MapReduce Design Patterns-chapter 2

CHAPTER 2:Summarization Patterns


public class MinMaxCountTuple implements Writable {
    private Date min = new Date();
    private Date max = new Date();
    private long count = 0;
    private final static SimpleDateFormat frmt = new SimpleDateFormat(
    public Date getMin() {
        return min;
    public void setMin(Date min) {
        this.min = min;
    public Date getMax() {
        return max;
    public void setMax(Date max) {
        this.max = max;
    public long getCount() {
        return count;
    public void setCount(long count) {
        this.count = count;
    public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
        // Read the data out in the order it is written,
        // creating new Date objects from the UNIX timestamp
        min = new Date(in.readLong());
        max = new Date(in.readLong());
        count = in.readLong();
    public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
	// Write the data out in the order it is read,
        // using the UNIX timestamp to represent the Date
    public String toString() {
        return frmt.format(min) + "\t" + frmt.format(max) + "\t" + count;

public static class MinMaxCountMapper extends
   Mapper<Object, Text, Text, MinMaxCountTuple> {
    // Our output key and value Writables
    private Text outUserId = new Text();
    private MinMaxCountTuple outTuple = new MinMaxCountTuple();
    // This object will format the creation date string into a Date object
    private final static SimpleDateFormat frmt =
                        new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS");
    public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Map<String, String> parsed = transformXmlToMap(value.toString());
        // Grab the "CreationDate" field since it is what we are finding
        // the min and max value of
        String strDate = parsed.get("CreationDate");
        // Grab the “UserID” since it is what we are grouping by
	String userId = parsed.get("UserId");
        // Parse the string into a Date object
        Date creationDate = frmt.parse(strDate);
        // Set the minimum and maximum date values to the creationDate
        // Set the comment count to 1
        // Set our user ID as the output key
        // Write out the hour and the average comment length
        context.write(outUserId, outTuple);

public static class MinMaxCountReducer extends
    Reducer<Text, MinMaxCountTuple, Text, MinMaxCountTuple> {
    // Our output value Writable
    private MinMaxCountTuple result = new MinMaxCountTuple();
    public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<MinMaxCountTuple> values,
            Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // Initialize our result
        int sum = 0;
        // Iterate through all input values for this key
        for (MinMaxCountTuple val : values) {
            // If the value's min is less than the result's min
            // Set the result's min to value's
            if (result.getMin() == null ||
			val.getMin().compareTo(result.getMin()) < 0) {
            // If the value's max is more than the result's max
            // Set the result's max to value's
            if (result.getMax() == null  ||
                    val.getMax().compareTo(result.getMax()) > 0) {
            // Add to our sum the count for value
            sum += val.getCount();
        // Set our count to the number of input values
        context.write(key, result);
可以使用combiner,与reduce 类似
MapReduce Design Patterns-chapter 2_第1张图片


map的输出为 {小时-(数量,平均值)}

public static class AverageMapper extends
        Mapper<Object, Text, IntWritable, CountAverageTuple> {
    private IntWritable outHour = new IntWritable();
    private CountAverageTuple outCountAverage = new CountAverageTuple();
    private final static SimpleDateFormat frmt = new SimpleDateFormat(
    public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Map<String, String> parsed = transformXmlToMap(value.toString());
        // Grab the "CreationDate" field,
        // since it is what we are grouping by
        String strDate = parsed.get("CreationDate");
        // Grab the comment to find the length
        String text = parsed.get("Text");
        // get the hour this comment was posted in
        Date creationDate = frmt.parse(strDate);
        // get the comment length
        // write out the hour with the comment length
        context.write(outHour, outCountAverage);


public static class AverageReducer extends
        Reducer<IntWritable, CountAverageTuple,
            IntWritable, CountAverageTuple> {
    private CountAverageTuple result = new CountAverageTuple();
    public void reduce(IntWritable key, Iterable<CountAverageTuple> values,
            Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        float sum = 0;
        float count = 0;
        // Iterate through all input values for this key
        for (CountAverageTuple val : values) {
            sum += val.getCount() * val.getAverage();
            count += val.getCount();
        result.setAverage(sum / count);
        context.write(key, result);


MapReduce Design Patterns-chapter 2_第2张图片




public static class MedianStdDevMapper extends
        Mapper<Object, Text, IntWritable, IntWritable> {
    private IntWritable outHour = new IntWritable();
    private IntWritable outCommentLength = new IntWritable();
    private final static SimpleDateFormat frmt = new SimpleDateFormat(
    public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Map<String, String> parsed = transformXmlToMap(value.toString());
        // Grab the "CreationDate" field,
        // since it is what we are grouping by
        String strDate = parsed.get("CreationDate");
        // Grab the comment to find the length
        String text = parsed.get("Text");
        // get the hour this comment was posted in
        Date creationDate = frmt.parse(strDate);
        // set the comment length
        // write out the user ID with min max dates and count
        context.write(outHour, outCommentLength);


public static class MedianStdDevReducer extends
        Reducer<IntWritable, IntWritable,
            IntWritable, MedianStdDevTuple> {
    private MedianStdDevTuple result = new MedianStdDevTuple();
    private ArrayList<Float> commentLengths = new ArrayList<Float>();
    public void reduce(IntWritable key, Iterable<IntWritable> values,
        Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        float sum = 0;
        float count = 0;
        // Iterate through all input values for this key
        for (IntWritable val : values) {
            commentLengths.add((float) val.get());
            sum += val.get();
        // sort commentLengths to calculate median
        // if commentLengths is an even value, average middle two elements
        if (count % 2 == 0) {
            result.setMedian((commentLengths.get((int) count / 2 - 1) +
                    commentLengths.get((int) count / 2)) / 2.0f);
        } else {
            // else, set median to middle value
            result.setMedian(commentLengths.get((int) count / 2));
        // calculate standard deviation
        float mean = sum / count;
        float sumOfSquares = 0.0f;
        for (Float f : commentLengths) {
            sumOfSquares += (f - mean) * (f - mean);
        result.setStdDev((float) Math.sqrt(sumOfSquares / (count - 1)));
        context.write(key, result);



public static class MedianStdDevReducer extends
        Reducer<IntWritable, SortedMapWritable,
            IntWritable, MedianStdDevTuple> {
    private MedianStdDevTuple result = new MedianStdDevTuple();
    private TreeMap<Integer, Long> commentLengthCounts =
            new TreeMap<Integer, Long>();
    public void reduce(IntWritable key, Iterable<SortedMapWritable> values,
            Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
	String strDate = parsed.get("CreationDate");
        // Grab the comment to find the length
        String text = parsed.get("Text");
        // Get the hour this comment was posted in
        Date creationDate = frmt.parse(strDate);
        SortedMapWritable outCommentLength = new SortedMapWritable();
        outCommentLength.put(commentLength, ONE);
        // Write out the user ID with min max dates and count
        context.write(outHour, outCommentLength);



public static class MedianStdDevReducer extends
        Reducer<IntWritable, SortedMapWritable,
            IntWritable, MedianStdDevTuple> {
    private MedianStdDevTuple result = new MedianStdDevTuple();
    private TreeMap<Integer, Long> commentLengthCounts =
            new TreeMap<Integer, Long>();
    public void reduce(IntWritable key, Iterable<SortedMapWritable> values,
            Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
	float sum = 0;
        long totalComments = 0;
        for (SortedMapWritable v : values) {
            for (Entry<WritableComparable, Writable> entry : v.entrySet()) {
                int length = ((IntWritable) entry.getKey()).get();
                long count = ((LongWritable) entry.getValue()).get();
                totalComments += count;
                sum += length * count;
                Long storedCount = commentLengthCounts.get(length);
                if (storedCount == null) {
                    commentLengthCounts.put(length, count);
                } else {
                    commentLengthCounts.put(length, storedCount + count);
        long medianIndex = totalComments / 2L;
        long previousComments = 0;
        long comments = 0;
        int prevKey = 0;
        for (Entry<Integer, Long> entry : commentLengthCounts.entrySet()) {
            comments = previousComments + entry.getValue();
            if (previousComments ≤ medianIndex && medianIndex < comments) {
                if (totalComments % 2 == 0 && previousComments == medianIndex) {
                    result.setMedian((float) (entry.getKey() + prevKey) / 2.0f);
                } else {
            previousComments = comments;
            prevKey = entry.getKey();
        // calculate standard deviation
        float mean = sum / totalComments;
        float sumOfSquares = 0.0f;
        for (Entry<Integer, Long> entry : commentLengthCounts.entrySet()) {
            sumOfSquares += (entry.getKey() - mean) * (entry.getKey() - mean) *
	result.setStdDev((float) Math.sqrt(sumOfSquares / (totalComments - 1)));
        context.write(key, result);

MapReduce Design Patterns-chapter 2_第3张图片



public static class WikipediaExtractor extends
        Mapper<Object, Text, Text, Text> {
    private Text link = new Text();
    private Text outkey = new Text();
    public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Map<String, String> parsed = MRDPUtils.transformXmlToMap(value
        // Grab the necessary XML attributes
        String txt = parsed.get("Body");
        String posttype = parsed.get("PostTypeId");
        String row_id = parsed.get("Id");
	// if the body is null, or the post is a question (1), skip
        if (txt == null || (posttype != null && posttype.equals("1"))) {
        // Unescape the HTML because the SO data is escaped.
        txt = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(txt.toLowerCase());
        context.write(link, outkey);


public static class Concatenator extends Reducer<Text,Text,Text,Text> {
    private Text result = new Text();
    public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        boolean first = true;
        for (Text id : values) {
            if (first) {
                first = false;
            } else {
                sb.append(" ");
        context.write(key, result);

MapReduce Design Patterns-chapter 2_第4张图片


public static class CountNumUsersByStateMapper extends
        Mapper<Object, Text, NullWritable, NullWritable> {
    public static final String STATE_COUNTER_GROUP = "State";
    public static final String UNKNOWN_COUNTER = "Unknown";
    public static final String NULL_OR_EMPTY_COUNTER = "Null or Empty";
    private String[] statesArray = new String[] { "AL", "AK", "AZ", "AR",
            "CA", "CO", "CT", "DE", "FL", "GA", "HI", "ID", "IL", "IN",
            "IA", "KS", "KY", "LA", "ME", "MD", "MA", "MI", "MN", "MS",
            "MO", "MT", "NE", "NV", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NY", "NC", "ND",
            "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "RI", "SC", "SF", "TN", "TX", "UT",
            "VT", "VA", "WA", "WV", "WI", "WY" };
    private HashSet<String> states = new HashSet<String>(
	public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        Map<String, String> parsed = MRDPUtils.transformXmlToMap(value
        // Get the value for the Location attribute
        String location = parsed.get("Location");
        // Look for a state abbreviation code if the
        // location is not null or empty
        if (location != null && !location.isEmpty()) {
            // Make location uppercase and split on white space
            String[] tokens = location.toUpperCase().split("\\s");
            // For each token
            boolean unknown = true;
            for (String state : tokens) {
                // Check if it is a state
                if (states.contains(state)) {
                    // If so, increment the state's counter by 1
                    // and flag it as not unknown
                    context.getCounter(STATE_COUNTER_GROUP, state)
                    unknown = false;
            // If the state is unknown, increment the UNKNOWN_COUNTER counter
            if (unknown) {
                context.getCounter(STATE_COUNTER_GROUP, UNKNOWN_COUNTER)
        } else {
            // If it is empty or null, increment the
            // NULL_OR_EMPTY_COUNTER counter by 1
int code = job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1;
if (code == 0) {
    for (Counter counter : job.getCounters().getGroup(
            CountNumUsersByStateMapper.STATE_COUNTER_GROUP)) {
        System.out.println(counter.getDisplayName() + "\t"
                + counter.getValue());
// Clean up empty output directory
FileSystem.get(conf).delete(outputDir, true);


MapReduce Design Patterns-chapter 2_第5张图片
