Unity3D 游戏引擎之IOS自定义游戏摇杆与飞机平滑的移动(十一)

Unity3D 游戏引擎之IOS自定义游戏摇杆与飞机平滑的移动


     移动开发游戏中使用到的触摸游戏摇杆在iPhone上是非常普遍的,毕竟是全触摸屏手机,今天MOMO 通过一个小例子和大家讨论Unity3D 中如何自定义一个漂亮的全触摸游戏摇杆。

       值得高兴的是,Unity3D 游戏引擎的标准资源中已经帮助我们封装了一个游戏摇杆脚本,所以实现部分的代码可以完全借助它的,具体调用需要我们自己来。


// Joystick.js
// Penelope iPhone Tutorial
// Joystick creates a movable joystick (via GUITexture) that 
// handles touch input, taps, and phases. Dead zones can control
// where the joystick input gets picked up and can be normalized.
// Optionally, you can enable the touchPad property from the editor
// to treat this Joystick as a TouchPad. A TouchPad allows the finger
// to touch down at any point and it tracks the movement relatively 
// without moving the graphic

@script RequireComponent( GUITexture )

// A simple class for bounding how far the GUITexture will move
class Boundary 
	var min : Vector2 = Vector2.zero;
	var max : Vector2 = Vector2.zero;

static private var joysticks : Joystick[];					// A static collection of all joysticks
static private var enumeratedJoysticks : boolean = false;
static private var tapTimeDelta : float = 0.3;				// Time allowed between taps

var touchPad : boolean; 									// Is this a TouchPad?
var touchZone : Rect;
var deadZone : Vector2 = Vector2.zero;						// Control when position is output
var normalize : boolean = false; 							// Normalize output after the dead-zone?
var position : Vector2; 									// [-1, 1] in x,y
var tapCount : int;											// Current tap count

private var lastFingerId = -1;								// Finger last used for this joystick
private var tapTimeWindow : float;							// How much time there is left for a tap to occur
private var fingerDownPos : Vector2;
private var fingerDownTime : float;
private var firstDeltaTime : float = 0.5;

private var gui : GUITexture;								// Joystick graphic
private var defaultRect : Rect;								// Default position / extents of the joystick graphic
private var guiBoundary : Boundary = Boundary();			// Boundary for joystick graphic
private var guiTouchOffset : Vector2;						// Offset to apply to touch input
private var guiCenter : Vector2;							// Center of joystick

function Start()
	// Cache this component at startup instead of looking up every frame	
	gui = GetComponent( GUITexture );
	// Store the default rect for the gui, so we can snap back to it
	defaultRect = gui.pixelInset;	
    defaultRect.x += transform.position.x * Screen.width;// + gui.pixelInset.x; // -  Screen.width * 0.5;
    defaultRect.y += transform.position.y * Screen.height;// - Screen.height * 0.5;
    transform.position.x = 0.0;
    transform.position.y = 0.0;
	if ( touchPad )
		// If a texture has been assigned, then use the rect ferom the gui as our touchZone
		if ( gui.texture )
			touchZone = defaultRect;
		// This is an offset for touch input to match with the top left
		// corner of the GUI
		guiTouchOffset.x = defaultRect.width * 0.5;
		guiTouchOffset.y = defaultRect.height * 0.5;
		// Cache the center of the GUI, since it doesn't change
		guiCenter.x = defaultRect.x + guiTouchOffset.x;
		guiCenter.y = defaultRect.y + guiTouchOffset.y;
		// Let's build the GUI boundary, so we can clamp joystick movement
		guiBoundary.min.x = defaultRect.x - guiTouchOffset.x;
		guiBoundary.max.x = defaultRect.x + guiTouchOffset.x;
		guiBoundary.min.y = defaultRect.y - guiTouchOffset.y;
		guiBoundary.max.y = defaultRect.y + guiTouchOffset.y;

function Disable()
	gameObject.active = false;
	enumeratedJoysticks = false;

function ResetJoystick()
	// Release the finger control and set the joystick back to the default position
	gui.pixelInset = defaultRect;
	lastFingerId = -1;
	position = Vector2.zero;
	fingerDownPosition = Vector2.zero;
	if ( touchPad )
		gui.color.a = 0.025;	

function IsFingerDown() : boolean
	return (lastFingerId != -1);
function LatchedFinger( fingerId : int )
	// If another joystick has latched this finger, then we must release it
	if ( lastFingerId == fingerId )

function Update()
	if ( !enumeratedJoysticks )
		// Collect all joysticks in the game, so we can relay finger latching messages
		joysticks = FindObjectsOfType( Joystick );
		enumeratedJoysticks = true;
	var count = Input.touchCount;
	// Adjust the tap time window while it still available
	if ( tapTimeWindow > 0 )
		tapTimeWindow -= Time.deltaTime;
		tapCount = 0;
	if ( count == 0 )
		for(var i : int = 0;i < count; i++)
			var touch : Touch = Input.GetTouch(i);			
			var guiTouchPos : Vector2 = touch.position - guiTouchOffset;
			var shouldLatchFinger = false;
			if ( touchPad )
				if ( touchZone.Contains( touch.position ) )
					shouldLatchFinger = true;
			else if ( gui.HitTest( touch.position ) )
				shouldLatchFinger = true;
			// Latch the finger if this is a new touch
			if ( shouldLatchFinger && ( lastFingerId == -1 || lastFingerId != touch.fingerId ) )
				if ( touchPad )
					gui.color.a = 0.15;
					lastFingerId = touch.fingerId;
					fingerDownPos = touch.position;
					fingerDownTime = Time.time;
				lastFingerId = touch.fingerId;
				// Accumulate taps if it is within the time window
				if ( tapTimeWindow > 0 )
					tapCount = 1;
					tapTimeWindow = tapTimeDelta;
				// Tell other joysticks we've latched this finger
				for ( var j : Joystick in joysticks )
					if ( j != this )
						j.LatchedFinger( touch.fingerId );
			if ( lastFingerId == touch.fingerId )
				// Override the tap count with what the iPhone SDK reports if it is greater
				// This is a workaround, since the iPhone SDK does not currently track taps
				// for multiple touches
				if ( touch.tapCount > tapCount )
					tapCount = touch.tapCount;
				if ( touchPad )
					// For a touchpad, let's just set the position directly based on distance from initial touchdown
					position.x = Mathf.Clamp( ( touch.position.x - fingerDownPos.x ) / ( touchZone.width / 2 ), -1, 1 );
					position.y = Mathf.Clamp( ( touch.position.y - fingerDownPos.y ) / ( touchZone.height / 2 ), -1, 1 );
					// Change the location of the joystick graphic to match where the touch is
					gui.pixelInset.x =  Mathf.Clamp( guiTouchPos.x, guiBoundary.min.x, guiBoundary.max.x );
					gui.pixelInset.y =  Mathf.Clamp( guiTouchPos.y, guiBoundary.min.y, guiBoundary.max.y );		
				if ( touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended || touch.phase == TouchPhase.Canceled )
	if ( !touchPad )
		// Get a value between -1 and 1 based on the joystick graphic location
		position.x = ( gui.pixelInset.x + guiTouchOffset.x - guiCenter.x ) / guiTouchOffset.x;
		position.y = ( gui.pixelInset.y + guiTouchOffset.y - guiCenter.y ) / guiTouchOffset.y;
	// Adjust for dead zone	
	var absoluteX = Mathf.Abs( position.x );
	var absoluteY = Mathf.Abs( position.y );
	if ( absoluteX < deadZone.x )
		// Report the joystick as being at the center if it is within the dead zone
		position.x = 0;
	else if ( normalize )
		// Rescale the output after taking the dead zone into account
		position.x = Mathf.Sign( position.x ) * ( absoluteX - deadZone.x ) / ( 1 - deadZone.x );
	if ( absoluteY < deadZone.y )
		// Report the joystick as being at the center if it is within the dead zone
		position.y = 0;
	else if ( normalize )
		// Rescale the output after taking the dead zone into account
		position.y = Mathf.Sign( position.y ) * ( absoluteY - deadZone.y ) / ( 1 - deadZone.y );

单击Create 创建一个GUI Texture,命名为Joy ,它用来显示游戏摇杆,如下图所示将摇杆的图片资源,与摇杆的脚本连线赋值给Joy.  Pixel Inset 中可以设置摇杆的显示位置与显示宽高。

Unity3D 游戏引擎之IOS自定义游戏摇杆与飞机平滑的移动(十一)_第1张图片

到这一步 build and run 就可以在iPhone上看到这个游戏摇杆,并且可以通过触摸它,360度平滑过度。


创建一个脚本,命名为Main.js 如下图所示  将 Main.js 、joy、plan 分别 绑定在Main Camera 上。

Unity3D 游戏引擎之IOS自定义游戏摇杆与飞机平滑的移动(十一)_第2张图片



这两个值是非常重要的两个信息,它们的取值范围是 -1 到 +1 ,表示 用户触摸摇杆的位置, 上 下 左 右 的信息。

var moveJoystick : Joystick;

var plan : Texture;

var x = 0;
var y = 0;

var cross_x = 0;
var cross_y = 0;

var planSpeed = 20;

function Start() {
	x = 100;
	y = 100;
	cross_x = Screen.width -  plan.width;
	cross_y = Screen.height -  plan.height;

function Update () {
	//得到游戏摇杆的反馈信息,得到的值是 -1 到 +1 之间
 	var touchKey_x =  moveJoystick.position.x;
 	var touchKey_y =  moveJoystick.position.y;
 	if(touchKey_x == -1){
 		x -= planSpeed;
 	else if(touchKey_x == 1){
 		x += planSpeed;
  	if(touchKey_y == -1){
 		y += planSpeed;
 	else if(touchKey_y == 1){
 		y -= planSpeed;
 	if(x < 0){
 		x = 0;
 	}else if(x > cross_x){
 		x = cross_x;
  	if(y < 0){
 		y = 0;
 	}else if(y > cross_y){
 		y = cross_y;

function OnGUI () {



导出 build and run  看看在iPhone 上的效果,通过触摸游戏摇杆可以控制飞机的移动啦,不错吧,哇咔咔~~

Unity3D 游戏引擎之IOS自定义游戏摇杆与飞机平滑的移动(十一)_第3张图片

Unity3D 游戏引擎之IOS自定义游戏摇杆与飞机平滑的移动(十一)_第4张图片

最后欢迎各位盆友可以和MOMO一起讨论Unity3D游戏开发,最近感冒的盆友越来越多,大家要多多注意身体健康噢。哇咔咔~~~ 附上Unity3D工程的下载地址,Xcode项目我就不上传了,须要的自己导出。

