Determining Object Granularity 决定对象的粒度

Objects can vary  tremendously in size and number. They canrepresent everything down to the hardware or all the way up toentire applications. How do we decide what should be an object?


Design patterns address this issue as well.The Facade (208) pattern describes how to represent complete subsystems asobjects, and the Flyweight (218) pattern describes how to support huge numbers ofobjects at the finest granularities.Other design patterns describe specificways of decomposing an object into smaller objects. Abstract Factory (99) and Builder(110) yield objects whose only

responsibilities are creating otherobjects. Visitor (366) and Command (263) yield objects whose only responsibilities are toimplement a request on another objector group of objects.


Specifying Object Interfaces 指定对象接口

Every operation declared by an objectspecifies the operation's name, the objects it takes as parameters, and the operation'sreturn value. This is known as the operation's signature. The set of allsignatures defined by an object's operations is called the interface to the object. Anobject's interface characterizes the complete set of requests that can be sentto the object. Any request that matches

a signature in the object's interface maybe sent to the object.



A type is a name used to denote aparticular interface. We speak of an object as having the type "Window" if itaccepts all requests for the operations defined in the interface named "Window."An object may have many types, and widely different

objects can share a type. Part of anobject's interface may be characterized by one type, and other parts by other types.Two objects of the same type need only share parts of their interfaces. Interfacescan contain other interfaces as subsets.We say that a type is a subtype of anotherif its interface contains the interfaceof its supertype. Often we speak of asubtype inheriting the interface of its



Interfaces are fundamental inobject-oriented systems. Objects are known only through their interfaces. There is no wayto know anything about an object or to ask it to do anything without goingthrough its interface. An object's interface says nothing about itsimplementation—different objects are free to implement requests differently. That means twoobjects having completely different implementations can have identicalinterfaces.


When a request is sent to an object, theparticular operation that's performed depends on both the request and thereceiving object. Different objects that support identical requests may havedifferent implementations of the operations

that fulfill these requests. The run-timeassociation of a request to an object and one of its operations is known asdynamic binding.


Dynamic binding means that issuing arequest doesn't commit you to a particular implementation until run-time.Consequently, you can write programs that expect an object with a particular interface,knowing that any object that has the correctinterface will accept the request.Moreover, dynamic binding lets you substitute objects that have identical interfaces foreach other at run-time. This

substitutability is known as polymorphism,and it's a key concept in object-oriented systems. It lets a clientobject make few assumptions about other objects beyond supporting a particularinterface. Polymorphism simplifies the definitions of clients, decouples objectsfrom each other, and lets them varytheir relationships to each other atrun-time.


Design patterns help you define interfacesby identifying their key elements and the kinds of data that get sent across aninterface. A design pattern might also tell you what not to put in the interface.The Memento (316) pattern is a good example. It describes how to encapsulateand save the internal state of an object so that the object can be restored to thatstate later. The pattern stipulates

that Memento objects must define twointerfaces: a restricted one that lets clients hold and copy mementos, and a privilegedone that only the original object can use to store and retrieve state in thememento.


Design patterns also specify relationshipsbetween interfaces. In particular, they often require some classes to havesimilar interfaces, or they place constraints on the interfaces of someclasses. For example, both Decorator (196)and Proxy (233) require the interfaces ofDecorator and Proxy objects to be identical to the decorated and proxiedobjects. In Visitor (366), the Visitor interface must reflect all classes ofobjects that visitors can visit.



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