在CentOS-4.4 x86_64安装FFmpeg (非原创)

1. 安装faad2
# wget http: // downloads.sourceforge.net/faac/faad2-2.6.1.tar.gz
# tar xvfz faad2 - 2.6 . 1 .tar.gz
# cd faad2 
# .
/ bootstrap 
# .
/ configure 
# make 
# make install
2. 安装liba52
# wget http: // liba52.sourceforge.net/files/a52dec-0.7.4.tar.gz
# tar xvfz a52dec - 0.7 . 4 .tar.gz
# cd a52dec
- 0.7 . 4  
# .
/ configure 
# make 
# make install
3. 安装libdirac
# wget http: // downloads.sourceforge.net/dirac/dirac-0.10.0.tar.gz
# tar xvfz dirac - 0.10 . 0 .tar.gz
# cd dirac
- 0.10 . 0  
# .
/ configure 
# make 
# make install
4. 安装faac2
# wget http: // downloads.sourceforge.net/faac/faac-1.26.tar.gz
# tar xvfz faac - 1.26 .tar.gz
# cd faac 
# .
/ bootstrap 
# .
/ configure 
# make 
# make install
5. 安装libamrnb
# wget http: // ftp.penguin.cz/pub/users/utx/amr/amrnb-
# tar xvfj amrnb - 7.0 . 0.2 .tar.bz2
# cd amrnb
- 7.0 . 0.2  
# .
/ configure 
# make 
# make install
6. 安装libamrwb
# wget http: // ftp.penguin.cz/pub/users/utx/amr/amrwb-
# tar xvfj amrwb - 7.0 . 0.3 .tar.bz2
# cd amrwb
- 7.0 . 0.3  
# .
/ configure 
# make 
# make install
7. 安装libmp3lame
# wget http: // downloads.sourceforge.net/lame/lame-3.97.tar.gz
# tar xzf lame - 3.97 .tar.gz
# cd lame
- 3.97  
# .
/ configure 
# make 
# make install
8. 安装libx264
# wget http: // kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-1.6.2.tar.gz (地址要确认)
# tar zxvf git - 1.6 . 2 .tar.gz
# cd git
- 1.6 . 2  
# .
/ configure 
# make 
# make install
/ usr / local / bin / git clone git: // git.videolan.org/x264.git x264
# cd x264 
# .
/ configure  -- enable - pthread  -- enable - shared  -- disable - asm 
# make 
# make install
8. 安装libnut,该软件需要用svn获取源代码,svn可以直接用yum install svn来装。先下载:
# svn co svn: // svn.mplayerhq.hu/nut/src/trunk libnut
# cd libnut
# vi config.mak
CFLAGS  +=   - fPIC
# make 
# make install
9. 安装libogg
# wget http: // downloads.xiph.org/releases/ogg/libogg-1.1.3.tar.gz
# tar xvf libogg - 1.1 . 3 .tar.gz
# cd libogg
- 1.1 . 3  
# .
/ configure 
# make 
# make install
10. 安装libtheora (svn获取)
# svn co http: // svn.xiph.org/trunk/theora theora
# cd theora 
# .
/ autogen.sh 
# .
/ configure 
# make 
# make install
11. 安装libvorbis
# wget http: // downloads.xiph.org/releases/vorbis/libvorbis-1.2.0.tar.gz
# tar xvfz libvorbis - 1.2 . 0 .tar.gz
# cd libvorbis
- 1.2 . 0  
# .
/ configure 
# make 
# make install
12. 安装libxvid
# wget http: // downloads.xvid.org/downloads/xvidcore-1.2.1.tar.gz
# tar xvf xvidcore - 1.2 . 1 .tar.gz
# cd xvidcore
- 1.2 . 1 / build / generic 
# .
/ bootstrap.sh 
# .
/ configure  -- disable - assembly 
# make 
# make install

13. 修改环境变量
# vi  / etc / ld.so.conf
/ usr / local / lib
# ldconfig
14. 安装FFmpeg
# svn checkout svn: // svn.mplayerhq.hu/ffmpeg/trunk ffmpeg
# cd ffmpeg
# http: // www.ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-0.5.tar.bz2
# bzip2  - d ffmpeg - 0.5 .tar.bz2
# tar 
- xf ffmpeg - 0.5 .tar
# cd ffmpeg
- 0.5
# export PKG_CONFIG_PATH =/ usr / local / lib / pkgconfig CFLAGS = " -fPIC -m64 "
# ./configure 
-- enable - shared /
-- enable - gpl /
-- enable - nonfree /
-- enable - postproc /
-- enable - avfilter /
-- enable - avfilter - lavf /
-- enable - pthreads /
-- enable - libamr - nb /
-- enable - libamr - wb /
-- enable - libdirac /
-- enable - libfaac /
-- enable - libfaad /
-- enable - libfaadbin /
-- enable - libmp3lame /
-- enable - libnut /
-- enable - libtheora /
-- enable - libvorbis /
-- enable - libx264 /
-- enable - libxvid /
-- enable - decoder = libx264 /
-- enable - encoder = libx264
# make
# make install

14. 可能出现的错误:
/ usr / include / linux / videodev.h: 56 : error: syntax error before  " ulong "
/ usr / include / linux / videodev.h: 72 : error: syntax error before  ' } '  token
/ v4l.c: In function `grab_read_header ' :
libavdevice / v4l.c: 75 : error: storage size of  ' tuner '  isn ' t known
libavdevice / v4l.c: 133 : error: invalid application of `sizeof '  to incomplete type `video_tuner '  
/ v4l.c: 140 : error: invalid application of `sizeof '  to incomplete type `video_tuner '  
/ v4l.c: 75 : warning: unused variable `tuner '
这可能是源代码videodev.h不是针对次版本Linux写的,标准C没有ulong类型,所以要改成unsigned long

15. 运行ffmpeg -formats,可能出的错误:
ffmpeg: error  while  loading shared libraries: libavfilter.so. 0 : cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
# cd  / etc / ld.so.conf.d
# vi ffmpeg.conf
/ usr / local / lib
# ldconfig
16. 其他:


 原文地址 http://www.blogjava.net/javaren/articles/install_ffmpeg_on_linux_64bit.html
