C++实现Structural - Bridge模式



C++实现Structural - Bridge模式_第1张图片 









// 抽象的坦克

class Tank



         virtual void shot() = 0;        // 射击

         virtual void run() = 0;          // 行进

         virtual void turn() = 0;         // 转向



// 不同型号的坦克

class T50 : public Tank





class T75 : public Tank





class T90 : public Tank







// PC机上的各型号坦克的实现

class PCT50 : public T50





class PCT75 : public T75





class PCT90 : public T90





// 手机上的各型号坦克的实现

class MobileT50 : public T50





class MobileT75 : public T75





class MobileT90 : public T90





这样以来就有会产生如上6leaf或者terminal 类。





“Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.” – GoF



C++实现Structural - Bridge模式_第2张图片 

另外一个被广泛用来说明Bridge设计模式的例子,就是GoF原著《Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software》中讲到的在不同的图形系统下绘图的情况。



// Bridge.h

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <memory>

using namespace std;


class PlatformImplementor;


class Tank



         auto_ptr<PlatformImplementor> pli;



         Tank(auto_ptr<PlatformImplementor> plim)  // plim不能与pli相同,因为如果相同,那么pli = plim;就必须写成:

         {                                                                               // this->pli = pli;

                   pli = plim;                                                     // 而这会导致pli不知所指,这或许算是VS2005的一个bug        


         virtual string shot() = 0;

         virtual string run() = 0;

         virtual string turn() = 0;



         virtual ~Tank()


                   cout << "in the destructor of Tank..." << endl;




class PlatformImplementor



         virtual string draw_tank() = 0;

         virtual string move_tank() = 0;

         virtual string do_shot() = 0;

         virtual string turn() = 0;



         virtual ~PlatformImplementor()


                   cout << "in the destructor of PlatformImplementor..." << endl;



// -------------------------------

class T50 : public Tank



         T50(auto_ptr<PlatformImplementor> plim) : Tank(plim)


                   string tmp_str = pli->draw_tank();

                   cout << "T50 - " << tmp_str << endl;



         string run()


                   return "T50 - " + pli->move_tank();



         string shot()


                   return "T50 - " + pli->do_shot();



         string turn()


                   return "T50 - " + pli->turn();





                   cout << "in the destructor of T50..." << endl;




class T75 : public Tank



         T75(auto_ptr<PlatformImplementor> plim) : Tank(plim)


                   string tmp_str = pli->draw_tank();

                   cout << "T75 - " << tmp_str << endl;



         string run()


                   return "T75 - " + pli->move_tank();



         string shot()


                   return "T75 - " + pli->do_shot();



         string turn()


                   return "T75 - " + pli->turn();





                   cout << "in the destructor of T75..." << endl;




class T90 : public Tank



         T90(auto_ptr<PlatformImplementor> plim) : Tank(plim)


                   string tmp_str = pli->draw_tank();

                   cout << "T90 - " << tmp_str << endl;



         string run()


                   return "T90 - " + pli->move_tank();



         string shot()


                   return "T90 - " + pli->do_shot();



         string turn()


                   return "T90 - " + pli->turn();





                   cout << "in the destructor of T90..." << endl;



// --------------------------

class PCPlatformImplementor : public PlatformImplementor



         string draw_tank()


                   return "PC platform: Draw a tank";     // 假定在这里画坦克



         string move_tank()


                   return "PC platform: Move a tank";     // 假定在这里移动坦克



         string do_shot()


                   return "PC platform: Fire the target";           // 假定在这里坦克开火



         string turn()


                   return "PC platform: Turn direction";           // 假定在这里坦克转弯






                   cout << "in the destructor of PCPlatformImplementor..." << endl;




class MobilePlatformImplementor : public PlatformImplementor



         string draw_tank()


                   return "Mobile platform: Draw a tank";



         string move_tank()


                   return "Mobile platform: Move a tank";



         string do_shot()


                   return "Mobile platform: Fire the target";



         string turn()


                   return "Mobile platform: Turn direction";






                   cout << "in the destructor of MobilePlatformImplementor..." << endl;




// 测试代码:Bridge.cpp

#include "Bridge.h"


int main(int argc, char **argv)


         auto_ptr<PlatformImplementor> pc_pli1(new PCPlatformImplementor);


         T50 *pc_T50 = new T50(pc_pli1);

         cout << pc_T50->turn() << endl;

         cout << pc_T50->shot() << endl;

         cout << pc_T50->turn() << endl;

         // 由于auto_ptr的特性,pc_pli1到此已经无所指向,详见Tank类的构造函数

         delete pc_T50;


         cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl;


         auto_ptr<PlatformImplementor> pc_pli2(new PCPlatformImplementor);


         T75 *pc_T75 = new T75(pc_pli2);

         cout << pc_T75->turn() << endl;

         cout << pc_T75->shot() << endl;

         cout << pc_T75->turn() << endl;

         // 由于auto_ptr的特性,pc_pli2到此已经无所指向,详见Tank类的构造函数

         delete pc_T75;


         cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl;


         auto_ptr<PlatformImplementor> pc_pli3(new PCPlatformImplementor);


         T90 *pc_T90 = new T90(pc_pli3);

         cout << pc_T90->turn() << endl;

         cout << pc_T90->shot() << endl;

         cout << pc_T90->turn() << endl;

         // 由于auto_ptr的特性,pc_pli3到此已经无所指向,详见Tank类的构造函数

         delete pc_T90;


         cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl;


         auto_ptr<PlatformImplementor> mo_pli1(new MobilePlatformImplementor);

         T50 *mo_T50 = new T50(mo_pli1);

         cout << mo_T50->turn() << endl;

         cout << mo_T50->shot() << endl;

         cout << mo_T50->turn() << endl;

         // 由于auto_ptr的特性,mo_pli1到此已经无所指向

         delete mo_T50;


         cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl;


         auto_ptr<PlatformImplementor> mo_pli2(new MobilePlatformImplementor);

         T75 *mo_T75 = new T75(mo_pli2);

         cout << mo_T75->turn() << endl;

         cout << mo_T75->shot() << endl;

         cout << mo_T75->turn() << endl;

         // 由于auto_ptr的特性,mo_pli2到此已经无所指向

         delete mo_T75;


         cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl;


         auto_ptr<PlatformImplementor> mo_pli3(new MobilePlatformImplementor);

         T90 *mo_T90 = new T90(mo_pli3);

         cout << mo_T90->turn() << endl;

         cout << mo_T90->shot() << endl;

         cout << mo_T90->turn() << endl;

         // 由于auto_ptr的特性,mo_pli3到此已经无所指向,详见Tank类的构造函数

         delete mo_T90;


         return 0;




T50 - PC platform: Draw a tank

T50 - PC platform: Turn direction

T50 - PC platform: Fire the target

T50 - PC platform: Turn direction

in the destructor of T50...

in the destructor of Tank...

in the destructor of PCPlatformImplementor...

in the destructor of PlatformImplementor...


T75 - PC platform: Draw a tank

T75 - PC platform: Turn direction

T75 - PC platform: Fire the target

T75 - PC platform: Turn direction

in the destructor of T75...

in the destructor of Tank...

in the destructor of PCPlatformImplementor...

in the destructor of PlatformImplementor...


T90 - PC platform: Draw a tank

T90 - PC platform: Turn direction

T90 - PC platform: Fire the target

T90 - PC platform: Turn direction

in the destructor of T90...

in the destructor of Tank...

in the destructor of PCPlatformImplementor...

in the destructor of PlatformImplementor...


T50 - Mobile platform: Draw a tank

T50 - Mobile platform: Turn direction

T50 - Mobile platform: Fire the target

T50 - Mobile platform: Turn direction

in the destructor of T50...

in the destructor of Tank...

in the destructor of MobilePlatformImplementor...

in the destructor of PlatformImplementor...


T75 - Mobile platform: Draw a tank

T75 - Mobile platform: Turn direction

T75 - Mobile platform: Fire the target

T75 - Mobile platform: Turn direction

in the destructor of T75...

in the destructor of Tank...

in the destructor of MobilePlatformImplementor...

in the destructor of PlatformImplementor...


T90 - Mobile platform: Draw a tank

T90 - Mobile platform: Turn direction

T90 - Mobile platform: Fire the target

T90 - Mobile platform: Turn direction

in the destructor of T90...

in the destructor of Tank...

in the destructor of MobilePlatformImplementor...

in the destructor of PlatformImplementor...



Tank                                                < ------ >                       Abstraction

T50T75T90                            < ------ >                       RefinedAbstraction

PlatformImplementor                  < ------ >                       Implementor

PCPlatformImplementor            < ------ >                       ConcreteImplementorA

MobilePlatformImplementor      < ------ >                       ConcreteImplementorB



C++实现Structural - Bridge模式_第3张图片




1.       Adapter模式中,Adaptee本身往往已经是一个具体的、已经存在的类。在Bridge模式中,Implementor则是一个抽象类或者接口;

2.       Adapter模式中,Adapter类也是一个具体的类。在Bridge模式中,Abstraction则是一个抽象类;

3.       Adapter模式中,Adapter类派生于一个抽象类/接口(客户程序所期望的)。在Bridge模式中,Abstraction类则不存在这样的情况。

4.       最本质同时也是最重要的区别是,它们的意图是不同的。

