1.下载 安装
wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pexpect/pexpect-2.4.tar.gz#md5=fe82d69be19ec96d3a6650af947d5665
tar zxvf pexpect-2.4.tar.gz cd pexpect-2.4/ python setup.py install
child = pexpect.spawn ('/usr/bin/ftp') #执行ftp客户端命令 child = pexpect.spawn ('/usr/bin/ssh user@example.com') #使用ssh登录目标机器 child = pexpect.spawn ('ls -latr /tmp') #显示 /tmp目录内容
expect() 定义
expect(self, pattern, timeout=-1, searchwindowsize=None)
expect() 在执行中可能会抛出两种类型的异常分别是 EOF and TIMEOUF,其中 EOF 通常代表子程序的退出, TIMEOUT 代表在等待目标正则表达式中出现了超时。
child.expect(["suc","fail",pexpect.TIMEOUT,pexpect.EOF])如果查找suc成功返回0 如果超时返回2 如果子程序推出返回3
send 系列函数
send(self, s) sendline(self, s='') sendcontrol(self, char)
如果程序运行中间出现了错误,如用户名密码错误,超时或者 EOF,远程 server 连接不上,都会使用 c hild.close(force=True) 关掉 ftp 子程序。调用 close 可以用来关闭与子程序的 connection 连接,如果你不仅想关闭与子程序的连接,还想确保子程序是真的被 terminate 终止了,设置参数 force=True,其最终会调用 c hild.kill(signal.SIGKILL) 来杀掉子程序。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys from optparse import OptionParser import traceback import pexpect import datetime def scp_from(user,host,route_from,route_to,password): cmd = "scp -r %s@%s:%s %s"%(user,host,route_from,route_to) print cmd scp = pexpect.spawn(cmd) try: i = scp.expect(['password:',pexpect.EOF],timeout=60) if i == 0: scp.sendline(password) j = scp.expect(['password:',pexpect.EOF],timeout=60) if j == 0: print "password wrong for %s"%host except: traceback.print_exc() scp.close() def scp_to(route_from,user,host,route_to,password): cmd = "scp -r %s %s@%s:%s"%(route_from,user,host,route_to) print cmd scp = pexpect.spawn(cmd) try: i = scp.expect(['password:',pexpect.EOF],timeout=60) if i == 0: scp.sendline(password) j = scp.expect(['password:',pexpect.EOF],timeout=60) if j == 0: print "password wrong for %s"%host except: traceback.print_exc() scp.close() def main(): usage1 = "python scp.py from user host route_from route_to passwprd" usage2 = "=(scp -r user@host:/route_from route_to)" usage3 = "python scp.py to route_from user host route_ro passwprd" usage4 = "=(scp -r route_from user@host:/route_ro)" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage1+usage2+usage3+usage4) (options,args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 6 or len(args) > 6 or (args[0] != 'from' and args[0] != 'to'): print usage1 print usage2 print usage3 print usage4 return print options print args if args[0] == 'from': user = args[1] host = args[2] route_from = args[3] route_to = args[4] password = args[5] else: user = args[2] host = args[3] route_from = args[1] route_to = args[4] password = args[5] if 'from' in args: scp_from(user,host,route_from,route_to,password) elif 'to' in args: scp_to(route_from,user,host,route_to,password) now = datetime.datetime.now() now_time = datetime.datetime.strftime(now,'%Y年%m月%d日 %H:%M:%S ') print now_time if __name__ == "__main__": main()