brocade 300光端交换机zone划分

brocade 300光端交换机zone划分



Fabric OS (WOLFB300SWA)



Fabos Version 6.4.2a


WOLFB300SWA login: admin







WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgshow

Defined configuration:

 cfg:   WOLFB300SWA


 zone:  P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a

                1,0; 1,2


Effective configuration:

 cfg:   WOLFB300SWA

 zone:  P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a




WOLFB300SWA:admin> zonecreate "P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a","1,0;1,3"

WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfg

cfgactvshow             cfgcreate               cfgenable               cfgsave                 cfgsize                

cfgadd                  cfgdelete               cfgmcdtmode             cfgsaveactivetodefined  cfgtransabort          

cfgclear                cfgdisable              cfgremove               cfgshow                 cfgtransshow            

WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgadd

error: Usage: cfgadd "arg1", "arg2"

WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgadd "P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a","WOLFB300SWA"

"P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a" wrong type

WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgadd "WOLFB300SWA","P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a"

WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgenable WOLFB300SWA

You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.

This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the

current configuration selected. If the update includes changes

to one or more traffic isolation zones, the update may result in 

localized disruption to traffic on ports associated with

the traffic isolation zone changes

Do you want to enable 'WOLFB300SWA' configuration  (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes

zone config "WOLFB300SWA" is in effect

Updating flash ...

WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgsave

You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This

action will only save the changes on Defined configuration.

Any changes made on the Effective configuration will not

take effect until it is re-enabled.

Do you want to save Defined zoning configuration only?  (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes

Nothing changed: nothing to save, returning ...

WOLFB300SWA:admin> zoneshow

Defined configuration:

 cfg:   WOLFB300SWA

                P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a; P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a

 zone:  P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a

                1,0; 1,3

 zone:  P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a

                1,0; 1,2


Effective configuration:

 cfg:   WOLFB300SWA

 zone:  P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a



 zone:  P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a




WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfg

cfgactvshow             cfgcreate               cfgenable               cfgsave                 cfgsize                

cfgadd                  cfgdelete               cfgmcdtmode             cfgsaveactivetodefined  cfgtransabort          

cfgclear                cfgdisable              cfgremove               cfgshow                 cfgtransshow           

WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgremove "WOLFB300SWA","P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a"

WOLFB300SWA:admin> zonedelete "P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a"

WOLFB300SWA:admin> zonecreate "P750_hba1_HDS2300_0a","1,0;1,3"

WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgadd "WOLFB300SWA","P750_hba1_HDS2300_0a"

WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgenable WOLFB300SWA

You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.

This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the

current configuration selected. If the update includes changes

to one or more traffic isolation zones, the update may result in 

localized disruption to traffic on ports associated with

the traffic isolation zone changes

Do you want to enable 'WOLFB300SWA' configuration  (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes

zone config "WOLFB300SWA" is in effect

Updating flash ...

WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgsave

You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This

action will only save the changes on Defined configuration.

Any changes made on the Effective configuration will not

take effect until it is re-enabled.

Do you want to save Defined zoning configuration only?  (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes

Nothing changed: nothing to save, returning ...


NB300SWA:admin> zoneshow

Defined configuration:

 cfg:   WOLFB300SWA

                P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a; P750_hba1_HDS2300_0a

 zone:  P750_hba1_HDS2300_0a

                1,0; 1,3

 zone:  P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a

                1,0; 1,2


Effective configuration:

 cfg:   WOLFB300SWA

 zone:  P750_hba1_HDS2300_0a



 zone:  P750lp1_hba1_HDS2300_0a






WOLFB300SWA:admin> zonecreate "P750_hba1_HDS2300_0a","1,0;1,3"

WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgadd "WOLFB300SWA","P750_hba1_HDS2300_0a"

WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgenable WOLFB300SWA

WOLFB300SWA:admin> cfgsave


WOLFB300SWA:admin>zonecreate “P750lp2_hba2_HDS2300_1b","2,1;2,4"

WOLFB300SWA:admin>cfgadd “WOLFB300SWB”,” P750lp2_hba2_HDS2300_1b”

WOLFB300SWB:admin> cfgenable WOLFB300SWB

WOLFB300SWB:admin> cfgsave

WOLFB300SWB:admin> cfgshow

WOLFB300SWB:admin> zoneshow
