Sundries to && of myself

Sundries to && of myself
there r so many sundries during these days and almost every point is focussing on papers\projects\ ...\recommending data for my next master degree, but my thought just is in a mess, i cannot describe the stage && status except paying more attention,well,just feeling time is out of my hand.the only thing I am looking forward is the result of nb plugin competition and i will send the request and willing letter to the professors later but then.I m believing that though  have lost the opportunity of my target ~~God, it's so pity for a sudden change,at the same time, I stood with everything.I have got another time now and have prepared all the condition for the coming applying.thx in advance for my friends, because u have give a stage and some suporting.especially to stand^-^.TracyYan now has just rushing in && strangely,I find~~~~after six years,why not then, I have also no answers, may be pretty but not really for the feeling,~~~~~.
Yestoday I have collected some data about computer science department professors of pku, bless.
benny is a so kind person though he(she is a judge, but i really want to say,actually not to the only puzzlement is why now after a month asking the method how to use the tool and why dont know the document which has contains all the info he want to know, I know, really, each guy is busy, busy with one's sundries,so many! Symptom.

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