; Content Facility errors

;   (c) Copyright Documentum, Inc., 1991 - 1995. All rights reserved
.facility DM_CONTENT This facility is for content tracing.  The trace infomation will go to session log.
; These are the errors encountered during Content processing.

.severity TRACE
COMPRESSION SS "Content was compressed from %s to %s bytes"

DECOMPRESSION SS "Content was decompressed from %s to %s bytes"
MERGE_1 SS "Checking local renditions for content object ID=%s, parent ID=%s"
MERGE_2 S "Deleting content object: %s"
MERGE_3 S "Unlinking content object: %s"
; CAUSE: Any generic message related to content migration.
; ACTION: None.
; CAUSE: Just a trace message to log the arguments specified
; ACTION: None.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_MIGRATION_SUCCESS I "Successful migration of batch (%d object(s))."
; CAUSE: Indicates that the migration is successful.
; ACTION: None.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_OBJECTS_MIGRATED I "%d object(s) successfully migrated."
; CAUSE: Indicates how many content objects were migrated successfully.
; ACTION: None
MIGRATE_CONTENT_MIGRATING_OBJECT S "Migrating content object %s"
; CAUSE: Trace message to indicate the current object being migrated.
; ACTION: None.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_MIGRATED_OBJECT S "Migrated content object %s"
; CAUSE: Trace message to indicate a content object has been migrated.
;        Transaction has not been committed yet.
; ACTION: None.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_REACHED_MAX_COUNT I "Migrated maximum objects specified %d"
; CAUSE: The apply method has migrated the maximum number of objects
;        specified by user. If no error has occured, the transaction
;  is about to be committed.
; ACTION: None.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_REMOVE_SKIPPED SS "Content file %s for content object %s is not removed. You should remove it manually."
; CAUSE: Because REMOVE_ORIGINAL argument value was set to F, the
;    content file in the source store of the content object was not
;  removed by the apply method.
; ACTION: The file must be removed manually by user. dmfilescan
;   will attempt to remove this file.



MIGRATE_CONTENT_OBJECT_SKIPPED DS "Migration of content for object %s skipped. Reason %s"

MIGRATE_CONTENT_TOTAL_SKIPPED I "%d objects skipped during migration"

.severity WARNING
CONTENT_TRUNCATED L "Content was truncated -- only %lu bytes stored"

DUMP_NO_CONTENT SS "The content data for dmr_content object %s could not be dumped. Reason: %s."
;PARAMETERS:  The object_id of the dmr_content object being dumped.
;  The reason for the inability to dump.
;CAUSE:  During a dump of a content object, the content data could
;  not be dumped.  This may have been caused by:
;    - the content object had no content data associated with it
;    - the document is currently offline
;    - the storage area is currently offline
;    - the document is not accessible by the current server
;    - the content file could not be found or accessed
;  This error is sometimes generated by archive or dumps used
;  for replicating content.  It occurs when a document is dumped
;  which has previous versions which are either offline or not
;  replicated to the current site.  In these cases this warning
;  does not indicate anything wrong with the server or docbase.
;ACTION: This particular document was dumped with no content data.
;  If loaded, the loaded document will have no content data.

LOAD_NO_CONTENT S "No content data for dmr_content object %s in dumpfile.  Document being added with no content.  Use RESTORE_CONTENT method to associate content data with this object."
;PARAMETERS:  The object_id of the dmr_content object being loaded.
;CAUSE:  During a dump of a content object, the content data could
;  not be dumped.  This may have been caused by:
;    - the content object had no content data associated with it
;    - the document was offline when the dump was made
;    - the storage area was offline when the dump was made
;    - the document was not accessible by the server which
;      produced the dump.
;  Now that the document is being loaded, since it includes no
;  content data, no content can be loaded.  The resulting document
;  will have a dmr_content object but with a zero data_ticket,
;  precluding any getfile's on it.
;ACTION: The document can be fixed by using the RESTORE_CONTENT method
;  to import new content data and associated it with the document.

LOAD_CONTENT_ERROR S "Could not load content data for dmr_content object %s.  Document being added with no content.  Use RESTORE_CONTENT method to associate content data with this object."
;PARAMETERS:  The object_id of the dmr_content object being loaded.
;CAUSE:  During a load of a content object, the content data could
;  not be written to the document's storage area.
;  This may have been caused by:
;    - lack of disk space
;    - the storage area being offline or otherwise inaccessible.
;  The resulting document will have a dmr_content object but
;  with a zero data_ticket, precluding any getfile's on it.
;ACTION: The document can be fixed by using the RESTORE_CONTENT method
;  to import new content data and associated it with the document.
CREATE_MARK_ALL_TRACE_FAILED S "Could not create trace file %s when running the MARK_ALL method. The method will continue without tracing."
;CAUSE: Failed to create trace file probably due to OS error.
;ACTION: Resolve any OS error preventing files from being created.
;PARAMETERS: The path of the trace file
; CAUSE: A generic warning message for during content migration.
; ACTION: None.
; All warning messages during content migration

RMDIR_FAILED SDS "Unable to destroy temp directory (%s) created for content batch save. Content Id: %s. Reason: %s"
; CAUSE: Unable to destroy the temp directory created for content batch save.
;        Some OS error occured.
; ACTION: Manually destroy the directory.

UPDATE_OTHER_FILE_SIZE_INVALID_BATCH_SIZE I "Batch size should be a positive integer. The default batch size %d will be used."
;CAUSE:  Wrong arguments for this apply method, batch size should be greater than zero.
;ACTION:    Specify a positive integer or don't specify a value if default is desired. 
UPDATE_OTHER_FILE_SIZE_INVALID_MAX_COUNT "Max count should be a positive integer. By default, it will be ignored."
;CAUSE:  Wrong arguments for this apply method, MAX_COUNT should be greater than zero.
;ACTION:    Specify a positive integer or don't specify it to ignore max count. 
UPDATE_OTHER_FILE_SIZE_MISSING_OTHER_FILE D "There is no other file for the specified dmr_content object %s."
;CAUSE:  No other file is attached with this content.
;ACTION:    Skip this content object as it doesn't require any updates. 
UPDATE_OTHER_FILE_SIZE_ORPHANED_CONTENT D "Content %s is an orphaned content and is skipped to be updated."
;CAUSE:  This content is an orphaned content and has not parent object. It will be skipped to be updated.
;ACTION:    Skip this content object as it doesn't require any updates. 
UPDATE_OTHER_FILE_SIZE_FAIL_COMPUTE_OTHER_FILE_SIZE D "Fail to compute other file size for content %s. This content will be skipped to be updated."
;CAUSE:  Some error occured during computing other file size for this content. Check error logs to identify the exact cause.
;ACTION:    Check error logs to identify the exact cause.

PARALLEL_DEGREE  "parallel_degree shouldn't be negative"
;CAUSE:   the given parallel_degree is negative
;ACTION:  set the parallel_degree positive

RETRIEVE_CM_CONTEXT "Fail to retrieve content migration execution context and we will migrate contents sequentially"
;CAUSE:  Another session is doing the parallel content migration currently.

INIT_CM_CONTEXT "Failed to initialize the content migration execution context, content will be migrated sequentially"
;CAUSE: Failed to initialize the content migration execution context for parallel content migration. 
;       The Server will run the content migration sequentially.
;ACTION: No action is required.  To take advantage of parallel migration allow any
;        current content migration job to complete before requesting another. 

STOP_SEQUENTIAL_JOB "Unable to monitor this content migration job, it will proceed but cannot be stopped through the apply method control_migration"
;CAUSE:  Once the Server has reached its maximum capacity for monitoring migration jobs, additional
;        jobs cannot be stopped manually through control_migration.
;ACTION: No action needs to be taken, the content migration will proceed but it will be outside
;        the control of control_migration.

STOP_BY_USER "This content migration job was stopped by user request"
;CAUSE:  The apply method named control_migration was used to stop the content migration.

.severity ERROR

NOT_STORE  S  "Storage object with id %s does not exist"
;CAUSE: The storage object referenced in when storing or fetching content does not exits
;ACTION: Check that the storage object should exist
;PARAMETERS: The id of the storage object

NULL_STORE S "Storage object for content with id %s was null"
;CAUSE: An attempt was made to store content without setting the storage id
;ACTION: Internal programming error
;PARAMETERS: The id of the storage object

WRONG_PROTOCOL "Server and client not using same Mac access protocol"
;CAUSE: When attempting to store or fetch content, the client specified a Mac access protocol different from what the server is using

NO_PARTITION SS "Content with id %s marked for indexing; no partition for format %s exists"

NO_TEMP_FILE S "Cannot create temporary file in directory %s"

MKDIR_FAILED S "Cannot create temporary directory %s"

CANT_OPEN S "Could not open file (%s)."

FILE_COPY_FAIL SSIS "File copy from %s to %s failed at position %i.  Operating System error: (%s)."

STREAM_COPY_FAIL SI "Stream copy to file %s failed at position %i"

BAD_FORMAT S "Format %s is invalid"

CANT_START_COPY S "Could not start content copy into file %s"

FILE_WRITE_FAILED S "Attempt to write to file %s failed"

FILE_READ_FAILED S "Attempt to read from file %s failed"

REMOVE_FAILED S "Attempt to remove directory %s failed; couldn't fork process"

CANT_GET_COMMON_ROOT "Could not determine name of common directory"

COPY_BAD_USER SSS "Copy of %s to %s failed -- couldn't get info for user %s"

CONTENT_OFFLINE S "Content object %s is offline"

CANT_FETCH S "Content in storage area %s is not available"

OFFLINE_RESTORE S "Content is being restored to storage area %s -- try later"

RESTORE_FAIL SS "Content could not be restored to storage area %s -- method %s failed"

NO_RESTORE_METHOD SS "Attempt to restore content to storage area %s failed -- no method with name %s"

PURGE_FAILED S "Content purge failed because %s"

DESTROY_FAILED S "Content destroy failed because %s"

NO_PATH_FOR_CONTENT S "No file path exists for content %s"

FORMAT_NOT_INDEXABLE S "Content can't be indexed -- format was %s"

CONTENT_TOO_LONG L "Content too long; limit is %i bytes"

TURBO_LOAD ILL "Load of document content not completed due to inconsistencies in content object info. Storage ID is zero indicating turbo storage but non-turbo object content present. DataTicket %d OtherTicket %d content pos %d."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred during load of a content object because the
;  the content information was inconsistent.  The Storage ID of
;  the loaded content object was zero.  This indicates a Turbo
;  Store content.  In this case the content data should be encoded
;  in the i_contents field of the content object and there should
;  be no content file or content data present in the dump Extra
;  information.  But for this object either there was content
;  data present in the Extra entries or the data_ticket or
;  other_ticket fields were non-zero.  This is inconsistent with
;  turbo store objects and may indicate that the storage id is
;  set to zero in error.
;ACTION: Record the id of the failed object and when the load is complete
;  check the documents on which these failures occurred for
;  correctness.  They may need to be repaired or removed from
;  the docbase.
;  The next error message to be given should indicate the object
;  id of the failed object; this should be used to track down
;  the failed document.
;PARAMETERS: The content object data_ticket.
;  The content object other_ticket.
;  Value indicating position of content data in the dump file.

OPEN_FAILURE SS "Error opening file (%s). Operating System error: (%s)."
;CAUSE:  Attempt to open the named file failed.  The operating system
;  error should give a better indication of the actual problem.
;ACTION: Check if the indicated file exists; check permissions to
;  open or create the file.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the file which could not be opened and a formatted
;  OS error status.

READ_FAILURE S "Error reading content data from file or stream. Operating System error: (%s)."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred while reading content from an open content
;               file or from an open data stream.  The operating system error
;  should give a better indication of the actual problem.  Further
;               context on the error (whether it was a file or stream error)
;  will likely be indicated by the next error message.
;ACTION: Check if the indicated file exists; check permissions to
;  open or create the file.
;PARAMETERS: OS error status.

WRITE_FAILURE SS "Error writing data to content file (%s). Operating System error: (%s)."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred while writing content from a new content
;               file.  The operating system error should give a better
;  indication of the actual problem.
;ACTION: Check permissions to open or create the file.
;  Check available disk space.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the new content file.
;               OS error status.

STREAM_COPY_FAILURE SI "Stream copy to content file (%s) failed at position %d."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred while copying a data stream to a new content
;               file.  Previous error messages should have given more
;               information on the nature of the problem.
;ACTION: Check permissions to open or create the new file.
;  Check available disk space.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the new content file.
;  How far along the operation proceeded before failing.

FILE_COPY_FAILURE SSI "File copy from (%s) to content file (%s) failed at position %d."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred while copying a data file to a new content
;               file.  Previous error messages should have given more
;               information on the nature of the problem.
;ACTION: Check permissions to open or create the new file.
;  Check available disk space.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the source content file.
;  The name of the new content file.
;  How far along the operation proceeded before failing.

CLOSE_FAILURE SS "Error closing output file (%s). Operating System error: (%s)."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred while writing content from a new content
;               file.  The operating system error should give a better
;  indication of the actual problem.
;ACTION: Check available disk space.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the new content file.
;               OS error status.

TICKET_FINDINDEX  "Error searching for existing indexes on the dmr_content type."
;CAUSE:  An error occurred while checking for existing indexes on dmr_content.
;  Indexes are created on this object for use by filescan.  The indexes
;        are cleaned up either by the completion of filescan or by server
;        initialization.  This message indicates an error occurred while
;  checking for existing indexes during this cleanup.
;ACTION: Check server error log for further indication of the error.

TICKET_DROPINDEX S "Error dropping dmr_content index with dmi_index id %s."
;CAUSE:  An error occurred while cleaning up data and other ticket indexes on
;        dmr_content.  Indexes are created on this object for use by filescan.
;        The indexes are cleaned up either by the completion of filescan or by
;        server initialization.  This message indicates an error occurred
;  during this cleanup.
;ACTION: Check server error log for further indication of the error.

TICKET_INDEX S "Error creating dmr_content index on attribute %s."
;CAUSE:  An error occurred while creating the data or other ticket indexes on
;        dmr_content.  Indexes are created on this object for use by filescan.
;        The indexes are cleaned up either by the completion of filescan or by
;        server initialization.  This message indicates an error occurred
;  during the initialization of filescan when the indexes are created.
;ACTION: Check server error log for further indication of the error.

INVALID_CONTENT S "%s is not the object id of a valid content object"
;CAUSE:  The id passed to the action procedure is not the id of
;  a valid content object
;ACTION: Check that the id should be valid
;PARAMETERS: The object id

SECUREWRITE_POPEN SS "Error executing the Secure Writer: %s. The popen() operation failed with status (%s)."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred during an attempt to copy a file to the
;  common area.  The server is configured to use the secure
;  writer program for this action so the secure writer program
;  was called to create the file, but the popen call to start
;  the program failed.
;ACTION: Check for system resource shortages that may prevent the
;  server from being able to open a pipe or fork a process.
;PARAMETERS: The secure writer command line.
;  The operating system error status.

SECUREWRITE_PCLOSE SS "Error executing the Secure Writer: %s. The pclose() operation failed with status (%s)."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred during an attempt to copy a file to the
;  common area.  The server is configured to use the secure
;  writer program for this action so the secure writer program
;  was called to create the file, but the pclose call to obtain
;  the program status failed.
;ACTION: Check for system resource shortages that may prevent the
;  server from being able to open a pipe or fork a process.
;  Check the existence and permissions of the Secure Writer
;  program and check the server error log for error messages.
;PARAMETERS: The secure writer command line.
;  The operating system error status.

SECUREWRITE_ERROR SS "Failure to create content file copy (%s) due to an error returned by the Secure Writer program (%s).  Check the server error log for additional information logged by the Secure Writer."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred during an attempt to copy a file to the
;  common area.  The server is configured to use the secure
;  writer program for this action so the secure writer program
;  was called to create the file, but the pclose call to obtain
;  the program status failed.
;ACTION: Check the server process error log for error messages since any
;  messages logged by the secure writer program will go there
;  rather than the session error log.
;  Check for system resource shortages that may prevent the
;  server from being able to open a pipe or fork a process.
;  Check the existence and permissions of the Secure Writer
;  program and the permissions of the common area directory.
;PARAMETERS: The output file which the secure writer should have created.
;  The operating system error status returned by the secure
;    writer program.

NO_OTHER "Other-file content requested for document which has no other-file."
;CAUSE:  A getfile operation was done which explicitely requested that
;  the otherfile content be returned, but the document contains
;  no other_ticket entry.
;ACTION: Remove the request for the other-file for this document.

TRANSFER_ABORTED S "The content transfer %s the server was aborted by the user"

STORAGE_UNKNOWN S "This problem may be caused by a dumpfile inconsistency.  The load process was likely unable to locate the object which describes the storage area for content object %s in the dumpfile."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred during load of a content object because the
;  the content information was inconsistent.  The Storage ID of
;  the loaded content object was zero.  This may have been caused
;  by the dumpfile not having an object entry for the storage
;  area in which the content resided.  If this is the case then
;  the loaded content object will have its storage area reset
;  to null - causing this error later.
;ACTION: Check the dumpfile for the existence of the storage area
;  object.  If possible check any logs from when the dump
;  operation was performed to see if errors were reported then.
;PARAMETERS: The object id of the content object which cannot be loaded.

FLUSH_FAILURE SS "Error flushing output stream to content file (%s). Operating System error: (%s)."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred while writing content to a new file on an
;  flush command. The operating system error should give a better
;  indication of the actual problem.
;ACTION: Check permissions to open or create the file.
;  Check available disk space.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the new content file.
;               OS error status.

SYNC_FAILURE SS "Error forcing new content data to physical storage for file (%s). Operating System error: (%s)."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred while writing content to a new file on an
;  fsync command. The operating system error should give a better
;  indication of the actual problem.
;ACTION: Check permissions to open or create the file.
;  Check available disk space.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the new content file.
;               OS error status.

STREAM_NO_FD S "Error: Could not get file descriptor from open fstream on file (%s)."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred from a stream call to extract the file
;               descriptor for direct file io.  This may indicate that the
;  file was not actually open as the code assumed.  Previous error
;  messages may give more information on the exact problem.
;ACTION: Check permissions to open or create the file.
;  Check available disk space.
;  Report this problem to Documentum Technical Support.  Include
;  any other error messages logged along with this one.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the open file.

SOURCE_NOT_OPEN "Error: input source is not open."
;CAUSE:  An error occurred in the use of an internal buffer source. The
;  source was unexpectedly not open.  Previous error
;  messages may give more information on the exact problem.
;ACTION: Report this problem to Documentum Technical Support.  Include
;  any other error messages logged along with this one.

SOURCE_READ_ERROR "Error: input source could not be read."
;CAUSE:  An error occurred in the use of an internal buffer source. The
;  source could not be read.  Previous error messages may give
;  more information on the exact problem.
;ACTION: Report this problem to Documentum Technical Support.  Include
;  any other error messages logged along with this one.

SECUREWRITE_PERM SS "Error: failed to set proper file permission for content file (%s). Operating System error: (%s)."
;CAUSE:  An error occurred while the secure writer attempted to set
;  the proper permission for the content file.
;ACTION: Check the security on the target directory and your
;  access permission.

STREAM_COPY_SOURCE "Error creating internal Source wrapper for input stream."
;CAUSE:  An error occurred allocating an internal Buffer Source object
;  to use when extracting data from the input stream in a CopyFile
;  operation.  The dmBufferSource call failed.
;ACTION: Check other error messages in the session log.  A previous
;  error message should indicate a specific reason for the failure.

FILE_COPY_SOURCE S "Error creating internal Source wrapper for input file (%s)."
;CAUSE:  An error occurred allocating an internal Buffer Source object
;  to use when extracting data from the input file in a CopyFile
;  operation.  The dmBufferSource call failed.
;ACTION: Check other error messages in the session log.  A previous
;  error message should indicate a specific reason for the failure.
;PARAMETERS: %1s The name of the input file.

CANT_OPEN_OTHER S "Error opening resource fork for file (%s)."
;CAUSE:  An error occurred opening the resource fork for a macintosh
;  file.
;ACTION: Check other error messages in the session log.  A previous
;  error message should indicate a specific reason for the failure.
;PARAMETERS: %1s The name of the input file.

FILE_COPY_OTHER SSI "File copy from (%s) to content file (%s) failed at position %d during the copy of the Macintosh Resource Fork data."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred while copying a data file to a new content
;               file.  The error occurred during the processing of the resource
;  fork portion of a macintosh content file.
;               Previous error messages should have given more
;               information on the nature of the problem.
;ACTION: Check permissions to open or create the new file.
;  Check available disk space.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the source content file.
;  The name of the new content file.
;  How far along the operation proceeded before failing.

RESOURCE_OPEN SS "Error opening Macintosh Fork for file (%s). Operating System error: (%s)."
;CAUSE:  Attempt to open the named file failed.  The operating system
;  error should give a good indication of the actual problem.
;ACTION: Check if the indicated file exists; check permissions to
;  open or read the file.
;PARAMETERS: %1s The name of the file which could not be opened.
;  %2s A formatted OS error status.

RESOURCE_READ SS "Error reading content data from Macintosh Fork for file (%s). Operating System error: (%s)."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred while reading content from the resource
;  fork of an open macintosh file.  The operating system error
;  should give a good indication of the actual problem.
;ACTION: Check if the indicated file exists; check permissions to
;  open or read the file.
;PARAMETERS: %1s The name of the file which was being read.
;  %2s A formatted OS error status.

MAC_GET_TC SS "Error reading Type/Creator information from a Macintosh file (%s). Operating System error: (%s)."
;CAUSE:  A error returned from a request to get the type and creator
;  information on a macintosh content data file.
;ACTION: Check if the indicated file exists; check permissions to
;  open or read the file.
;PARAMETERS: %1s The name of the file which was being read.
;  %2s A formatted OS error status.

MAC_SET_TC SS "Error setting Type/Creator information on a Macintosh file (%s). Operating System error: (%s)."
;CAUSE:  A error returned from a request to set the type and creator
;  information on a macintosh content data file.
;ACTION: Check if the indicated file exists; check permissions to
;  open or write to the file.
;PARAMETERS: %1s The name of the file which was being changed.
;  %2s A formatted OS error status.

INDEX_PARENT_NOT_A_PARENT S "Content can't be indexed because specified index parent %s not a parent"
;CAUSE: Internal error.
NEW_CONTENT "Can't perform getcontent on a new content object"

TURBO_LOAD2 LLS "Load of document content not completed due to inconsistencies in content object info. Storage ID is zero indicating turbo storage but non-turbo object content present. DataTicket %d OtherTicket %d content pos %s."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred during load of a content object because the
;  the content information was inconsistent.  The Storage ID of
;  the loaded content object was zero.  This indicates a Turbo
;  Store content.  In this case the content data should be encoded
;  in the i_contents field of the content object and there should
;  be no content file or content data present in the dump Extra
;  information.  But for this object either there was content
;  data present in the Extra entries or the data_ticket or
;  other_ticket fields were non-zero.  This is inconsistent with
;  turbo store objects and may indicate that the storage id is
;  set to zero in error.
;ACTION: Record the id of the failed object and when the load is complete
;  check the documents on which these failures occurred for
;  correctness.  They may need to be repaired or removed from
;  the docbase.
;  The next error message to be given should indicate the object
;  id of the failed object; this should be used to track down
;  the failed document.
;PARAMETERS: The content object data_ticket.
;  The content object other_ticket.
;  Value indicating position of content data in the dump file.

CANT_OPEN_SESSION S "Could not establish session to content server for docbase %s."
;  During a content operation, an attempt was made to find the closest content
;  server in a distributed content environment.  The attempt to connect to
;  the content server failed.
;  %s - docbase name
;CAUSE:  Could not connect to the content server.
;ACTION: Check that the content server is still available.

CANT_START_PULL D "Could not begin content transfer for content object %s."
;  A failure occurred in an attempt to fetch content from the docbase.  The
;  client was unable to initiate the content transfer mechanism.
;  %s - The source content object id.
;CAUSE:  Could not start content pull operation.
;ACTION: Check for other errors that give more detail on the problem.

CANT_START_PUSH D "Could not begin content transfer for content object %s."
;  A failure occurred in an attempt to store content to the docbase.  The
;  client was unable to initiate the content transfer mechanism.
;  %s - The target content object id.
;CAUSE:  Could not start content push operation.
;ACTION: Check for other errors that give more detail on the problem.

NOT_ORPHAN  SS "%s is not an orphan subcontent object. Parent is %s"

INVALID_SUBCONTENT S "%s is not a valid subcontent object"

REMOVE_LOCAL_REND SISS  "Failed to delete local rendition for %s of page number %i with format %s. Error is: %s"

UNLINK_FROM_PARENT SS "Failed to remove rendition object %s from its parent object %s"

XFER_NULL_HANDLE S "Server content transfer method %s was called by client with a null handle."
;  Consistency check for obviously bad content transfer handle.
;  %s - The type of server call made.
;CAUSE:  Indicates a bug in the dmcl.
;ACTION: Check for other errors that may give clues to the problem.

REPDT_FIX S "Error in startup consistency check for replica data_tickets.  Query check: %s."
;CAUSE:  A error returned from a query which is used in server startup
;               to check for replica data ticket corruption.
;ACTION: The consistency check can be bypassed by creating an entry
;               in dmi_vstamp for "replica_dataticket_fix".  But this should
;               be done only if the data_tickets are known to be correct and
;               the consistency check can be skipped.
;PARAMETERS: %1s The query used for the consistency check.
NO_FORMAT S "Content object (%s) does not have a format associated with it."
;CAUSE:      Either the content object is corrupted or
;            the format object is bad.
;ACTION:     Verify that the content object is not corrupt and that it is
;            associated with a valid format.
;PARAMETERS: The object id of the content object.
NOT_SYS_ADMIN SS "User %s does not have sufficient permission to run %s. User must have at least system administrator permissions."
;CAUSE:      User does not have permission to run this method.
;ACTION:     Contact your system administrator or superuser to run this method.
NO_DATABASE_CONNECTION "Mark all could not establish a database connection to perform necessary operations."
;CAUSE:      No valid database connection established.
;ACTION:     Check the database logs and verify that your database is running normally.
MISSING_PROPERTY S "The property file (%s) is missing some required property."
;CAUSE:      The property file is required to contain the following three items for each component file in the sequence:
;            1) file_name='<file_name>'
;            2) page_modifier='<the_unique_modifier>'
;            3) parameters='<same_as_in_SET_CONTENT_ATTRS>'
;ACTION:     Check the property file and make sure all required properties are supplied.
BAD_PAGE_NO I "Page number %d is invalid"
CONTENT_TOO_LONG2 LL "Content (%i bytes) in turbo_store exceeds limit (%i bytes) and cannot be opened.
;CAUSE:      The client application is using an old/unsupported dmcl dll
;            (dmcl32.dll or older) which cannot handle reading content that
;            resides in turbo store and exceeds the content size limit
;            for turbo store.
;ACTION:     Try to open the content using an application that uses a
;            supported version of dmcl. Or documentum administrator can
;            change the a_storage_type of the document object from
;            turbo_store to file_store.
; CAUSE: An error has occured during content migration. This message is
;   currently not being used.
; ACTION: None.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_INVALID_USER  S  "User %s does not have super user permission"
;CAUSE:   User does not have super user privileges to run the
;ACTION:  Login as a user with super-user privileges and retry migrate.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_SAME_STORE   SS "Incorrect argument: SOURCE_STORE %s is same as TARGET_STORE %s"
;CAUSE:  User specified the same store name for both source and target
;ACTION: Specify a valid SOURCE_STORE and a different valid value for
MIGRATE_CONTENT_INVALID_CONTENT S "%s is an invalid content object"
;CAUSE: Server validation of the content object to be migrated failed. This
;       can occur if the content object could not be fetched successfully
; from the database or the attributes of the object are invalid or
; corrupt.
;ACTION: Attempt to fetch the content from a different session to diagnose
; the actual error.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_INVALID_CURRENT_STORE S "Current storage for %s is not a dm_filestore"
;CAUSE: User attempted to migrate a content object whose current storage is
;not a filestore
;ACTION: You can migrate content objects residing in a filestore only using
;  the MIGRATE_CONTENT apply method.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_MIGRATION_FAILED S "Migration of content %s failed."
;CAUSE: An error occured during content migration.
;ACTION: check other error messages.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_ROLLBACK "Migration rolled back due to errors."
;CAUSE: Check other messages
;ACTION: fix the cause of the errors as reported by other messages in the
;  log and retry the apply method.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_INVALID_STORE  SS "Storage object %s is invalid for %s"
;CAUSE: Unable to fetch the storage object. This could occur if the
;  storage object could not be fetched by the database or if the
; attributes of the storage object is invalid or corrupt.
;ACTION: Fix the cause of the error and retry migrate.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_CURRENT_STORE_IS_A_COMPONENT SS "Current store %s of content %s is a component of a distributed store"
;CAUSE: Current store of a content object to be migrated is a component of a
;distributed store. This operation is disallowed.
; CAUSE: Current or source store must be marked READONLY before content
; from that store could be migrated.
; ACTION: Execute SET_STORAGE_STATE apply method.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_INCOMPATIBLE_STORES_FOR_FULLTEXT_INDEX SS "Source store % has a dm_fulltext_index object. But the target store %s does not."
;CAUSE: Storage areas must be compatible for migration.
;ACTION: Create a dm_fulltext_index object for the target store.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_UNABLE_TO_UPDATE_PARENT SSS "Unable to update the a_storage_type attribute of parent object %s for content object %s to %s"
; CAUSE: A database error occured while trying to update the attribute.
; ACTION: Fix the cause of the database error and retry migrate
MIGRATE_CONTENT_UNABLE_TO_SAVE_PARENT SS "Unable to save parent object %s of content object %s"
; CAUSE: A database error occured while trying to save a parent object
; ACTION: Fix the cause of the database error and retry migrate
MIGRATE_CONTENT_UNABLE_TO_SAVE_CONTENT_OBJECT S "Unable to save content object %s after migration."
; CAUSE: A database error occured while attempting to save the content object
; ACTION: Fix the cause of the database error and retry migrate.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_COMMIT_FAILED "A database error occured while committing transaction."
; CAUSE: A database error occured during commit.
; ACTION: Check the log for database error message, fix it and retry
;   migrate.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_NOT_A_FILESTORE S "%s is not a dm_filestore object"
; CAUSE: User specified storage object name for either SOURCE_STORE
;   or TARGET_STORE which is not of dm_filestore type.
; ACTION: Specify the argument value that's a filestore.
; CAUSE: The storage name specified for TARGET_STORE argument is not currently
;   ONLINE. Target storage must be online for migrating content.
; ACTION: Execute the SET_STORAGE_STATE apply method on the storage to
;    mark it ONLINE and then retry migrate.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_UNABLE_TO_FETCH_STORAGE_OBJECT S "Unable to fetch storage object %s"
; CAUSE: A database error occured while attempting to fetch the storage
; object from the database.
; ACTION: Examine the other error messages and fix the cause of the
;  database error and retry migrate.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_STORAGE_IS_A_COMPONENT S "Storage object %s is a component of a distributed store. Migration disallowed."
; CAUSE: The storage object of a content object being migrated is a
;    component of a distributed store. MIGRATE_CONTENT apply method
;  does not currently support migrating such a content object.
; ACTION: If you specified TARGET_STORE and/or SOURCE_STORE argument,
;   specify the name of a dm_filestore object which is not a component
;   of a dm_distributed_store object. If you specified the id of a
;   dmr_content object, specify the id a dmr_content object whose
;   storage is a dm_filestore which is not a component of a
;   dm_distributed_store object. If you specified value for QUERY
;   argument, make sure the DQL predicate expression does not select
;   dmr_content objects that currently reside in a distributed store.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_INVALID_TARGET_STORE  "No or invalid target store specified."
; CAUSE: User specified a store name for TARGET_STORE that is either invalid
; or does not exist in the docbase.
; ACTION: Specify a valid storage object name for TARGET_STORE
MIGRATE_CONTENT_CANT_SPECIFY_SOURCE_STORE_AND_QUERY "Invalid arguments. Cannot specify both SOURCE_STORE and QUERY arguments."
; CAUSE: User specified argument values for SOURCE_STORE as well as QUERY.
; ACTION: Specify either SOURCE_STORE or the QUERY argument value and retry
;   migrate
MIGRATE_CONTENT_INSUFFICIENT_ARGUMENTS "Insufficient arguments specified for content migration."
; CAUSE: Insufficient arguments specified for content migration, no obvious
;  values specified to identify the content objects to be migrated.
; ACTION: Refer to the Administration Manual on MIGRATE_METHOD for argument
;  values.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_MISSING_LOG_FILE "If REMOVE_ORIGINAL argument is set to F (OR) SOURCE_STORE and TARGET_STORE specified (OR) QUERY is specified, you must specify LOG_FILE argument."
; CAUSE: User did not specify LOG_FILE argument.
;   User should specify a LOG_FILE argument value if both SOURCE_STORE
;  and TARGET_STORE values are specified (OR) QUERY value is specified
;  (OR) REMOVE_ORIGINAL argument is set to F.
; ACTION: Specify a valid filename for LOG_FILE argument and retry migrate.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_DATABASE_ERROR S "A database error occured during content migration: %s"
; CAUSE: A database error occured while performing the content migration.
; ACTION: Fix the cause of the database error and retry migration.
;CAUSE: User specified an invalid value for LOG_FILE argument or
; the file could not be opened due to disk error or
; user does not have right permission to open the specified file.
;ACTION: Specify a valid filename and make sure the user context in which
; Content Server process is running has appropriate permission on
; the file path specified.

MIGRATE_CONTENT_INVALID_CONTENT_FILE S "The content file for dmr_content object %s is invalid or not found or inaccessible."
; CAUSE: The content file for the specified dmr_content object
;        is not found in the current storage.
; ACTION: Check other messages for the path of the file that could not
;    be accessed or not found. Rectify the error and re-run the
MIGRATE_CONTENT_INCOMPATIBLE_STORES_FOR_FULLTEXT_INDEX2 SISSSSSS "Current store %s of page %d of parent object %s of content object %s is not compatible with the target store %s. Content object for page 0 is %s. Store %s has a dm_fulltext_index object whereas %s does not have one."
; CAUSE: When migrating a content object that represents page 0 of a parent
;        that has multiple pages, the current storage of those
;        non-zero pages should be compatible with the target
;        store for full-text indexing.
; ACTION: Create the dm_fulltext_index object for the store that doesn't
;  have one and retry migration.
FILE_INFO_FAILURE SS "Error: failed to obtain file information for file (%s). Operating System error: (%s)."
;CAUSE:  An error occurred attempting to obtain file information (size etc) for a file.
;ACTION: Check the file name and your access to the file and the directory that contains it.
;PARAMETERS: file and and oss error.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_CHECKEDOUT_OBJECTS_PRESENT S "Parent(s) of content object(s) has been checked out, preventing storage migration. Run the following DQL query to find the checked out objects: %s"
; CAUSE: Parent sysobject has been checkedout whose content object is to be
;  migrated to the specified store. Content object(s) of a checkedout
;  sysobject cannot be migrated.
; ACTION: Run the reported DQL query to find the sysobjects that have been
;   checked out. Ask the users who have checked out those objects to
;   either checkin or cancel the checkout and reissue the migration
;   command.
CANNOT_INDEX_CA_STORE_WITH_NULL_IP S "Content in the content addressable store %s cannot be indexed, since it contains a NULL ip address."
; CAUSE: The value of a_storage_params at zeroth position indicates the IP address of the content addressable store,
;         and it is NULL.
; ACTION: Make sure that the value of a_storage_params at the zeroth postion of the content addressable
;         store contains a valid IP address.
HASH_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM S "The hashing algorithm '%s' is not supported."
; CAUSE:  The server does not know the requested hashing algorithm. The original implementation only accepted "SHA-1". 
; ACTION: Verify the spelling of the algorithm name. Confirm that the server supports the desired algorithm."
HASH_CANT_CREATE_DATA_SOURCE S "Failed to read the data in content object '%s'."
; CAUSE:   Could not obtain a data source from the content object.  
; ACTION:  Verify the state of the content object to be signed. 
HASH_CANT_CREATE_CRYPTO_DIGEST S "Failed to successfully initialize the cryptographic hashing function for algorithm '%s'."
; CAUSE:   The cryptographic library hashing function did not initialize.  
; ACTION:  Verify that trusted content services are enabled.
HASH_UPDATE_DIGEST_FAILED I "Failed to hash a block of data. The cryptographic library error code is '%d'."
; CAUSE:   The cryptographic library could not hash the content data.
; ACTION:  Verify the status of the content object that is being signed.
HASH_FINALIZE_DIGEST_FAILED I "Failed to complete a cryptographic hashing operation. The cryptographic library error code is '%d'."
; CAUSE:   The cryptographic library could not hash the content data.
; ACTION:  Verify the status of the content object that is being signed.
HASH_INVALID_DIGEST_LENGTH II "Failed to create a hash string of the required length. Actual Length: %d  Expected Length: %d"
; CAUSE: The hash results have an invalid length.
; ACTION: Verify the result size for the requested algorithm.
CONTENT_SAVE_FAILURE DS "Save of content object %s failed. Reason: %s"

MIGRATE_CONTENT_CANNOT_MIGRATE_RESOURCE_FORK_TO_CA_STORE SS "Cannot migrate content object %s to Content Addressable store '%s' since dm_ca_store does not support storing Mac Resource fork"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when executing the MIGRATE_CONTENT apply method
; to migrate a content object with Mac resource fork to a CA store.
; ACTION: dm_ca_store storage type does not currently support storing mc
; resource forks. Leave the object in its current store.

MIGRATE_CONTENT_UNABLE_TO_GET_RETENTION_PERIOD SS "Unable to get retention period for content object '%s' in storage '%s'"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when Content Server attempts to obtain the
; retention period of the content object to be migrated, whose current
; store is a dm_ca_store.
; ACTION: Look for additional error messages from the storage subsystem
; and take corrective action.

MIGRATE_CONTENT_CANNOT_MIGRATE_CONTENT_WITH_UNEXPIRED_RETENTION SSS "Cannot migrate content object '%s' from '%s' to '%s' because of unexpired retention"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when using MIGRATE_CONTENT apply method to
; migrate a content object out of a CA store, whose retention period
; has not expired.
; ACTION: Do not migrate this object until its retention expires.

MIGRATE_CONTENT_INVALID_CURRENT_STORE2 S "Current storage for %s is not a dm_filestore or a dm_ca_store"
;CAUSE: User attempted to migrate a content object whose current storage is
;not a filestore or a dm_ca_store
;ACTION: You can migrate content objects residing in a filestore or a
;dm_ca_store only using the MIGRATE_CONTENT apply method.

MIGRATE_CONTENT_INVALID_TARGET_STORE2 S "The target store specified %s is neither a dm_filestore nor a dm_ca_store"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when the target_store specified for
; MIGRATE_CONTENT apply method is neither a dm_filestore nor a dm_ca_store.
; ACTION: Specify a target_store that is either a dm_filestore type or a
; dm_ca_store type.

MIGRATE_CONTENT_INVALID_SYSOBJECT S "The sysobject specified %s is not a valid sysobject"
; CAUSE: The specified object id for MIGRATE_CONTENT apply method is not a
; valid sysobject id.
; ACTION: Specify a valid sysobject id and re-execute the command.

MIGRATE_CONTENT_INSUFFICIENT_SYSOBJECT_PERMIT SS "User %s does not have enough privileges to migrate the content of sysobject %s"
; CAUSE: User executing the MIGRATE_CONTENT apply method does not have
; WRITE privilege on the specified sysobject.
; ACTION: You cannot migrate content of a sysobject on which you do not
; have at least WRITE permission.
MIGRATE_CONTENT_UNABLE_TO_UPDATE_RETAIN_UNTIL_DATE SSIS "Error updating i_retain_until attribute of '%s' while migrating content object '%s', that represents page %d of '%s'
; Cause: A database error occured while updating the i_retain_until attribute.
; ACTION: Refer to the action associated with the reported database error

MIGRATE_CONTENT_CANT_MIGRATE_CASTORE_PLUGIN_OBJECTS_TO_CASTORE S "The arguments specified for MIGRATE_CONTENT apply method is attempting to migrate a dm_plugin object used in a dm_ca_store object to a CA store. This is not allowed. To see which CA store plugin object is about to be migrated execute the following DQL statement as Administrator: %s"
; CAUSE: The arguments specified for MIGRATE_CONTENT apply method
; is attempting to migrate a dm_plugin object whose id is a value for
; a_plugin_id attribute of at least one dm_ca_store object, to a dm_ca_store.
; This is not allowed. The content for all dm_plugin objects used as CA
; CA store plugin must be in a dm_filestore.
; ACTION: Refine the arguments specified for MIGRATE_CONTENT so that
; dm_plugin objects used as CA store plugin objects are excluded from
; being migarated to a CA store.
UNABLE_TO_CREATE_INDEX_ON_CONTENT_HASH  "Index creation on dmr_content.r_content_hash failed. See other error messages for the session"
MIGRATE_CONTENT_INVALID_TARGET_STORE3 S "The target store specified %s is not a supported target storage type"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when the target_store specified for
; MIGRATE_CONTENT apply method is not a supported storage type.
; ACTION: Specify a target_store that is either a dm_filestore type or a
; dm_ca_store type or a dm_distributedstore.
GDCM_NO_CONTENT_EXISTS DISS "There is no content for sysobject %s, page number %d, page modifier %s, and format %s"
; CAUSE: There isn't any content for this object using the page number, page modifier and format given.
; ACTION: Check the object to see what content exists, and what page number, page modifier and formats are used.
GDCM_CONTENT_NOT_ACCESSIBLE "Content is available for this object but it is not accessible via HTTP"
;CAUSE:      There is a problem with the configuration of your docbase servers
;ACTION:  Determine what store(s) your content resides on and make sure that the store(s) is
;            accessible to at least one ACS server.
GDCM_NO_READ_ACCESS D "Read Access is not permited to this user for sysobject %s"
; CAUSE: Read access has not been given to this user for this object.
; ACTION: Use the Documentum Administrator to check the permission sessions on your types.
GDCDS_NOT_VERIFIED "Cannot make Digital Signature, the hash key digest did not verify"
; CAUSE: The hash key digest provided did not verify correctly.
; ACTION: Verify that your GET_DIST_CONTENT_MAP and GET_DISTCONT_DIGSIG calls are to the same server.
GDCDS_NO_HASHKEY_GENERATED I "Cannot generate the Crypto HashKey for Distributed Content. Distributed ACS Access will be disabled. Status = %d"
; CAUSE: The system was unable to generate a hashKey for distibuted content at server startup
; ACTION: Restart your server
GDCDS_NO_ACS_CRYPTO_KEY I "Cannot get the ACS Cryptographic key for Distributed Content. This is expected during docbase creation and the ACS Cryptographic system will be initialized by each session as needed. This error is unexpected once docbase creation is complete. Status = %d"
; CAUSE: The system was unable to find or generate the Cryptographic key used with ACS Distributed Content access
; ACTION: Restart your server
GDCDS_ACS_CRYPTO_KEY_NOT_VALID I "The ACS Cryptographic key is not valid. Status = %d"
; CAUSE: The system was unable verify the Cryptographic key used with ACS Distributed Content access
; ACTION: Restart your server
GDCM_MISSING_PARAMETERS  "Required Parameters are missing from GET_DIST_CONTENT_MAP"
; CAUSE: Required parameters were not supplied to the GET_DIST_CONTENT_MAP server api call.
; ACTION: Refer to the server documentation for the required parameters
GDCDS_MISSING_PARAMETERS  "Required Parameters are missing from GET_DISTCONT_DIGSIG"
; CAUSE: Required parameters were not supplied to the GET_DISTCONT_DIGSIG server api call.
; ACTION: Refer to the server documentation for the required parameters

NEXTBLOCK_READ I "Error reading NextBlock data. Netwise error code = %d."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred while performing a network read for a NextBlock operation. 
;  The netwise error code  will give a more detailed
;  indication of the actual problem.
;ACTION: The network Administrator should check the status of their network
;PARAMETERS: The netwise error code.

WRITE_FAILURE_READBLOCK S "Error writing data to content file (%s) due to a ReadBlock error."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred while writing content from a new content
;               file.  The additional error associated with this error will give a more
;               detailed indication of the problem to be correctd.
;ACTION: Refer to the error returned with this error for the appropriate actions
;PARAMETERS: The name of the new content file.

MIGRATE_CONTENT_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_RETENTION_BY_RETAINERS S "Unable to verify whether i_retain_until was set by retainers for content id (%s)"
;CAUSE:         Most likely due to database errors
;ACTION:        Run the query manually on the object id
;PARAMETERS:    The object id of the content obejct  

MIGRATE_CONTENT_DB_ERROR SSS "A database error occured during migrate content, Operation is %s, Query is %s, Error from database is %s"

GDWM_NO_WRITE_LOCATIONS S "No write locations found for storage %s"
; CAUSE: There is a problem with the configuration of your docbase servers
; ACTION: Determine what store(s) your content resides on and make sure that the store(s) is
;         accessible to at least one ACS server.

GDWM_NO_WRITE_ACCESS SS "Write Access is not permited to user %s for storage %s"
; CAUSE: This user does not have permission to create objects in the docbase.
; ACTION: Use the Documentum Administrator to check user_privileges for this user.

GDWM_MISSING_PARAMETERS  S "Required parameter(s) %s missing or invalid from GET_DIST_WRITE_MAP"
; CAUSE: Required parameters were not supplied to the GET_DIST_WRITE_MAP server api call.
; ACTION: Refer to the server documentation for the required parameters

GDWM_FAILED  "GET_DIST_WRITE_MAP failed to complete"
; CAUSE: Unable to satisfy the GET_DIST_WRITE_MAP request.
; ACTION: Check for other errors that give more detail on the problem.

ENCODED_CONTENT_ATTRS S "Failed to process encoded content attributes %s"
; CAUSE:  Unable to satisfy the content request, encoded content attributs could not be processed.
; ACTION: Check for other errors that give more detail on the problem.

UNABLE_TO_MIGRATE_DUE_TO_EBR D "The content object id %s with conditional retention cannot be migrated to another CA Store."
; CAUSE: Cannot migrate content from CA Store to CA store if the content object has a conditional retainer with no retention date set
;        attached to it and remove_original is set to True in the migration arguments.
; ACTION: Not Supported.

PUSH_CONTENT_DB_ERROR SSS "A database error occured during push content, Operation is %s, Query is %s, Error from database is %s"
;CAUSE:   The likely cause is a database error.
;ACTION:  Use the reported database error to identify the source of the problem.

PUSH_CONTENT_RETENTION_TOO_LARGE I "The retention interval %d is to large."
;CASE:    The retention passed in push content cannot exceed 20 decimal digits.
;ACTION:  Change the retention to a smaller value.

UNABLE_TO_MIGRATE_TARGET_STORE_NOT_RETENTION_AWARE D " The content object %s cannot be migrated to the target_store"
;CAUSE: The target storage specified is not conditional cretention aware , and content object specifies Event Based Retention
;ACTION : The target store should be retention aware, otherwise the operation is not supported.
UPDATE_OTHER_FILE_SIZE_INVALID_CONTENT_ID D "%s is not a valid content id."
;CAUSE:  The id of the content is not a valid content id.
;ACTION: Specify a valid content id in the parameter.
UPDATE_OTHER_FILE_SIZE_WRONG_ARGUMENTS SS "Wrong arguments are specified for updating other file size. %s is not allowed when %s is specified."
;CAUSE:  Arguments are wrong when call UPDATE_OTHERFILE_SIZE apply method.
;ACTION: Refer to admin mannual to specify correct arguments for this apply method.
;CAUSE:     There is no storage object in the repository with the specified name. 
;ACTION: Specify a correct storage name in the argument.
UPDATE_OTHER_FILE_SIZE_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR SS "The other file %s is unaccessible. The reason is: %s."
;CAUSE:     The file store failed to access the other file due to some os error.
;ACTION: Check the error message to find the exact cause.
CREATE_CM_WORKER_SESSION "Creating content migration worker session fails."
;CAUSE: Not enough memory or too many threads/processes
;ACTION: Release memory or threads/processes

MIGRATE_CONTENT_MASTER_TIMEOUT "master session timeout, forcely terminate failed worker sessions"
;CAUSE: Some worker sessions fail
;ACTION: No action is needed.
ACS_CONFIGURATION SD "ACS object named %s contains an invalid id %s on svr_config_id"
; CAUSE: The ACS object has config_type of 1 yet the value of svr_config_id does not correctly identify a dm_server_config object.
; ACTION: Set the value of svr_config_id to the current version of the dm_server_config object.
REPLACE_FAILED_WORKER "A parallel content migration had to be restarted due to an internal error.  Some content may have failed to be migrated".
;CAUSE:  A worker session has failed due to an internal error.
;ACTION: Verify state of content being migrated, a new request may be required to complete the migration.
NAME_CONFLICT  "Name conflict with an existing migration job"
;CAUSE: Name conflict with an existing migration job
;ACTION: Change the job name
JOBNAME_REQUIRED "you must specify the name of the job which you want to stop"
;CAUSE: The JOB_NAME is missing or undefined.
;ACTION: Specify the name of the job with the JOB_NAME parameter.
JMS_CONFIGURATION SD "JMS object named %s contains an invalid id %s on svr_config_id"
; CAUSE: The JMS object has config_type of 1 yet the value of svr_config_id does not correctly identify a dm_server_config object.
; ACTION: Set the value of svr_config_id to the current version of the dm_server_config object.
BATCH_RENDITION_MISSING_PROPERTY_TXT "property.txt not found in tar file for batch rendition"
; CAUSE: tar file for batch rendition did not contain property.txt
; ACTION: add property.txt to tar file for batch rendition

.severity  FATAL
COMMIT_PROBLEM_MARK_ALL_FAILED "RDBMS transaction commit failed during MARK_ALL."
;CAUSE:  A problem with the RDBMS.
;ACTION: Check error logs.
;CAUSE:  A problem with the RDBMS.
;ACTION: Check error logs.
SAVE_PROBLEM_MARK_ALL_SKIPPING S "Mark all can't save content object %s.  Skipping."
;CAUSE:  Internal problem.
;ACTION: Examine this object.  It will not be indexable.
SUBCONTENT_TYPE_CONVERSION I "Failed to convert type dmi_subcontent to version %d."
;CAUSE:      Either the version stamp of the type was not set successfully or the
;            changes done to convert the type failed.
;ACTION:  Examine the type. Contact documentum support if needed.
;PARAMETERS: The version stamp of the type being converted into.
SUBCONTENT_INIT II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;CAUSE:      The version stamp of the type from the database does not match any
;          possible versions the type can have in the software.
;ACTION:     You must upgrade your DocuServer database to conform to the
;          software that you are running.  If your software and data are
;          consistent, then report a bug.
;            Also, Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
;          representative.
;PARAMETERS: The version stamp of the type from the database.
;            The current version stamp of the type.
MARK_ALL_DBERROR S "Mark all failed with the database error: %s"
;CAUSE:      There is a problem with the database cursor.
;ACTION:  Turn on the MARK_ALL trace option and rerun the method. Also examine
;            the database log for any error messages.
