Siebel Exception: Method 'FieldValue' of business component 'Account Attachment' (integration component 'Account Attachment') re


When you try to insert a new attachment to siebel application using AccountAttachment BS WS/EJB method, you may got following error.


[SIEBEL ERROR]    Thread[[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)',5,Pooled Threads]    [2010-04-21 17:16:53.375] [AccountAttachmentSessionEJBBean:QueryByExample ] Exception : javax.resource.ResourceException:
11337958 Method 'FieldValue' of business component 'Account Attachment' (integration component 'Account Attachment') returned the following error:
"The file Company Overview.ppt could not be found on any specified file system.(SBL-UIF-00230)"(SBL-EAI-04376)
11337958 No error strings. Message DLL not loaded.


Please go to your siebel application to check if you can download Overview.ppt from UI. Usually, you will got above error message when your downloaded file doesn’t exist in your physical file system.
