; $Id: dmfilter.e,v 5.0 1998/01/10 02:07:42 sol_ora Exp $
; Filter class errors
.facility DM_FILTER

STARTUP  SSS "Starting program %s on dumpfile %s.  Output to %s."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the program name (dmrepfilter)
;  2%s - the dump input file
;  3%s - the dump output file
;CAUSE:  Trace message given at filter startup.  Trace level 1.

COMPLETE IIII "Program completed with status %d.\n  %d objects processed from input file.\n  %d objects written to output file.\n  %d types written to output file."
;PARAMETERS:  1%d - the program exit status
;  2%d - the number of objects in the dump input file
;  3%d - the number of objects written to the dump output file
;  4%d - the number of types written to the dump output file
;CAUSE:  Trace message given at filter exit.  Trace level 1.

.severity WARNING

.severity ERROR
NO_DUMP_INPUT SS "Cannot locate dump input file: %s.  Operating System Status %s."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the dump input file
;  2%s - the os error status
;CAUSE:  The filter program could not find the dump input file.
;ACTION: Make sure the specified dump input file exists.  Check
;  permissions of the filter program (which normally runs as
;  the docbase owner) to access the specified input file.

DUMPOUT_EXISTS SS "Cannot remove existing dump output file: %s.  Operating System Status %s."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the dump output file
;  2%s - the os error status
;CAUSE:  The filter program found that the specified dump output file
;  already existed.  It tried to remove the existing file but
;  could not.
;ACTION: Remove the existing dump output file.

DUMPIN_INIT S "Error opening/initializing dump input file: %s."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the dump input file
;CAUSE:  The filter program was returned an error from the dumpfile
;  open call.
;ACTION: Check previous error messages for further information.

DUMPIN_HEADER S "Error reading header information in the dump input file: %s.  Cannot build list of type version stamps."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the dump input file
;CAUSE:  The filter program received an error from the dump routines
;  process the dumpfile header information.
;ACTION: Check previous error messages for further information.
;  Check the dumpfile version/date for compatibility with the
;  current system.

DUMMY1_MESSAGE  "This is here to keep the error numbers from shifting."
;CAUSE:         This is a dummy message that is never used. Do not ever remove it.

DUMPOUT_INIT S "Error opening/initializing the dump output file: %s."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the dump output file
;CAUSE:  The filter program was returned an error from the dumpfile
;  open call.
;ACTION: Check previous error messages for further information.
;  Check permissions to create the specified file.
;  Check that the specified directory exists and is accessible.
;  Check for available diskspace.

DUMPOUT_TYPE S "Error writing type description for %s to the dump output file."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the name of the type on which the error occurred.
;CAUSE:  The filter program received an error on an attempt to write
;  out a type description to the output dumpfile.
;ACTION: Check previous error messages for further information.
;  Check consistency of type in the dump input file.

OBJECT_FILTER SS "Error processing object %s (type %s) in filter program."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the id of the object on which the error occurred.
;  2%s - the typename of the object
;CAUSE:  An error was encountered while applying the filter actions to
;  an object of the dumpfile.  The object could not be altered
;  correctly.
;ACTION: Check previous error messages for further information.

DUMPOUT_OBJECT SS "Error writing description for object %s (type %s) to the dump output file."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the id of the object on which the error occurred.
;  2%s - the typename of the object
;CAUSE:  The filter program received an error on an attempt to write
;  out an object description to the output dumpfile.
;ACTION: Check previous error messages for further information.

DUMPOUT_CONTENT SS "Error writing content data for object %s (type %s) to the dump output file."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the id of the object on which the error occurred.
;  2%s - the typename of the object
;CAUSE:  The filter program received an error on an attempt to write
;  out the content data for an object to the output dumpfile.
;  When an object with content data is encountered during filter
;  processing, the program just reads the content data from the
;  input file and writes in out to the output file.  This error
;  could indicate a problem reading the input or in writing the
;  output.
;ACTION: Check previous error messages for further information.

SYNTAX_NEWVALUE S "Error in argument syntax for -new_value flag.  Parameter value %s is incorrect.  The correct format is '-new_value type.attribute value'."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the callers parameter value
;CAUSE:  The argument given to a -new_value option was not of the
;  correct format.  The format required is:
;   type_name.attribute_name attribute_value
;ACTION: Fix command options.

SYNTAX_NOOPT S "The required parameter '%s' was not specified."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the name of the option.
;CAUSE:  A required input parameter was not given to the filter program.
;  This could be a parameter required for all filter actions or
;  the parameter could be needed because of other command line
;  options which were specified.
;ACTION: Fix command options.

SYNTAX_BADPARM S "The parameter '%s' is not a valid filter option."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the name of the option.
;CAUSE:  An unrecognized option was given to the filter program.
;ACTION: Fix command options.

SYNTAX_ARGCOUNT S "Insufficient number of arguments for parameter '%s'."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the name of the option.
;CAUSE:  The command line string did not contain enough arguments to
;  fulfill the given flag.
;ACTION: Fix command options.

STATE_ERROR "An internal error was detected in the filter program.  The program arguments were not correctly processed."
;CAUSE:  The program state built from the arguments is not consistent.
;ACTION: Check for previous error messages and report to Documentum
;  support.

TYPE_UNKNOWN SS "An internal error was detected in the filter program.  An attribute contained an unknown or unsupported type. Attribute: %s.%s"
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the name of the type.
;   2%s - the name of the attribute.
;CAUSE:  During processing in the filter, an attribute which was to be
;  replaced was found to be of an unknown type.
;ACTION: Check for previous error messages and report to Documentum
;  support.

API_ERROR SS "An error was returned from an API call in an attempt to execute the command: <%s>.  The error reason was: <%s>."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the command string
;   2%s - the error message returned by getmessage
;CAUSE:  An API call that was made to lookup docbase information to use
;  in the filter program returned with an error indication.
;ACTION: Check the status of the specified docbase to ensure it is
;  active.  Check any previously reported error messages for
;  clues to the problem.

API_ERROR0 S "An error was returned from an API call in an attempt to execute the command: <%s>."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the command string
;CAUSE:  An API call that was made to lookup docbase information to use
;  in the filter program returned with an error indication.
;ACTION: Check the status of the specified docbase to ensure it is
;  active.  Check any previously reported error messages for
;  clues to the problem.

FOLDER_ARG SS "Argument Error: the folder specified in the %s argument does not exist.  Folder name: <%s>."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the flag name for the new folder
;  2%s - the specified folder name
;CAUSE:  A replication request gives a new folder in which to place
;  documents.  The filter program verifies that the specified
;  folder exists.  This verification failed.
;ACTION: Correct the command line arguments.

USER_ARG SS "Argument Error: the user specified in the %s argument does not exist.  User name: <%s>."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the flag name for the new user
;  2%s - the specified user name
;CAUSE:  A replication request gives a new user to own documents. The
;  filter program verifies that the specified user exists.  This
;  verification failed.
;ACTION: Correct the command line arguments.

ACL_ARG  SSS "Argument Error: the acl specified in the %s argument does not exist.  Acl name: <%s.%s>."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the flag name for the new acl
;  2%s - the specified acl domain name
;  3%s - the specified acl name
;CAUSE:  A replication request gives a new acl setting to documents.
;  The filter program verifies that the specified acl exists.
;  This verification failed.
;ACTION: Correct the command line arguments.

STORAGE_ARG SS "Argument Error: the storage area specified in the %s argument does not exist.  Storage Area name: <%s>."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the flag name for the new storage area
;  2%s - the specified storage area name
;CAUSE:  A replication request gives a new storage area to place
;  documents. The filter program verifies that the specified area
;  exists.  This verification failed.
;ACTION: Correct the command line arguments.

BOOLEAN_VAL SS "Argument Error: the value (%s) for argument (%s) is not a legal boolean value.  The value must be 'T(rue)' or 'F(alse)'"
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the specified boolean value
;  2%s - the argument flag name
;CAUSE:  A value was given to a boolean flag that did not begin with
;  T or F (case is important).
;ACTION: Correct the command line arguments.

ARG_MISSING S "Argument Error: missing required argument %s."
;PARAMETERS:  1%s - the missing argument
;CAUSE:  An argument that is required for the filter program was not
;  specified.  An argument may be required for all calls (such
;  as the dump file name) or the argument may be required due
;  to the presence of one of the other specified arguments.
;ACTION: Correct the command line arguments.

STORE_NOT_INDEXABLE "Warning: the storage area specified has no fulltext index defined on it, but the filter arguments do not disable fulltext indexing.  Objects filtered will have their fulltext index attributes set to False."
;CAUSE:  Since the storage area being loaded to does not have a fulltext
;  index defined on it, the loaded objects must be marked non
;  indexable.
;ACTION: Create a fulltext index on the storage area if desired

.severity FATAL
