A nested class is declared within the scope of another class. The name of a nested class is local to its enclosing class. Unless you use explicit pointers, references, or object names, declarations in a nested class can only use visible constructs, including type names, static members, and enumerators from the enclosing class and global variables.
Member functions of a nested class follow regular access rules and have no special access privileges to members of their enclosing classes. Member functions of the enclosing class have no special access to members of a nested class. The following example demonstrates this:
class A {
int x;
class B { };
class C {
// The compiler cannot allow the following
// declaration because A::B is private:
// B b;
int y;
void f(A* p, int i) {
// The compiler cannot allow the following
// statement because A::x is private:
// p->x = i;
void g(C* p) {
// The compiler cannot allow the following
// statement because C::y is private:
// int z = p->y;
int main() { }
The compiler would not allow the declaration of object b because class A::B is private. The compiler would not allow the statement p->x = i because A::x is private. The compiler would not allow the statement int z = p->y because C::y is private.
You can define member functions and static data members of a nested class in namespace scope. For example, in the following code fragment, you can access the static members x and y and member functions f() and g() of the nested class nested by using a qualified type name. Qualified type names allow you to define a typedef to represent a qualified class name. You can then use the typedef with the :: (scope resolution) operator to refer to a nested class or class member, as shown in the following example:
class outside
class nested
static int x;
static int y;
int f();
int g();
int outside::nested::x = 5;
int outside::nested::f() { return 0; };
typedef outside::nested outnest; // define a typedef
int outnest::y = 10; // use typedef with ::
int outnest::g() { return 0; };
However, using a typedef to represent a nested class name hides information and may make the code harder to understand.
You cannot use a typedef name in an elaborated type specifier. To illustrate, you cannot use the following declaration in the above example:
class outnest obj;
A nested class may inherit from private members of its enclosing class. The following example demonstrates this:
class A {
class B { };
B *z;
class C : private B {
B y;
// A::B y2;
C *x;
// A::C *x2;
The nested class A::C inherits from A::B. The compiler does not allow the declarations A::B y2 and A::C *x2 because both A::B and A::C are private.
9.7 Nested class declarations
1 A class can be defined within another class. A class defined within another is called a nested class. The
name of a nested class is local to its enclosing class. The nested class is in the scope of its enclosing class.
Except by using explicit pointers, references, and object names, declarations in a nested class can use only
type names, static members, and enumerators from the enclosing class. [Example:
int x;
int y;
class enclose {
int x;
static int s;
class inner {
void f(int i)
int a = sizeof(x); // error: refers to enclose::x
x = i; // error: assign to enclose::x
s = i; // OK: assign to enclose::s
::x = i; // OK: assign to global x
y = i; // OK: assign to global y
void g(enclose* p, int i)
p->x = i; // OK: assign to enclose::x
inner* p = 0; // error: inner not in scope
—end example]
2 Member functions and static data members of a nested class can be defined in a namespace scope enclosing
the definition of their class. [Example:
class enclose {
class inner {
static int x;
void f(int i);
int enclose::inner::x = 1;
void enclose::inner::f(int i) { /* ... */ }
—end example]
3 If class X is defined in a namespace scope, a nested class Y may be declared in class X and later defined in
the definition of class X or be later defined in a namespace scope enclosing the definition of class X.
class E {
class I1; // forward declaration of nested class
class I2;
class I1 {}; // definition of nested class
class E::I2 {}; // definition of nested class
—end example]
4 Like a member function, a friend function (11.4) defined within a nested class is in the lexical scope of that
class; it obeys the same rules for name binding as a static member function of that class (9.4) and has no
special access rights to members of an enclosing class.