Musemage 0.9.0发布- 革命性的图像处理软件

全球首个实现完全采用 GPU 处理流程加速图片软件 Musemage 0.9.0 Beta2 测试版发布


需要Nvidia G80以上显卡支持



--Ultra-fast Image Processing
Fully GPU Accelerated filters, Fully real-time interoperation
Smooth moving and zooming at any moment
Powerful and easy batch processing

--Rich Image Processing Functions
Powerful adjust tools, ncluding de-noising, sharpening, automatic contrast and automatic white Balance
Support various paintbrushs and repairing tools
Rich Filters, including color, special lens, distorts, face beautifying, and other interesting filters, lens correction
Support layer and text input/edit
Complete EXIF browsing

--Easy to use UI
Fast access to all tools and filters in side-border
Pictures in current folder automatically list in picture-wall
Support both menu and hot-key access
Can use mouse scroll-wheel and right button to zoom and move canvas at any moment

--Complete RAW data support
DCRAW’s algorithm
Support most camera brands and models
Integrated rich adjustment tools for RAW image post-processing

Brush, Burn, Dodge, Smudge tool, Bucket, Text tool, Sharpen brush, Blur brush, Clone stamp, Repair tool, Eraser

HSL, Channel Mixer, Color Balance, Bright Contrast, Exposure, Monochrome, Posterize, Invert, Curves, Levels, Auto Contrast, Auto White Balance, White Balance

Special Lenses: Reversed Film, Soft Focus, Slide to Negative, Defog/Vivid Color, Movie style, Negative Film, Ts Lens, Digital Color Filter, Sunset Glow, Black and White, A Bao Color Style, Vignetting Dark
Stylize: Emboss, Detect Edge, Mosaic, Diffuse
Blur: Blur, Gaussian Blur, Radial Blur, Motion Blur, Surface Blur
Sharpen: Sharpen, USM Sharpen
Distorts: Rectangular to Polar, Polar to Rectangular, Pinch, Glass, Wave, Ripple, Water Marks, Rain Drops, Geometric Distortion, Spherize, Twirl, Shear
Noise: Add Noise, KNN De-noising
Others: Offset, High-Pass, Soften skin
