method in the Modifier class. You can deform meshes in the editor or at run time seamlessly. Just added UV modification support and adding more modifiers all the time. The system also updates any mesh colliders attached to the object and will recreate tangent space if required by shaders.

Some of the modifiers included:

  • Bend
  • Bubble
  • Bulge
  • Cylindrify
  • Displace
  • FFD (2x2x2, 3x3x3, 4x4x4) (Lattice in Maya)
  • Hump
  • Melt
  • Morph
  • Noise
  • Path Deform
  • Page Flip
  • Point Cache Animation
  • Pivot Adjust
  • Push
  • Radial Skew
  • Relax
  • Ripple
  • Rubber
  • Skew
  • Spherify
  • Stretch
  • Taper
  • Twist
  • UV Adjust
  • UV Tile Animate
  • Wave

And the following World Space Warps:

  • Bend
  • Noise
  • Ripple
  • Skew
  • Stretch
  • Taper
  • Twist
  • Wave

I will be adding more modifiers to the system near future. Hopefully  the system will be expanded by community generated Modifiers as well.  Some videos showing some of what the system can do is below. The price is $150. You can find some more info at MegaFier Help Page or visit the FaceBook page for MegaFiers  I hope someone finds a good use for this and you do get any nice results please post or send them to me.







