


1、  How did you come to choose your degree/discipline

2、  Why did you come to this cllege/university

3、  What do you like most/least about your subject

4、  What class of degree do you anticipate gaining Why

5、  How will your studies relate to your work

6、  How have your studies been funded

7、  Tell me about any project work you have undertaken

8、  What is your strongest/weakest subject Why?

9、  What have you contributed to the university?

10、              What have you enjoyed most at university?

11、              How does the approach to your subject at this college differ form that of other establishments

12、              What recent developments in your discipline have taken your interest recently



13、              Tell me about your career aspirations

14、              Where do you see yourself in 5/10 years time

15、              What attracted you to this industry/sector

16、              How will your studies support your career ?( Note This is a very likely question if for example you are a geographer who wants to be an accountant or a physicist who wants to go into personnel

17、              What are you looking for in a career

18、              Describe your ideal employer

19、              What are you looking for in a job

20、              What plants do you have to gain further qualifications

21、              Why are you interested in management

22、              Tell me something xbout your ambitions



23、              Why did you apply to us

24、              How much do you know about our organization

25、              Do you know anyone who works for us

26、              What aspect of your training are you looking forward to most

27、              Why should we select you

28、              What do you think you have to offer?

29、              Where are you prepared to work

30、              What do you suppose are the main problems and opportunities facing our organization/industry/sector at this time

31、              Given your career plans how long will you stay with our organization



32、              How would you describe yourself Can you give me some examples from your life to    support your statements

33、              How would your friends describe you

34、              How would your tutor describe you?

35、              What are your strengths?

36、              What are your weaknesses?

37、              What do you look for in a good manager what sort of manager do you think you will make

38、              What are your interests outside your studies?

39、              How to you spend your spare time?

40、              How do you spend your vacations?

41、              What newspaper do you read?

42、              What have you read recently that has taken your interest?

43、              On what does most of yours disposable income go?

44、              How have your interests changed since coming up to university?

45、              What motivates you?

46、              Tell my about your sport activities.

47、              Besides your degree, what else do you feel you have gained from university?

48、              In what societies are you active?

49、              What positions of responsibility do you hold?

50、              What will you remember most about your college days apart from your studies?



51、              tell me a little about your family

52、              what do your parents think about your chosen career?

53、              What will you do if we do not take you?

54、              What other companies have your applied to?
