package com.sutien.houseoffical.util;
import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.Canvas;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.AreaAveragingScaleFilter;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.FilteredImageSource;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
//import com.housecommunity.service.ExceptionLogService;
* 图片处理公共类。包括生成缩略图
* @author Administrator
public class ImageUtil {
private static Component component = new Canvas();
private static int width;
private static int height;
private static int scaleWidth;
static double support = (double) 3.0;
static double PI = (double) 3.14159265358978;
static double[] contrib;
static double[] normContrib;
static double[] tmpContrib;
static int startContrib, stopContrib;
static int nDots;
static int nHalfDots;
* @param fromFileStr
* 原图片地址
* @param saveToFileStr
* 生成缩略图地址
* @param formatWideth
* 生成图片宽度
* @param formatHeight
* formatHeight高度
public static void saveImageAsJpg(File fromFile, File saveFile,
int formatWideth, int formatHeight) throws Exception {
BufferedImage srcImage;
srcImage =; // construct image
int imageWideth = srcImage.getWidth(null);
int imageHeight = srcImage.getHeight(null);
int changeToWideth = 0;
int changeToHeight = 0;
if (imageWideth > 0 && imageHeight > 0) {
// flag=true;
if (imageWideth / imageHeight >= formatWideth / formatHeight) {
if (imageWideth > formatWideth) {
changeToWideth = formatWideth;
changeToHeight = (imageHeight * formatWideth) / imageWideth;
} else {
changeToWideth = imageWideth;
changeToHeight = imageHeight;
} else {
if (imageHeight > formatHeight) {
changeToHeight = formatHeight;
changeToWideth = (imageWideth * formatHeight) / imageHeight;
} else {
changeToWideth = imageWideth;
changeToHeight = imageHeight;
srcImage = imageZoomOut(srcImage, changeToWideth, changeToHeight);
ImageIO.write(srcImage, "JPEG", saveFile);
public static BufferedImage imageZoomOut(BufferedImage srcBufferImage,
int w, int h) {
width = srcBufferImage.getWidth();
height = srcBufferImage.getHeight();
scaleWidth = w;
if (DetermineResultSize(w, h) == 1) {
return srcBufferImage;
BufferedImage pbOut = HorizontalFiltering(srcBufferImage, w);
BufferedImage pbFinalOut = VerticalFiltering(pbOut, h);
return pbFinalOut;
* 决定图像尺寸
private static int DetermineResultSize(int w, int h) {
double scaleH, scaleV;
scaleH = (double) w / (double) width;
scaleV = (double) h / (double) height;
// 需要判断一下scaleH,scaleV,不做放大操作
if (scaleH >= 1.0 && scaleV >= 1.0) {
return 1;
return 0;
} // end of DetermineResultSize()
private static double Lanczos(int i, int inWidth, int outWidth,
double Support) {
double x;
x = (double) i * (double) outWidth / (double) inWidth;
return Math.sin(x * PI) / (x * PI) * Math.sin(x * PI / Support)
/ (x * PI / Support);
private static void CalContrib() {
nHalfDots = (int) ((double) width * support / (double) scaleWidth);
nDots = nHalfDots * 2 + 1;
try {
contrib = new double[nDots];
normContrib = new double[nDots];
tmpContrib = new double[nDots];
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("init contrib,normContrib,tmpContrib" + e);
int center = nHalfDots;
contrib[center] = 1.0;
double weight = 0.0;
int i = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= center; i++) {
contrib[center + i] = Lanczos(i, width, scaleWidth, support);
weight += contrib[center + i];
for (i = center - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
contrib[i] = contrib[center * 2 - i];
weight = weight * 2 + 1.0;
for (i = 0; i <= center; i++) {
normContrib[i] = contrib[i] / weight;
for (i = center + 1; i < nDots; i++) {
normContrib[i] = normContrib[center * 2 - i];
} // end of CalContrib()
// 处理边缘
private static void CalTempContrib(int start, int stop) {
double weight = 0;
int i = 0;
for (i = start; i <= stop; i++) {
weight += contrib[i];
for (i = start; i <= stop; i++) {
tmpContrib[i] = contrib[i] / weight;
} // end of CalTempContrib()
private static int GetRedValue(int rgbValue) {
int temp = rgbValue & 0x00ff0000;
return temp >> 16;
private static int GetGreenValue(int rgbValue) {
int temp = rgbValue & 0x0000ff00;
return temp >> 8;
private static int GetBlueValue(int rgbValue) {
return rgbValue & 0x000000ff;
private static int ComRGB(int redValue, int greenValue, int blueValue) {
return (redValue << 16) + (greenValue << 8) + blueValue;
// 行水平滤波
private static int HorizontalFilter(BufferedImage bufImg, int startX,
int stopX, int start, int stop, int y, double[] pContrib) {
double valueRed = 0.0;
double valueGreen = 0.0;
double valueBlue = 0.0;
int valueRGB = 0;
int i, j;
for (i = startX, j = start; i <= stopX; i++, j++) {
valueRGB = bufImg.getRGB(i, y);
valueRed += GetRedValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];
valueGreen += GetGreenValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];
valueBlue += GetBlueValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];
valueRGB = ComRGB(Clip((int) valueRed), Clip((int) valueGreen),
Clip((int) valueBlue));
return valueRGB;
} // end of HorizontalFilter()
// 图片水平滤波
private static BufferedImage HorizontalFiltering(BufferedImage bufImage,
int iOutW) {
int dwInW = bufImage.getWidth();
int dwInH = bufImage.getHeight();
int value = 0;
BufferedImage pbOut = new BufferedImage(iOutW, dwInH,
for (int x = 0; x < iOutW; x++) {
int startX;
int start;
int X = (int) (((double) x) * ((double) dwInW) / ((double) iOutW) + 0.5);
int y = 0;
startX = X - nHalfDots;
if (startX < 0) {
startX = 0;
start = nHalfDots - X;
} else {
start = 0;
int stop;
int stopX = X + nHalfDots;
if (stopX > (dwInW - 1)) {
stopX = dwInW - 1;
stop = nHalfDots + (dwInW - 1 - X);
} else {
stop = nHalfDots * 2;
if (start > 0 || stop < nDots - 1) {
CalTempContrib(start, stop);
for (y = 0; y < dwInH; y++) {
value = HorizontalFilter(bufImage, startX, stopX, start,
stop, y, tmpContrib);
pbOut.setRGB(x, y, value);
} else {
for (y = 0; y < dwInH; y++) {
value = HorizontalFilter(bufImage, startX, stopX, start,
stop, y, normContrib);
pbOut.setRGB(x, y, value);
return pbOut;
} // end of HorizontalFiltering()
private static int VerticalFilter(BufferedImage pbInImage, int startY,
int stopY, int start, int stop, int x, double[] pContrib) {
double valueRed = 0.0;
double valueGreen = 0.0;
double valueBlue = 0.0;
int valueRGB = 0;
int i, j;
for (i = startY, j = start; i <= stopY; i++, j++) {
valueRGB = pbInImage.getRGB(x, i);
valueRed += GetRedValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];
valueGreen += GetGreenValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];
valueBlue += GetBlueValue(valueRGB) * pContrib[j];
// System.out.println(valueRed+"->"+Clip((int)valueRed)+"<-");
// System.out.println(valueGreen+"->"+Clip((int)valueGreen)+"<-");
// System.out.println(valueBlue+"->"+Clip((int)valueBlue)+"<-"+"-->");
valueRGB = ComRGB(Clip((int) valueRed), Clip((int) valueGreen),
Clip((int) valueBlue));
// System.out.println(valueRGB);
return valueRGB;
} // end of VerticalFilter()
private static BufferedImage VerticalFiltering(BufferedImage pbImage,
int iOutH) {
int iW = pbImage.getWidth();
int iH = pbImage.getHeight();
int value = 0;
BufferedImage pbOut = new BufferedImage(iW, iOutH,
for (int y = 0; y < iOutH; y++) {
int startY;
int start;
int Y = (int) (((double) y) * ((double) iH) / ((double) iOutH) + 0.5);
startY = Y - nHalfDots;
if (startY < 0) {
startY = 0;
start = nHalfDots - Y;
} else {
start = 0;
int stop;
int stopY = Y + nHalfDots;
if (stopY > (int) (iH - 1)) {
stopY = iH - 1;
stop = nHalfDots + (iH - 1 - Y);
} else {
stop = nHalfDots * 2;
if (start > 0 || stop < nDots - 1) {
CalTempContrib(start, stop);
for (int x = 0; x < iW; x++) {
value = VerticalFilter(pbImage, startY, stopY, start, stop,
x, tmpContrib);
pbOut.setRGB(x, y, value);
} else {
for (int x = 0; x < iW; x++) {
value = VerticalFilter(pbImage, startY, stopY, start, stop,
x, normContrib);
pbOut.setRGB(x, y, value);
return pbOut;
} // end of VerticalFiltering()
static int Clip(int x) {
if (x < 0)
return 0;
if (x > 255)
return 255;
return x;
public static void saveImageAsJpgs(File fromFile, File saveFile,
int formatWideth, int formatHeight) {
try {
BufferedImage bufferedImage =;
BufferedImage bi = imageZoomOut(bufferedImage, formatWideth,
ImageIO.write(bi, "JPEG", saveFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* 以宽度为基准生成图片
* @param fileName
* @param fileNameTarget
* @param w
* @param h
* @throws IOException
public static int resizeByWidth(File fileName, File fileNameTarget, int w,
int h) throws IOException {
Image image =;
float rw = image.getWidth(null);
float rh = image.getHeight(null);
int h1 = (int) (rh * w / rw);
try {
createZoomSizeImages1(fileName, fileNameTarget, w, h1);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return h1;
* 以高度为基准,等比例缩放图片
* @param h
* int 新高度
* @throws IOException
public static int resizeByHeight(File fileName, File fileNameTarget, int w,
int h) throws IOException {
Image image =;
float rw = image.getWidth(null);
float rh = image.getHeight(null);
int w1 = (int) (rw * h / rh);
try {
createZoomSizeImages1(fileName, fileNameTarget, w1, h);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return w1;
* 按照最大高度限制,生成最大的等比例缩略图
* @param w
* int 最大宽度
* @param h
* int 最大高度
* @throws IOException
public static List<Integer> resizeFix(File fileName, File fileNameTarget,
int w, int h) throws IOException {
Image image =;
float rw = image.getWidth(null);
float rh = image.getHeight(null);
ArrayList<Integer> arr = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// mod by xiangdong如果原图小于标准限定的最大尺寸,则生成原图
if (image.getWidth(null) < w && image.getHeight(null) < h) {
try {
createZoomSizeImages1(fileName, fileNameTarget, image
.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null));
} catch (Exception e) {
} else if (rw / rh > (float) w / (float) h) {
int height = resizeByWidth(fileName, fileNameTarget, w, h);
} else {
int width = resizeByHeight(fileName, fileNameTarget, w, h);
return arr;
public static List<Integer> resizeFix2(File fileName, File fileNameTarget,
int w, int h) throws IOException {
Image image =;
ArrayList<Integer> arr = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int height = resizeByWidth(fileName, fileNameTarget, w, h);
return arr;
public static void createZoomSizeImages(File fileName, File fileNameTarget,
int w, int h) {
try {
resizeFix(fileName, fileNameTarget, w, h);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* 按指定大小生成图片
* @param fileName
* 原文件
* @param fileNameTarget
* 生成的目标文件
* @param w
* 宽
* @param h
* 高
* @throws Exception
public static void createZoomSizeImages1(File fileName,
File fileNameTarget, int w, int h) throws Exception {
BufferedImage image =;
/* BufferedImage bufferedImage = imageZoomOut(image, w, h); */
AreaAveragingScaleFilter areaAveragingScaleFilter = new AreaAveragingScaleFilter(
w, h);
FilteredImageSource filteredImageSource = new FilteredImageSource(image
.getSource(), areaAveragingScaleFilter);
BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(w, h,
Graphics graphics = bufferedImage.createGraphics();
// graphics.drawImage(component.createImage(filteredImageSource), 0, 0,
// null);
// modify by xiangdong
graphics.drawImage(image.getScaledInstance(w, h, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH),
0, 0, null);
String fileName1 = fileNameTarget.getName();
String filetype = StringUtil.getStringsub(fileName1, ".")[1];
// System.out.println(filetype);
filetype = filetype.toUpperCase();
// System.out.println(filetype);
if (filetype.endsWith("PNG")) {
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "PNG", fileNameTarget);
} else if (filetype.endsWith("GIF")) {
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "GIF", fileNameTarget);
} else if (filetype.equals("JPEG")) {
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "JPEG", fileNameTarget);
} else {
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "JPG", fileNameTarget);
private static void checkFolderAndMakdir(File fileNameTarget) {
if (fileNameTarget.isDirectory()) {
if (!fileNameTarget.exists()) {
} else {
String path = fileNameTarget.getPath();
path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf(File.separator));
File temp = new File(path);
* 图片水印
* @param pressImg
* 水印图片
* @param targetImg
* 目标图片
* @param x
* 修正值 默认在中间
* @param y
* 修正值 默认在中间
* @param alpha
* 透明度
public final static void pressImage(String pressImg, String targetImg,
int x, int y, float alpha) {
try {
File img = new File(targetImg);
Image src =;
int wideth = src.getWidth(null);
int height = src.getHeight(null);
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(wideth, height,
Graphics2D g = image.createGraphics();
g.drawImage(src, 0, 0, wideth, height, null);
// 水印文件
Image src_biao = File(pressImg));
int wideth_biao = src_biao.getWidth(null);
int height_biao = src_biao.getHeight(null);
g.drawImage(src_biao, (wideth - wideth_biao) / 2 + x,
(height - height_biao) / 2 + y, wideth_biao, height_biao,
// 水印文件结束
ImageIO.write((BufferedImage) image, "jpg", img);
} catch (Exception e) {
* 图片水印右下角
* @param pressImg
* 水印图片
* @param targetImg
* 目标图片
* @param x
* 修正值 默认在中间
* @param y
* 修正值 默认在中间
* @param alpha
* 透明度
public final static void pressImageInRightBotton(File pressImg,
File targetImg, float alpha) {
try {
File img = targetImg;
// new File(targetImg);
Image src =;
int wideth = src.getWidth(null);
int height = src.getHeight(null);
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(wideth, height,
Graphics2D g = image.createGraphics();
g.drawImage(src, 0, 0, wideth, height, null);
// 水印文件
Image src_biao =;
int wideth_biao = src_biao.getWidth(null);
int height_biao = src_biao.getHeight(null);
g.drawImage(src_biao, wideth - wideth_biao - 10, height
- height_biao - 10, wideth_biao, height_biao, null);
// 水印文件结束
String fileName1 = targetImg.getName();
String filetype = StringUtil.getStringsub(fileName1, ".")[1];
// System.out.println(filetype);
filetype = filetype.toUpperCase();
// System.out.println(filetype);
if (filetype.endsWith("PNG")) {
ImageIO.write((BufferedImage) image, "PNG", img);
} else if (filetype.endsWith("GIF")) {
ImageIO.write((BufferedImage) image, "GIF", img);
} else if (filetype.equals("JPEG")) {
ImageIO.write((BufferedImage) image, "JPEG", img);
} else {
ImageIO.write((BufferedImage) image, "JPG", img);
} catch (Exception e) {
* 按指定大小生成图片
* @param fileName
* 原文件
* @param fileNameTarget
* 生成的目标文件
* @param w
* 宽
* @param h
* 高
* @throws Exception
public static void createZoomSizeImagesWithoutwh(File fileName,
File fileNameTarget) throws Exception {
String fileName1 = fileNameTarget.getName();
String filetype = StringUtil.getStringsub(fileName1, ".")[1];
filetype = filetype.toUpperCase();
if (filetype.endsWith("GIF")) {
CopyFile(fileName, fileNameTarget);
Image image =;
int w = image.getWidth(null);
int h = image.getHeight(null);
AreaAveragingScaleFilter areaAveragingScaleFilter = new AreaAveragingScaleFilter(
w, h);
FilteredImageSource filteredImageSource = new FilteredImageSource(image
.getSource(), areaAveragingScaleFilter);
BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(w, h,
Graphics graphics = bufferedImage.createGraphics();
graphics.drawImage(component.createImage(filteredImageSource), 0, 0,
if (filetype.endsWith("PNG")) {
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "PNG", fileNameTarget);
} else if (filetype.equals("JPEG")) {
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "JPEG", fileNameTarget);
} else {
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "JPG", fileNameTarget);
public static void createZoomSizeImagesWithoutwh_1(File fileName,
File fileNameTarget) throws Exception {
String fileName1 = fileNameTarget.getName();
String filetype = StringUtil.getStringsub(fileName1, ".")[1];
filetype = filetype.toUpperCase();
Image image =;
int w = image.getWidth(null);
int h = image.getHeight(null);
AreaAveragingScaleFilter areaAveragingScaleFilter = new AreaAveragingScaleFilter(
w, h);
FilteredImageSource filteredImageSource = new FilteredImageSource(image
.getSource(), areaAveragingScaleFilter);
BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(w, h,
Graphics graphics = bufferedImage.createGraphics();
graphics.drawImage(component.createImage(filteredImageSource), 0, 0,
if (filetype.endsWith("PNG")) {
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "PNG", fileNameTarget);
} else if (filetype.equals("JPEG")) {
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "JPEG", fileNameTarget);
} else {
ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "JPG", fileNameTarget);
public static void CopyFile(File in, File out) throws Exception {
BufferedInputStream fis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(
BufferedOutputStream fos = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(out));
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int i = 0;
while ((i = != -1) {
fos.write(buf, 0, i);
* 生成图片,不改变原图的尺寸
* @param fromFile
* @param saveFile
* @param formatWideth
* @param formatHeight
* @throws Exception
public static void savePicture(File fromFile, File saveFile)
throws Exception {
BufferedImage srcImage;
srcImage =;
int imageWideth = srcImage.getWidth(null);
int imageHeight = srcImage.getHeight(null);
srcImage = imageZoomOut(srcImage, imageWideth, imageHeight);
String filetype = StringUtil.getStringsub(fromFile.getName(), ".")[1];
filetype = filetype.toUpperCase();
if (filetype.endsWith("PNG")) {
ImageIO.write(srcImage, "PNG", saveFile);
} else if (filetype.equals("JPEG")) {
ImageIO.write(srcImage, "JPEG", saveFile);
} else {
ImageIO.write(srcImage, "JPG", saveFile);
public static String[] saveImageFileresize(File imageFile, String imageName, String targetDirName, int smallImageWidth, int smallImageHeight, HttpServletRequest request){
String[] imagePath = new String[2];
String realPath = request.getRealPath("/");
String bigImagePath = "source/"+targetDirName+"/big";
String smallImagePath = "source/"+targetDirName+"/small";
File bigImageDir = new File(realPath+bigImagePath);
File smallImageDir = new File(realPath+smallImagePath);
File file=new File("/"+bigImagePath);
/* 保存图片 */
try {
File bigImage = new File(realPath + File.separator +bigImagePath +File.separator + imageName);
ImageUtil.savePicture(imageFile, bigImage);
File smallImage = new File(realPath + File.separator +smallImagePath +File.separator + imageName);
if(smallImageWidth > 0){
ImageUtil.resizeByWidth(imageFile, smallImage, smallImageWidth, 0);
}else if(smallImageHeight > 0){
ImageUtil.resizeByHeight(imageFile, smallImage, 0, smallImageHeight);
imagePath[0] = bigImagePath + "/" + imageName;
imagePath[1] = smallImagePath + "/" + imageName;
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return imagePath;