maven 中使用jetty原始文章

maven 中使用jetty原始文章

Apache Wicket
Maven Jetty plugin
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Added by Martin Funk, last edited by Adam Mathias Bittlingmayer on Jan 09, 2008  ( view change)
Table of contents
  • Using the Maven Jetty plugin
    • Configuring HowTo
    • Running
    • Running the webapp in debug mode using Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA)
      • Using maven command line:
      • Using eclipse external tools:
    • Attaching to the server running in debug mode, using eclipse:

Using the Maven Jetty plugin

This note is to describe the above plugin. which will run your web application in an embedded Jetty6 instance by just
typing "mvn jetty:run" - No need to download or install Jetty manually, it's all automatic once the Maven project
descriptor's set up (the pom.xml)

Configuring HowTo

Add the following to the <build><plugins> block of your projects pom.xml






In order to run Jetty on a webapp project which is structured according to the usual Maven defaults, you don't need to configure anything.

Simply type:

mvn jetty:run

Due to a bug in maven or the maven-jetty-plugin this only works if no jetty artifact is present in the dependencies section of the pom.xml file. This is the case for wicket-quickstart, wicket-examples and wicket-threadtest. So the tips given here can't be applied to those projects.

Running the webapp in debug mode using Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA)

Using maven command line:

I couldn't find a command line reference for maven2, but the one given for maven1 still aplies for the feature used here:

First set MAVEN_OPTS environment variable with the following command:

export MAVEN_OPTS='-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=4000,server=y,suspend=y'

After setting this property, run "maven jetty:run" and it will block, waiting for a debug connection. If "suspend=n" is set, it will start right away.

Using eclipse external tools:

Running Eclipse Open "Run --> External Tools --> External Tools... --> Program". Press "New launch configuration". On the "Main" tab, fill in the "Location:" as the full path to your "mvn" executable. For the "Working Directory:" select the workspace that matches your webapp. For "Arguments:" add jetty:run.

Move to the "Environment" tab and click the "New" button to add two new variables:

name value
MAVEN_OPTS -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=4000,server=y,suspend=y
JAVA_HOME Path to your java executable

As above the jvm will start right away when "suspend=n" is set.

Attaching to the server running in debug mode, using eclipse:

Running Eclipse Open "Run --> Debug... --> Remote Java Application". Press "New launch configuration". Fill in the dialog by selecting your webapp project for the "Project:" field, and ensure you are using the same port number as you specified in the address= property above.

Now all you need to do is Run/Debug and select the name of the debug setup you setup above.

This article is a gathering of information, credits need to be given to the authors of the pages behind the given links.


 选择菜单Run->External Tools->External Tools ...在左边选择Program,再点New:
 选择Working Directory为本项目。
 -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8080,server=y,suspend=y
 其中,如果suspend=n 表示不调试,直接运行。address=8080为端口
 选中左树中的Remote Java Application,再点New。

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