; FullText Facility errors
;** Documentum DocuServer
;** Confidential Property of Documentum, Inc.
;** (c) Copyright Documentum, Inc., 1993
;** All rights reserved.
.facility DM_FULLTEXT This facility is for turning on fulltext trace.  The trace information will go to server log.
; These are the error messages returned by the fulltext facility.
; In addition, there are some trace messages which are generated by
; query processing, but which are `turned on' by turning on fulltext
; tracing.
.severity TRACE
FULLTEXT_QUERY S "Fulltext Query: %s."
NUM_CHILDREN I "GetFTResults:  Number of children of the rootnode of the docview: %d."
NUM_MATCHES I "RunFTQuery:  Number of documents matched by the fulltext query was %d."
NUM_POSITIONS I "GetFTResults:  Number of positions (hits within a document): %d."
BEGIN_VERITY_RETRIEVAL   "Verity retrieval is beginning."
VERITY_RETRIEVAL_COMPLETE "Verity retrieval has completed."
FTDQL_DATA ISSS "FTDQL Execution. ft_convertible = %d, converted_ft_query = %s, search phrase = %s, ft_search_type = %s"
QUERY_PLUGIN_VERSION S "Loaded FT Query Plugin: %s"
.severity WARNING
BAD_CONTENT_ID SI "Bad content id (%s) at child node %d."
; CAUSE:  This is an internal error caused by a Verity bug.  If you
;         get this warning (it should never occur, but in case it does)
;         it means that there was a document match that you are not
;         going to see.
; ACTION: The rest of your matched documents are returned to you.
;         Report this error to your Documentum Site Representative.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter will probably be blank.  The second
;         parameter is Verity-related information that may be useful
;         in determining the problem, especially if you get more than
;         one of these messages for a single query.  Report these
;         parameters to your Documentum Site Representative.
IGNORED  I "Could not read %i files during hit processing -- content ignored"
; CAUSE:  To return position or hit information, the file that was indexed
;         needs to be read -- for some reason, one or more files could not
;         be read.
;         Likely causes include migrating the content to some other storage
;         area or destorying the content.
; ACTION: The rest of your matched documents are returned to you.
; PARAMETERS:  The number of files ignored
INDEX_IGNORED S "Fulltext index %s not accessible -- index ignored"
; CAUSE:  A fulltext index that was to be searched could not be accessed.
;   A likely cause is that the fulltext index was destroyed by another
;   user or the index was reset or cleaned while the search was
;   being done.

; ACTION: The rest of your matched documents are returned to you.
; PARAMETERS:  The name of the fulltext index
VERITY_WARN SIS "A message is generated from Verity: (%s) code = %d, text = %s"
; CAUSE:  The Verity fulltext system has generated a message.
; ACTION: The Verity message is contained in this message.  Take
;         whatever action is appropriate based on the Verity message
;         to correct the problem.  You may need assistance from your Verity
;         site representative to resolve this problem.
; PARAMETERS:  The Verity message code and string.
BAD_SYSOBJ_ID SI "Bad sysobj id (%s) at child node %d."
; CAUSE:  This is an internal error caused by a Verity bug.  If you
;         get this warning (it should never occur, but in case it does)
;         it means that there was a document match that you are not
;         going to see.
; ACTION: The rest of your matched documents are returned to you.
;         Report this error to your Documentum Site Representative.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter will probably be blank.  The second
;         parameter is Verity-related information that may be useful
;         in determining the problem, especially if you get more than
;         one of these messages for a single query.  Report these
;         parameters to your Documentum Site Representative.
.severity ERROR
VERITY_RETRIEVE S "An error has occurred during the processing of the Verity query: %s"
; CAUSE:  Verity was unable to process the Verity query.  This could be an
;         'expected' error, such as that the query was not a valid Verity
;         boolean plus query.  Or, it could be an 'unexpected' Verity failure.
; ACTION: There will be another error message on your message queue which
;         contains the Verity error message.  Take whatever action is
;         appropriate to correct the problem.
; PARAMETERS:  The Verity boolean plus query that was not successfully processed.
VERITY_NOT_AVAILABLE "You have specified a SEARCH clause in your query, but no fulltext system is available."
; CAUSE:  Either Verity is not installed, or the Verity installation is not available.
; ACTION: Make sure that the installation procedures for setting up Verity to
;         run with DocuServer are followed.
CANT_MAKE_TOPIC_INDEX S "You have tried to create a Topic index on location %s."
; CAUSE:  Topic 4.00d indexes are no longer supported.
; ACTION: Make sure the i_implementation_type of the dm_fulltext_index object has a value 2 (i.e. TDK).
MAKE_UNKNOWN_INDEX_TYPE IS "You tried to create an unknown fulltext type, %d, object on location %s."
; CAUSE:  An unknown index type is supplied while making a new fulltext object.
; ACTION: Make sure the i_implementation_type of the dm_fulltext_index object has a value 2 (i.e. TDK).
CANT_FETCH_TOPIC_INDEX D "You have tried to fetch a Topic index with ID %s."
; CAUSE:  Topic 4.00d indexes are no longer supported.
; ACTION: Make sure the i_implementation_type of the dm_fulltext_index object has a value 2 (i.e. TDK).
FETCH_UNKNOWN_INDEX_TYPE ID "You tried to fetch an unknown fulltext type, %d, object with ID %s."
; CAUSE:  An unknown index type is supplied while making a new fulltext object.
; ACTION: Make sure the i_implementation_type of the dm_fulltext_index object has a value 2 (i.e. TDK).
STRING_MALFORMED IS "Attempt to assign malformed value of encoding %d to attribute %s."
; CAUSE: Program executed a Set operation supplying a string value that was not a legal string in the specified encoding
; ACTION: No action.

COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_WRITE S " The file- %s could not be opened for writing"
;CAUSE:  The directory to write the file probably does not exist.
;ACTION: Make sure that the directory to write the file exists.

INCORRECT_STORE_TYPE_FOR_RENDITION SS "Primary Content object '%s' uses a CA Store but the indexable rendition object '%s' uses a non-CA storage type."
; CAUSE: This error occurs during full-text indexing of content in a CA Store
;        and the primary content is of non-indexable format and an indexable
;  rendition for the content is not using a CA Store.
; ACTION: Destroy the rendition in the non-CA Store and create a rendition
;   in the same CA store as the primary content.

INCORRECT_STORE_TYPE_FOR_RENDITION2 SSSS "Primary Content Object '%s' uses CA Store '%s', whereas the indexable rendition '%s' uses CA Store '%s'"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when the primary content to be indexed and
;  its indexable rendition  are on two different CA Stores.
; ACTION: Create the rendition object in the same CA Store as the primary
;   content and destroy the rendition object in the other CA Store.

FTDQL_UNABLE_TO_EXECUTE_FULLTEXT_QUERY "Unable to execute the full text query in FTDQL Mode."
; CAUSE: An error occured while setting up the underlying fulltext query engine to run a full text query.
; ACTION: Look for additional error messages that indicate the nature of the problem.

FTDQL_PERMIT_CHECK_FAIL "Unable to run the permit check on a result set."
; CAUSE: This error is returned when the Content Server is unable to perform the permit check on
;  objects to be returned., most likely due to a database error.
; ACTION: contact your system administrator.

FTDQL_UNABLE_TO_EXECUTE_QUERY_FOR_SELECT_LIST "Unable to execute a database query to fetch data for select list for a FTDQL compliant query"
; CAUSE: A database error.
; ACTION: Look for other messages and contact your system administrator.

FTDQL_OBJECT_MERGE_FAIL "Unable to process fulltext results for a FTDQL compliant query."
; CAUSE: A database error occured while processing the fulltext results in conjunction with
;  processing of select list.
; ACTION:  Contact your system administrator.

FTDQL_UNABLE_TO_FETCH_SELECT_LIST_DATA "A database error occured while processing the select list for a FTDQL compliant query"
; CAUSE: A database error occured.
; ACTION: Contact your system administrator

FTDQL_UNABLE_TO_FETCH_USER_GROUP_LIST "Unable to obtain user group list"

FTDQL_UNABLE_TO_EXECUTE_SQL_FOR_ACL_CHECK  SS "Unable to execute SQL to perform ACL check. SQL Statement was: %s, Error from database: %s"
FTDQL_DUPLICATE_ITEM_IN_ACL_CACHE "Unable to add an duplicate item to ACL cache"

CANT_OPEN_SESSION SI "Unable to open a session with fulltext engine: %s, Error Code: %d"

SEARCH_NEW_FAIL  SI "dmFTSearchNew failed with error: %s, error code: %d"


SEARCH_STATUS_FAIL SI "dmFTSearchStatus failed with error: %s, error code: %d"


HIGHLIGHT_READ_FAIL SI "dmFTHighlightRead failed with error: %s, error code: %d"

SEARCH_GET_ROW_FAIL SI "dmFTSearchGetRow failed with error: %s, error code: %d"

; CAUSE: A generic error occured in the underlying fulltext engine while
; executing a search.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide.

; CAUSE: A parsing error occured in the query submitted to the fulltext
; engine.
; ACTION: Contact EMC Technical Support.

; CAUSE: The fulltext engine could not execute a search because index
; files are unavailable.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide.

; CAUSE: The fulltext engine encountered an internal error while
; executing a search.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide.

; CAUSE: The fulltext engine could not execute a search because
; it's been overloaded.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide.

; CAUSE: The search submitted to the fulltext engine is not supported
; by the FT engine.
; ACTION: Contact Technical Support

; CAUSE: The fulltext engine has been configured to not allow the kind
; of search being executed.
; ACTION: You cannot execute search you have submitted.

; CAUSE: This is an internal error reported by the fulltext engine
; while executing a query.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide.

; CAUSE: A communication failure occured between the Content Server
; host and the host on which the Index Server is running.
; ACTION: Resolve communication/connectivity problems by contacting
; the Administrator.

; CAUSE: This is an internal error reported by the Index Server.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT engine trouble shooting guide.

; CAUSE: A communication error occured while submitting a search, between
; the Content Server host and the Index Server host.
; ACTION: Contact your repository Administrator.

; CAUSE: The search submitted to the Index Server has timedout.
; ACTION: Contact your administrator.

; CAUSE: A communication error occured while processing a search
; between the Content Server host and the Index Server host.
; ACTION: Contact your repository administrator.

; CAUSE: A connection failure occured during search between Content Server
; and the Index Server.
; ACTION: Contact your repository administrator.

; CAUSE: Content Server is unable to send a request to the Index Server
; to retrieve the document summary.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide.

; CAUSE: A timeout error occured when retrieving the document summary
; from the Index Server.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide.

; CAUSE: A connection error occured while retrieving the document
; summary from the Index Server.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide or contact your
; administrator.

; CAUSE: This is an internal error from the Index Server.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide or contact your
; administrator.

; CAUSE: This is an internal error from the Index Server.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide or contact your
; administrator.

; CAUSE: This is an internal error from the Index Server.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide or contact your
; administrator.

; CAUSE: This is an internal error from the Index Server.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide or contact your
; administrator.

; CAUSE: This is an internal error from the Index Server.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide or contact your
; administrator.

; CAUSE: This is an internal error from the Index Server.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide or contact your
; administrator.

; CAUSE: This is an internal error from the Query Server configured to be captured in the dm_ftengine_config.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide or contact your
; administrator.

; CAUSE: This is error from SDC parser.
; ACTION: Refer to the FT Engine trouble shooting guide or contact your
; administrator.

.severity  FATAL
BAD_CONTENT S "The content id retrieved from Verity is an invalid Documentum dmID value: %s."
; CAUSE:  The Documentum dmID for indexed content objects are stored with the Verity
;         index.  An id retrieved for a matched content object during this Verity
;         retrieval is not a valid dmID.
; ACTION: Contact your Documentum Site Representative.
; PARAMETERS:  The invalid id value, as returned by Verity.
DATABASE_ERROR S "An unexpected database error has occurred ('%s'), causing your statement to fail."
;CAUSE:  The RDBMS has encountered an error which has caused further processing
;        of your query to be impossible.
;ACTION: The error message string from the RDBMS is contained in the message.
;        Take whatever action is appropriate based on the RDBMS message to
;        correct the problem.  This type of error sometimes occurs if a system
;        limit of the RDBMS has been exceeded, or the RDBMS has failed.  You
;        may require assistance from your RDBMS System Administrator to
;        resolve this problem.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the name of the DocuServer function in
;        which the error occurred.  The second parameter contains the error
;        message from the RDBMS.
VERITY_ENV  "Unable to initialize the Verity API environment."
; CAUSE:  An error occurred during the Verity API environment setup, causing
;         your statement to fail.
; ACTION: There should be another error message on the message queue which will
;         contain additional information about the cause of the Verity failure.
;         Take whatever steps are appropriate to resolve the Verity problem,
;         and retry your query.
VERITY_DOCV  "Unable to create a Verity document view."
; CAUSE:  An unexpected error occurred during the Verity API docview creation,
;         causing your statement to fail.
; ACTION: There will be another error message on the message queue which will
;         contain additional information about the cause of the Verity failure.
;         Take whatever steps are appropriate to resolve the Verity problem,
;         and retry your query.
VERITY_FATAL SIS "A fatal error has been encountered in Verity: (%s) code = %d, text = %s"
; CAUSE:  The Verity fulltext system has generated a fatal error.
; ACTION: The Verity error message is contained in this message.  Take
;         whatever action is appropriate based on the Verity error message
;         to correct the problem.  You may need assistance from your Verity
;         site representative to resolve this problem.
; PARAMETERS:  The Verity error message string.
VERITY_UNEXPECTED ISS "An unexpected Verity error, error code = %d, has been encountered during:  %s, %s"
; CAUSE:  An unexpected error occurred during Verity processing, causing your
;         statement to fail.
; ACTION: There will be another error message on the message queue which
;         will contain additional information about the cause of the Verity
;         failure.  Take whatever steps are appropriate to resolve the Verity
;         problem.  If it is necessary to contact your Documentum site
;         Representative, please have this message, and its parameters,
;         available.
; PARAMETERS:  The first parameter is the name of the Verity function that
;         failed.  The second parameter is information describing which
;         particular call to that function it was that failed.  The third
;         parameter is usually 0 (zero), but in some instances the value
;         contains additional information about the error.  The first two
;         parameters may be useful to Verity technical support, if it
;         becomes involved in the problem resolution.  Those, in addition
;         to the third parameter, may be useful to Documentum technical
;         support, if it becomes involved in the problem resolution.
ZERO_CHILDREN  "An internal inconsistency has been encountered."
; CAUSE:  An internal Verity call has returned no 'children' (matched
;         documents), however an earlier call to get information about
;         the retrieval indicated that there were matched documents.
; ACTION: This is an internal inconsistency.  Contact your Documentum
;         Site Representative.
NO_DBCONN  "Unable to establish a database connection."
; CAUSE:  The Documentum server was unable to establish a database
;         connection on which to create a table to hold fulltext
;         results. 
; ACTION: Check with your Documentum system administrator or your
;         Oracle system administrator.  It may be that your Oracle
;         installation has a limit on the number of connections that
;         is too low.
NO_FULLTEXT  "Unable to create a fulltext object."
; CAUSE:  This is an internal error.  It is probably caused by insufficient
;         memory.
; ACTION: Contact your Documentum system administrator.

FTDQL_INIT_QUERY_DATA_FAIL S "Failed to initialize the data structures for FTDQL. Reason: %s"
; CAUSE: This is an internal error in the processing of a FTDQL compliant query.
; ACTION: Contact your Documentum system administrator.

FTDQL_OBJECT_MERGE_FAIL "Unable to perform object merge"
; CAUSE: this is an internal error while processing a FASDQL compliant query.
; ACTION: Note other error messages and server log and contact system administrator.

