.facility DM_FORMAT

;     (c) Copyright Documentum, Inc., 1991 - 1995. All rights reserved

; These are errors encountered during parsing format strings

.severity TRACE
.severity WARNING

.severity ERROR

BAD_ATTR_SPEC S "Format string has illegal specification for attribute %s"

NOT_ATTR S "Format string has specification for non-existent attribute %s"

DUPLICATE_NAME S "Failed to save format object -- format with name %s already exists"

NO_NAME "Failed to save format object -- no name was supplied"

CANT_UPDATE_FTINDICES "Failed to save format objects -- could not update"

FORMAT_IN_USE SI "Can't expunge format %s -- %i content objects exist with this format"

BAD_TOPIC_FORMAT S "Topic format %s either doesn't exist or is not indexable"

NOT_SYSADMIN S "Can't perform %s operation -- user does not have sysadmin privileges"

ILLEGAL_NAME S "The format name %s is invalid"
;CAUSE: The format name must be all alphanumeric"
;ACTION: Try to save the format with a different name
INCR_LENGTH_NONEXISTANT_ATTR SL "The attribute %s increase length failed for version %d because the attribute did not exist"
; CAUSE: Attributes for which the length is being increased should already be in existence before they are lengthened. A previous upgrade step may have failed.
; ACTION: Contact your Documentum Site Representative.
INCR_LENGTH_TOO_LONG SL "The attribute %s increase length failed for version %d because the attribute was too long"
; CAUSE: The IncreaseLength function was called on an attribute which was too long. A previous upgrade step may have failed.
; ACTION: Contact your Documentum Site Representative.
INCR_LENGTH_FAILED SL "The attribute %s increase length failed for version %d. The database could not widen the attribute"
; CAUSE:  The database server may have problems widening the column length
; ACTION: Check database server log or use sql script(under dba) to upgrade.
.severity FATAL
TYPE_CONVERSION I "Failed to convert type dm_format to version %d."
; CAUSE: Type conversion failed.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
