acquire()/release():获得/释放 Lock
notifyAll(): 如果wait状态线程比较多,notifyAll的作用就是通知所有线程(这个一般用得少)
import threading import time L=[] class boy(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,cond,name = 'A boy'): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.cond = cond self.name = name def run(self): time.sleep(1) '''boy start conversation, make sure the girl thread stared before send notify''' self.cond.acquire() print self.name + ':Hello pretty~,I miss you\n' self.cond.notify() self.cond.wait() print self.name + ':like moth missing fire\n' self.cond.notify() self.cond.wait() print self.name + ':and I bought a gift for you in the list L\n' L.append('channel5') self.cond.notify() self.cond.release() class girl(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,cond,name = 'A girl'): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.cond = cond self.name = name def run(self): self.cond.acquire() self.cond.wait() print self.name + ':Really, show me how much~\n' self.cond.notify() self.cond.wait() print self.name +':you\'re so sweet~' self.cond.notify() self.cond.wait() print self.name +':wow~~, that\'s '+L.pop()+'---the one I dreamed for so long, I love you' self.cond.release() if __name__ == '__main__': cond = threading.Condition() husband = boy(cond, 'Aidan') wife = girl(cond,'PPP') husband.start() wife.start() #husband.start() husband.join() #wait untill these two threads end wife.join() print 'end converdarion\n'