; $Id: dmcompos.e,v 5.0 1998/01/10 02:07:31 sol_ora Exp $
; dmComposite class errors
.facility DM_COMPOSITE
.severity ERROR
ALREADY_LINKED SD "The %s sysobject is already linked to the composite with ID %s."
;CAUSE: You just linked a composite that has been linked before.
; Most likely the sysobject in question is erroneous.
;ACTION: No action is required. The requested link operation is denied.
BAD_ORDER L "Invalid order number %d specified. Must be positive and non-zero."
;CAUSE: You have specified a negative or zero order number during insertcomp or
; removecomp operation. Order numbers must be positive. The order number zero
; is resevered for the composite itself.
;ACTION: Specify a positive order number with the insertcomp or
; removecomp operation.
CANT_ADD_LINK SS "Cannot add sysobject %s to composite with path name %s."
;CAUSE: Your linkage between the sysobject and composite has failed.
;ACTION: No action is required. The requested link operation is denied.
CANT_CHANGE_NAME "Cannot change a composite name."
;CAUSE: You tried to change the object_name attribute of an existing composite.
; This is not a supported operation.
;ACTION: No action is required. The requested save operation is not carried.
CANT_DELETE_LINK SS "Cannot delete sysobject %s from composite with path name %s."
;CAUSE: Your unlink operation between the sysobject and composite has failed.
; Most likely the sysobject in question is erroneous.
;ACTION: No action is required. The requested link operation is denied.
CANT_DROP_CHILDL SD "No link established between composite with path name %s and ancestor composite with ID %s."
;CAUSE: You tried to drop a non-existent ancestor. This may have happened when
; trying to update the composite explosion during a removecomp operation. If this
; error message is reported, it indicates that the
; child composites are not accurate to indicate the ancestor relationship
; with a given composite at the right position, If so, either the children information
; has been altered incorrectly or someone has tampered with the database.
;ACTION: If this error condition occurs then the composite information is
; inaccurate. The only action which can be done at this time is to recreate
; the child composites.
CANT_DROP_LINK SD "No link exists between composite with path name %s and sysobject with ID %s."
;CAUSE: You tried to drop a non-existent linkage.
;ACTION: No action is required. The requested unlink operation is denied.
CANT_DESTROY S "Cannot destroy composite with path name %s since it is not empty."
;CAUSE: You tried to destroy a non-empty composite.
;ACTION: A composite must be empty before destruction.
INVALID_PATH S "Cannot fetch composite with path name %s."
;CAUSE: You tried to fetch a composite with a non-existent path name.
;ACTION: Retry the operation with a valid path name.
CANT_SAVE_NO_LINK S "Cannot save composite with object_name %s - composites must be linked."
;CAUSE: You tried to save a composite without any linkages. Your default composite or the
; composite that you tried to link may be bad.
;ACTION: All composites must have one linkage. Link this composite
; to another composite and try again.
CIRC_LINK S "Cannot create circular links for composite with path name %s."
;CAUSE: New linkages in this composite have caused circularity of
; composite containment.
;ACTION: Remove the unwanted links and try again.
COMPN_COMPS D "The component with %s id cannot be added since components of this composite must all be composites."
;CAUSE: You tried to insert or append a component into a composite that
; does not match the previous component types. At each level a given
; composite is homogeneous. (i.e., it either contains all composites or all
; documents).
;ACTION: Reissue the append or insert with the appropriate type. If you need to insert
; a composite into a composite containing documents, or a document into a composite
; containing composites, you may have to create dummy composites to restructure the
; composite hierarchy.
COMPN_DOC D "The component with %s id cannot be added since components of this composite must all be documents."
;CAUSE: You tried to insert or append a component in a composite that
; does not match the previous component types. At each level a given
; composite is homogeneous. (i.e., it either contains all composites or all
; documents).
;ACTION: Reissue the append or insert with the appropriate type. If you need to insert
; a composite into a composite containing documents, or a document into a composite
; containing composites, you may have to create dummy composites to restructure the
; composite hierarchy.
INVALID_COMP D "The component identified by %s is of invalid type."
;CAUSE: All composite components must be either documents or composites (or subtypes
; of dm_document or dm_composite).
;ACTION: Reissue the appendcomp, insertcomp with the appropriate object type.
INVALID_CHECKIN SS "Invalid version label %s specified for composite %s checkin."
;CAUSE: A user specified composite version label different than CURRENT.
; Currently, only CURRENT version of a composite can be checked in.
;ACTION: Change version label to CURRENT and try checking in again.
INVALID_LABEL SS "Version label %s must exist in %s composite."
;CAUSE: A user tried to append or insert a component to a static version
; of a composite. These operations can be performed on a composite with
; CURRENT version label.
;ACTION: Use the dynamic version of the composite with append or insert
; component operations.
MUST_HAVE_NAME "A new composite must have an object_name."
;CAUSE: All composites must have an object_name during creation.
;ACTION: Set object_name attribute and try to save again.
PATH_EXISTS SS "Cannot save (or link) %s composite with path name %s because one already exists."
NO_COMPONENT IS "Cannot find the component at position %d in composite %s."
;CAUSE: object_names of all contained composites within the same composite
; must be unique.
;ACTION: Remove the linkage that caused this problem.
NONEXISTENT_COMPN DS "Nonexistent component %s ID for %s composite."
TOO_MANY_LEVELS SSI "Cannot link %s composite to %s composite since the level of nesting is passed the limit (%d)."
INVALID_COMPL SD "Invalid component label %s for %s component."
;CAUSE: Currently, only CURRENT label is accepted with composite components.
;ACTION: Retry with the valid label.
CANT_COMPUTE_DESC S "Cannot compute child composites for %s composite."
;CAUSE: Most likely security violation.
;ACTION:consult the previous error messages.
.severity FATAL
INIT1 "The dm_composite type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.
INIT2 II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;CAUSE: The version stamp that the dm_composite object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;ACTION: You must upgrade your Documentum docbase to conform to the
; software that you are running. If your software and data are
; consistent, then report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.
INIT3 "The type manager returned an error storing the dm_composite type."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.
INT1 S "The following database query could not be executed: %s."
;CAUSE: Inconsistency between the server and the composite type.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the database.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.