public static DeletePolicy getDeletePolicy(String values) { String[] tmps = values.split(","); String name = tmps[0]; Class<? extends DeletePolicy> clazz = policyMap.get(name); if (clazz == null) { throw new UnknownDeletePolicyException(name); } try { //直接调用class的newInstance()方法,该方法必须要求有一个无参构造 DeletePolicy deletePolicy = clazz.newInstance(); String[] initValues = null; if (tmps.length >= 2) { initValues = new String[tmps.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(tmps, 1, initValues, 0, tmps.length - 1); } deletePolicy.init(initValues); return deletePolicy; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MetamorphosisServerStartupException("New delete policy `" + name + "` failed", e); } }
private final ConcurrentHashMap<String/* topic */, ConcurrentHashMap<Integer/* partition */, MessageStore>> stores = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, MessageStore>>();//前面的存储组织方式介绍过一个主题对应多一个分区,每个分区对应一个MessageStore实例,分区号使用数值来表示,stores就是按照该方式组织管理的 private final MetaConfig metaConfig;//参数配置 private ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor scheduledExecutorService;// = // Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2); //调度服务,对不同的MessageStore实例flush,将数据提到到硬盘 private final DeletePolicy deletePolicy; //删除策略选择器,这里采用的一个topic对应一种策略,而不是一个MessageStore对应一个策略实例,一个策略实例在同一个topic的不同MessageStore实例间是重用的 private DeletePolicySelector deletePolicySelector; public static final int HALF_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 12; //topic 集合 private final Set<Pattern> topicsPatSet = new HashSet<Pattern>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, ScheduledFuture<?>> unflushIntervalMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, ScheduledFuture<?>>();//前面曾介绍过MessageStore的提交方式有两种:组提交和定时提交,unflushIntervalMap是存放//定时提交的任务 private Scheduler scheduler;//定时调度器,用于定时调度删除任务 public MessageStoreManager(final MetaConfig metaConfig, final DeletePolicy deletePolicy) { this.metaConfig = metaConfig; this.deletePolicy = deletePolicy;//生成策略选择器 this.newDeletePolicySelector();//添加匿名监听器,监听topic列表变化,如果列表发生变化,则新增列表并重新生成选择器 this.metaConfig.addPropertyChangeListener("topics", new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent evt) { MessageStoreManager.this.makeTopicsPatSet(); MessageStoreManager.this.newDeletePolicySelector(); } }); //添加匿名监听,监听unflushInternal变化,如果发生变化 this.metaConfig.addPropertyChangeListener("unflushInterval", new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent evt) { MessageStoreManager.this.scheduleFlushTask(); } }); this.makeTopicsPatSet(); //初始化调度 this.initScheduler(); // 定时flush,该方法作者有详细注释就不在解释了 this.scheduleFlushTask(); }
public void init() { // 加载已有数据并校验 try { this.loadMessageStores(this.metaConfig); } catch (final IOException e) { log.error("load message stores failed", e); throw new MetamorphosisServerStartupException("Initilize message store manager failed", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } this.startScheduleDeleteJobs(); }//private Set<File> getDataDirSet(final MetaConfig metaConfig) throws IOException { final Set<String> paths = new HashSet<String>(); // public data path //公共数据目录 paths.add(metaConfig.getDataPath()); // topic data path //私有数据目录 for (final String topic : metaConfig.getTopics()) { final TopicConfig topicConfig = metaConfig.getTopicConfig(topic); if (topicConfig != null) { paths.add(topicConfig.getDataPath()); } } final Set<File> fileSet = new HashSet<File>(); for (final String path : paths) { //验证数据目录是否存在 fileSet.add(this.getDataDir(path)); } return fileSet; }private void loadMessageStores(final MetaConfig metaConfig) throws IOException, InterruptedException {//加载数据目录列表,再加载每个目录下的数据 for (final File dir : this.getDataDirSet(metaConfig)) { this.loadDataDir(metaConfig, dir); } } private void loadDataDir(final MetaConfig metaConfig, final File dir) throws IOException, InterruptedException { log.warn("Begin to scan data path:" + dir.getAbsolutePath()); final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); final File[] ls = dir.listFiles(); int nThreads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1; ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads); int count = 0; //将加载验证每个分区的数据包装成一个个任务 List<Callable<MessageStore>> tasks = new ArrayList<Callable<MessageStore>>(); for (final File subDir : ls) { if (!subDir.isDirectory()) { log.warn("Ignore not directory path:" + subDir.getAbsolutePath()); } else { final String name = subDir.getName(); final int index = name.lastIndexOf('-'); if (index < 0) { log.warn("Ignore invlaid directory:" + subDir.getAbsolutePath()); continue; } //包装任务 tasks.add(new Callable<MessageStore>() { //回调方法,方法将具体的加载验证分区数据@Override public MessageStore call() throws Exception { log.warn("Loading data directory:" + subDir.getAbsolutePath() + "..."); final String topic = name.substring(0, index); final int partition = Integer.parseInt(name.substring(index + 1)); //构造MessageStore实例的时候会自动加载验证数据,在初始化MessageStore实例的时候会给该MessageStore实例选择该topic的删除策略 final MessageStore messageStore = new MessageStore(topic, partition, metaConfig, MessageStoreManager.this.deletePolicySelector.select(topic, MessageStoreManager.this.deletePolicy)); return messageStore; } }); count++; if (count % nThreads == 0 || count == ls.length) {//如果配置了并行加载,则使用并行加载 if (metaConfig.isLoadMessageStoresInParallel()) { this.loadStoresInParallel(executor, tasks); } else {//串行加载验证数据 this.loadStores(tasks); } } } } executor.shutdownNow(); log.warn("End to scan data path in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000 + " secs"); }
//串行加载验证数据,则在主线程上完成验证加载工作,其缺点是较慢,好处是不会打乱日志顺序private void loadStores(List<Callable<MessageStore>> tasks) throws IOException, InterruptedException { for (Callable<MessageStore> task : tasks) { MessageStore messageStore; try { messageStore = task.call(); ConcurrentHashMap<Integer/* partition */, MessageStore> map = this.stores.get(messageStore.getTopic()); if (map == null) { map = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, MessageStore>(); this.stores.put(messageStore.getTopic(), map); } map.put(messageStore.getPartition(), messageStore); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } tasks.clear(); }//并行加载数据,当数据过多的时候,启动并行加载数据可以加快启动速度;但是会打乱启动的日志顺序,默认不启用。private void loadStoresInParallel(ExecutorService executor, List<Callable<MessageStore>> tasks) throws InterruptedException { CompletionService<MessageStore> completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService<MessageStore>(executor); for (Callable<MessageStore> task : tasks) { completionService.submit(task); } for (int i = 0; i < tasks.size(); i++) { try { //确保任务都已经运行完毕 MessageStore messageStore = completionService.take().get(); ConcurrentHashMap<Integer/* partition */, MessageStore> map = this.stores.get(messageStore.getTopic()); if (map == null) { map = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, MessageStore>(); this.stores.put(messageStore.getTopic(), map); } map.put(messageStore.getPartition(), messageStore); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw ThreadUtils.launderThrowable(e); } } tasks.clear(); }
public void dispose() { //关闭调度器和调度池 this.scheduledExecutorService.shutdown(); if (this.scheduler != null) { try { this.scheduler.shutdown(true); } catch (final SchedulerException e) { log.error("Shutdown quartz scheduler failed", e); } }//确保每一个 MessageStore实例都正确关闭 for (final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer/* partition */, MessageStore> subMap : MessageStoreManager.this.stores .values()) { if (subMap != null) { for (final MessageStore msgStore : subMap.values()) { if (msgStore != null) { try { msgStore.close(); } catch (final Throwable e) { log.error("Try to run close " + msgStore.getTopic() + "," + msgStore.getPartition() + " failed", e); } } } } }//清空stores列表 this.stores.clear(); }
MessageStoreManager对外提供了获取的MessageStore的方法getMessageStore(final String topic, final int partition)和getOrCreateMessageStore(final String topic, final int partition) throws IOException。
public MessageStore getMessageStore(final String topic, final int partition) { final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer/* partition */, MessageStore> map = this.stores.get(topic); if (map == null) {//如果topic对应的MessageStore实例列表不存在,则直接返回null return null; } return map.get(partition); } Collection<MessageStore> getMessageStoresByTopic(final String topic) { final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer/* partition */, MessageStore> map = this.stores.get(topic); if (map == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return map.values(); } public MessageStore getOrCreateMessageStore(final String topic, final int partition) throws IOException { return this.getOrCreateMessageStoreInner(topic, partition, 0); } public MessageStore getOrCreateMessageStore(final String topic, final int partition, final long offsetIfCreate) throws IOException { return this.getOrCreateMessageStoreInner(topic, partition, offsetIfCreate); } private MessageStore getOrCreateMessageStoreInner(final String topic, final int partition, final long offsetIfCreate) throws IOException { //判断topic是否可用,即是否在topicsPatSet列表中 if (!this.isLegalTopic(topic)) { throw new IllegalTopicException("The server do not accept topic " + topic); }//判断分区号是否正确 if (partition < 0 || partition >= this.getNumPartitions(topic)) { log.warn("Wrong partition " + partition + ",valid partitions (0," + (this.getNumPartitions(topic) - 1) + ")"); throw new WrongPartitionException("wrong partition " + partition); } ConcurrentHashMap<Integer/* partition */, MessageStore> map = this.stores.get(topic);//如果topic对应的列表不存在,则生成列表,放进stores中 if (map == null) { map = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, MessageStore>(); final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer/* partition */, MessageStore> oldMap = this.stores.putIfAbsent(topic, map); if (oldMap != null) { map = oldMap; } }//判断列表中是否有存在分区号位partition为的MessageStore实例,如果有,直接返回;如果没有,则生成实例并放进列表中 MessageStore messageStore = map.get(partition); if (messageStore != null) { return messageStore; } else { // 对string加锁,特例 synchronized (topic.intern()) { messageStore = map.get(partition); // double check if (messageStore != null) { return messageStore; } messageStore = new MessageStore(topic, partition, this.metaConfig, this.deletePolicySelector.select(topic, this.deletePolicy), offsetIfCreate); log.info("Created a new message storage for topic=" + topic + ",partition=" + partition); map.put(partition, messageStore); } } return messageStore; } boolean isLegalTopic(final String topic) { for (final Pattern pat : this.topicsPatSet) { if (pat.matcher(topic).matches()) { return true; } } return false; }
至此, Broker的消息存储模块基本分析完毕。下一篇,进入Broker网络相关以及消息处理流程分析。