

codesourcery推出的产品叫Sourcery G++ Lite Edition,其中基于command-line的编译器是免费的,在官网上可以下载,而其中包含的IDE和debug 工具是收费的,当然也有30天试用版本的。 


Question How do I get the compiler to generate VFP instructions? Answer Use the options -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp to enable VFP instructions.



Question What is the ABI for the Architecture? Is it the same as the EABI? Answer The ABI for the Architecture is a standard developed by and its partners (including CodeSourcery) that explains how compilers, assemblers, linkers, and other similar tools should generate object files and executable files. Tools that correctly implement the ABI for the Architecture can interoperate; i.e., objects files built with one toolchain can be combined with object files built with another toolchain if both compilers use the ABI for the Architecture. The " EABI" is an informal name for the ABI for the Architecture. 

