/** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-8 上午11:02:41 */ package com.embest.ruisystem.util; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import org.springframework.core.io.FileSystemResource; import org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderImpl; import org.springframework.mail.javamail.MimeMessageHelper; /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-8 上午11:02:41 */ public class MailUtil { /** * 发件人邮箱服务器 */ private String emailHost; /** * 发件人邮箱 */ private String emailFrom; /** * 发件人用户名 */ private String emailUserName; /** * 发件人密码 */ private String emailPassword; /** * 收件人邮箱,多个邮箱以“;”分隔 */ private String toEmails; /** * 邮件主题 */ private String subject; /** * 邮件内容 */ private String content; /** * 邮件中的图片,为空时无图片。map中的key为图片ID,value为图片地址 */ private Map<String, String> pictures; /** * 邮件中的附件,为空时无附件。map中的key为附件ID,value为附件地址 */ private Map<String, String> attachments; /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @return the emailHost */ public String getEmailHost() { emailHost = DataUtil.objToStr(emailHost); if (emailHost.equals("")) { emailHost = Constants.emailHost; } return emailHost; } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @param emailHost * the emailHost to set */ public void setEmailHost(String emailHost) { this.emailHost = emailHost; } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @return the emailFrom */ public String getEmailFrom() { emailFrom = DataUtil.objToStr(emailFrom); if (emailFrom.equals("")) { emailFrom = Constants.emailFrom; } return emailFrom; } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @param emailFrom * the emailFrom to set */ public void setEmailFrom(String emailFrom) { this.emailFrom = emailFrom; } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @return the emailUserName */ public String getEmailUserName() { emailUserName = DataUtil.objToStr(emailUserName); if (emailUserName.equals("")) { emailUserName = Constants.emailUsername; } return emailUserName; } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @param emailUserName * the emailUserName to set */ public void setEmailUserName(String emailUserName) { this.emailUserName = emailUserName; } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @return the emailPassword */ public String getEmailPassword() { emailPassword = DataUtil.objToStr(emailPassword); if (emailPassword.equals("")) { emailPassword = Constants.emailPassword; } return emailPassword; } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @param emailPassword * the emailPassword to set */ public void setEmailPassword(String emailPassword) { this.emailPassword = emailPassword; } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @return the toEmails */ public String getToEmails() { return DataUtil.objToStr(toEmails); } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @param toEmails * the toEmails to set */ public void setToEmails(String toEmails) { this.toEmails = toEmails; } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @return the subject */ public String getSubject() { subject = DataUtil.objToStr(subject); if (subject.equals("")) { subject = "无主题"; } return DataUtil.objToStr(subject); } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @param subject * the subject to set */ public void setSubject(String subject) { this.subject = subject; } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @return the content */ public String getContent() { return DataUtil.objToStr(content); } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @param content * the content to set */ public void setContent(String content) { this.content = content; } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @return the pictures */ public Map<String, String> getPictures() { return pictures; } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @param pictures * the pictures to set */ public void setPictures(Map<String, String> pictures) { this.pictures = pictures; } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @return the attachments */ public Map<String, String> getAttachments() { return attachments; } /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午10:49:01 * @param attachments * the attachments to set */ public void setAttachments(Map<String, String> attachments) { this.attachments = attachments; } /** * 发送邮件 * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-9 上午11:18:21 * @throws Exception */ public void sendEmail() throws Exception { if (this.getEmailHost().equals("") || this.getEmailFrom().equals("") || this.getEmailUserName().equals("") || this.getEmailPassword().equals("")) { throw new RuntimeException("发件人信息不完全,请确认发件人信息!"); } JavaMailSenderImpl senderImpl = new JavaMailSenderImpl(); // 设定mail server senderImpl.setHost(emailHost); // 建立邮件消息 MimeMessage mailMessage = senderImpl.createMimeMessage(); MimeMessageHelper messageHelper = null; messageHelper = new MimeMessageHelper(mailMessage, true, "UTF-8"); // 设置发件人邮箱 messageHelper.setFrom(emailFrom); // 设置收件人邮箱 String[] toEmailArray = toEmails.split(";"); List<String> toEmailList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (null == toEmailArray || toEmailArray.length <= 0) { throw new RuntimeException("收件人邮箱不得为空!"); } else { for (String s : toEmailArray) { s = DataUtil.objToStr(s); if (!s.equals("")) { toEmailList.add(s); } } if (null == toEmailList || toEmailList.size() <= 0) { throw new RuntimeException("收件人邮箱不得为空!"); } else { toEmailArray = new String[toEmailList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < toEmailList.size(); i++) { toEmailArray[i] = toEmailList.get(i); } } } messageHelper.setTo(toEmailArray); // 邮件主题 messageHelper.setSubject(subject); // true 表示启动HTML格式的邮件 messageHelper.setText(content, true); // 添加图片 if (null != pictures) { for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> it = pictures.entrySet() .iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry<String, String> entry = it.next(); String cid = entry.getKey(); String filePath = entry.getValue(); if (null == cid || null == filePath) { throw new RuntimeException("请确认每张图片的ID和图片地址是否齐全!"); } File file = new File(filePath); if (!file.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException("图片" + filePath + "不存在!"); } FileSystemResource img = new FileSystemResource(file); messageHelper.addInline(cid, img); } } // 添加附件 if (null != attachments) { for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> it = attachments .entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry<String, String> entry = it.next(); String cid = entry.getKey(); String filePath = entry.getValue(); if (null == cid || null == filePath) { throw new RuntimeException("请确认每个附件的ID和地址是否齐全!"); } File file = new File(filePath); if (!file.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException("附件" + filePath + "不存在!"); } FileSystemResource fileResource = new FileSystemResource(file); messageHelper.addAttachment(cid, fileResource); } } Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); // 将这个参数设为true,让服务器进行认证,认证用户名和密码是否正确 prop.put("mail.smtp.timeout", "25000"); // 添加验证 MyAuthenticator auth = new MyAuthenticator(emailUserName, emailPassword); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(prop, auth); senderImpl.setSession(session); // 发送邮件 senderImpl.send(mailMessage); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { MailUtil mu = new MailUtil(); // test1(mu); // test2(mu); // test3(mu); // test4(mu); // test5(mu); test6(mu); } public static void test1(MailUtil mu) throws Exception { String toEmails = "[email protected]"; String subject = "第一封,简单文本邮件"; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("我相信天上不会掉馅饼"); String content = builder.toString(); mu.setToEmails(toEmails); mu.setSubject(subject); mu.setContent(content); mu.sendEmail(); } public static void test2(MailUtil mu) throws Exception { String toEmails = "[email protected]"; String subject = "第二封,HTML邮件"; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("<html><body>老婆:<br />我是你的老公吗?<br />是的,是很久了。<br /></body></html>"); String content = builder.toString(); mu.setToEmails(toEmails); mu.setSubject(subject); mu.setContent(content); mu.sendEmail(); } public static void test3(MailUtil mu) throws Exception { String toEmails = "[email protected]"; String subject = "第三封,图片邮件"; Map<String, String> pictures = new HashMap<String, String>(); pictures.put("d1", "D:/work/download/d1.jpg"); pictures.put("d2", "D:/work/download/测试图片2.jpg"); pictures.put("d3", "D:/work/download/d3.jpg"); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("<html><body>看看下面的图,你会知道花儿为什么是这样红的:<br />"); builder.append("<img src=\"cid:d1\" /><br />"); builder.append("<img src=\"cid:d2\" /><br />"); builder.append("<img src=\"cid:d3\" /><br />"); builder.append("</body></html>"); String content = builder.toString(); mu.setToEmails(toEmails); mu.setSubject(subject); mu.setContent(content); mu.setPictures(pictures); mu.sendEmail(); } public static void test4(MailUtil mu) throws Exception { String toEmails = "[email protected]"; String subject = "第四封,附件邮件"; Map<String, String> attachments = new HashMap<String, String>(); attachments.put("d1.jar", "D:/work/download/activation.jar"); attachments.put("d2.doc", "C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/桌面/Java设计模式.doc"); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("<html><body>看看附件中的资料,你会知道世界为什么是平的。</body></html>"); String content = builder.toString(); mu.setToEmails(toEmails); mu.setSubject(subject); mu.setContent(content); mu.setAttachments(attachments); mu.sendEmail(); } public static void test5(MailUtil mu) throws Exception { String toEmails = "[email protected]"; String subject = "第五封,综合邮件"; Map<String, String> attachments = new HashMap<String, String>(); attachments.put("d1.jar", "D:/work/download/activation.jar"); attachments.put("d2.doc", "C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/桌面/Java设计模式.doc"); Map<String, String> pictures = new HashMap<String, String>(); pictures.put("d1", "D:/work/download/d1.jpg"); pictures.put("d2", "D:/work/download/测试图片2.jpg"); pictures.put("d3", "D:/work/download/d3.jpg"); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("<html><body>看看附件中的资料,你会知道世界为什么是平的。<br />"); builder.append("看看下面的图,你会知道花儿为什么是这样红的:<br />"); builder.append("<img src=\"cid:d1\" /><br />"); builder.append("<img src=\"cid:d2\" /><br />"); builder.append("<img src=\"cid:d3\" /><br />"); builder.append("</body></html>"); String content = builder.toString(); mu.setToEmails(toEmails); mu.setSubject(subject); mu.setContent(content); mu.setPictures(pictures); mu.setAttachments(attachments); mu.sendEmail(); } public static void test6(MailUtil mu) throws Exception { String toEmails = "[email protected];[email protected]"; String subject = "第五封,群发邮件"; Map<String, String> attachments = new HashMap<String, String>(); attachments.put("d1.jar", "D:/work/download/activation.jar"); attachments.put("d2.doc", "C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/桌面/Java设计模式.doc"); Map<String, String> pictures = new HashMap<String, String>(); pictures.put("d1", "D:/work/download/d1.jpg"); pictures.put("d2", "D:/work/download/测试图片2.jpg"); pictures.put("d3", "D:/work/download/d3.jpg"); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("<html><body>看看附件中的资料,你会知道世界为什么是平的。<br />"); builder.append("看看下面的图,你会知道花儿为什么是这样红的:<br />"); builder.append("<img src=\"cid:d1\" /><br />"); builder.append("<img src=\"cid:d2\" /><br />"); builder.append("<img src=\"cid:d3\" /><br />"); builder.append("</body></html>"); String content = builder.toString(); mu.setToEmails(toEmails); mu.setSubject(subject); mu.setContent(content); mu.setPictures(pictures); mu.setAttachments(attachments); mu.sendEmail(); } }
/** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-8 下午2:48:25 */ package com.embest.ruisystem.util; import javax.mail.Authenticator; import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication; /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-8 下午2:48:25 */ public class MyAuthenticator extends Authenticator { private String username; private String password; /** * * @author geloin * @date 2012-5-8 下午2:48:53 * @param username * @param password */ public MyAuthenticator(String username, String password) { super(); this.username = username; this.password = password; } protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() { return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password); } }
DataUtil.objToStr(String str)方法的主要作用是判断str是否为null或空字符串,若是,则返回空字符串,否则返回str.trim()。