; $Id: dmfolder.e,v 5.3 2002/05/09 20:57:21 roger Exp $
; dmFolder class errors
.facility DM_FOLDER
.severity TRACE
MERGE_CHECK_OLD DSS "Checking local folder path for folder %s, folder_path=%s, tgt_path=%s."
MERGE_CHECK_NEW DS "Checking local folder path for folder %s, folder_path=%s."
MERGE_DELETE SD "Removing folder path %s from folder object %s."
MERGE_ADD SD "Adding folder path %s to folder object %s."
MERGE_PROP1 D "Propagating folder path changes to subfolders of %s."
MERGE_PROP2 D "Propagating folder path changes: subfolder %s skipped."
MERGE_PROP3 D "Propagating folder path changes: checking subfolder %s."
MERGE_PROP4 S "Propagating folder path changes: checking deleted path: %s."
MERGE_PROP5 SI "Propagating folder path changes: deleting path %s at index %d."
MERGE_PROP6 S "Propagating folder path changes: checking added path: %s."
MERGE_PROP7 S "Propagating folder path changes: appending path %s."
MERGE_PROP9 D "Completed folder path changes to subfolders of %s."
.severity WARNING
MERGE_ANCESTOR_ID DDS "Unable to resolve local id for folder link %s in folder %s. Parent links in folder %s may not have been properly loaded."
;CAUSE: An error was encountered in a load operation while attempting to merge
; the folder links of an incoming folder with an existing docbase folder.
; The error was encountered while attempting to fetch a folder's parent
; folders in order to set the proper ancestor_id values for this target
; docbase. The specific cause was that there was no known replica of
; the parent folder value in the local docbase - the folder contained
; an i_folder_id value which could not be mapped to a local id.
; The folder will be loaded but the ancestors for this uknown folder
; cannot be added at this time. It is possible that the unknown folder
; will be added later in the replication process and this inconsistency
; will be resolved automatically at that time.
;ACTION: Check that the source and target docbases are both running the same
; version of the eContent Server. This warning could be the result of
; incompatible rules for dumping and loading folder objects.
; The folder referenced in this error message should be checked at the
; end of the replication run to see if it is properly linked into its
; parent folders.
MERGE_ANCESTR_FETCH DDS "Unable to fetch parent link %s for folder %s (%s). Parent folder object may not exist. This inconsistent link should be resolved later in the load process."
;CAUSE: An error was encountered in a load operation while attempting to merge
; the folder links of an incoming folder with an existing docbase folder.
; The error was encountered while attempting to fetch a folder's parent
; folders in order to set the proper ancestor_id values for this target
; docbase. The specific cause was that the parent folder object did
; not appear to exist. This could be caused by the deletion of the
; parent folder at the source site or due to a local object with phantom
; links left from a previous failed replication attempt.
; The folder will be loaded but the ancestors for this uknown folder
; cannot be added at this time. It is probable that this folder will
; be encountered again later in the load and that the phantom links will
; will be resolved automatically at that time.
;ACTION: Check that the source and target docbases are both running the same
; version of the eContent Server. This warning could be the result of
; incompatible rules for dumping and loading folder objects.
; The folder referenced in this error message should be checked at the
; end of the replication run to see if it is properly linked into its
; parent folders.
.severity ERROR
ALREADY_LINKED SD "The %s sysobject is already linked to folder with ID %s."
;CAUSE: You just linked a folder that has been linked before.
; Most likely the sysobject in question is erroneous.
;ACTION: No action is required. The requested link operation was denied.
CANT_ADD_LINK SS "Cannot add sysobject named '%s' to folder with path name %s."
;CAUSE: Your linkage between the sysobject and folder that has failed.
;ACTION: No action is required. The requested link operation is denied.
CANT_CHANGE_NAME "Cannot change a folder name."
;CAUSE: You tried to change the object_name of an existing folder.
; This is not supported at this time.
;ACTION: No action is required. The requested save operation is not carried out.
CANT_DELETE_LINK SS "Cannot delete sysobject named '%s' from folder with path name %s."
;CAUSE: Your unlink operation between the sysobject and folder that has failed.
; Most likely the sysobject in question is erroneous.
;ACTION: No action is required. The requested link operation is denied.
CANT_DROP_LINK SD "No link established between folder with path name %s and sysobject with ID %s."
;CAUSE: You tried to drop a non-existent linkage.
;ACTION: No action is required. The requested unlink operation is denied.
CANT_DESTROY S "Cannot destroy folder with path name %s since it is not empty."
;CAUSE: You tried to destroy a non-empty folder.
;ACTION: A folder must be empty before destruction.
CANT_FETCH_BY_PATH S "Cannot fetch folder with path name %s."
;CAUSE: You tried to fetch a folder with a non-existent path name.
;ACTION: Retry the operation with correct path name.
CANT_SAVE_NO_LINK S "Cannot save folder with object_name %s - folders must be linked."
;CAUSE: You tried to save a folder without any linkages. Your default folder or
; folder that your tried to link may be bad.
;ACTION: All folders must have one linkage. Link this folder
; to another folder and try again.
CIRC_LINK S "Cannot create circular links for folder with path name %s."
;CAUSE: New linkages in this folder have caused circularity of
; folder containment.
;ACTION: Remove the unwanted links and try again.
MUST_HAVE_NAME "A new folder/cabinet must have an object_name."
;CAUSE: All folders must have an object_name during creation.
;ACTION: Set the object_name and try to save again.
PATH_EXISTS SS "Cannot save (or link) '%s' folder with path name '%s' because one already exists."
;CAUSE: Object_names of all contained folders within the same folder
; must be unique.
;ACTION: Remove the linkage that caused this problem.
CANT_ADD_LINK1 SD "Cannot add sysobject named '%s' to folder with ID %s."
;CAUSE: Your linkage between the sysobject and folder that has failed.
;ACTION: No action is required. The requested link operation is denied.
CANT_COMPUTE_DESC S "Cannot compute child folders for %s folder."
;CAUSE: Most likely security violation.
;ACTION:consult the previous error messages.
CANT_CHANGED SS "Cannot change name of folder '%s' name since could not modify descendant named '%s'."
;CAUSE: Descendant folder could not be changed to propogate the folder name changes.
;ACTION: See the previous error message for more detail.
INVALID_PATH SS "An Invalid path '%s' is encountered in folder named '%s'."
;CAUSE: User tried to change a folder name and system encountered an invalid folder path.
;ACTION: See your system admin. This should not happen under normal circumstances.
LONG_PATH SSL "Folder path '%s' in folder named '%s' is too long (%ld)."
;CAUSE: User tried to define a folder path that is wider than the current supported size.
;ACTION: Use folder path that is size of the r_folder_path limit.
LONG_PATH1 SL "Folder path for folder named '%s' is too long (%ld)."
;CAUSE: User tried to define a folder path that is wider than the current supported size.
;ACTION: Use folder path that is size of the r_folder_path limit.
ILLEGAL_NAME SS "The folder name '%s' is illegal due to the character '%s'."
; CAUSE: The folder name contains an illegal character.
; ACTION: Change the folder name and retry.
CANT_ADD_LINK2 SS "Failed to recompute the folder paths of the folder '%s', which is a descendent of the folder '%s'."
; CAUSE: Failed to recomupte the folder paths of the first folder, while
; adding a new link to the second folder.
; ACTION: Validate the folder of the specified path and find out why its
; folder paths can not be recomputed.
NAME_MAPPING SS "Failed to map the given folder path '%s' to the folder's handle due to database errors. The message from the database is: %s"
; CAUSE: Failed to execute the query that gets the object id with the given
; unique folder path.
; ACTION: Fixed the database problem as reported in the error message and
; try again.
PATH_WIDEN_FAILED II "The type manager returned an error when widening the r_folder_path attribute from %d to %d."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: None needed if you can work with the current path width.
; If you need wider paths, look at the error logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.
MERGE_FOLDER_IDS D "Error in load of folder object %s. Error processing i_folder_id values."
;CAUSE: An error was encountered in a load operation while attempting to merge
; the folder links of an incoming folder with an existing docbase folder.
; The error was encountered inside the generic i_folder_id merging
; routine for the dm_sysobject type. Previous error messages logged by
; that routine should give more detail on the problem.
; This operation is normally done as part of replication processing and
; this error will likely terminate the replication run.
;ACTION: Check previous error messages for more information on the problem.
; If this error was encountered during replication processing, then the
; replication job must be rerun after the error is corrected.
MERGE_ANCESTORS D "Error in load of folder object %s. Error processing i_ancestor_id values."
;CAUSE: An error was encountered in a load operation while attempting to merge
; the folder links of an incoming folder with an existing docbase folder.
; The error was encountered while attempting to calculate i_ancestor_id
; values for the updated folder object. Previous error messages logged by
; that routine should give more detail on the problem.
; This operation is normally done as part of replication processing and
; this error will likely terminate the replication run.
;ACTION: Check previous error messages for more information on the problem.
; If this error was encountered during replication processing, then the
; replication job must be rerun after the error is corrected.
MERGE_PROPAGATE D "Error in load of folder object %s. Error propagating folder link changes to subfolders."
;CAUSE: An error was encountered in a load operation while attempting to merge
; the folder links of an incoming folder with an existing docbase folder.
; The error was encountered while attempting to propagate the changes to
; this folder's children. Previous error messages logged should give
; more detail on the exact cause of the problem.
; This operation is normally done as part of replication processing and
; this error will likely terminate the replication run.
;ACTION: Check previous error messages for more information on the problem.
; If this error was encountered during replication processing, then the
; replication job must be rerun after the error is corrected.
MERGE_PROPQUERY D "Error in folder load merging. Error querying for subfolders of the folder object %s."
;CAUSE: An error was encountered in a load operation while attempting to merge
; the folder links of an incoming folder with an existing docbase folder.
; The error was encountered while attempting to propagate the changes to
; the folder's children and was the result of a query error while trying
; to find these child folders. Previous error messages logged by the
; query facility should give more detail on the problem.
; This operation is normally done as part of replication processing and
; this error will likely terminate the replication run.
;ACTION: Check previous error messages for more information on the problem.
; If this error was encountered during replication processing, then the
; replication job must be rerun after the error is corrected.
MERGE_PROPSAVE D "Error in folder load merging. Error saving the folder object %s."
;CAUSE: An error was encountered in a load operation while attempting to merge
; the folder links of an incoming folder with an existing docbase folder.
; The error was encountered while attempting to propagate the changes to
; the folder's children and was the result of an error while trying
; to save changes to one of those child folders. Previous error messages
; logged by the server should give more detail on the problem.
; This operation is normally done as part of replication processing and
; this error will likely terminate the replication run.
;ACTION: Check previous error messages for more information on the problem.
; If this error was encountered during replication processing, then the
; replication job must be rerun after the error is corrected.
MERGE_PROPRECURS D "Error in folder load merging. Error propagating folder link changes to subfolder %s."
;CAUSE: An error was encountered in a load operation while attempting to merge
; the folder links of an incoming folder with an existing docbase folder.
; The error was encountered while attempting to propagate the changes to
; this folder's children. Previous error messages logged should give
; more detail on the exact cause of the problem.
; This operation is normally done as part of replication processing and
; this error will likely terminate the replication run.
;ACTION: Check previous error messages for more information on the problem.
; If this error was encountered during replication processing, then the
; replication job must be rerun after the error is corrected.
MERGE_FOLDER_FETCH D "Error in load folder merging. Could not fetch folder object %s."
;CAUSE: An error was encountered in a load operation while attempting to merge
; the folder links of an incoming folder with an existing docbase folder.
; The error was encountered while attempting to propagate the changes to
; the folder's children and was the result of an error trying to fetch
; one of these child folders. A previous error message logged by the
; fetch routine should give more detail on the problem.
;ACTION: Check previous error messages for more information on the problem.
; If this error was encountered during replication processing, then the
; replication job must be rerun after the error is corrected.
NOT_A_FOLDER_ID SS "You have specified an ID (%s) in the %s command that is not a valid ID value for a folder or cabinet."
; CAUSE: The ID value in the specific command does not identify a folder or cabinet.
; ACTION: Make sure the given ID is a valid ID value for folder of cabinet.
; PARAMETERS: The ID value given in the command and the Name of the command.
TRAILING_SPACE_IN_NAME S "The folder name '%s' contains trailing space(s), which is not allowed."
; CAUSE: The folder name contains trailing space(s).
; ACTION: Change the folder name and retry.
.severity FATAL
INIT1 "The dm_folder type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INIT2 II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;CAUSE: The version stamp that the dm_folder object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;ACTION: You must upgrade your DocuServer database to conform to the
; software that you are running. If your software and data are
; consistent, then report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.
INIT3 "The type manager returned an error storing the dm_folder type."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.