/** * Begin class defination XPager : 分页逻辑类 */ var XPager = Base.extend({ // 参考groovy biz.db.Pager constructor : function(cp, npp, total){ this.currentPage = cp; this.numPerPage = npp; this.rowCount = total; }, currentPage : 1, numPerPage : 20, rowCount : 0, pagiStyle : 'digg', ll: null, // changeCp callbackFun : '', getPageNum : function() { var r = this.rowCount % this.numPerPage; var r2 = this.rowCount / this.numPerPage; var result = r == 0 ? r2 : r2 + 1; return Math.floor(result); }, getStart : function(){ return (this.currentPage - 1) * this.numPerPage; }, getEnd : function(){ if(this.rowCount < this.numPerPage || this.currentPage == this.getPageNum()) return this.rowCount; else return this.currentPage * this.numPerPage; }, hasNext : function(){ return this.currentPage < this.getPageNum(); }, hasPre : function(){ return this.currentPage > 1 && this.getPageNum() > 1; }, lang : { pageNum: '总页数:', currentPage: '当前页:', totalCount: '总记录:' }, // use mollio pagination template genHtml : function(){ var tpl = '<p>' + '{3}' + '<span><strong>{2}</strong></span>' + '</p><h4>{1} / {0}</h4>'; var tpl2 = '<a href="javascript:void();" onclick="{1}">{0}</a>'; var param0 = this.lang.pageNum + this.getPageNum(); var param1 = this.lang.currentPage + this.currentPage; var param2 = this.lang.totalCount + this.rowCount; var param3 = ''; var i = 1; for (; i <= this.getPageNum(); i++){ param3 += tpl2.format(i, "XPager.changeCp('" + this.callbackFun + "', '" + i + "');"); } tpl = tpl.format(param0, param1, param2, param3); return tpl; }, // use yahoo pagination template getHtml2 : function(){ var tpl = '<div class="' + this.pagiStyle + '">' + '<span style="font-size: 11px; color: silver;">' + this.lang.pageNum + '{0}</span>' + '{1}' + '<span style="font-size: 11px; color: silver;">' + this.lang.totalCount + '<font color="red">{2}</font></span>' + '</div>'; var param0 = this.getPageNum(); var param2 = this.rowCount; var param1 = ''; var tplLink = '<a href="javascript:void();" onclick="{1}">{0}</a>'; var i = 1; for (; i <= this.getPageNum(); i++){ if(i == this.currentPage) param1 += '<span class="current">{0}</span>'.format(i); else param1 += tplLink.format(i, "XPager.changeCp('" + this.callbackFun + "', '" + i + "');"); } tpl = tpl.format(param0, param1, param2); return tpl; }, dump : '' // 避免,结尾,在IE浏览器中语义错误 },{ changeCp: function(callbackFunName, pageNo){ var jsStr = callbackFunName + '(' + pageNo + ')'; eval(jsStr); }, dump : '' // 避免,结尾,在IE浏览器中语义错误 }); /** * Begin class defination XDB : Web sql辅助方法 */ var XDB = { db: null, init: function(dbName, version, dbDisplayName, size){ if(window.openDatabase) this.db = openDatabase(dbName, version, dbDisplayName, size); }, exe: function(sql, args, callback){ if(!this.db){ X.log('Web sql not support!'); return; } this.db.transaction(function(tx){ tx.executeSql(sql, args, function(tx, results){ if(callback) callback(results); }, function(tx, err){ // SQLError X.log('Web sql execute error: ' + err.message); }); }); }, trans: function(fn){ if(!this.db){ X.log('Web sql not support!'); return; } this.db.transaction(fn); }, // crud add: function(data, table){ var keys = _.keys(data); var str1 = keys.join(','); var str2 = _.map(keys, function(it){return '?';}).join(','); var sql = 'insert into {0} ({1}) values ({2})'; sql = sql.format(table, str1, str2); var args = _.values(data); this.exe(sql, args) }, del: function(data, table){ var keys = _.keys(data); var strClause = _.map(keys, function(it){ return it + ' = ?'; }).join(' and '); var sql = 'delete from {0} where {1}'; sql = sql.format(table, strClause); var args = _.values(data); this.exe(sql, args) }, update: function(data, dataClause, table){ var strSet = _.map(_.keys(data), function(it){ return it + ' = ?'; }).join(', '); var argsSet = _.values(data); var strClause = _.map(_.keys(dataClause), function(it){ return it + ' = ?'; }).join(' and '); var argsClause = _.values(dataClause); var sql = 'update {0} set {1} where {2}'; sql = sql.format(table, strSet, strClause); this.exe(sql, argsSet.merge(argsClause)) }, query: function(sql, args, callback){ this.exe(sql, args, function(results){ if(callback) callback(results.rows); }); }, pi: function(sql, args, cp, npp, callback){ var pager = new XPager(cp, npp, 0); var countSql = 'select count(1) as rowCount from ({0})'.format(sql); var subSql = 'select * from ({0}) limit {1}, {2}'.format(sql, pager.getStart(), npp); var _this = this; this.query(countSql, args, function(rows){ pager.rowCount = rows.item(0)['rowCount']; _this.query(subSql, args, function(rows){ if(callback) callback(pager, rows); }); }); }, dump : '' };
$(function(){ appendLi('*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** XDB'); appendLi('*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** XDB'); runTest('XDB all', true, function(){ XDB.init('test', '0.1', 'TestDB', 1024 * 10); XDB.exe('create table if not exists x(name varchar(30))'); XDB.trans(function(tx){ tx.executeSql('delete from x'); var i = 0; for(; i < 10; i++){ var sql = "insert into x(name) values(?)"; tx.executeSql(sql, ['Kerry' + i]); } }); XDB.query('select * from x', null, function(rows){ var len = rows.length; var i = 0; for(; i < len; i++){ X.log(rows.item(i)['name']); } }); XDB.pi('select * from x', null, 3, 20, function(pi, rows){ X.log(pi.rowCount); var len = rows.length; var i = 0; for(; i < len; i++){ X.log(rows.item(i)['name']); } }); XDB.update({name: 'XXX0'}, {name: 'Kerry0'}, 'x'); XDB.query('select * from x where name = ?', ['XXX100'], function(rows){ X.log(rows.length); }); XDB.del({name: 'XXX0'}, 'x'); return true; }); });