对于一个非模态子对话框的内存释放,一般的处理方法是在OnClose() 函数中添加DestroyWindow() ,然后在PostNcDestroy() 中delete this 。
pdlg->Create( IDD_DIALOG_CHILD, GetDesktopWindow() );
现在又有新的问题,如果你在pdlg里面的操作分配了内存,但是你是在pdlg的PostNcDestroy() 中释放的话,那么还是会有内存泄露,因为在父窗口中删除那个非模态对话框指针的时候,只会进pDlg的析构函数,而不进PostNcDestroy()。 所以要么你在析构函数中释放内存,要么你在父窗口中调用pdlgCopy->DestroyWindow()。前者要注意此时this指针和对象句柄都已为NULL,而且你的子控件中的内存释放是否依赖于WM_DESTROY,后者方法要注意你本来DestroyWindow()中就有把pdlgCopy置为NULL的操作,如果对话框指针多了要用模板保存,还要注意迭代器失效的问题。
In the Windows environment, the following two relationships can exist between windows:
Owner-owned relationship. The owner-owned relationship determines which other windows are automatically destroyed when a window is destroyed. When window A is destroyed, Windows automatically destroys all the windows that are owned by A.
Parent-child relationship. The parent-child relationship determines where a window can be drawn on the screen. A child window (that is, a window that has a parent) is confined to its parent window's client area.
This article discusses these relationships and some Windows functions that provide owner and parent information for a specified window.
下面这个例子证明“The owner-owned relationship determines which other windows are automatically destroyed when a window is destroyed. ”仿佛是错误的。
// 能收到关闭消息 void CStaticMultiDlg::OnButtonCreate() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CDialogChild *pDlg = new CDialogChild; pDlg->Create( IDD_DIALOG_CHILD, NULL); pDlg->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW); CWnd *pParent = pDlg->GetParent(); // pParent 0x00000000 {CWnd hWnd=???} CWnd *pOwner = pDlg->GetOwner(); // pOwner 0x00000000 {CWnd hWnd=???} } // 能收到关闭消息 void CStaticMultiDlg::OnButtonCreate() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CDialogChild *pDlg = new CDialogChild; pDlg->Create( IDD_DIALOG_CHILD, this); pDlg->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW); CWnd *pParent = pDlg->GetParent(); // pParent 0x00000000 {CWnd hWnd=???} CWnd *pOwner = pDlg->GetOwner(); // pOwner 0x00000000 {CWnd hWnd=???} } // 收不到关闭消息 void CStaticMultiDlg::OnButtonCreate() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CDialogChild *pDlg = new CDialogChild; pDlg->Create( IDD_DIALOG_CHILD, GetDesktopWindow()); pDlg->SetParent(GetDesktopWindow()); pDlg->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW); CWnd *pDes = GetDesktopWindow(); // pDes 0x00373458 {CTempWnd hWnd=0x00010010} CWnd *pParent = pDlg->GetParent(); // pParent 0x00000000 {CWnd hWnd=???} CWnd *pOwner = pDlg->GetOwner(); // pOwner 0x00000000 {CWnd hWnd=???} } // 收不到关闭消息 void CStaticMultiDlg::OnButtonCreate() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CDialogChild *pDlg = new CDialogChild; pDlg->Create( IDD_DIALOG_CHILD, GetDesktopWindow()); pDlg->SetOwner(this); pDlg->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW); CWnd *pDes = GetDesktopWindow(); // pDes 0x00373458 {CTempWnd hWnd=0x00010010} CWnd *pParent = pDlg->GetParent(); // pParent 0x00000000 {CWnd hWnd=???} CWnd *pOwner = pDlg->GetOwner(); // pOwner 0x0012fdf4 {CStaticMultiDlg hWnd=0x001004f2} == this } // 这种情况下程序会假死 void CStaticMultiDlg::OnButtonCreate() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CDialogChild *pDlg = new CDialogChild; pDlg->Create( IDD_DIALOG_CHILD, GetDesktopWindow()); pDlg->SetParent(this); pDlg->SetOwner(this); pDlg->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW); CWnd *pDes = GetDesktopWindow(); // pDes 0x00373458 {CTempWnd hWnd=0x00010010} CWnd *pParent = pDlg->GetParent(); // pParent 0x00000000 {CWnd hWnd=???} CWnd *pOwner = pDlg->GetOwner(); // pOwner 0x0012fdf4 {CStaticMultiDlg hWnd=0x001004f2} == this }