

dyArray的c实现参考这里点击打开链接  hashTable的c实现参考这里点击打开链接


//  cpPlatform.h
//  dataStruct
//  Created by hherima on 14-7-29.
//  Copyright (c) 2014年 . All rights reserved.

#ifndef dataStruct_cpPlatform_h
#define dataStruct_cpPlatform_h

    CP_FALSE  =   0,
    CP_TRUE    =  !CP_FALSE

#define  F_MALLOC_TYPE(s) (s*)f_malloc(sizeof(s))
#define  FREEFUN free
#define  MIN_PRE_ALLOCATE_SIZE 10  //The initial size of the dynamic array.
#define  MEMSETFUN      memset
#define  REALLOCFUN     realloc
#define  MALLOCFUN      malloc
#define  MEMCMPFUN      memcmp
#define  MEMCPYFUN      memcpy

typedef unsigned char cp_bool;
typedef signed int cp_int32;
typedef char cp_int8;
typedef unsigned int cp_uint32;


//  treeStruct.h
//  dataStruct
//  Created by hherima on 14-8-1.
//  Copyright (c) 2014年 . All rights reserved.

#ifndef dataStruct_treeStruct_h
#define dataStruct_treeStruct_h

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cpPlatform.h"
#include "dyArray.h"

struct firstnode;
struct secondnode;
struct tree;

enum nodetype	//tree节点类型

struct firstnode
    void**  pfirst;
    struct DynamicArray *second_array;
    void *puiData;
    cp_bool flag_expand;    //标志该组是否展开

struct TreeNode
    enum nodetype pnode_t;         //用来记录该节点为first或者是second
    void *nodedata;        //该指针实际应该为firstnode或者secondnode,应根据nodetype强转加以使用

    struct tree
        /*struct Iterator_trees_fromcur_skipmode */void *piterator_fromcur_skipmode;
        /*struct Iterator_trees_fromhead_skipmode*/void *piterator_fromhead_skipmode;
        /*struct Iterator_trees_fromhead_holemode*/void *piterator_fromhead_holemode;
        /*struct Iterator_trees_fromcur_holemode*/void *piterator_fromcur_holemode;
        /*struct Iterator_trees_fromcur_first*/void *piterator_fromcur_first;
        /*struct Iterator_trees_fromhead_first*/void *piterator_fromhead_first;
        /*struct Iterator_trees_fromcur_skipmode_wm*/void *piterator_fromcur_skipmode_wm;
        /*struct Iterator_trees_fromcur_holdmode_wm*/void *piterator_fromcur_holemode_wm;
        /*struct Iterator_trees_fromcur_first_wm*/void *piterator_fromcur_first_wm;
        struct DynamicArray *first_array;
        cp_int32 firstIndex;  //该second所在组在整个组动态数组中的index
        cp_int32 secondIndex; //该second所在second动态数组中的index
        void * pCursorfirstNode;
        void * pCursorsecondNode;
    enum travmode	//遍历模式
        skipModeFlag,	//跳跃闭合组模式
        wholeModeFlag,	//全节点遍历模式(不区分闭合组)
    cp_bool  create_first_array(struct tree *c_tree,DataDestroyFunc data_destroy);
    cp_bool  create_second_array(struct firstnode *first_node,DataDestroyFunc data_destroy);
    cp_bool	append_first_ele(struct tree *c_tree, struct firstnode *first_node);
    cp_bool	append_second_ele(struct firstnode *first_node, struct secondnode *second_node);
    cp_bool	insert_first_ele(struct tree *c_tree, struct firstnode *first_node, cp_int32 insert_pos);
    cp_bool	insert_second_ele(struct firstnode *first_node, struct secondnode *second_node, cp_int32 insert_pos);
    cp_bool ThisIsSelectedNode(struct tree *theTree, void *pNode);
    void *get_focus_first(struct tree *theTree);


//  treeStruct.c
//  dataStruct
//  Created by hherima on 14-8-1.
//  Copyright (c) 2014年 . All rights reserved.
#include "treeStruct.h"

cp_bool  create_first_array(struct tree *c_tree,DataDestroyFunc data_destroy)
    if( c_tree == NULL )
        return CP_FALSE;
    c_tree->first_array = DyArrayCreate(data_destroy);
    if(c_tree->first_array == NULL)
        return CP_FALSE;
        return CP_TRUE;

cp_bool create_second_array(struct firstnode *first_node,DataDestroyFunc data_destroy)
    if(first_node == NULL)
        return CP_FALSE;
    first_node->second_array = DyArrayCreate(data_destroy);
    if(first_node->second_array == NULL)
        return CP_FALSE;
        return CP_TRUE;

cp_bool    append_first_ele( struct tree *c_tree, struct firstnode *first_node )
    if( c_tree == NULL || first_node == NULL)
        return CP_FALSE;
    if( !DyArrayAppend(c_tree->first_array, first_node) )
        return CP_FALSE;
        return CP_TRUE;

cp_bool    append_second_ele(struct firstnode *first_node, struct secondnode *second_node)
    if( first_node == NULL || second_node == NULL)
        return CP_FALSE;
    if( !DyArrayAppend(first_node->second_array, second_node))
        return CP_FALSE;
        return CP_TRUE;

cp_bool    insert_first_ele(struct tree *c_tree, struct firstnode *first_node, cp_int32 insert_pos)
    if( first_node == NULL || c_tree == NULL)
        return CP_FALSE;
    if(!DyArrayInsert(c_tree->first_array, insert_pos, first_node))
        return CP_FALSE;
        return CP_TRUE;

cp_bool    insert_second_ele(struct firstnode *first_node, struct secondnode *second_node, cp_int32 insert_pos)
    if( first_node == NULL || second_node == NULL)
        return CP_FALSE;
    if(!DyArrayInsert(first_node->second_array, insert_pos, second_node))
        return CP_FALSE;
        return CP_TRUE;

void traversal_tree(struct tree *theTree)
    cp_int32 i = 0, j = 0;
    cp_int32 first_num = 0, second_num = 0;
    struct firstnode *pcurfirst;
    struct secondnode *pcursecond;
    first_num = theTree->first_array->m_nSize;
    while(i < first_num)
        pcurfirst = (struct firstnode*)(theTree->first_array->m_ppData[i++]);
        // visit(pcurfirst);
        j = 0;
        second_num = pcurfirst->second_array->m_nSize;
        while(j < second_num)
            pcursecond = (struct secondnode*)(pcurfirst->second_array->m_ppData[j++]);
            // visit(pcursecond);

void traversal_firstnode(struct tree *theTree)
    cp_int32 i = 0;
    cp_int32 first_num = 0;
    struct firstnode *pcurfirst;
    first_num = theTree->first_array->m_nSize;
    while(i < first_num)
        pcurfirst = (struct firstnode*)(theTree->first_array->m_ppData[i++]);
        // visit(pcurfirst);

cp_bool ThisIsSelectedNode(struct tree *theTree, void *pNode)
	if(theTree->secondIndex == -1)
		if(theTree->first_array->m_ppData[theTree->firstIndex] == pNode)
			return CP_TRUE;
			return CP_FALSE;
		struct firstnode *first_node = NULL;
		first_node = theTree->first_array->m_ppData[theTree->firstIndex];
		if(first_node->second_array->m_ppData[theTree->secondIndex] == pNode)
			return CP_TRUE;
			return CP_FALSE;

void *get_focus_first(struct tree *theTree)
	if(theTree == NULL)
		return NULL;
	if(theTree->first_array == NULL)
		return NULL;
	return theTree->first_array->m_ppData[theTree->firstIndex];
