Google C++ Coding Style:右值引用(Rvalue Reference)

右值引用是一个C++11特性,标记为T&&。GSG中定义:只为移动建构函数(Move constructor)和移动赋值操作(Move assignment)使用右值引用。并且不要使用std::Forward(提供的完美转发特性)。

C++中右值指表达式结束时就不再存的临时对象。在C++11中,右值分为纯右值(即原始字面量,表达式产生的临时变量等),以及一个将亡值(expiring value, 使用<<深入应用C++11>>中的译法,指的是与右值引用相关的表达式,如将被移动的对象,T&&函数返回值等)。

以函数返回值表达不出右值引用的威力,因为编译的本身的优化会解决不必要的对象复制操作。而作为函数参数,如果使用const T&之类的形式也能够有效避免不必要的对象拷贝。这里特别以与标准容器配合,体现一下,右值引用最大的价值:避免深拷贝。

// 下面一个完整提供了Move Constructor和Move assignment的类。
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <string.h>

class Foo {
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
    char* strPtr = nullptr;
    Foo() {
        std::cout << "Constructor was called." << std::endl;

    Foo(const char* s) {
        std::cout << "Constructor with string:" << s << std::endl;
        if (s != nullptr) {
          strPtr = new char[strlen(s)];
          strcpy(strPtr, s);

    // Copy constructor
    Foo(const Foo& a) : x(a.x),
                        y(a.y) {
        // Deep copy
        std::cout << "Copy constructor was called." << std::endl;

    // Move constructor, no need copy string in deep.
    Foo(Foo&& a) : x(a.x),
                   strPtr(a.strPtr) {
        a.strPtr = nullptr;  // 注意要清掉之前的字串,这样才是移动。
        std::cout << "Move constructor was called." << std::endl;

    Foo& operator=(const Foo& a) {
        x = a.x;
        y = a.y;
        std::cout << "Assignment Operator was called." << std::endl;

    ~Foo() {
        if (strPtr != nullptr) {
            std::cout << "Free allocated string:" << strPtr << std::endl;
            delete strPtr;
        std:: cout << "Deconstructor was called." << std::endl;

    void copyStringValue(const char* s) {
        if (strPtr != nullptr) {
            delete strPtr;
            strPtr = nullptr;

        if (s != nullptr) {
            strPtr = new char[strlen(s)];
            strcpy(strPtr, s);

int main(void) {
      std::cout << "Need to clear string twice:" << std::endl;
      std::vector<Foo> myVec;
      Foo a("Instance A");

    std::cout << "============" << std::endl;

      std::cout << "Only need to clear string one time:" << std::endl;
      std::vector<Foo> myVec;
      Foo c("Instance C");

    std::cout << "============" << std::endl;
        Foo d("Instance D");
        Foo x = d;

    std::cout << "============" << std::endl;
        Foo e("Instance E");
        Foo&& y = std::move(e);


Need to clear string twice:
Constructor with string:Instance A
Copy constructor was called. Free allocated string:Instance A
Deconstructor was called.
Free allocated string:Instance A
Deconstructor was called.
Only need to clear string one time:
Constructor with string:Instance C
Move constructor was called. Deconstructor was called. Free allocated string:Instance C
Deconstructor was called.
Constructor with string:Instance D
Copy constructor was called. Free allocated string:Instance D
Deconstructor was called.
Free allocated string:Instance D
Deconstructor was called.
Constructor with string:Instance E
Free allocated string:Instance E
Deconstructor was called.

但是考虑到右值引用中的引用折叠(reference collapsing)会引入一些复杂度(左右值的转换规则),造成理解上的问题,所以将右值引用的应用范围做了如开篇所说的限定。

在实际应用中,会出现没有直接定义类型的右值引用,被称为universal reference,需要进行类型推导。另一种情况是使用auto &&定义的也是universal reference。

关于std::forward,它被称为完美转发(Perfect Forwarding)。要解决的问题是在函数模板中,完全依照模板的参数的类型,保持参数的左值,右值特征),将参数传递给函数模板中调用的另一个函数(转自<<深入应用C++11>>)。根据这个定义,完美转发仅针对需要调用内部实现的模板函数,而且需要开发者识别出哪些情况是有效的,而哪些情况下又是无效的。比如适用的场景:

template<class T>
void foo(T&& arg) 
  // 如下保持arg的类型传入到bar()中

但如果内部函数无需要针对左值或右值做特殊处理,这种场景是不需要转发的。参考:When not to use std::forward。
