MT4 managerAPI 接口(头文件)



//|                                         MetaTrader 4 Manager API |
//|                   Copyright 2001-2015, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                               |
//|                   DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!!                       |
// NoStyler
#pragma once
//|                        API Version                               |
#define ManAPIProgramVersion  400
#define ManAPIProgramBuild    920
#define ManAPIVersion         MAKELONG(ManAPIProgramBuild,ManAPIProgramVersion)
//| MSVS6 Compatibility                                              |
#if _MSC_VER <= 1200
#define __time32_t time_t
#define __ptr32
//|                   Server Configurations                          |
//| Configuration types                                              |
   CONFIG_ALL=0,                             // all configurations
   CONFIG_COMMON,                            // common configuration
   CONFIG_ACCESS,                            // IP access list configuration
   CONFIG_SERVERS,                           // data servers
   CONFIG_TIME,                              // working time configuration
   CONFIG_HOLIDAYS,                          // holidays configuration
   CONFIG_SYMBOLS,                           // symbols configuration
   CONFIG_SYMB_GROUPS,                       // securities configuration
   CONFIG_GROUPS,                            // groups configuration
   CONFIG_MANAGERS,                          // manager's rights configuration
   CONFIG_DATAFEEDS,                         // data feeds configuration
   CONFIG_BACKUP,                            // backups configuration
   CONFIG_LIVEUPDATE,                        // LiveUpdate configuration
   CONFIG_SYNC,                              // synchronization configuration
   CONFIG_PLUGINS,                           // plugins configuration
   CONFIG_GATEWAY_ACCOUNTS,                  // gateway accounts
   CONFIG_GATEWAY_MARKUPS,                   // gateway markups
   CONFIG_GATEWAY_RULES,                     // gateway rules
   CONFIG_END=255                            // last (unused)
//| Configuration structures                                         |
//| Common configuration                                             |
struct ConCommon
   char              owner[128];            // servers owner (include version & build)
   char              name[32];              // server name
   ULONG             address;               // IP address assigned to the server
   int               port;                  // port
   DWORD             timeout;               // sockets timeout
   int               typeofdemo;            // demo-accounts type (DEMO_DISABLED, DEMO_PROLONG, DEMO_FIXED)
   int               timeofdemo;            // demo-account living time
   int               daylightcorrection;    // allow daylight correction
   char              internal[64];          // reserved
   int               timezone;              // time zone 0-GMT;-1=GMT-1;1=GMT+1;
   char              timesync[64];          // time synchronization server address
   int               minclient;             // minimal authorized client version
   int               minapi;                // minimal authorized client version
   DWORD             feeder_timeout;        // data feed switch timeout
   int               keepemails;            // internal mail keep period
   int               endhour,endminute;     // end of day time-hour & minute
   int               optimization_time;     // optimization start time (minutes)
   int               optimization_lasttime; // optimization last time
   int               optimization_counter;  // internal variable
   int               optimization_unused[8];// reserved for future use
   int               antiflood;             // enable antiflood control
   int               floodcontrol;          // max. antiflood connections
   int               liveupdate_mode;       // LiveUpdate mode (LIVE_UPDATE_NO,LIVE_UPDATE_ALL,LIVE_UPDATE_NO_SERVER)
   int               lastorder;             // last order's ticket     (read only)
   int               lastlogin;             // last account's number   (read only)
   int               lostlogin;             // lost commission's login (read only)
   int               rollovers_mode;        // rollover mode (ROLLOVER_NORMAL,ROLLOVER_REOPEN_BY_CLOSE_PRICE,ROLLOVER_REOPEN_BY_BID)
   char              path_database[256];    // path to databases
   char              path_history[256];     // path to history bases
   char              path_log[256];         // path to log
   //--- overnigths
   __time32_t        overnight_last_day;    // day of last overnight
   __time32_t        overnight_last_time;   // time of last overnight
   __time32_t        overnight_prev_time;   // time of время next to last overnight
   //--- month reports
   __time32_t        overmonth_last_month;  // month of last report
   //--- performance base
   char              adapters[256];         // network adapters list (read-only)
   ULONG             bind_adresses[8];      // array of avaible IP addresses
   short             server_version;        // server version
   short             server_build;          // server build
   ULONG             web_adresses[8];       // web services access list (comma separated IP addresses)
   int               statement_mode;        // statement generation time (STATEMENT_END_DAY,STATEMENT_START_DAY)
   int               monthly_state_mode;    // monthly statement generation day (MONTHLY_STATEMENT_END_MONTH,MONTHLY_STATEMENT_START_MONTH)
   int               keepticks;             // ticks keep period
   int               statement_weekend;     // generate statements at weekends
   __time32_t        last_activate;         // last activation datetime
   __time32_t        stop_last;             // last stop datetime
   int               stop_delay;            // last stop delay
   int               stop_reason;           // last stop reason STOP_REASON_NONE, STOP_REASON_RESTART, STOP_REASON_SHUTDOWN, STOP_REASON_LIVEUPDATE
   char              account_url[128];      // account allocation URL
   int               reserved[16];
//--- deno-accounts type
//--- rollover mode
//--- LiveUpdate mode
//--- statement mode
//--- monthly statement mode
//--- server stop reason
//| Access configuration                                             |
struct ConAccess
   int               action;                // type of action (FW_BLOCK,FW_PERMIT)
   unsigned long     from,to;               // from, to addresses
   char              comment[64];           // comment
   int               reserved[17];          // reserved
//--- access action
//| Data Servers configuration                                       |
struct ConDataServer
   char              server[64];             // server address (server:ip)
   ULONG             ip;                     // server IP
   char              description[64];        // server description
   int               isproxy;                // can server be proxy?
   int               priority;               // priority: 0-7 base, 255-idle
   UINT              loading;                // server loading (UINT_MAX-server does not inform its loading)
   ULONG             ip_internal;            // internal IP address
   int               reserved[2];            // reserved
   ConDataServer* __ptr32 next;                   // internal (not used)
//| Time configuration                                               |
struct ConTime
   int               days[7][24];           // server's accessebility (7 days-24 hours, 0-denied, 1-allowed)
   int               dayscontrol;           // internal variable
   int               reserved[3];           // reserved
//| Backup configuration                                             |
struct ConBackup
   char              fullbackup_path[256];   // path to backup
   int               fullbackup_period;      // full backup's period-BACKUP_1HOUR, BACKUP_4HOURS, BACKUP_1DAY
   int               fullbackup_store;       // full backup's store time-BU_STORE_1MONTH, BU_STORE_3MONTHS, BU_STORE_6MONTHS,BU_STORE_1YEAR
   __time32_t        fullbackup_lasttime;    // full backup's last execution time
   short             fullbackup_shift;       // full backup timeshift (minutes)
   char              external_path[256];     // path to external processing directory
   int               archive_period;         // period of archive backup-ARC_BACKUP_5MIN, ARC_BACKUP_15MIN, ARC_BACKUP_30MIN, ARC_BACKUP_1HOUR
   int               archive_store;          // archive backup's store time-ARC_STORE_1WEEK, ARC_STORE_2WEEKS, ARC_STORE_1MONTH, ARC_STORE_3MONTH, ARC_STORE_6MONTH
   __time32_t        archive_lasttime;       // archive backup's last execution time
   char              export_securities[512]; // comma separated list of exported securities
   char              export_path[256];       // path to export script
   int               export_period;          // export period-enumeration EXPORT_1MIN, EXPORT_5MIN, EXPORT_15MIN, EXPORT_30MIN,EXPORT_1HOUR
   __time32_t        export_lasttime;        // export's last execution time
   //--- watch dog
   int               watch_role;             // server role { WATCH_STAND_ALONE, WATCH_MASTER, WATCH_SLAVE }
   char              watch_password[16];     // slave server password
   char              watch_opposite[24];     // opposite server IP address and port
   int               watch_ip;               // opposite server IP
   char              archive_shift;          // shift of archive backup time (in minutes)
   char              watch_state;            // watch dog state
   char              watch_failover;         // watch dog failover mode
   unsigned char     watch_timeout;          // watch dog timeout
   int               watch_login;            // watch dog login
   __time32_t        watch_timestamp;        // watch dog timestamp
//--- server role
//--- full backup execution periods: 1 hour, 4 hours, 1 day
//--- full backup store period: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year
//--- arc. backup execution periods: 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour
//--- arc. backup store period: 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month,3 months, 6 months,1 year
//--- export execution period: 1 min, 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 1 hour
//--- watchdog state
//--- watchdog failover mode
//| Datafeed configuration                                           |
struct ConFeeder
   char              name[64];              // name
   char              file[256];             // datafeed filename
   char              server[64];            // server address
   char              login[32];             // datafeed login
   char              pass[32];              // datafeed password
   char              keywords[256];         // keywords (news filtration)
   int               enable;                // enable feeder
   int               mode;                  // datafeed mode-enumeration FEED_QUOTES, FEED_NEWS, FEED_QUOTESNEWS
   int               timeout;               // max. freeze time (default ~120 sec.)
   int               timeout_reconnect;     // reconnect timeout before attemps_sleep connect attempts (default ~ 5  sec)
   int               timeout_sleep;         // reconnect timeout after attemps_sleep connect attempts  (default ~ 60 sec)
   int               attemps_sleep;         // reconnect count (see timeout_reconnect & timeout_sleep)
   int               news_langid;           // news language id
   int               unused[33];            // reserved
//--- datafeed modes-receive quotes, receive news, receive quotes and news
//| Security group configuration for client group                    |
#define MAX_SEC_GROUPS       (32)
#define MAX_SEC_GROPS_MARGIN (128)
struct ConGroupSec
   int               show,trade;            // enable show and trade for this group of securites
   int               execution;             // dealing mode-EXECUTION_MANUAL,EXECUTION_AUTO,EXECUTION_ACTIVITY
   //--- comission settings
   double            comm_base;             // standart commission
   int               comm_type;             // commission type-COMM_TYPE_MONEY,COMM_TYPE_PIPS,COMM_TYPE_PERCENT
   int               comm_lots;             // commission lots mode-COMMISSION_PER_LOT,COMMISSION_PER_DEAL
   double            comm_agent;            // agent commission
   int               comm_agent_type;       // agent commission mode-COMM_TYPE_MONEY, COMM_TYPE_PIPS
   int               spread_diff;           // spread difference in compare with default security spread
   int               lot_min,lot_max;       // allowed minimal and maximal lot values
   int               lot_step;              // allowed step value (10 lot-1000, 1 lot-100, 0.1 lot-10)
   int               ie_deviation;          // maximum price deviation in Instant Execution mode
   int               confirmation;          // use confirmation in Request mode
   int               trade_rights;          // clients trade rights-bit mask see TRADE_DENY_NONE,TRADE_DENY_CLOSEBY,TRADE_DENY_MUCLOSEBY
   int               ie_quick_mode;         // do not resend request to the dealer when client uses deviation
   double            comm_tax;              // commission taxes
   int               comm_agent_lots;       // agent commission per lot/per deal { COMMISSION_PER_LOT,COMMISSION_PER_DEAL }
   int               freemargin_mode;       // "soft" margin check
   int               reserved[3];           // reserved
//| Special securities configurations for client group               |
struct ConGroupMargin
   char              symbol[12];            // security
   double            swap_long,swap_short;  // swap size for long and short positions
   double            margin_divider;        // margin divider
   int               reserved[7];
//--- dealing mode
//--- commission type
//--- comission lots mode
//--- clients trade rights
//--- auto close-out method
//| Client group configuration                                       |
struct ConGroup
   //--- common settings
   char              group[16];                   // group name
   int               enable;                      // enable group
   int               timeout;                     // trade confirmation timeout (seconds)
   int               otp_mode;                    // one-time password mode
   //--- statements
   char              company[128];                // company name
   char              signature[128];              // statements signature
   char              support_page[128];           // company support page
   char              smtp_server[64];             // statements SMTP server
   char              smtp_login[32];              // statements SMTP login
   char              smtp_password[32];           // statements SMTP password
   char              support_email[64];           // support email
   char              templates[32];               // path to directory with custom templates
   int               copies;                      // copy statements on support email
   int               reports;                     // enable statements
   //--- default settings
   int               default_leverage;            // default leverage (user don't specify leverage himself)
   double            default_deposit;             // default deposit  (user don't specify balance  himself)
   //--- securities
   int               maxsecurities;               // maximum simultaneous securities
   ConGroupSec       secgroups[MAX_SEC_GROUPS];   // security group settings
   ConGroupMargin    secmargins[MAX_SEC_GROPS_MARGIN]; // special securities settings
   int               secmargins_total;            // count of special securities settings
   //--- margin & interest
   char              currency[12];                // deposit currency
   double            credit;                      // virtual credit
   int               margin_call;                 // margin call level (percents)
   int               margin_mode;                 // margin mode-MARGIN_DONT_USE,MARGIN_USE_ALL,MARGIN_USE_PROFIT,MARGIN_USE_LOSS
   int               margin_stopout;              // stop out level
   double            interestrate;                // annual interest rate (percents)
   int               use_swap;                    // use rollovers & interestrate
   //--- rights
   int               news;                        // news mode
   int               rights;                      // rights bit mask-ALLOW_FLAG_EMAIL
   int               check_ie_prices;             // check IE prices on requests
   int               maxpositions;                // maximum orders and open positions
   int               close_reopen;                // partial close mode (if !=0 original position will be fully closed and remain position will be fully reopened)
   int               hedge_prohibited;            // hedge prohibition flag
   int               close_fifo;                  // fifo rule 
   int               hedge_largeleg;              // use large leg margin for hedged positions
   int               unused_rights[2];            // reserved
   char              securities_hash[16];         // internal data
   int               margin_type;                 // margin controlling type { MARGIN_TYPE_PERCENT,  MARGIN_TYPE_CURRENCY }
   //--- archives
   int               archive_period;              // inactivity period after which account moves to archive base (in days)
   int               archive_max_balance;         // maxumum balance of accounts to move in archive base
   int               stopout_skip_hedged;         // skip fully hedged accounts when checking for stopout
   int               archive_pending_period;      // pendings clean period
   //--- allowed news languages
   UINT              news_languages[8];           // LANGID array
   UINT              news_languages_total;        // news languages total
   //--- reserved
   int               reserved[17];
//--- margin calculation mode
//--- margin controlling type
//--- news mode-no news, only topics, full news (topic+body)
//--- group rights
   ALLOW_FLAG_EMAIL           =1,
   ALLOW_FLAG_ADVISOR         =4,
//--- group one-time password mode
   OTP_MODE_DISABLED       =0,
   OTP_MODE_TOTP_SHA256    =1,
//| Hollidays configuration                                          |
struct ConHoliday
   int               year;                        // year
   int               month;                       // month
   int               day;                         // day
   int               from,to;                     // work time-from & to (minutes)
   char              symbol[32];                  // security name or symbol's group name or "All"
   char              description[128];            // description
   int               enable;                      // enable
   int               reserved[13];                // reserved
   ConHoliday * __ptr32 next;                     // internal data
//| LiveUpdate configuration                                         |
#define LIVE_FILES_MAX (128)
struct LiveInfoFile
   char              file[256];                   // file name
   int               size;                        // file size
   char              hash[36];                    // file hash
   int               reserved[10];                // reserved
struct ConLiveUpdate
   char              company[128];                // company
   char              path[256];                   // path to LiveUpdate
   int               version;                     // version
   int               build;                       // build
   int               maxconnect;                  // max. simultaneous connections
   int               connections;                 // current connections (read only)
   int               type;                        // type LIVE_UPDATE_*
   int               enable;                      // enable
   int               totalfiles;                  // total files count
   LiveInfoFile      files[LIVE_FILES_MAX];       // files' configurations
   int               reserved[16];                // reserved
   ConLiveUpdate * __ptr32 next;                        // internal data
//--- LiveUpdate type
//| Manager rights for security groups                               |
struct ConManagerSec
   int               internal;                    // internal data
   int               enable;                      // enable
   int               minimum_lots;                // min. lots
   int               maximum_lots;                // max. lots
   int               unused[16];                  // reserved
//| Manager configuration                                            |
struct ConManager
   int               login;                       // login
   //--- rights
   int               manager;                     // right to add & change client records
   int               money;                       // right to balance & credit management
   int               online;                      // right to see online users
   int               riskman;                     // right to use analyzer
   int               broker;                      // right to deal
   int               admin;                       // right to server administration
   int               logs;                        // right to see logs
   int               reports;                     // right to see reports
   int               trades;                      // right to add/modify/delete trades
   int               market_watch;                // right to change spread, spread balance, stop levels, execution mode and send quotes
   int               email;                       // right to send internal mail
   int               user_details;                // right to see clients private data-name,country,address,phone,email etc.
   int               see_trades;                  // right to see trades
   int               news;                        // right to send news
   int               plugins;                     // right to configure plugins
   int               server_reports;              // right to receive server reports
   int               techsupport;                 // right to access to technical support page
   int               market;                      // right to access server applications market
   int               notifications;               // right to push notifications
   int               unused[9];
   //--- IP filtration
   int               ipfilter;                    // enable IP control
   unsigned long     ip_from,ip_to;               // range of allowed IPs
   char              mailbox[64];                 // name of mailbox for internal mail
   char              groups[1024];                // comma separated list of managed groups (allowed '*' wildcard)
   ConManagerSec     secgroups[MAX_SEC_GROUPS];   // manager rights for security groups
   DWORD             exp_time;                    // internal data
   char              name[32];                    // manager name (read only)
   int               info_depth;                  // maximum available data (in days) 
   int               reserved[22];
//| Symbol configurations                                            |
//| Symbol sessions configurations                                   |
struct ConSession
   short             open_hour,open_min;          // session open  time: hour & minute
   short             close_hour,close_min;        // session close time: hour & minute
   int               open,close;                  // internal data
   short             align[7];                    // internal data
struct ConSessions
   ConSession        quote[3];                    // quote sessions
   ConSession        trade[3];                    // trade sessions
   int               quote_overnight;             // internal data
   int               trade_overnight;             // internal data
   int               reserved[2];                 // reserved
//| Symbol configuration                                             |
#define MAX_SYMBOLS 1024
struct ConSymbol
   //--- common settings
   char              symbol[12];                  // name
   char              description[64];             // description
   char              source[12];                  // synonym
   char              currency[12];                // currency
   int               type;                        // security group (see ConSymbolGroup)
   int               digits;                      // security precision
   int               trade;                       // trade mode
   //--- external settings
   COLORREF          background_color;            // background color
   int               count;                       // symbols index
   int               count_original;              // symbols index in market watch
   int               external_unused[7];
   //--- sessions
   int               realtime;                    // allow real time quotes
   __time32_t        starting;                    // trades starting date (UNIX time)
   __time32_t        expiration;                  // trades end date      (UNIX time)
   ConSessions       sessions[7];                 // quote & trade sessions
   //--- profits
   int               profit_mode;                 // profit calculation mode
   int               profit_reserved;             // reserved
   //--- filtration
   int               filter;                      // filter value
   int               filter_counter;              // filtration parameter
   double            filter_limit;                // max. permissible deviation from last quote (percents)
   int               filter_smoothing;            // smoothing
   float             filter_reserved;             // reserved
   int               logging;                     // enable to log quotes
   //--- spread & swaps
   int               spread;                      // spread
   int               spread_balance;              // spread balance
   int               exemode;                     // execution mode
   int               swap_enable;                 // enable swaps
   int               swap_type;                   // swap type
   double            swap_long,swap_short;        // swaps values for long & short postions
   int               swap_rollover3days;          // triple rollover day-0-Monday,1-Tuesday...4-Friday
   double            contract_size;               // contract size
   double            tick_value;                  // one tick value
   double            tick_size;                   // one tick size
   int               stops_level;                 // stops deviation value
   //---            овернайт??прочие своп?
   int               gtc_pendings;                // GTC mode { ORDERS_DAILY, ORDERS_GTC, ORDERS_DAILY_NO_STOPS }
   //--- margin calculation
   int               margin_mode;                 // margin calculation mode
   double            margin_initial;              // initial margin
   double            margin_maintenance;          // margin maintenance
   double            margin_hedged;               // hedged margin
   double            margin_divider;              // margin divider
   //--- calclulated variables (internal data)
   double            point;                       // point size-(1/(10^digits)
   double            multiply;                    // multiply 10^digits
   double            bid_tickvalue;               // tickvalue for bid
   double            ask_tickvalue;               // tickvalue for ask
   int               long_only;                   // allow only BUY positions
   int               instant_max_volume;          // max. volume for Instant Execution
   char              margin_currency[12];         // currency of margin requirments
   int               freeze_level;                // modification freeze level
   int               margin_hedged_strong;        // strong hedged margin mode
   __time32_t        value_date;                  // value date
   int               quotes_delay;                // quotes delay after session start
   int               swap_openprice;         	  // use open price at swaps calculation in SWAP_BY_INTEREST mode
   int               swap_variation_margin;       // charge variation margin on rollover
   int               unused[21];             	  // reserved
//| Symbols enumeration                                              |
//--- symbol execution mode
//--- trade mode
//--- swap type
//--- profit calculation mode
//--- margin calculation mode
//--- GTC mode
//| Symbol groups                                                    |
#define MAX_SEC_GROUP (32)
struct ConSymbolGroup
   char              name[16];                     // group name
   char              description[64];              // group description
//| Synchronization configuration                                    |
struct ConSync
   char              server[64];                   // name (address
   int               unusedport;                   // port
   char              login[32];                    // for future use-login
   char              password[32];                 // for future use=password
   int               enable;                       // enable sychronization
   int               mode;                         // synchronization mode: HB_ADD,HB_UPDATE,HB_INSERT
   __time32_t        from,to;                      // synchronization range (<0-whole chart)
   char              securities[1024];             // symbols list
   int               reserved[14];                 // reserverd
   ConSync * __ptr32 next;                         // internal (do not use)
//--- synchronization mode
//| Plugin configuration                                             |
//| Plugin description                                               |
struct PluginInfo
   char              name[128];                    // plugin name
   unsigned int      version;                      // plugin version
   char              copyright[128];               // plugin copyright
   int               reserved[32];                 // reserved
//| Plugin configuration parameter                                   |
struct PluginCfg
   char              name[32];                     // parameter name
   char              value[128];                   // parameter value
   int               reserved[16];                 // reserved
//| Plugin configuration                                             |
struct ConPlugin
   char              file[256];                    // plugin file name
   PluginInfo        info;                         // plugin description
   int               enabled;                      // plugin enabled/disabled
   int               configurable;                 // is plugin configurable
   int               manager_access;               // plugin can be accessed from manager terminal
   int               reserved[62];                 // reserved
//--- plugin with parameters
struct ConPluginParam
   ConPlugin         plugin;                       // plugin configuration
   PluginCfg* __ptr32 params;                      // plugin parameters
   int               total;                        // total plugin parameters
//| Gateway configuration                                            |
//| Gateway account configuration                                    |
struct ConGatewayAccount
   int               enable;                       // enable flag 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
   char              name[64];                     // public name
   int               id;                           // internal id
   int               type;                         // type (obsolete)
   int               login;                        // STP MT4 login
   char              address[64];                  // MT4 server address
   char              password[64];                 // STP MT4 password
   int               notify_logins[8];             // list of logins for internal email notification
   int               flags;                        // flag fields
   int               reserved[23];                 // reserved
//--- gateway account flags
enum EnGatewayAccountFlags { GATEWAY_FLAG_NONE=0, GATEWAY_FLAG_QUOTES=1 };
//| Gateway markup configuration                                     |
struct ConGatewayMarkup
   int               enable;                       // enable flag 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
   char              source[128];                  // source symbol\symbols mask\symbols group name
   char              symbol[12];                   // local symbol name
   char              account_name[64];             // account name (obsolete)
   int               account_id;                   // account internal id (obsolete)
   int               bid_markup;                   // bid markup in pips
   int               ask_markup;                   // ask markup in pips
   int               reserved[16];                 // reserved
//| Gateway rules configuration                                     |
struct ConGatewayRule
   int               enable;                       // enable flag 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled
   char              name[64];                     // public name
   char              request_symbol[128];          // symbol\symbols mask\symbols group name
   char              request_group[128];           // group name or group mask
   int               request_reserved[32];         // reserved
   char              exe_account_name[64];         // account name
   int               exe_account_id;               // account internal id
   int               exe_max_deviation;            // max. devation
   int               exe_max_profit_slippage;      // max profit slippage in pips
   int               exe_max_profit_slippage_lots; // max profit slippage volume in lots
   int               exe_max_losing_slippage;      // max losing slippage in pips
   int               exe_max_losing_slippage_lots; // max losing slippage volume in lots
   int               exe_account_pos;              // account current position
   int               exe_volume_percent;           // coverage percentage
   int               exe_reserved[26];             // reserved
//|                           Result codes                           |
   //--- common errors
   RET_OK                =0,        // all OK
   RET_OK_NONE,                     // all OK-no operation
   RET_ERROR,                       // general error
   RET_INVALID_DATA,                // invalid data
   RET_TECH_PROBLEM,                // server technical problem
   RET_OLD_VERSION,                 // old client terminal
   RET_NO_CONNECT,                  // no connection
   RET_NOT_ENOUGH_RIGHTS,           // no enough rights
   RET_TOO_FREQUENT,                // too frequently access to server
   RET_MALFUNCTION,                 // mulfunctional operation
   RET_GENERATE_KEY,                // need to send public key
   RET_SECURITY_SESSION,            // security session start
   //--- account status
   RET_ACCOUNT_DISABLED  =64,       // account blocked
   RET_BAD_ACCOUNT_INFO,            // bad account info
   RET_PUBLIC_KEY_MISSING,          // отсутствуе?ключ
   //--- trade
   RET_TRADE_TIMEOUT     =128,      // trade transatcion timeou expired
   RET_TRADE_BAD_PRICES,            // order has wrong prices
   RET_TRADE_BAD_STOPS,             // wrong stops level
   RET_TRADE_BAD_VOLUME,            // wrong lot size
   RET_TRADE_MARKET_CLOSED,         // market closed
   RET_TRADE_DISABLE,               // trade disabled
   RET_TRADE_NO_MONEY,              // no enough money for order execution
   RET_TRADE_PRICE_CHANGED,         // price changed
   RET_TRADE_OFFQUOTES,             // no quotes
   RET_TRADE_BROKER_BUSY,           // broker is busy
   RET_TRADE_REQUOTE,               // requote
   RET_TRADE_ORDER_LOCKED,          // order is proceed by dealer and cannot be changed
   RET_TRADE_LONG_ONLY,             // allowed only BUY orders
   RET_TRADE_TOO_MANY_REQ,          // too many requests from one client
   //--- order status notification
   RET_TRADE_ACCEPTED,              // trade request accepted by server and placed in request queue
   RET_TRADE_PROCESS,               // trade request accepted by dealerd
   RET_TRADE_USER_CANCEL,           // trade request canceled by client
   //--- additional return codes
   RET_TRADE_MODIFY_DENIED,         // trade modification denied
   RET_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY,          // trade context is busy (used in client terminal)
   RET_TRADE_EXPIRATION_DENIED,     // using expiration date denied
   RET_TRADE_TOO_MANY_ORDERS,       // too many orders
   RET_TRADE_HEDGE_PROHIBITED,      // hedge is prohibited
   RET_TRADE_PROHIBITED_BY_FIFO     // prohibited by fifo rule
//| Pumping mode flags                                               |
   //--- user flags
   CLIENT_FLAGS_HIDETICKS   =1,     // do not send ticks
   CLIENT_FLAGS_HIDENEWS    =2,     // do not send news
   CLIENT_FLAGS_HIDEMAIL    =4,     // do not send mails
   CLIENT_FLAGS_SENDFULLNEWS=8,     // send news body with news header in pumping mode
   CLIENT_FLAGS_RESERVED    =16,    // reserved
   //--- manager flags
   CLIENT_FLAGS_HIDEONLINE  =32,    // do not send online users table
   CLIENT_FLAGS_HIDEUSERS   =64     // do not send users table
//|  Server datafeed descritopn                                      |
struct FeedDescription
   int               version;                   // data source version
   char              name[128];                 // data source name
   char              copyright[128];            // copyright string
   char              web[128];                  // data source web
   char              email[128];                // data source email
   char              server[128];               // feeder server
   char              username[32];              // default feeder name
   char              userpass[32];              // default feeder password
   int               modes;                     // feeder modes (enum FeederModes)
   char              description[512];          // feeder description
   char              module[32];                // datafeed name in license
   int               reserved[54];              // reserved
//--- feeder modes
enum FeederModes
   modeOnlyQuotes    =0, // only quotes feeder
   modeOnlyNews      =1, // only news feeder
   modeQuotesAndNews =2, // quotes and news feeder
   modeQuotesOrNews  =3  // quotes or news feeder
//--- server datafeed
struct ServerFeed
   char              file[256];                 // feeder file name
   FeedDescription   feed;                      // feeder description
//|                           Charts                                 |
//| Request chart history struct                                     |
struct ChartInfo
   char              symbol[12];          // symbol
   int               period;              // period (PERIOD_*)
   __time32_t        start;               // start of chart block
   __time32_t        end;                 // end of chart block
   __time32_t        timesign;            // timestamp of existing chart base
   int               mode;                // request mode
//--- chart period
enum { PERIOD_M1=1,  PERIOD_M5=5,   PERIOD_M15=15,  PERIOD_M30=30,
       PERIOD_H1=60, PERIOD_H4=240, PERIOD_D1=1440, PERIOD_W1=10080,
       PERIOD_MN1=43200 };
//--- request mode
//| Rate the in chart base                                           |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct RateInfoOld
   __time32_t        ctm;                    // rate time
   int               open;                   // open price: 11987=119.87
   short             high,low,close;         // high,low,close shift from open
   double            vol;                    // volume
struct RateInfo
   __time32_t        ctm;                    // rate time
   int               open;                   // open price: 11987=119.87
   int               high,low,close;         // high,low,close shift from open
   double            vol;                    // volume
#pragma pack(pop)
//| Tick record in base                                              |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct TickRecord
   __time32_t        ctm;                    // tick time
   double            bid,ask;                // bid, ask
   int               datafeed;               // index if datafeed
   char              flags;                  // TICK_FLAG_* flags
#pragma pack(pop)
//| Tick request                                                     |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct TickRequest
   char              symbol[12];             // symbol
   __time32_t        from;                   // start of period
   __time32_t        to;                     // end of period
   char              flags;                  // TICK_FLAG_* flags
#pragma pack(pop)
//| Performance information                                          |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct PerformanceInfo
   __time32_t        ctm;
   short             users;                  // online users
   short             cpu;                    // processor loading (%)
   int               freemem;                // free memory (Kb)
   int               network;                // network activity (Kb/s)
   int               sockets;                // all open sockets in system
#pragma pack(pop)
//| Backup file information                                          |
struct BackupInfo
   char              file[256];              // file name
   int               size;                   // file size
   __time32_t        time;                   // file time
   int               reserved[6];            // reserved
//--- backup mode
   BACKUPS_ALL,             // all backup
   BACKUPS_PERIODICAL,      // periodical backups
   BACKUPS_STARTUP,         // backups on startup
   BACKUPS_DELETE           // backups on delete
//|                        Databases                                 |
//| Transaction types                                                |
//| User Record                                                      |
#define PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE    272                  // RSA key size // (((1024+64)/32)*4*2)
#define USER_COLOR_NONE    (0xFF000000)         // default user color
struct UserRecord
   //--- common settings
   int               login;                      // login
   char              group[16];                  // group
   char              password[16];               // password
   //--- access flags
   int               enable;                     // enable
   int               enable_change_password;     // allow to change password
   int               enable_read_only;           // allow to open/positions (TRUE-may not trade)
   int               enable_otp;                 // allow to use one-time password
   int               enable_reserved[2];         // for future use
   char              password_investor[16];      // read-only mode password
   char              password_phone[32];         // phone password
   char              name[128];                  // name
   char              country[32];                // country
   char              city[32];                   // city
   char              state[32];                  // state
   char              zipcode[16];                // zipcode
   char              address[96];                // address
   char              lead_source[32];            // lead source
   char              phone[32];                  // phone
   char              email[48];                  // email
   char              comment[64];                // comment
   char              id[32];                     // SSN (IRD)
   char              status[16];                 // status
   __time32_t        regdate;                    // registration date
   __time32_t        lastdate;                   // last coonection time
   //--- trade settings
   int               leverage;                   // leverage
   int               agent_account;              // agent account
   __time32_t        timestamp;                  // timestamp
   int               last_ip;                    // last visit ip
   //---            торговые данные
   double            balance;                    // balance
   double            prevmonthbalance;           // previous month balance
   double            prevbalance;                // previous day balance
   double            credit;                     // credit
   double            interestrate;               // accumulated interest rate
   double            taxes;                      // taxes
   double            prevmonthequity;            // previous month equity
   double            prevequity;                 // previous day equity
   double            reserved2[2];               // for future use
   char              otp_secret[32];             // one-time password secret
   char              secure_reserved[240];       // secure data reserved
   int               send_reports;               // enable send reports by email
   unsigned int      mqid;                       // MQ client identificator
   COLORREF          user_color;                 // color got to client (used by MT Manager)
   char              unused[40];                 // for future use
   char              api_data[16];               // for API usage
//| Users group operation                                            |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct GroupCommandInfo
   int               len;              // length of users list
   char              command;          // group coommand
   char              newgroup[16];     // new group
   int               leverage;         // new leverage
   int               reserved[8];      // reserved
#pragma pack(pop)
//--- group commands
//| Online user description                                          |
struct OnlineRecord
   int               counter;       // connections counter
   int               reserved;      // reserved
   int               login;         // user login
   UINT              ip;            // connection ip address
   char              group[16];     // user group
//| Trade Record                                                     |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct TradeRecord
   int               order;            // order ticket
   int               login;            // owner's login
   char              symbol[12];       // security
   int               digits;           // security precision
   int               cmd;              // trade command
   int               volume;           // volume
   __time32_t        open_time;        // open time
   int               state;            // reserved
   double            open_price;       // open price
   double            sl,tp;            // stop loss & take profit
   __time32_t        close_time;       // close time
   int               gw_volume;        // gateway order volume
   __time32_t        expiration;       // pending order's expiration time
   char              reason;           // trade reason
   char              conv_reserv[3];   // reserved fields
   double            conv_rates[2];    // convertation rates from profit currency to group deposit currency
                                       // (first element-for open time, second element-for close time)
   double            commission;       // commission
   double            commission_agent; // agent commission
   double            storage;          // order swaps
   double            close_price;      // close price
   double            profit;           // profit
   double            taxes;            // taxes
   int               magic;            // special value used by client experts
   char              comment[32];      // comment
   int               gw_order;         // gateway order ticket
   int               activation;       // used by MT Manager
   short             gw_open_price;    // gateway order price deviation (pips) from order open price
   short             gw_close_price;   // gateway order price deviation (pips) from order close price
   double            margin_rate;      // margin convertation rate (rate of convertation from margin currency to deposit one)
   __time32_t        timestamp;        // timestamp
   int               api_data[4];      // for api usage
   TradeRecord *__ptr32 next;          // internal data
#pragma pack(pop)
//--- trade commands
//--- trade record state
//--- trade record reasons
   TR_REASON_CLIENT =0,  // client terminal
   TR_REASON_EXPERT =1,  // expert
   TR_REASON_DEALER =2,  // dealer
   TR_REASON_SIGNAL =3,  // signal
   TR_REASON_GATEWAY=4,  // gateway
   TR_REASON_MOBILE =5,  // mobile terminal
   TR_REASON_WEB    =6,  // Web terminal
   TR_REASON_API    =7,  // API
//--- activation types
//--- *_ROLLBACK=current price roll back from activation price level
   //--- no activation
   //--- stoploss, takeprofit, pendings
   //--- stopout
   //--- rollbacks
//| TradeRecord restoring from backup result                         |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct TradeRestoreResult
   int               order;            // order
   UCHAR             res;              // RET_OK    - order restored
                                       // RET_ERROR - error restoring order
#pragma pack(pop)
//| Trade transaction                                                |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct TradeTransInfo
   UCHAR             type;             // trade transaction type
   char              reserved;         // reserved
   short             cmd;              // trade command
   int               order,orderby;    // order, order by
   char              symbol[12];       // trade symbol
   int               volume;           // trade volume
   double            price;            // trade price
   double            sl,tp;            // stoploss, takeprofit
   int               ie_deviation;     // deviation on IE
   char              comment[32];      // comment
   __time32_t        expiration;       // pending order expiration time
   int               crc;              // crc
#pragma pack(pop)
//--- trade transaction types
   TT_PRICES_GET,                      // prices requets
   TT_PRICES_REQUOTE,                  // requote
   //--- client trade transaction
   TT_ORDER_IE_OPEN=64,                // open order (Instant Execution)
   TT_ORDER_REQ_OPEN,                  // open order (Request Execution)
   TT_ORDER_MK_OPEN,                   // open order (Market Execution)
   TT_ORDER_PENDING_OPEN,              // open pending order
   TT_ORDER_IE_CLOSE,                  // close order (Instant Execution)
   TT_ORDER_REQ_CLOSE,                 // close order (Request Execution)
   TT_ORDER_MK_CLOSE,                  // close order (Market Execution)
   TT_ORDER_MODIFY,                    // modify pending order
   TT_ORDER_DELETE,                    // delete pending order
   TT_ORDER_CLOSE_BY,                  // close order by order
   TT_ORDER_CLOSE_ALL,                 // close all orders by symbol
   //--- broker trade transactions
   TT_BR_ORDER_OPEN,                   // open order
   TT_BR_ORDER_CLOSE,                  // close order
   TT_BR_ORDER_DELETE,                 // delete order (ANY OPEN ORDER!!!)
   TT_BR_ORDER_CLOSE_BY,               // close order by order
   TT_BR_ORDER_CLOSE_ALL,              // close all orders by symbol
   TT_BR_ORDER_MODIFY,                 // modify open price, stoploss, takeprofit etc. of order
   TT_BR_ORDER_ACTIVATE,               // activate pending order
   TT_BR_ORDER_COMMENT,                // modify comment of order
   TT_BR_BALANCE                       // balance/credit
//| Margin level of the user                                         |
struct MarginLevel
   int               login;            // user login
   char              group[16];        // user group
   int               leverage;         // user leverage
   int               updated;          // (internal)
   double            balance;          // balance+credit
   double            equity;           // equity
   int               volume;           // lots
   double            margin;           // margin requirements
   double            margin_free;      // free margin
   double            margin_level;     // margin level
   int               margin_type;      // margin controlling type (percent/currency)
   int               level_type;       // level type(ok/margincall/stopout)
//--- margin level type
//| Trade request                                                    |
struct RequestInfo
   //--- general props
   int               id;                  // request id
   char              status;              // request status
   DWORD             time;                // request time
   int               manager;             // manager processing request (if any)
   //--- user info
   int               login;               // user login
   char              group[16];           // user group
   double            balance;             // user balance
   double            credit;              // user credit
   //--- processing trade transaction
   double            prices[2];           // bid/ask
   TradeTransInfo    trade;               // trade transaction
   int               gw_volume;           // gateway order volume
   int               gw_order;            // gateway order ticket
   short             gw_price;            // gateway order price deviation (pips) from request price
   RequestInfo* __ptr32 prev;
   RequestInfo* __ptr32 next;             // (internal use)
//--- trade request status
//--- time conversion ratio
#define TIME_RATE         ((double)1.6777216)
//--- conversion from our time to standard __time32_t
#define STDTIME(custom_time) ((DWORD)((double)(custom_time)*TIME_RATE))
//--- conversion from standard __time32_t to our time
#define OURTIME(stdtime)     ((DWORD)((double)(stdtime)/TIME_RATE))
//--- request confirmation modes
enum EnConfirmModes
   CONFIRM_MODE_ADD_PRICES=0x00000001,    // throw in prices
   CONFIRM_MODE_PACKET    =0x00000002     // multiple execution
//| Daily report                                                     |
struct DailyReport
   int               login;                // login
   __time32_t        ctm;                  // time
   char              group[16];            // group
   char              bank[64];             // bank
   double            balance_prev;         // previous balance
   double            balance;              // balance
   double            deposit;              // deposit
   double            credit;               // credit
   double            profit_closed;        // closed profit/loss
   double            profit;               // floating profit/loss
   double            equity;               // equity
   double            margin;               // used margin
   double            margin_free;          // free margin
   int               next;                 // (internal)
   int               reserved[3];          // reserved
//| Reports request                                                  |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct ReportGroupRequest
   char              name[32];            // request group name
   __time32_t        from;                // from
   __time32_t        to;                  // to
   int               total;               // total logins in request group
#pragma pack(pop)
//| Daily reports request                                            |
struct DailyGroupRequest
   char              name[32];            // group name
   __time32_t        from;                // from
   __time32_t        to;                  // to
   int               total;               // total logins in request group
   int               reserved;            // reserved
//| Selected symbol information                                      |
struct SymbolInfo
   char              symbol[12];            // symbol name
   int               digits;                // floating point digits
   int               count;                 // symbol counter
   int               visible;               // visibility
   //--- данные для перерасчёт?спреда
   int               type;                  // symbol type (symbols group index)
   double            point;                 // symbol point=1/pow(10,digits)
   int               spread;                // symbol spread
   int               spread_balance;        // spread balance
   int               direction;             // direction
   int               updateflag;            // update flag
   __time32_t        lasttime;              // last tick time
   double            bid,ask;               // bid, ask
   double            high,low;              // high, low
   double            commission;            // commission
   int               comm_type;             // commission type
//--- symbol price direction
//| Symbol summary                                                   |
struct SymbolSummary
   char              symbol[12];          // symbol
   int               count;               // symbol counter
   int               digits;              // floating point digits
   int               type;                // symbol type (symbol group index)
   //--- clients summary
   int               orders;              // number of client orders
   __int64           buylots;             // buy volume
   __int64           selllots;            // sell volume
   double            buyprice;            // average buy price
   double            sellprice;           // average sell price
   double            profit;              // clients profit
   //--- coverage summary
   int               covorders;           // number of coverage orders
   __int64           covbuylots;          // buy volume
   __int64           covselllots;         // sell volume
   double            covbuyprice;         // average buy price
   double            covsellprice;        // average sell price
   double            covprofit;           // coverage profit
//| Currence exposure                                                |
struct ExposureValue
   char              currency[4];         // currency
   double            clients;             // clients volume
   double            coverage;            // coverage volume
//| Symbol properties                                                |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct SymbolPropertiesOld
   char              symbol[12];             // symbol
   COLORREF          color;                  // symbol color
   int               spread;                 // symbol spread
   int               spread_balance;         // spread balance
   int               stops_level;            // stops level
   int               exemode;                // execution mode
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct SymbolProperties
   char              symbol[12];            // symbol
   COLORREF          color;                 // symbol color
   int               spread;                // symbol spread
   int               spread_balance;        // spread balance
   int               stops_level;           // stops level
   int               smoothing;             // smoothing
   int               exemode;               // execution mode
   int               reserved[8];           // reserved
#pragma pack(pop)
//| Symbol tick                                                      |
struct TickInfo
   char              symbol[12];             // symbol
   __time32_t        ctm;                    // tick time
   double            bid;                    // bid
   double            ask;                    // ask
//| Mail                                                             |
struct MailBox
   __time32_t        time;                   // receive time
   int               sender;                 // mail sender (login)
   char              from[64];               // mail sender (name)
   int               to;                     // mail recipient
   char              subject[128];           // mail sumbect
   int               readed;                 // readed flag
   char* __ptr32     body;                   // pointer to mail body
   int               bodylen;                // mail body length
   short             build_min;              // minimum build
   short             build_max;              // maximum build
   int               reserved;               // reserved
//| News topic                                                       |
struct NewsTopic
   ULONG             key;                    // news key
   __time32_t        time;                   // news time
   char              ctm[32];                // news source time ("yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss")
   char              topic[256];             // news topic
   char              category[64];           // news category
   char              keywords[256];          // news keywords
   char* __ptr32     body;                   // body (if present)
   int               bodylen;                // body length
   int               readed;                 // readed flag
   int               priority;               // news priority: 0-general, 1-high
   int               langid;                 // news LANGID
   int               reserved[1];
//| Extended news structure                                          |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct NewsTopicNew
   //--- constants
   enum constants
      MAX_NEWS_BODY_LEN=15*1024*1024         // max. body len
   //--- news topic flags
   enum EnNewsFlags
      FLAG_PRIORITY    =1,                   // priority flag
      FLAG_CALENDAR    =2,                   // calendar item flag
      FLAG_MIME        =4,                   // MIME news content
      FLAG_ALLOW_DEMO  =8                    // allow body for demo accounts
   ULONG             key;                    // news key
   UINT              language;               // news language (WinAPI LANGID)
   wchar_t           subject[256];           // news subject
   wchar_t           category[256];          // news category
   UINT              flags;                  // EnNewsFlags
   wchar_t* __ptr32  body;                   // body
   UINT              body_len;               // body length
   UINT              languages_list[32];     // list of languages available for news
   INT64             datetime;               // news time
   UINT              reserved[30];           // reserved
#pragma pack(pop)
//| Server journal record                                            |
struct ServerLog
   int               code;                   // code
   char              time[24];               // time
   char              ip[256];                // ip
   char              message[512];           // message
//--- log record codes
enum EnErrLogTypes { 
                    CmdOK,                  // OK
                    CmdTrade,               // trades only
                    CmdLogin,               // logins only
                    CmdWarn,                // warnings
                    CmdErr,                 // errors
                    CmdAtt                  // attention, important errors
//--- request logs type
enum EnLogType     { 
                    LOG_TYPE_STANDARD=0,    // all except logins
                    LOG_TYPE_LOGINS  =1,    // logins only
                    LOG_TYPE_TRADES  =2,    // trades only
                    LOG_TYPE_ERRORS  =3,    // errors
                    LOG_TYPE_FULL    =4,    // full log
                    LOG_TYPE_UPDATER =16,   // live update
                    LOG_TYPE_SENDMAIL=17,   // send mail
                    LOG_TYPE_FAILOVER=18    // failover
//--- request logs type
enum EnLogMode     { 
                    LOG_MODE_ENABLED,       // manager api logs enabled
                    LOG_MODE_DISABLED,      // manager api logs disabled
//| Balance check                                                    |
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct BalanceDiff
   int               login;
   double            diff;
#pragma pack(pop)
//| Pumping notification codes                                       |
   PUMP_START_PUMPING=0,      // pumping started
   PUMP_UPDATE_SYMBOLS,       // update symbols
   PUMP_UPDATE_GROUPS,        // update groups
   PUMP_UPDATE_USERS,         // update users
   PUMP_UPDATE_ONLINE,        // update online users
   PUMP_UPDATE_BIDASK,        // update bid/ask
   PUMP_UPDATE_NEWS,          // update news
   PUMP_UPDATE_NEWS_BODY,     // update news body
   PUMP_UPDATE_MAIL,          // update news
   PUMP_UPDATE_TRADES,        // update trades
   PUMP_UPDATE_REQUESTS,      // update trade requests
   PUMP_UPDATE_PLUGINS,       // update server plugins
   PUMP_UPDATE_ACTIVATION,    // new order for activation (sl/sp/stopout)
   PUMP_UPDATE_MARGINCALL,    // new margin calls
   PUMP_STOP_PUMPING,         // pumping stopped
   PUMP_PING,                 // ping
   PUMP_UPDATE_NEWS_NEW,      // update news in new format (NewsTopicNew structure)
//| Dealing notification codes                                       |
   DEAL_START_DEALING=0,      // dealing dispatcher started
   DEAL_REQUEST_NEW,          // new request
   DEAL_STOP_DEALING          // dealing dispatcher stopped
//| Notification callback function                                   |
typedef void (__stdcall *MTAPI_NOTIFY_FUNC)(int code);
//| Notification callback function                                   |
typedef void (__stdcall *MTAPI_NOTIFY_FUNC_EX)(int code,int type,void * data,void *param);
//| MetaTrader Manager Interface                                     |
class CManagerInterface
//--- dummy methods for delphi
   virtual int    __stdcall QueryInterface(REFIID riid,LPVOID* obj)=0;
   virtual int    __stdcall AddRef() =0;
//--- release
   virtual int    __stdcall Release()=0;
//--- service methods
   virtual void   __stdcall MemFree(void* ptr)              =0;
   virtual LPCSTR __stdcall ErrorDescription(const int code)=0;
   virtual void   __stdcall WorkingDirectory(LPCSTR path)   =0;
//--- connection
   virtual int  __stdcall Connect(LPCSTR server)                =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall Disconnect()                          =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall IsConnected()                         =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall Login(const int login,LPCSTR password)=0;
   virtual int  __stdcall LoginSecured(LPCSTR key_path)         =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall KeysSend(LPCSTR key_path)             =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall Ping()                                =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall PasswordChange(LPCSTR pass,const int is_investor)=0;
   virtual int  __stdcall ManagerRights(ConManager *man)        =0;
//--- server administration commands
   virtual int  __stdcall SrvRestart()        =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall SrvChartsSync()     =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall SrvLiveUpdateStart()=0;
   virtual int  __stdcall SrvFeedsRestart()   =0;
//--- server configuration
   //--- configuration request
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgRequestCommon(ConCommon *cfg)=0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgRequestTime(ConTime *cfg)    =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgRequestBackup(ConBackup *cfg)=0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgRequestSymbolGroup(ConSymbolGroup *cfg)=0;
   virtual ConAccess*      __stdcall CfgRequestAccess(int *total)    =0;
   virtual ConDataServer*  __stdcall CfgRequestDataServer(int *total)=0;
   virtual ConHoliday*     __stdcall CfgRequestHoliday(int *total)   =0;
   virtual ConSymbol*      __stdcall CfgRequestSymbol(int *total)    =0;
   virtual ConGroup*       __stdcall CfgRequestGroup(int *total)     =0;
   virtual ConManager*     __stdcall CfgRequestManager(int *total)   =0;
   virtual ConFeeder*      __stdcall CfgRequestFeeder(int *total)    =0;
   virtual ConLiveUpdate*  __stdcall CfgRequestLiveUpdate(int *total)=0;
   virtual ConSync*        __stdcall CfgRequestSync(int *total)      =0;
   virtual ConPluginParam* __stdcall CfgRequestPlugin(int *total)    =0;
   //--- configuration update
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgUpdateCommon(const ConCommon* cfg)                        =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgUpdateAccess(const ConAccess* cfg,const int pos)          =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgUpdateDataServer(const ConDataServer *cfg,const int pos)  =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgUpdateTime(const ConTime *cfg)                            =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgUpdateHoliday(const ConHoliday *cfg,const int pos)        =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgUpdateSymbol(const ConSymbol *cfg)                        =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgUpdateSymbolGroup(const ConSymbolGroup *cfg,const int pos)=0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgUpdateGroup(const ConGroup *cfg)                          =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgUpdateManager(const ConManager *cfg)                      =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgUpdateFeeder(const ConFeeder *cfg)                        =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgUpdateBackup(const ConBackup *cfg)                        =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgUpdateLiveUpdate(const ConLiveUpdate *cfg)                =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgUpdateSync(const ConSync *cfg)                            =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgUpdatePlugin(const ConPlugin *cfg,const PluginCfg *parupd,const int total)=0;
   //--- configuration delete
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgDeleteAccess(const int pos)    =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgDeleteDataServer(const int pos)=0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgDeleteHoliday(const int pos)   =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgDeleteSymbol(const int pos)    =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgDeleteGroup(const int pos)     =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgDeleteManager(const int pos)   =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgDeleteFeeder(const int pos)    =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgDeleteLiveUpdate(const int pos)=0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgDeleteSync(const int pos)      =0;
   //--- configuration shift
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgShiftAccess(const int pos,const int shift)    =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgShiftDataServer(const int pos,const int shift)=0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgShiftHoliday(const int pos,const int shift)   =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgShiftSymbol(const int pos,const int shift)    =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgShiftGroup(const int pos,const int shift)     =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgShiftManager(const int pos,const int shift)   =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgShiftFeeder(const int pos,const int shift)    =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgShiftLiveUpdate(const int pos,const int shift)=0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgShiftSync(const int pos,const int shift)      =0;
   virtual int  __stdcall CfgShiftPlugin(const int pos,const int shift)    =0;
//--- server feeders
   virtual ServerFeed* __stdcall SrvFeeders(int *total)            =0;
   virtual LPSTR       __stdcall SrvFeederLog(LPCSTR name,int *len)=0;
//--- chart bases
   virtual RateInfoOld* __stdcall ChartRequestObsolete(const ChartInfo *chart,__time32_t *timesign,int *total)           =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall ChartAddObsolete(LPCSTR symbol,const int period,const RateInfoOld* rates,int *count)   =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall ChartUpdateObsolete(LPCSTR symbol,const int period,const RateInfoOld* rates,int *count)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall ChartDeleteObsolete(LPCSTR symbol,const int period,const RateInfoOld* rates,int *count)=0;
//--- performance info
   virtual PerformanceInfo* __stdcall PerformaneRequest(__time32_t from,int *total)=0;
//--- users/trades backups
   virtual BackupInfo*  __stdcall BackupInfoUsers(const int mode,int *total) =0;
   virtual BackupInfo*  __stdcall BackupInfoOrders(const int mode,int *total)=0;
   virtual UserRecord*  __stdcall BackupRequestUsers(LPCSTR file,LPCSTR request,int *total) =0;
   virtual TradeRecord* __stdcall BackupRequestOrders(LPCSTR file,LPCSTR request,int *total)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall BackupRestoreUsers(const UserRecord *users,const int total)     =0;
   virtual TradeRestoreResult* __stdcall BackupRestoreOrders(const TradeRecord *trades,int *total)=0;
//--- administrator databases commands
   virtual UserRecord*  __stdcall AdmUsersRequest(LPCSTR group,int *total)          =0;
   virtual TradeRecord* __stdcall AdmTradesRequest(LPCSTR group,const int open_only,int *total)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall AdmBalanceCheckObsolete(int *logins,int *total)   =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall AdmBalanceFix(const int *logins,const int total)  =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall AdmTradesDelete(const int *orders,const int total)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall AdmTradeRecordModify(const TradeRecord *trade)    =0;
//--- symbols
   virtual int          __stdcall SymbolsRefresh()                           =0;
   virtual ConSymbol*   __stdcall SymbolsGetAll(int *total)                  =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall SymbolGet(LPCSTR symbol,ConSymbol *cs)     =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall SymbolInfoGet(LPCSTR symbol,SymbolInfo *si)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall SymbolAdd(LPCSTR symbol)                   =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall SymbolHide(LPCSTR symbol)                  =0;
//--- symbol commands
   virtual int          __stdcall SymbolChangeObsolete(const SymbolPropertiesOld *prop)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall SymbolSendTick(LPCSTR symbol,const double bid,const double ask)=0;
//--- manager commands
   virtual ConGroup*    __stdcall GroupsRequest(int *total)                      =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall MailSend(const MailBox* mail,const int *logins)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall NewsSend(const NewsTopic *news)                =0;
//--- journal
   virtual ServerLog*   __stdcall JournalRequest(const int mode,const __time32_t from,const __time32_t to,LPCSTR filter,int *total)=0;
//--- databases: direct request to the server
//--- users
   virtual UserRecord*  __stdcall UsersRequest(int *total)                        =0;
   virtual UserRecord*  __stdcall UserRecordsRequest(const int *logins,int *total)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall UserRecordNew(UserRecord *user)                 =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall UserRecordUpdate(const UserRecord *user)        =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall UsersGroupOp(const GroupCommandInfo *info,const int *logins)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall UserPasswordCheck(const int login,LPCSTR password)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall UserPasswordSet(const int login,LPCSTR password,const int change_investor,const int clean_pubkey)=0;
   virtual OnlineRecord* __stdcall OnlineRequest(int *total)              =0;
//--- orders
   virtual int          __stdcall TradeTransaction(TradeTransInfo *info)           =0;
   virtual TradeRecord* __stdcall TradesRequest(int *total)                        =0;
   virtual TradeRecord* __stdcall TradeRecordsRequest(const int *orders,int *total)=0;
   virtual TradeRecord* __stdcall TradesUserHistory(const int login,const __time32_t from,const __time32_t to,int *total)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall TradeCheckStops(const TradeTransInfo *trade,const double price)=0;
//--- reports
   virtual TradeRecord* __stdcall ReportsRequest(const ReportGroupRequest *req,const int *logins,int *total)    =0;
   virtual DailyReport* __stdcall DailyReportsRequest(const DailyGroupRequest *req,const int *logins,int *total)=0;
//--- external command
   virtual int          __stdcall ExternalCommand(LPCSTR data_in,const int size_in,LPSTR *data_out,int *size_out)=0;
//--- plugins
   virtual int          __stdcall PluginUpdate(const ConPluginParam *plugin)=0;
//--- pumping
   virtual int          __stdcall PumpingSwitch(MTAPI_NOTIFY_FUNC pfnFunc,const HWND destwnd,const UINT eventmsg,const int flags)=0;
   virtual ConGroup*    __stdcall GroupsGet(int *total)                                    =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall GroupRecordGet(LPCSTR name,ConGroup *group)              =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall SymbolInfoUpdated(SymbolInfo *si,const int max_info)     =0;
   virtual UserRecord*  __stdcall UsersGet(int *total)                                     =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall UserRecordGet(const int login,UserRecord *user)          =0;
   virtual OnlineRecord* __stdcall OnlineGet(int *total)                                   =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall OnlineRecordGet(const int login,OnlineRecord *user)      =0;
   virtual TradeRecord* __stdcall TradesGet(int *total)                                    =0;
   virtual TradeRecord* __stdcall TradesGetBySymbol(LPCSTR symbol,int *total)              =0;
   virtual TradeRecord* __stdcall TradesGetByLogin(const int login,LPCSTR group,int *total)=0;
   virtual TradeRecord* __stdcall TradesGetByMarket(int *total)                            =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall TradeRecordGet(const int order,TradeRecord *trade)       =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall TradeClearRollback(const int order)                      =0;
   virtual MarginLevel* __stdcall MarginsGet(int *total)                                   =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall MarginLevelGet(const int login,LPCSTR group,MarginLevel *margin)=0;
   virtual RequestInfo* __stdcall RequestsGet(int *total)                                  =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall RequestInfoGet(const int pos,RequestInfo *info)          =0;
   virtual ConPlugin*   __stdcall PluginsGet(int *total)                                   =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall PluginParamGet(const int pos,ConPluginParam *plugin)     =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall MailLast(LPSTR path,int *length)                         =0;
   virtual NewsTopic*   __stdcall NewsGet(int *total)                                      =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall NewsTotal()                                              =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall NewsTopicGet(const int pos,NewsTopic *news)              =0;
   virtual void         __stdcall NewsBodyRequest(const int key)                           =0;
   virtual LPSTR        __stdcall NewsBodyGet(const int key)                               =0;
//--- dealing
   virtual int          __stdcall DealerSwitch(MTAPI_NOTIFY_FUNC pfnFunc,const HWND destwnd,const UINT eventmsg)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall DealerRequestGet(RequestInfo *info)   =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall DealerSend(const RequestInfo *info,const int requote,const int mode)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall DealerReject(const int id)            =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall DealerReset(const int id)             =0;
   virtual TickInfo*    __stdcall TickInfoLast(LPCSTR symbol,int *total)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall SymbolsGroupsGet(ConSymbolGroup *grp) =0;
   virtual __time32_t   __stdcall ServerTime()                          =0;
   virtual MailBox*     __stdcall MailsRequest(int *total)              =0;
//--- risk management
   virtual SymbolSummary* __stdcall SummaryGetAll(int *total)                            =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall SummaryGet(LPCSTR symbol,SymbolSummary *info)          =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall SummaryGetByCount(const int symbol,SymbolSummary *info)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall SummaryGetByType(const int sectype,SymbolSummary *info)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall SummaryCurrency(LPSTR cur,const int maxchars)          =0;
   virtual ExposureValue* __stdcall ExposureGet(int *total)                              =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall ExposureValueGet(LPCSTR cur,ExposureValue *info)       =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall MarginLevelRequest(const int login,MarginLevel *level) =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall HistoryCorrect(LPCSTR symbol,int *updated)             =0;
//--- new chart bases
   virtual RateInfo *   __stdcall ChartRequest(const ChartInfo *chart,__time32_t *timesign,int *total)            =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall ChartAdd(LPCSTR symbol,const int period,const RateInfo *rates,int *count)   =0;
   virtual int          __stdcall ChartUpdate(LPCSTR symbol,const int period,const RateInfo *rates,int *count)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall ChartDelete(LPCSTR symbol,const int period,const RateInfo *rates,int *count)=0;
//--- ticks base
   virtual TickRecord*  __stdcall TicksRequest(const TickRequest *request,int *total)=0;
//--- internal methods
   virtual int          __stdcall PumpingSwitchEx(MTAPI_NOTIFY_FUNC_EX pfnFunc,const int flags,void *param)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall UsersSyncStart(const __time32_t timestamp)=0;
   virtual UserRecord*  __stdcall UsersSyncRead(int* users_total)=0;
   virtual int*         __stdcall UsersSnapshot(int* users_total)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall TradesSyncStart(const __time32_t timestamp)=0;
   virtual TradeRecord* __stdcall TradesSyncRead(int* trades_total)=0;
   virtual int*         __stdcall TradesSnapshot(int* trades_total)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall DailySyncStart(const __time32_t timestamp)=0;
   virtual DailyReport* __stdcall DailySyncRead(int* daily_total)=0;
//--- profit recalculation
   virtual int          __stdcall TradeCalcProfit(TradeRecord *trade)=0;
//--- new symbol commands
   virtual int          __stdcall SymbolChange(const SymbolProperties *prop) =0;
//--- network statistics
   virtual int          __stdcall BytesSent()=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall BytesReceived()=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall ManagerCommon(ConCommon *common)=0;
//--- log access
   virtual void         __stdcall LogsOut(const int code,LPCSTR source,LPCSTR msg)=0;
   virtual void         __stdcall LogsMode(const int mode)=0;
//--- check license
   virtual int         __stdcall  LicenseCheck(LPCSTR license_name)=0;
//--- gateway configs
   virtual ConGatewayAccount* __stdcall CfgRequestGatewayAccount(int *total)=0;
   virtual ConGatewayMarkup*  __stdcall CfgRequestGatewayMarkup(int *total)=0;
   virtual ConGatewayRule*    __stdcall CfgRequestGatewayRule(int *total)=0;
   //--- configuration update
   virtual int          __stdcall CfgUpdateGatewayAccount(const ConGatewayAccount* cfg)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall CfgUpdateGatewayMarkup(const ConGatewayMarkup* cfg)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall CfgUpdateGatewayRule(const ConGatewayRule *cfg)=0;
   //--- configuration delete
   virtual int          __stdcall CfgDeleteGatewayAccount(const int pos)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall CfgDeleteGatewayMarkup(const int pos)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall CfgDeleteGatewayRule(const int pos)=0;
   //--- configuration shift
   virtual int          __stdcall CfgShiftGatewayAccount(const int pos,const int shift)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall CfgShiftGatewayMarkup(const int pos,const int shift)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall CfgShiftGatewayRule(const int pos,const int shift)=0;
//--- administrator databases commands
   virtual BalanceDiff* __stdcall AdmBalanceCheck(int *logins,int *total)=0;
//--- notifications
   virtual int          __stdcall NotificationsSend(LPWSTR metaquotes_ids,LPCWSTR message)=0;
   virtual int          __stdcall NotificationsSend(const int* logins,const UINT logins_total,LPCWSTR message)=0;
//| Functions                                                        |
typedef int (*MtManVersion_t)(void);
typedef int (*MtManCreate_t)(int version,CManagerInterface **man);
//| Factory                                                          |
#ifndef _MT4MANDLL
class CManagerFactory
   HMODULE           m_lib;
   MtManVersion_t    m_pfnManVersion;
   MtManCreate_t     m_pfnManCreate;
   //--- constructor
   CManagerFactory(LPCSTR lib_path=NULL):m_lib(NULL) 
   //--- destructor
         m_pfnManCreate =NULL;
   //--- initialization
   inline void Init(LPCSTR lib_path=NULL)
      char path[256]="";
         #ifndef _WIN64
         m_pfnManCreate =reinterpret_cast(::GetProcAddress(m_lib,"MtManCreate"));
         m_pfnManCreate =NULL;
   //--- winsock startup/cleanup
   inline int WinsockStartup() const
      WSADATA wsa;
      return(WSAStartup(0x0202,&wsa)!=0 ? RET_ERROR:RET_OK);
   inline void WinsockCleanup() const 
   inline int IsValid() const 
      return(m_lib!=NULL && m_pfnManVersion!=NULL && m_pfnManCreate!=NULL) ? TRUE:FALSE;
   inline int Version() const 
   inline CManagerInterface* Create(const int version) const
      CManagerInterface *man=NULL;
      if(m_pfnManCreate) (*m_pfnManCreate)(version,&man);
