java如何读取excel中自制的统计图表,然后将读到的图表生成 png格式的图片???
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public static List<MyPictureData> getAllPictures(HSSFWorkbook workbook) { List<MyPictureData> list = new ArrayList<MyPictureData>(); List<HSSFPictureData> pictureList = workbook.getAllPictures(); List<ClientAnchorInfo> clientAnchorRecords = getClientAnchorRecords(workbook); if (pictureList.size() != clientAnchorRecords.size()) { throw new RuntimeException("解析文件中的图片信息出错,找到的图片数量和图片位置信息数量不匹配"); } for (int i = 0; i < pictureList.size(); i++) { HSSFPictureData pictureData = pictureList.get(i); ClientAnchorInfo anchor = clientAnchorRecords.get(i); HSSFSheet sheet = anchor.sheet; EscherClientAnchorRecord clientAnchorRecord = anchor.clientAnchorRecord; list.add(new MyPictureData(workbook, sheet, pictureData, clientAnchorRecord)); } return list ; } private static class ClientAnchorInfo { public HSSFSheet sheet; public EscherClientAnchorRecord clientAnchorRecord; public ClientAnchorInfo(HSSFSheet sheet, EscherClientAnchorRecord clientAnchorRecord) { super(); this.sheet = sheet; this.clientAnchorRecord = clientAnchorRecord; } } private static List<ClientAnchorInfo> getClientAnchorRecords(HSSFWorkbook workbook) { List<ClientAnchorInfo> list = new ArrayList<ClientAnchorInfo>(); EscherAggregate drawingAggregate = null; HSSFSheet sheet = null; List<EscherRecord> recordList = null; Iterator<EscherRecord> recordIter = null; int numSheets = workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); for(int i = 0; i < numSheets; i++) { sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(i); drawingAggregate = sheet.getDrawingEscherAggregate(); if(drawingAggregate != null) { recordList = drawingAggregate.getEscherRecords(); recordIter = recordList.iterator(); while(recordIter.hasNext()) { getClientAnchorRecords(sheet,, 1, list); } } } return list; } private static void getClientAnchorRecords(HSSFSheet sheet, EscherRecord escherRecord, int level, List<ClientAnchorInfo> list) { List<EscherRecord> recordList = null; Iterator<EscherRecord> recordIter = null; EscherRecord childRecord = null; recordList = escherRecord.getChildRecords(); recordIter = recordList.iterator(); while(recordIter.hasNext()) { childRecord =; if(childRecord instanceof EscherClientAnchorRecord) { ClientAnchorInfo e = new ClientAnchorInfo(sheet, (EscherClientAnchorRecord) childRecord); list.add(e); } if(childRecord.getChildRecords().size() > 0) { getClientAnchorRecords(sheet, childRecord, level+1, list); } } }
package com.ultrapower.imonitor.emcc.dao.utils; import org.apache.poi.ddf.EscherClientAnchorRecord; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPictureData; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; public class MyPictureData { private final HSSFWorkbook workbook; private final HSSFSheet sheet; private final HSSFPictureData pictureData; private final EscherClientAnchorRecord clientAnchor; public MyPictureData(HSSFWorkbook workbook, HSSFSheet sheet, HSSFPictureData pictureData, EscherClientAnchorRecord clientAnchor) { this.workbook = workbook; this.sheet = sheet; this.pictureData = pictureData; this.clientAnchor = clientAnchor; } public HSSFWorkbook getWorkbook() { return workbook; } public HSSFSheet getSheet() { return sheet; } public EscherClientAnchorRecord getClientAnchor() { return clientAnchor; } public HSSFPictureData getPictureData() { return pictureData; } public byte[] getData() { return pictureData.getData(); } public String suggestFileExtension() { return pictureData.suggestFileExtension(); } /** * 推测图片中心所覆盖的单元格,这个值不一定准确,但通常有效 * * @return the row0 */ public short getRow0() { int row1 = getRow1(); int row2 = getRow2(); if (row1 == row2) { return (short) row1; } int heights[] = new int[row2-row1+1]; for (int i = 0; i < heights.length; i++) { heights[i] = getRowHeight(row1 + i); } // HSSFClientAnchor 中 dx 只能在 0-1023 之间,dy 只能在 0-255 之间 // 表示相对位置的比率,不是绝对值 int dy1 = getDy1() * heights[0] / 255; int dy2 = getDy2() * heights[heights.length-1] / 255; return (short) (getCenter(heights, dy1, dy2) + row1); } private short getRowHeight(int rowIndex) { HSSFRow row = sheet.getRow(rowIndex); short h = row == null? sheet.getDefaultRowHeight() : row.getHeight(); return h; } /** * 推测图片中心所覆盖的单元格,这个值不一定准确,但通常有效 * * @return the col0 */ public short getCol0() { short col1 = getCol1(); short col2 = getCol2(); if (col1 == col2) { return col1; } int widths[] = new int[col2-col1+1]; for (int i = 0; i < widths.length; i++) { widths[i] = sheet.getColumnWidth(col1 + i); } // HSSFClientAnchor 中 dx 只能在 0-1023 之间,dy 只能在 0-255 之间 // 表示相对位置的比率,不是绝对值 int dx1 = getDx1() * widths[0] / 1023; int dx2 = getDx2() * widths[widths.length-1] / 1023; return (short) (getCenter(widths, dx1, dx2) + col1); } /** * 给定各线段的长度,以及起点相对于起点段的偏移量,终点相对于终点段的偏移量, * 求中心点所在的线段 * * @param a the a 各线段的长度 * @param d1 the d1 起点相对于起点段 * @param d2 the d2 终点相对于终点段的偏移量 * * @return the center */ protected static int getCenter(int[] a, int d1, int d2) { // 线段长度 int width = a[0] - d1 + d2; for (int i = 1; i < a.length-1; i++) { width += a[i]; } // 中心点位置 int c = width / 2 + d1; int x = a[0]; int cno = 0; while (c > x) { x += a[cno]; cno++; } return cno; } /** * 左上角所在列 * * @return the col1 */ public short getCol1() { return clientAnchor.getCol1(); } /** * 右下角所在的列 * * @return the col2 */ public short getCol2() { return clientAnchor.getCol2(); } /** * 左上角的相对偏移量 * * @return the dx1 */ public short getDx1() { return clientAnchor.getDx1(); } /** * 右下角的相对偏移量 * * @return the dx2 */ public short getDx2() { return clientAnchor.getDx2(); } /** * 左上角的相对偏移量 * * @return the dy1 */ public short getDy1() { return clientAnchor.getDy1(); } /** * 右下角的相对偏移量 * * @return the dy2 */ public short getDy2() { return clientAnchor.getDy2(); } /** * 左上角所在的行 * * @return the row1 */ public short getRow1() { return clientAnchor.getRow1(); } /** * 右下角所在的行 * * @return the row2 */ public short getRow2() { return clientAnchor.getRow2(); } }