import maya.cmds; maya.cmds.polySphere();
2) Python在maya中的位置:
3)命令行帮助(当然可以参考:Python Command Reference)
import maya.cmds; print(maya.cmds.help('polyCube'));
import maya.cmds as mc; # 创建一个Cube,名称为pCube1,width为10 mc.polyCube(n='pCube1', width=10); # 修改其width为20; mc.polyCube('pCube1', edit=True, width=20); # 查询pCube1的width属性 w = mc.polyCube('pCube1', query=True, width=True); #MEL为 polyCube -q -w pCube1; print(w)
import sys; print(sys.version);
import maya.cmds as mc; loc = mc.spaceLocator()[0]; sx = mc.getAttr(loc+'.scaleX'); sx*=2; mc.setAttr(loc+'.scaleX', sx); print(mc.xform(loc, q=True, translation=True)); mc.xform(loc, translation=[0,1,0]);
import maya.cmds as mc; sphere = mc.polySphere()[0]; cube = mc.polyCube()[0]; mc.connectAttr(cube+'.ry', sphere+'.ty'); mc.disconnectAttr(cube+'.ry', sphere+'.ty'); mult = mc.createNode('multiplyDivide'); mc.connectAttr(cube+'.ry', mult+'.input1X'); mc.setAttr(mult+'.input2X', 1.0/90.0); mc.connectAttr(mult+'.outputX', sphere+'.ty'); mc.select(cube);
import os import glob from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join # see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4128144/replace-string-within-file-contents def inplace_change(filename, old_string, new_string): s=open(filename).read() if old_string in s: s=s.replace(old_string, new_string) f=open(filename, 'w') f.write(s) f.flush() f.close() print "Done!" else: print "No Change!" # see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3207219/how-to-list-all-files-of-a-directory-in-python curPath = os.getcwd().replace("\\", "/"); objectPath = curPath + "/objs" exportPath = curPath + "/fbx" objPathTmp = objectPath + "/%s.obj" fbxPathTmp = exportPath + "/%s.fbx" if not os.path.exists(exportPath): os.makedirs(exportPath) else: files = glob.glob(exportPath + '/*') for f in files: os.remove(f) onlyObjFiles = [ f for f in listdir(objectPath) if isfile(join(objectPath, f)) and f.endswith(".obj") ] cmdsTmp = 'file -import -type "OBJ" -gr -ignoreVersion -rdn -mergeNamespacesOnClash true -rpr "xx" -options "mo=1" -pr "%s";string $transforms[] = `ls -tr`; string $polyMeshes[] = `filterExpand -sm 12 $transforms`; select -r $polyMeshes; file -force -options "mo=1" -typ "FBX export" -pr -es "%s"; select -r $transforms; delete;' cmds = "" for fn in onlyObjFiles: print '%s -> ' % fn, inplace_change(objectPath + "/" + fn, "f 1/1/1 1/1/1 1/1/1", "") name = fn[:-4] selName = name[:name.rfind('_')] cmds += cmdsTmp % (objPathTmp % fn[:-4], fbxPathTmp % fn[:-4]); print cmds melfile = "%s\obj2fbx.mel" % os.getcwd() melcon = open(melfile, 'w' ) melcon.truncate() melcon.write(cmds) melcon.close() os.system("mayabatch -log obj2fbx.log -script %s" % melfile)
Python Command Reference
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