OpenSolaris&&my Tech-talk
Maybe,u are tied of Windows and come to thinking of trying Linux,so many good Operation Systems,like,Suse Redhat ...or Novell have all enterprise u might need,as well,support communities.well,it's true enough--Solaris is also available and as a OpenSolaris form with AMD and Intel friends,with a pretty community going && more and more third-party supporting.U may download the Solaris form,, ...Sun.
I very like OpenSolaris not only its security,its creative,convinient...whereas,its all:).The Java Desktop is cool and we may also use click to operate,well,I like the terminal more.Now I use Solaris as a developer desktop,it integrates the Netbeans to develop Java which is also a excellent enviroment to develop others after u plug in,Sun Studio,a platform to develop C/C++ &&fortan,with sun compiler,efficient.If u think Solaris is too big and Enterprise-heavy,u will make a mistake,Solaris is very small but excellent perform,:),U can try urself.
yestoday i make a techtalk about Sun openSolaris and Java,C/C++ development under it in my campus(DaLian University of Technology).To my surprise There were more students from the disrelated computer science Department,more,even more girls.I saw a Linux teachers attending,I was very pleased,cos of Solaris is sure to attract the fancy of the Linux users,at least,It's better in my...our's eyes.:),as following I attach some of pics of my tech-talking to share with u.