Oracle 产品报价
1、Datebase Products Named User License Processor License
美元报价 人民币报价 美元报价 人民币报价
Standard Edition
$450 ¥3,725 $22,500 ¥186,228
Enterprise Edition $1,200 ¥9,932 $60,000 ¥496,608
Personal Editon $600 ¥4,966
Lite $150 ¥1,242
2、Enterprise Edition Options:
Named User License Processor License
美元报价 人民币报价 美元报价 人民币报价
Real Application Clusters $600 ¥4,966 $30,000 ¥248,304
Partitioning $300 ¥2,483 $15,000 ¥124,152
OLAP $600 ¥4,966 $30,000 ¥248,304
Data Minging $600 ¥4,966 $30,000 ¥248,304
Spatial $300 ¥2,483 $15,000 ¥124,152
Advanced Security $300 ¥2,483 $15,000 ¥124,152
Label Security $300 ¥2,483 $15,000 ¥124,152
3、Enterprise Managers
Named User License Processor License
美元报价 人民币报价 美元报价 人民币报价
Diagnostics Pack $90 ¥745 $4,500 ¥37,246
Tuning Pack $90 ¥745 $4,500 ¥37,246
Change Management Pack $90 ¥745 $4,500 ¥37,246
Management Pack for SAP R/3 $90 ¥745 $4,500 ¥37,246
4、Internet Application Server
Named User License Processor License
美元报价 人民币报价 美元报价 人民币报价
Standard Edition $300 ¥2,483 $15,000 ¥124,152
Enterprise Edition $600 ¥4,966 $30,000 ¥248,304
5、Internet Application Server
Enterprise Edition Options:
Named User License Processor License
美元报价 人民币报价 美元报价 人民币报价
Personalization(Price Approved In Advance Of Availability)
$300 ¥2,483 $15,000 ¥124,152
Wireless Option $300 ¥2,483 $15,000 ¥124,152
Named User License Processor License
美元报价 人民币报价 美元报价 人民币报价
Internet Developer Suite $7,500 ¥62,076
Discoverer Desktop Edition $1,500 ¥12,415
Jdeveloper $1,493 ¥12,353
Programmer $1,500 ¥12,415
7、Other Server Products
Named User License Processor License
美元报价 人民币报价 美元报价 人民币报价
Message Broker $300 ¥2,483 $15,000 ¥124,152
8、Other Server Products
Named User License Processor License
美元报价 人民币报价 美元报价 人民币报价
Pure Name&Address (North America) (Price Approved In Advance Of Avaliability)
$30,000 ¥248,304
Pure Name&Address (Latin America) (Price Approved In Advance Of Avaliability)
$30,000 ¥248,304
Pure Name&Address (EMEA) (Price Approved In Advance Of Avaliability)
$30,000 ¥248,304
Pure Name&Address (APAC) (Price Approved In Advance Of Avaliability)
$30,000 ¥248,304
Express Server $1200 ¥9932 $60,000 ¥496,608
Express Analyzer $1200 ¥9932
Express Objects $7500 ¥62076