Proxool 配置






proxool.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

// prototype-count is the number of spare connections it strives to keep over and above the ones that are currently active. Default is 0

proxool.prototypeCount = 10
proxool.maximumConnectionCount = 1000
proxool.minimumConnectionCount = 2

//If the housekeeper comes across a thread that has been active for longer than this then it will kill it.  Default is 5 minutes.

proxool.maximumActiveTime = 3600000

//select now() 这个只是那来的,找了好久也没有找到,路过的高手看见的指点一下。
proxool.houseKeepingTestSql = select now()

//If true then each SQL call gets logged (DEBUG level) along with the execution time.

//You can also get this information by registering a ConnectionListener (see ProxoolFacade). Default is false.
proxool.trace = false

//Either false (quiet) or true (loud). Default is false.不明白这个属性是干什么了
proxool.verbose = false
proxool.default.driverUrl = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/database?autoReconnect=true&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8
proxool.default.user = root
proxool.default.password = root
proxool.default.alias = proxool_default
proxool.crawler.driverUrl = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/database?autoReconnect=true&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8
proxool.crawler.user = root
proxool.crawler.password = root
proxool.crawler.alias = proxool_crawler
