flush(注意只有一个f):冲洗,冲刷,冲掉。 例句:I flushed the toilet and went back to work again.
下面,我们来看看一个简单的函数:fflush(file flush,注意有两个f), 先来看一个简单的程序:
#include <stdio.h> int main() { char c; scanf("%c", &c); printf("%d\n", c); scanf("%c", &c); printf("%d\n", c); return 0; }运行这个程序,输入1, 并按enter键,结果为:
不用吃惊,这个结果很正常的,字符1对应的ASCII值刚好为49, enter键对应的ASCII值为10, 所以就有这样的结果呢。可以看出,第二个scanf函数执行了,并从缓冲区中得到了值(其实,这个值不是我们想要的),那么我们如何把缓冲区这个“马桶”里面的值冲掉呢?用fflush函数就可以了。如下:
#include <stdio.h> int main() { char c; scanf("%c", &c); printf("%d\n", c); fflush(stdin); // 冲掉“马桶”中的无用值 scanf("%c", &c); printf("%d\n", c); return 0; }这样,就不会显示10了。
#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void main( void ) { int integer; char string[81]; /* Read each word as a string. */ printf( "Enter a sentence of four words with scanf: " ); for( integer = 0; integer < 4; integer++ ) { scanf( "%s", string ); printf( "%s\n", string ); } /* You must flush the input buffer before using gets. */ fflush( stdin ); printf( "Enter the same sentence with gets: " ); gets( string ); printf( "%s\n", string ); }
fflush has no effect on an unbuffered stream.
Buffers are normally maintained by the operating system, which determines the optimal time to write the data automatically to disk: when a buffer is full, when a stream is closed, or when a program terminates normally without closing the stream.