昨天做的人不是很多啊T_T , 以下是Board
本来想是覆盖所有知识点的,失败T_T ,木有出字符串,搜索也是图论过的T_T
本次解题报告代码要和http://blog.csdn.net/dslovemz/article/details/8435024 配套使用
typedef long long int64; struct Int { int x; Int() : x(0) { } Int(int _x) : x(_x) { x %= MOD; if (x < 0) x += MOD; } Int(int64 _x) { x = _x % MOD; if (x < 0) x += MOD; } static Int get(int x) { Int a; a.x = x; return a; } Int operator+(const Int&o) const { int t = x + o.x; if (t >= MOD) t -= MOD; return get(t); } Int operator*(const Int&o) const { return get(1LL * x * o.x % MOD); } Int operator-(const Int&o) const { int t = x - o.x; if (t < 0) t += MOD; return get(t); } Int operator/(const Int&o) const { return (*this) * o.inv(); } Int&operator+=(const Int&o) { return (*this) = *this + o; } Int&operator-=(const Int&o) { return (*this) = *this - o; } Int&operator*=(const Int&o) { return (*this) = *this * o; } Int&operator/=(const Int&o) { return (*this) = *this / o; } Int power(int64 n) const { if (!n) return get(1); const Int&a = *this; if (n & 1) return power(n - 1) * a; else return (a * a).power(n >> 1); } Int inv() const { return power(MOD - 2); } }; /* .................................................................................................................................. */ Int dp[2][102][15][139]; VI Factor[101]; int FactorP[101][101] , lcmP[101][101][101] , FactorCnt[101]; int n , a , b , c; void init(){ for (int i = 0 ; i <= 100 ; ++i) Factor[i].clear(); RST(FactorP); RST(lcmP); for (int i = 1 ; i <= 100 ; ++i){ for (int j = 1 ; j <= i ; ++j) if (i % j == 0){ Factor[i].PB(j); FactorP[i][j] = SZ(Factor[i]) - 1; } FactorCnt[i] = SZ(Factor[i]); } for (int i = 1 ; i <= 100 ; ++i){ for (int j = 0 ; j < FactorCnt[i] ; ++j) for (int k = 0 ; k < FactorCnt[i] ; ++k){ int p = Factor[i][j]; int q = Factor[i][k]; int r = p / GCD(p , q) * q; r = FactorP[i][r]; lcmP[i][j][k] = r; } } } void solve(){ RD(n , a , b , c); RST(dp); dp[0][0][0][0].x = 1; for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i){ int nw = i & 1; int nx = 1 - nw; for (int sum = 0 ; sum <= a ; ++sum) for (int lcmnow = 0 ; lcmnow < FactorCnt[b] ; ++lcmnow) for (int xorsum = 0 ; xorsum <= 128 ; ++xorsum) dp[nx][sum][lcmnow][xorsum].x = 0; for (int sum = 0 ; sum <= a ; ++sum) for (int lcmnow = 0 ; lcmnow < FactorCnt[b] ; ++lcmnow) for (int xorsum = 0 ; xorsum < 128 ; ++xorsum){ // printf("dp[%d][%d][%d][%d] = %d\n" , nw , sum , lcmnow , xorsum , dp[nw][sum][lcmnow][xorsum]); if (dp[nw][sum][lcmnow][xorsum].x == 0) continue; for (int add = 0 ; add < FactorCnt[b] && Factor[b][add] + sum <= a; ++add){ int addFactor = Factor[b][add]; // printf("ADD dp[%d][%d][%d][%d] += %d\n" , nx , sum + addFactor , lcmP[b][lcmnow][add] , (xorsum ^ addFactor) , dp[nw][sum][lcmnow][xorsum].x); dp[nx][sum + addFactor][lcmP[b][lcmnow][add]][(xorsum ^ addFactor)] += dp[nw][sum][lcmnow][xorsum]; } } } printf("%d\n" , dp[(n & 1)][a][FactorP[b][b]][c].x); // if (dp[(n & 1)][a][FactorP[b][b]][c].x) printf("%d %d %d %d\n" , n , a , b , c); } int main(){ freopen("0.in" , "r" , stdin); freopen("0.out" , "w" , stdout); init(); Rush solve(); }
#define lson l , m , rt << 1 #define rson m + 1 , r , rt << 1 | 1 const int maxn = 10009; struct TREE{ int tree[maxn<<2]; void PushUP(int rt) { tree[rt] = (tree[rt<<1] + tree[rt<<1|1]); } void build(int l,int r,int rt) { if (l == r) { //scanf("%d",&tree[rt]); tree[rt] = 0; return ; } int m = (l + r) >> 1; build(lson); build(rson); PushUP(rt); } void update(int p,int sc,int l,int r,int rt) { if (l == r) { tree[rt] = sc; return ; } int m = (l + r) >> 1; if (p <= m) update(p , sc , lson); else update(p , sc , rson); PushUP(rt); } int query(int L,int R,int l,int r,int rt) { if (L <= l && r <= R) { return tree[rt]; } int m = (l + r) >> 1; int ret = 0; if (L <= m) { int res= query(L , R , lson); ret += (res); } if (R > m) { int res= query(L , R , rson); ret += (res); } return ret; } }tree[109]; int a[maxn] , n , m; struct IO{ int op , x , y; void input(){ RD(op , x , y); } }io[10009]; VI hashT; VI edge[109]; MII hash; int L; int cal(int po , int val){ int res = 0; for (int i = 1 ; i <= L ; ++i){ if (i < val && po < n) res += tree[i].query(po + 1 , n , 1 , n , 1); if (i > val && po > 1) res += tree[i].query(1 , po - 1 , 1 , n , 1); } return res; } void changeNumber(int po , int val){ tree[a[po]].update(po , 0 , 1 , n , 1); tree[val].update(po , 1 , 1 , n , 1); } void solve(){ RD(n , m); hash.clear(); hashT.clear(); for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i) RD(a[i]) , hashT.PB(a[i]); for (int i = 1 ; i <= m ; ++i){ io[i].input(); if (io[i].op == 0) hashT.PB(io[i].y); } sort(ALL(hashT)); L = unique(ALL(hashT)) - hashT.begin(); for (int i = 0 ; i < L ; ++i) hash[hashT[i]] = i + 1 ; for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i) a[i] = hash[a[i]]; for (int i = 1 ; i <= m ; ++i) if (io[i].op == 0) io[i].y = hash[io[i].y]; for (int i = 0 ; i <= L ; ++i){ tree[i].build(1 , n , 1); edge[i].clear(); } for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i){ edge[a[i]].PB(i); } int ans = 0; for (int i = 1 ; i <= L ; ++i){ for (int j = 0 ; j < SZ(edge[i]) ; ++j){ int now = edge[i][j]; if (now < n) ans += tree[0].query(now + 1 , n , 1 , n , 1); } for (int j = 0 ; j < SZ(edge[i]) ; ++j){ int now = edge[i][j]; tree[0].update(now , 1 , 1 , n , 1); } } tree[0].build(1 , n , 1); for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i) tree[a[i]].update(i , 1 , 1 , n , 1); printf("%d\n" , ans); for (int cas = 1 ; cas <= m ; ++cas){ int op = io[cas].op , x = io[cas].x , y = io[cas].y; int change = 0; if (op == 0){ change -= cal(x , a[x]); change += cal(x , y); ans += change; changeNumber(x , y); a[x] = y; } else{ if (x > y) swap(x , y); change -= cal(x , a[x]); change -= cal(y , a[y]); changeNumber(x , a[y]); changeNumber(y , a[x]); swap(a[x] , a[y]); change += cal(x , a[x]); change += cal(y , a[y]); if (a[x] > a[y]) change--; else if (a[x] < a[y]) change++; ans += change; } printf("%d\n" , ans); } } int main(){ // freopen("0.in" , "r" , stdin); // freopen("segmengtree.out" , "w" , stdout); Rush solve(); }
const int maxn = 10009; int n; struct TREE{ int tree[maxn] , cnt; void init(){ RST(tree); cnt = 0; } void add(int po , int c){ for ( ; po< maxn ; po += low_bit(po)) tree[po] += c; cnt += c; } int query(int po){ int ret = 0; for (; po > 0 ; po -= low_bit(po)) ret += tree[po]; return ret; } }tree[109]; int a[maxn] , m; struct IO{ int op , x , y; void input(){ RD(op , x , y); } }io[10009]; VI hashT; VI edge[109]; MII hash; int L; int cal(int po , int val){ int res = 0; for (int i = 1 ; i <= L ; ++i){ if (i < val && po < n) res += tree[i].cnt - tree[i].query(po - 1); if (i > val && po > 1) res += tree[i].query(po - 1); } return res; } void changeNumber(int po , int val){ tree[a[po]].add(po , -1); tree[val].add(po , 1); } void solve(){ RD(n , m); hash.clear(); hashT.clear(); for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i) RD(a[i]) , hashT.PB(a[i]); for (int i = 1 ; i <= m ; ++i){ io[i].input(); if (io[i].op == 0) hashT.PB(io[i].y); } sort(ALL(hashT)); L = unique(ALL(hashT)) - hashT.begin(); for (int i = 0 ; i < L ; ++i) hash[hashT[i]] = i + 1 ; for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i) a[i] = hash[a[i]]; for (int i = 1 ; i <= m ; ++i) if (io[i].op == 0) io[i].y = hash[io[i].y]; for (int i = 0 ; i <= L ; ++i){ tree[i].init(); edge[i].clear(); } for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i){ edge[a[i]].PB(i); } int ans = 0; for (int i = L ; i >= 1 ; --i){ for (int j = 0 ; j < SZ(edge[i]) ; ++j){ int now = edge[i][j]; ans += tree[0].query(now); } for (int j = 0 ; j < SZ(edge[i]) ; ++j){ int now = edge[i][j]; tree[0].add(now , 1); } } tree[0].init(); for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; ++i) tree[a[i]].add(i , 1); printf("%d\n" , ans); for (int cas = 1 ; cas <= m ; ++cas){ int op = io[cas].op , x = io[cas].x , y = io[cas].y; int change = 0; if (op == 0){ change -= cal(x , a[x]); changeNumber(x , y); change += cal(x , y); ans += change; a[x] = y; } else{ if (x > y) swap(x , y); change -= cal(x , a[x]); change -= cal(y , a[y]); changeNumber(x , a[y]); changeNumber(y , a[x]); swap(a[x] , a[y]); change += cal(x , a[x]); change += cal(y , a[y]); if (a[x] > a[y]) change--; else if (a[x] < a[y]) change++; ans += change; } printf("%d\n" , ans); } } int main(){ // freopen("0.in" , "r" , stdin); // freopen("bit.out" , "w" , stdout); Rush solve(); }
using namespace std;
#define fr(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
#define fo(i,n) for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
#define fe(i,n) for(__typeof(n.begin()) i=n.begin();i!=n.end();i++)
int c[105][10020];
int a[10020];
int n,m,z,t;
int R(int x,int y,int z)
for(int i=x;i<=100;i+=i&-i)
for(int j=y;j<=n;j+=j&-j)
int G(int x,int y)
int _=0;
for(int i=x;i;i-=i&-i)
for(int j=y;j;j-=j&-j)
return _;
void C(int p,int x)
int main()
memset(c,0,sizeof c);
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
int o,x,y;
int ax=a[x],ay=a[y];
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<math.h> const double inf=1e8; const double eps=1e-8; const double pi=acos(-1.); using namespace std; struct P { double x,y; P(){} P(double x,double y):x(x),y(y){} void scan() { scanf("%lf %lf",&x,&y); } void print(string s="") { if(s!="") cout << s << ": "; printf("%.2f %.2f\n",x,y); } double dis(const P&a) { return hypot(x-a.x,y-a.y); } P rot(double f) { double sf=sin(f),cf=cos(f); return P(x*cf-y*sf,y*cf+x*sf); } double dot(const P&a) { return x*a.x+y*a.y; } double det(const P&a) { return x*a.y-y*a.x; } }p[4020],s[4020],o; bool operator==(const P&a,const P&b) { return fabs(a.x-b.x)<eps&&fabs(a.y-b.y)<eps; } bool operator!=(const P&a,const P&b) { return !(a==b); } bool operator<(const P&a,const P&b) { if(fabs(a.x-b.x)<eps) return a.y<b.y; return a.x<b.x; } P operator+(const P&a,const P&b) { return P(a.x+b.x,a.y+b.y); } P operator-(const P&a,const P&b) { return P(a.x-b.x,a.y-b.y); } P operator/(const P&a,double f) { return P(a.x/f,a.y/f); } P operator*(const P&a,double f) { return P(a.x*f,a.y*f); } int pc,sc; double r; int sgn(double x) { return (x>eps)-(x<-eps); } double xm(P a,P b,P c) { return (b.x-a.x)*(c.y-a.y)-(c.x-a.x)*(b.y-a.y); } P cp(P as,P ae,P bs,P be) { P re; double u=xm(as,ae,bs); double v=xm(ae,as,be); re.x=(bs.x*v+be.x*u)/(u+v); re.y=(bs.y*v+be.y*u)/(u+v); return re; } void ins(P a,P b) { int i; sc=0; for(i=1;i<pc;i++) { if(sgn(xm(a,b,p[i]))>=0) s[++sc]=p[i]; if(sgn(xm(a,b,p[i])*xm(a,b,p[i+1]))<0) s[++sc]=cp(a,b,p[i],p[i+1]); } pc=sc; if(sc==0) return; memcpy(p,s,sizeof(p)); p[++pc]=p[1]; return; } void mov(P a,P b,P&c,P&d) { P o=P(a.y-b.y,b.x-a.x); double l=sqrt(o.x*o.x+o.y*o.y); o.x=o.x/l*r; o.y=o.y/l*r; c.x=a.x+o.x; c.y=a.y+o.y; d.x=b.x+o.x; d.y=b.y+o.y; return; } double dis(P a,P b) { return (a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x)+(a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y); } double S(P p[],int n) { double re=0; int i; for(i=1;i<n;i++) re+=xm(o,p[i],p[i+1]); return fabs(re/2); } int main() { int t; for(scanf("%d",&t);t--;) { int n,i,j,ans1,ans2; double ans=0,ds; scanf("%d",&n); p[1]=P(-10000,-10000); p[2]=P(10000,-10000); p[3]=P(10000,10000); p[4]=P(-10000,10000); p[pc=5]=p[1]; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { P u,v,o,p,q; u.scan(); v.scan(); o=(u+v)/2; p=(u-o).rot(pi/2)+o; q=(v-o).rot(pi/2)+o; ins(u,p); ins(p,v); ins(v,q); ins(q,u); } printf("%.4f\n",S(p,pc)); } return 0; }
bool ans[2000000];
int MI[31];
void init(){
for (int i = 0 ; i <= 29 ; ++i)
MI[i] = 1 << i;
int n;
struct Meng{
int t , po;
bool operator < (const Meng & A) const{
if (po != A.po) return po > A.po;
return t < A.t;
}dp0[31] , dp1[31];
const int ALL = (1 << 21) - 1;
bool cmp(Meng A , Meng B){
return A.t < B.t;
#define LIMIT 21
int po0[LIMIT + 1] , po1[LIMIT + 1];
void solve(){
//cout << ALL << endl;
for (int i = 0 ; i < LIMIT ; ++i){
dp0[i].t = i , dp1[i].t = i;
dp0[i].po = -1 , dp1[i].po = -1;
for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i){
int x , y , z;
RD(x);y = x , z = x;
ans[x] = 1;
for (int j = 0 ; j < LIMIT ; ++j){
po0[dp0[j].t] = j;
po1[dp1[j].t] = j;
for (int j = 0 ; j < LIMIT ; ++j){
if(x & 1) dp1[po1[j]].po = i;
else dp0[po0[j]].po = i;
x >>= 1;
sort(dp0 , dp0 + LIMIT);
sort(dp1 , dp1 + LIMIT);
//cout << i << endl;
for(int j = 0 ; j < LIMIT ; ++j){
if (dp0[j].po != -1){
//cout << "0"<<j<<endl;
//cout << dp0[j].t<<endl;
y &= (ALL ^ MI[dp0[j].t]);
if (j == LIMIT - 1 || dp0[j].po != dp0[j + 1].po){
//cout << y << endl;
ans[y] = 1;
if (dp1[j].po != -1){
//cout << "1"<<j<<endl;
z |= MI[dp1[j].t];
if (j == LIMIT - 1 || dp1[j].po != dp1[j + 1].po){
//cout << z << endl;
ans[z] = 1;
//cout << "DS" << endl;
int ANS = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 2000000 ; ++i)
if (ans[i]) {
//cout << i << endl;
printf("%d\n" , ANS);
int main(){
freopen("0.in" , "r" , stdin);
freopen("0.out" , "w" , stdout);
Rush solve();
int n ; const int N = 1e5 + 9; LL a[N]; map<LL , LL> hash; LL k , sum , ans; void solve(){ RD(n); RD(k); for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i) RD(a[i]); hash.clear(); hash[0] = 0; int tail = 0; ans = 0; sum = 0; LL xorsum = 0 , xortail = 0; LL ALL = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i){ sum += a[i]; xorsum ^= a[i]; if (hash.find(xorsum) == hash.end()) hash[ xorsum ] = 1; else hash[ xorsum ] = hash[ xorsum ] + 1; while (sum > k) { sum -= a[tail]; // if(hash.find(xortail) == hash.end()) printf("%d %d\n" , i , tail); assert(hash.find(xortail) != hash.end()); xortail ^= a[tail]; hash[xortail] = hash[xortail ] - 1; ++tail; } ALL += i - tail + 1; // if (hash.find(xorsum) != hash.end()) assert(hash.find(xorsum) != hash.end()); if (tail == 0) ++ hash[0]; else ++hash[(xortail)]; if (tail <= i) ans += hash[ xorsum ] - 1ll; if (tail == 0) -- hash[0]; else --hash[(xortail)]; // cout <<"ANS:" << ans << endl; } // cout << ALL <<endl; ans = ALL - ans; OT(ans); } int main(){ // freopen("0.in" , "r" , stdin); // freopen("0.out" , "w" , stdout); Rush solve(); }
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> #include<math.h> using namespace std; const int N = 600; namespace ufset{ int fa[N] , rank[N] , SZ[N]; void init(){ for (int i = 0 ; i < N ; ++i) SZ[i] = 1 , fa[i] = i , rank[i] = 0; } int findset(int x){ int r = x , y ; while(fa[r] != r) r = fa[r]; while(fa[x] != r) {y = fa[x] , fa[x] = r , x = y;} return r; } void __unionset(int x , int y){ if (rank[x] > rank[y]) { fa[y] = x; SZ[x] += SZ[y]; } else { fa[x] = y; SZ[y] += SZ[x]; if (rank[x] == rank[y]) ++ rank[y]; } } void unionset(int x , int y){ int rx = findset(x) , ry = findset(y); if (rx != ry) __unionset(rx , ry); } }using namespace ufset; struct Point{ double x , y; void input(){ scanf("%lf%lf" , &x , &y); } #define sqr(x) ((x) * (x)) double dis(const Point & A) const{ return sqrt(sqr(x - A.x) + sqr(y - A.y)); } }p[509]; int n , m ; const double eps = 1e-8; int dcmp(double d){ if (fabs(d) < eps) return 0; return d < 0 ? -1 : 1; } struct Rel{ int p , q; double nk; bool operator < (const Rel & A) const{ return dcmp(nk - A.nk) < 0; } }relation[509 * 509]; void solve(){ scanf("%d%d" , &n,&m); for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i) p[i].input(); int rcnt = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i) for (int j = i + 1 ; j < n ; ++j){ relation[rcnt].p = i; relation[rcnt].q = j; relation[rcnt].nk = p[i].dis(p[j]); rcnt++; } sort(relation , relation + rcnt); init(); for (int i = 0 ; i < rcnt ; ++i){ unionset(relation[i].p , relation[i].q); int rx = findset(relation[i].p) , ry = findset(relation[i].q); if (SZ[rx] >= m || SZ[ry] >= m){ printf("%.4lf\n" , relation[i].nk); return; } } } int main(){ freopen("0.in" , "r" , stdin); freopen("0.out" , "w" , stdout); int T; scanf("%d" , &T); while(T--) solve(); }
#include<stdio.h> #include<iostream> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #include<math.h> using namespace std; #define fr(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++) #define fo(i,n) for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) #define fe(i,n) for(__typeof(n.begin()) i=n.begin();i!=n.end();i++) const double eps=1e-4; const double pi=acos(-1.); struct P { double x,y; P(){} P(double x,double y):x(x),y(y){} void scan() { scanf("%lf %lf",&x,&y); } void print(string s="") { if(s!="") cout << s << ": "; printf("%.2f %.2f\n",x,y); } double dis(const P&a) { return hypot(x-a.x,y-a.y); } P rot(double f) { double sf=sin(f),cf=cos(f); return P(x*cf-y*sf,y*cf+x*sf); } double dot(const P&a) { return x*a.x+y*a.y; } double det(const P&a) { return x*a.y-y*a.x; } }; bool operator==(const P&a,const P&b) { return fabs(a.x-b.x)<eps&&fabs(a.y-b.y)<eps; } bool operator!=(const P&a,const P&b) { return !(a==b); } bool operator<(const P&a,const P&b) { if(fabs(a.x-b.x)<eps) return a.y<b.y; return a.x<b.x; } P operator+(const P&a,const P&b) { return P(a.x+b.x,a.y+b.y); } P operator-(const P&a,const P&b) { return P(a.x-b.x,a.y-b.y); } P operator/(const P&a,double f) { return P(a.x/f,a.y/f); } P operator*(const P&a,double f) { return P(a.x*f,a.y*f); } int sgn(double x) { return x<-eps?-1:x>eps; } namespace triangle { P circumcenter(const P&a,const P&b,const P&c) { double x1=a.x,y1=a.y,x2=b.x,y2=b.y,x3=c.x,y3=c.y; double s1=x1*x1+y1*y1,s2=x2*x2+y2*y2,s3=x3*x3+y3*y3; double rx=(y1*(s2-s3)+y2*(s3-s1)+y3*(s1-s2))/(x1*(y2-y3)+x2*(y3-y1)+x3*(y1-y2)); double ry=(x1*(s2-s3)+x2*(s3-s1)+x3*(s1-s2))/(x1*(y2-y3)+x2*(y3-y1)+x3*(y1-y2)); return P(-rx/2,ry/2); } P barycenter(const P&a,const P&b,const P&c) { return (a+b+c)/3; } pair<P,double>excircle(const P&a,const P&b,const P&c) { P p=circumcenter(a,b,c); return make_pair(p,p.dis(a)); } } int main() { int t,ss; P a,b,c,d,e,w,r,p[5],s[3]; for(scanf("%d",&t);t--;) { a.scan(); b.scan(); c.scan(); w=triangle::circumcenter(a,b,c); r=w-a; ss=0; p[0]=a; for(int i=1;i<5;i++) p[i]=(p[i-1]-w).rot(2*pi/5)+w; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) if(p[i]!=a&&p[i]!=b&&p[i]!=c) s[ss++]=p[i]; sort(s,s+ss); for(int i=0;i<2;i++) s[i].print(); } return 0; }
const int head=0; //const int INF=10000000; const int maxn = 610; const int maxd = 1000000; int N, M, K, cnt, res; int mat[maxn][maxn], s[maxn], l[maxd], r[maxd], u[maxd], d[maxd], c[maxd], o[maxn], row[maxd]; bool use[maxn]; void makegragh(int &n, int &m) { memset(mat, 0, sizeof(mat)); //初始化mat矩阵 } void initial(int n, int m) { memset(use, false, sizeof(use)); res=n+1; int i, j, rowh; memset(s, 0, sizeof(s)); for(i=head; i<=m; i++) { r[i]=(i+1)%(m+1); l[i]=(i-1+m+1)%(m+1); u[i]=d[i]=i; } cnt=m+1; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { rowh=-1; for(j=1; j<=m; j++) { //printf("%d", mat[i][j]); if(mat[i][j]) { s[j]++; u[cnt]=u[j]; d[u[j]]=cnt; u[j]=cnt; d[cnt]=j; row[cnt]=i; c[cnt]=j; if(rowh==-1) { l[cnt]=r[cnt]=cnt; rowh=cnt; } else { l[cnt]=l[rowh]; r[l[rowh]]=cnt; r[cnt]=rowh; l[rowh]=cnt; } cnt++; } } //puts(""); } } void remove(int c) { for(int i=d[c]; i!=c; i=d[i]) { r[l[i]]=r[i]; l[r[i]]=l[i]; } } void resume(int c) { for(int i=d[c]; i!=c; i=d[i]) r[l[i]]=l[r[i]]=i; } int h() { bool has[maxn]; memset(has, false, sizeof(has)); int ans=0; for(int i=r[head]; i!=head; i=r[i]) if(!has[i]) { ans++; for(int j=d[i]; j!=i; j=d[j]) for(int k=r[j]; k!=j; k=r[k]) has[c[k]]=true; } return ans; } int marrige[maxn]; bool dfs(int k) { if(k+h()>=res)return false;//A* cut if(r[head]==head) { if(k<res) res=k; return true; } int ms=INF, cur=0; for(int t=r[head]; t!=head; t=r[t]) if(s[t]<ms) { ms=s[t]; cur=t; } for(int i=d[cur]; i!=cur; i=d[i]) { int rr = row[i]; if (marrige[rr] == 0 || use[marrige[rr]] == 0) use[rr] = 1; else continue; // int rr = (row[i] - 1) / 2 + 1; // if (!use[rr]) use[rr] = true; // else continue; remove(i); for(int j=r[i]; j!=i; j=r[j]) { remove(j); s[c[j]]--; } dfs(k+1); for(int j=l[i]; j!=i; j=l[j]) { resume(j); s[c[j]]++; } use[rr] = false; resume(i); } return false; } int n , m; int P , x , y; VI edge[maxn]; void vdfs(int now , int x){ mat[x][now] = 1; ECH(it , edge[now]){ int go = *it; if (!mat[x][go]) vdfs(go , x); } } void solve(){ RST(marrige); RST(mat); RD(n , m); // printf("%d %d :" , n , m); for (int i = 1 ; i <= n + m ; ++i) edge[i].clear(); for (int i = 1 ; i <= n + m ; ++i) edge[i].PB(i); RD(P); DO(P){ RD(x , y); //mat[x][n + y] = 1; edge[x].PB(n + y); } RD(P); DO(P){ RD(x , y); //mat[n + x][y] = 1; edge[n + x].PB(y); } RD(P); DO(P){ RD(x , y); marrige[x] = y + n; marrige[y + n] = x; } for(int i = 1 ; i <= n + m ; ++i){ vdfs(i , i); } // for (int i = 1 ; i <= n + m ; ++i){ // for (int j = 1 ; j <= n + m ; ++j) // printf("%d " , mat[i][j]); // cout << endl; // } initial(n + m , n + m); // cout << "DS" << endl; dfs(0); cout << res << endl; } int main(){ freopen("0.in" , "r" , stdin); freopen("0.out" , "w" , stdout); Rush solve(); }
#include<stdio.h> #include<iostream> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #include<queue> #include<set> using namespace std; #define fr(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++) #define fo(i,n) for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) #define fe(i,n) for(__typeof(n.begin()) i=n.begin();i!=n.end();i++) int t,n,m,p,q,w,scc,x,y,in[2020]; int low[2020],dfn[2020],cnt; int v[2020],r[2020],s[2020],ss; int f[2020],z; vector<int>a[2020]; set<int>se[2020]; int dfs(int x) { dfn[x]=low[x]=++cnt; s[ss++]=x; v[x]=1; fe(i,a[x]) { if(!dfn[*i]) { dfs(*i); low[x]=min(low[x],low[*i]); } else if(v[*i]) { low[x]=min(low[x],dfn[*i]); } } if(dfn[x]==low[x]) { scc++; do { v[s[ss-1]]=0; r[s[ss-1]]=scc; se[scc].insert(s[ss-1]); // c[scc]++; } while(s[--ss]!=x); } return 0; } int main() { for(scanf("%d",&t);t--;) { scc=0; cnt=0; z=0; memset(in,0,sizeof in); memset(f,0,sizeof f); memset(low,0,sizeof low); memset(dfn,0,sizeof dfn); memset(v,0,sizeof v); memset(r,0,sizeof r); scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); for(int i=1;i<=m+n;i++) a[i].clear(); for(int i=1;i<=m+n;i++) se[i].clear(); scanf("%d",&p); for(int i=0;i<p;i++) { scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); a[x].push_back(y+n); } scanf("%d",&q); for(int i=0;i<q;i++) { scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); a[x+n].push_back(y); } scanf("%d",&w); for(int i=0;i<w;i++) { scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); f[x]=y+n; f[y+n]=x; } for(int i=1;i<=m+n;i++) if(!dfn[i]) dfs(i); queue<int>q; for(int i=1;i<=m+n;i++) fe(j,a[i]) if(r[i]!=r[*j]) in[r[*j]]++; for(int i=1;i<=m+n;i++) if(se[r[i]].size()==1&&in[r[i]]==0) q.push(i); for(int i=1;i<=scc;i++) if(in[i]==0) z++; while(q.size()) { int u=q.front(); q.pop(); if(f[u]&&in[r[f[u]]]==0) { se[r[f[u]]].erase(f[u]); if(se[r[f[u]]].size()==0) { printf("%d\n",n+m+1); goto end; } else if(se[r[f[u]]].size()==1) { q.push(*se[r[f[u]]].begin()); } } } printf("%d\n",z); end:; } }
typedef long long int64; struct Int { int x; Int() : x(0) { } Int(int _x) : x(_x) { x %= MOD; if (x < 0) x += MOD; } Int(int64 _x) { x = _x % MOD; if (x < 0) x += MOD; } static Int get(int x) { Int a; a.x = x; return a; } Int operator+(const Int&o) const { int t = x + o.x; if (t >= MOD) t -= MOD; return get(t); } Int operator*(const Int&o) const { return get(1LL * x * o.x % MOD); } Int operator-(const Int&o) const { int t = x - o.x; if (t < 0) t += MOD; return get(t); } Int operator/(const Int&o) const { return (*this) * o.inv(); } Int&operator+=(const Int&o) { return (*this) = *this + o; } Int&operator-=(const Int&o) { return (*this) = *this - o; } Int&operator*=(const Int&o) { return (*this) = *this * o; } Int&operator/=(const Int&o) { return (*this) = *this / o; } Int power(int64 n) const { if (!n) return get(1); const Int&a = *this; if (n & 1) return power(n - 1) * a; else return (a * a).power(n >> 1); } Int inv() const { return power(MOD - 2); } }; /* .................................................................................................................................. */ Int D(Int n){ Int ret; ret = n * (n + 1) / 2; ret = ret + 1; return ret; } void solve(){ char op[2]; Int n , ans; scanf("%s%d" , op , &n.x); if (op[0] == 'L'){ ans = D(n); //cout << ans.x << endl; OT(ans.x); } else if (op[0] == 'V'){ ans = D(n * 2); ans = ans - n * 2; //cout << ans.x << endl; OT(ans.x); } else if (op[0] == 'Z'){ ans = D(n * 3); ans = ans - n * 5; //cout << ans.x << endl; OT(ans.x); } } int main(){ freopen("0.in" , "r" , stdin); freopen("0.out" , "w" , stdout); Rush solve(); }
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<map> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include<set> #include<string> #include<queue> #define inf 1000000005 #define M 40 #define N 100005 #define maxn 300005 #define eps 1e-12 #define zero(a) fabs(a)<eps #define Min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) #define Max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) #define pb(a) push_back(a) #define mp(a,b) make_pair(a,b) #define mem(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a)) #define LL long long #define MOD 1000000009 #define lson step<<1 #define rson step<<1|1 #define sqr(a) ((a)*(a)) #define Key_value ch[ch[root][1]][0] #define test puts("OK"); #define pi acos(-1.0) #define lowbit(x) ((-(x))&(x)) #define HASH1 1331 #define HASH2 10001 #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000") using namespace std; LL a,b,c; int main(){ //freopen("input.txt","r",stdin); int t; char str[10]; cin>>t; while(t--){ scanf("%s%d" , str , &a); LL ans; if(str[0]=='L') ans=(a*(a+1)/2 + 1)%MOD; else if(str[0]=='V') ans=(2*a*(2*a+1)/2+1-2*a)%MOD; else ans=(3*a*(3*a+1)/2+1-5*a)%MOD; cout<<ans<<endl; } return 0; }
const int MATN = 129; const LL modo = MOD; struct Mat{ int Matn , Matm; LL a[MATN][MATN]; Mat(){ Matn = 0; Matm = 0; memset(a , 0 , sizeof(a)); } void output(){ cout << "OUTPUT" << endl; for (int i = 0 ; i < Matn ; ++i){ for (int j = 0 ; j < Matm ; ++j){ printf("%lld ",a[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } } void init(){ Matn = 0;Matm = 0; memset(a , 0 , sizeof(a)); } Mat operator + (const Mat & A) const{ Mat ret = A; for (int i = 0 ; i < Matn ; ++i){ for (int j = 0 ; j < Matm ; ++j) ret.a[i][j] = (ret.a[i][j] + a[i][j]) % modo; } return ret; } Mat operator * (const Mat & A) const{ Mat c ; c.Matn = Matn; c.Matm = A.Matm; for (int i = 0 ; i < Matn ; ++i) for (int j = 0 ; j < A.Matm ; ++j) for (int k = 0 ; k < Matm ; ++k) c.a[i][j] = (c.a[i][j] + (a[i][k] * A.a[k][j])%modo)%modo; return c; } void initI(){ memset(a, 0 , sizeof(a)); for (int i = 0 ; i < Matn ; ++i) a[i][i] = 1; } Mat power(LL k){ Mat c = *this , b; b.init(); b.Matn = Matn ; b.Matm = Matm; b.initI(); while(k){ if (k & 1LL) b = b * c; c = c * c; k >>= 1LL; } return b; } }QQ; struct ZHU{ Mat a[2][2]; void init(const Mat& p){ for (int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i) for (int j= 0 ; j < 2 ;++j){ a[i][j].init(); a[i][j].Matn = 128 ; a[i][j].Matm = 128; } a[0][0] = p; a[0][1].initI(); a[1][1].initI(); } void initI(){ for (int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i) for (int j= 0 ; j < 2 ;++j){ a[i][j].Matn = 128 ; a[i][j].Matm = 128; a[i][i].initI(); } } ZHU operator * (const ZHU & A) const{ ZHU res; for (int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i) for (int j= 0 ; j < 2 ;++j){ res.a[i][j].init(); res.a[i][j].Matn = 128 ; res.a[i][j].Matm = 128; } for (int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i) for (int j = 0 ; j < 2 ; ++j) for (int k = 0 ; k < 2 ; ++k) res.a[i][j] = (res.a[i][j] + a[i][k] * A.a[k][j]); return res; } void copy(const ZHU & A) { for(int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; ++i) for (int j = 0 ; j < 2 ; ++j) a[i][j] = A.a[i][j]; } Mat power(LL k); }R , nR , b , c; Mat ZHU::power(LL k){ // printf("\nINT "); // cout << k << endl; c = *this; bool f = false; while(k){ if (k & 1LL){ if (!f) b = c; else b = b * c; f = true; } c = c * c; k >>= 1LL; } if (!f){ b = c; b.a[0][1].initI(); } return b.a[0][1]; } const int PCODE[] = {0 , 1 , 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 , 0}; struct Under{ bool mp[3][3]; int hash; int encode(){ hash = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i) for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j) if (mp[i][j]) hash |= PCODE[i * 3 + j]; return hash; } void decode(){ RST(mp); for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i) for(int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j){ if (i + j == 0 || i + j == 4) continue; if (hash & (PCODE[i * 3 + j])) mp[i][j] = true; else mp[i][j] = false; } } void output(){ printf(" %d %d\n", mp[0][1] , mp[0][2]); printf("%d %d %d\n" , mp[1][0] , mp[1][1] , mp[1][2]); printf("%d %d\n", mp[2][0] , mp[2][1]); } void input(){ for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i) for (int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j){ if (i + j == 0 || i + j == 4) continue; int x; RD(x); mp[i][j] = x; } encode(); } }en , temp; LL n; Mat P , Q ; void solve(){ RD(n); en.input(); Mat nP = P; // nP.output(); nR.copy(R); // nR.a[0][1].output(); // printf("N %lld\n" , n); QQ = nR.power(n); // cout << "DS" << endl; nP = nP * QQ; printf("%lld\n" , nP.a[0][en.hash]); } bool inmap(int x , int y){ if (x + y == 0) return false; if (x + y == 4) return false; return 0 <= x && x < 3 && 0 <= y && y < 3; } int canput(int bi , int x , int y , int d){ temp.hash = bi; temp.decode(); if (!inmap(x , y) || !inmap(x + dx4[d] , y + dy4[d]) || !inmap(x + dx4[(d + 1) % 4] , y + dy4[(d + 1) % 4])) return -1; if (!temp.mp[x][y] || !temp.mp[x + dx4[d]][y + dy4[d]] || !temp.mp[x + dx4[(d + 1) % 4]][y + dy4[(d + 1) % 4]]) return -1; temp.mp[x][y] = 0; temp.mp[x + dx4[d]][y + dy4[d]] = 0; temp.mp[x + dx4[(d + 1) % 4]][y + dy4[(d + 1) % 4]] = 0; return temp.encode(); } int takeOut(int bi , int x , int y , int d){ temp.hash = bi; temp.decode(); temp.mp[x][y] = 0; temp.mp[x + dx4[d]][y + dy4[d]] = 0; temp.mp[x + dx4[(d + 1) % 4]][y + dy4[(d + 1) % 4]] = 0; return temp.encode(); } bool canput2(int bi , int x , int y , int d , int x1 , int y1 , int d1){ temp.hash = bi; temp.decode(); if (!inmap(x , y) || !inmap(x + dx4[d] , y + dy4[d]) || !inmap(x + dx4[(d + 1) % 4] , y + dy4[(d + 1) % 4])) return false; if (!temp.mp[x][y] || !temp.mp[x + dx4[d]][y + dy4[d]] || ! temp.mp[x + dx4[(d + 1) % 4]][y + dy4[(d + 1) % 4]]) return false; temp.mp[x][y] = 0; temp.mp[x + dx4[d]][y + dy4[d]] = 0; temp.mp[x + dx4[(d + 1) % 4]][y + dy4[(d + 1) % 4]] = 0; if (!inmap(x1 , y1) || !inmap(x1 + dx4[d1] , y1+ dy4[d1]) || !inmap(x1 + dx4[(d1 + 1) % 4] , y1 + dy4[(d1 + 1) % 4])) return false; if (!temp.mp[x1][y1] || !temp.mp[x1 + dx4[d1]][y1 + dy4[d1]] || ! temp.mp[x1 + dx4[(d1 + 1) % 4]][y1 + dy4[(d1 + 1) % 4]]) return false; temp.mp[x1][y1] = 0; temp.mp[x1 + dx4[d1]][y1 + dy4[d1]] = 0; temp.mp[x1 + dx4[(d1 + 1) % 4]][y1 + dy4[(d1 + 1) % 4]] = 0; return temp.encode() == 0; } void initialP(){ P.init(); P.Matn = 1 , P.Matm = 128; for (int i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i) for (int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j) for (int k = 0 ; k < 3 ; ++k) for (int d = 0 ; d < 4 ; ++d){ int res = canput(i , j , k , d); if (res == 0) ++P.a[0][i]; } for (int i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i) for (int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j) for (int k = 0 ; k < 3 ; ++k) for (int d = 0 ; d < 4 ; ++d) for (int j1 = i ; j1 < 3 ; ++j1) for (int k1 = j ; k1 < 3 ; ++k1) for (int d1 = 0 ; d1 < 4 ; ++d1){ bool res = (canput2(i , j , k , d , j1 , k1 , d1)); if (res) ++P.a[0][i]; } // for (int i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i) // if (P.a[0][i] == 2){ // temp.hash = i; // temp.decode(); // temp.output(); // } } vector< PII > memory[129][129]; bool has(int bi , int bb){ int res = bi & bb; return res == bb; } int ok[129][129]; bool canPush(int down , int up){ // printf("PRE : %d %d\n" , down , up); if(down + up == 0) { ok[down][up] = 1; return 1; } // printf("%d\n" , ok[down][up]); if (ok[down][up] != -1) return ok[down][up]; // printf("NEX : %d %d\n" , down , up); //if (memory[down][up] != -1) return memory[down][up]; for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i) for (int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j) for (int d = 0 ; d < 4 ; ++d){ int res = canput(down , i , j , d); if (res != -1){ int newdown = res; if (canPush(newdown , up)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(newdown , up)); //return 1; } } } for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i) for (int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; ++j) for (int d = 0 ; d < 4 ; ++d){ int res = canput(up , i , j , d); if (res != -1){ int newup = res; if (canPush(down , newup)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down , newup)); // return 1; } } } /** 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 */ if (has(down , 3) && has(up , 1)) if (canPush(down - 3 , up - 1)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 3 , up - 1));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(down , 3) && has(up , 2)) if (canPush(down - 3 , up - 2)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 3 , up - 2));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(down , 12) && has(up , 4)) if (canPush(down - 12 , up - 4)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 12 , up - 4));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(down , 12) && has(up , 8)) if (canPush(down - 12 , up - 8)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 12 , up - 8));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(down , 24) && has(up , 8)) if (canPush(down - 24 , up - 8)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 24 , up - 8));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(down , 24) && has(up , 16)) if (canPush(down - 24 , up - 16)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 24 , up - 16));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(down , 96) && has(up , 32)) if (canPush(down - 96 , up - 32)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 96 , up - 32));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(down , 96) && has(up , 64)) if (canPush(down - 96 , up - 64)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 96 , up - 24));}// = 1 ; return 1;} /** 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 */ if (has(down , 36) && has(up , 4)) if (canPush(down - 36 , up - 4)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 36 , up - 4));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(down , 36) && has(up , 32)) if (canPush(down - 36 , up - 32)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 36 , up - 32));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(down , 9) && has(up , 1)) if (canPush(down - 9 , up - 1)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 9 , up - 1));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(down , 9) && has(up , 8)) if (canPush(down - 9 , up - 8)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 9 , up - 8));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(down , 72) && has(up , 8)) if (canPush(down - 72 , up - 8)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 72 , up - 8));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(down , 72) && has(up , 64)) if (canPush(down - 72 , up - 64)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 72 , up - 64));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(down , 18) && has(up , 2)) if (canPush(down - 18 , up - 2)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 18 , up - 2));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(down , 18) && has(up , 16)) if (canPush(down - 18 , up - 16)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 18 , up - 16));}// = 1 ; return 1;} /** 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 */ if (has(up , 3) && has(down , 1)) if (canPush(down - 1 , up - 3 )){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 1 , up - 3));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(up , 3) && has(down , 2)) if (canPush(down - 2 , up - 3)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 2 , up - 3));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(up , 12) && has(down , 4)) if (canPush(down - 4 , up - 12)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 4 , up - 12));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(up , 12) && has(down , 8)) if (canPush(down - 8 , up - 12)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 8 , up - 12));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(up , 24) && has(down , 8)) if (canPush(down - 8 , up - 24)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 8 , up - 24));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(up , 24) && has(down , 16)) if (canPush(down - 16 , up - 24)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 16 , up - 24));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(up , 96) && has(down , 32)) if (canPush(down - 32 , up - 96)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 32 , up - 96));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(up , 96) && has(down , 64)) if (canPush(down - 64 , up - 96)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 64 , up - 96));}// = 1 ; return 1;} /** 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 */ if (has(up , 36) && has(down , 4)) if (canPush(down - 4 , up - 36)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 4 , up - 36));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(up , 36) && has(down , 32)) if (canPush(down - 32 , up - 36)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 32 , up - 36));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(up , 9) && has(down , 1)) if (canPush(down - 1 , up - 9)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 1 , up - 9));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(up , 9) && has(down , 8)) if (canPush(down - 8 , up - 9)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 8 , up - 9));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(up , 72) && has(down , 8)) if (canPush(down - 8 , up - 72)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 8 , up - 72));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(up , 72) && has(down , 64)) if (canPush(down - 64 , up - 72)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 64 , up - 72));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(up , 18) && has(down , 2)) if (canPush(down - 2 , up - 18)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 2 , up - 18));}// = 1 ; return 1;} if (has(up , 18) && has(down , 16)) if (canPush(down - 16 , up - 18)){ memory[down][up].PB(MP(down - 16 , up - 18));}// = 1 ; return 1;} ok[down][up] = (SZ(memory[down][up]) > 0); return SZ(memory[down][up]) > 0; } vector<PII> cmp1 , cmp2; struct ME{ vector<PII> del; ME(){ del.clear(); } void rush(){ sort(ALL(del)); } bool operator < (const ME & A) const{ cmp1 = del; cmp2 = A.del; sort(ALL(cmp1)); sort(ALL(cmp2)); //if (SZ(cmp1) != SZ(cmp2)) return SZ(cmp1) < SZ(cmp2); for (int i = 0 ; i < min(SZ(cmp1) , SZ(cmp2)) ; ++i) if (cmp1[i] != cmp2[i]) return cmp1[i] < cmp2[i]; return false; } bool operator == (const ME & A) const{ return (!(*this < A) && !(A < *this)); } }; vector<ME> mycnt; vector<PII> :: iterator iter; ME now; void cnt(int down , int up){ // printf("PRE %d %d\n" , down , up); if(down == 0 && up == 0){ mycnt.PB(now); return; } if (ok[down][up] == 0) return; // printf("CNT: %d %d\n" , down , up); // cout << SZ(memory[down][up]) << endl; for(int i = 0 ; i < SZ(memory[down][up]) ;++i){ int newdown = memory[down][up][i].fi; int newup = memory[down][up][i].se; // printf("-%d %d\n", newdown , newup); now.del.PB( MP(down - newdown , up - newup) ); // printf("+ %d %d\n" , down - newdown , up - newup); cnt(newdown , newup); iter = now.del.end() - 1; //iter--; // printf("- %d %d\n" , iter->fi , iter->se); now.del.erase(iter);//( MP(down - newdown , up - newup) ); } } void initialQ(){ Q.init(); Q.Matn = 128 , Q.Matm = 128; // canPush(3 , 127); mycnt.clear(); // cnt(3 , 127); // sort(ALL(mycnt)); // printf("%d\n" , unique(ALL(mycnt)) - mycnt.begin()); //// return; // for (int i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i) // for (int j = 0 ; j < 128; ++j) // canPush(i , j); for (int i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i) for (int j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j){ if (canPush(127 - j , i)){ mycnt.clear(); cnt(127 - j , i); sort( ALL(mycnt) ); Q.a[j][i] = unique(ALL(mycnt)) - mycnt.begin(); // // printf("<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); // temp.hash = j;printf("%d:\n" , j);temp.decode();temp.output(); // temp.hash = i;printf("%d:\n" , i);temp.decode();temp.output(); // printf(">>>>>>>>>>>\n"); // printf("%d\n" , SZ(mycnt)); // for (int ds = 0 ; ds < SZ(mycnt) ; ++ds){ // for (int Meng = 0 ; Meng < mycnt[ds].del.size() ; ++Meng) // printf("(%d,%d) " , mycnt[ds].del[Meng].fi , mycnt[ds].del[Meng].se); // cout << endl; // } // cout << endl; // printf("%d\n" , Q.a[j][i]); } else Q.a[j][i] = 0; } } void initialR(){ R.init(Q); } void init(){ memset(ok , -1 , sizeof(ok)); for (int i = 0 ; i < 128 ; ++i) for (int j = 0 ; j < 128 ; ++j) memory[i][j].clear(); initialP(); initialQ(); initialR(); // cout << "GG" << endl; } int main(){ // freopen("0.in" , "r" , stdin); // freopen("1.out" , "w" , stdout); init(); solve(); }
#include<stdio.h> #include<iostream> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> using namespace std; #define fr(i,n) for(int i=0;i<n;i++) #define fo(i,n) for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) #define fe(i,n) for(__typeof(n.begin()) i=n.begin();i!=n.end();i++) int a[100020],ac; int v[100020]; long long A[130][130]; long long B[130][130]; int N=1<<7,p=1000000007; int mk(int x,int y,int z) { return 1<<x|1<<y|1<<z; } void pre() { int x[]={0,0,1,1,1,2,2}; int y[]={1,2,0,1,2,0,1}; int r[3][3]={-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,-1}; int u[3][3]={-1,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,-1}; int dx[]={1,0,-1,0}; int dy[]={0,1,0,-1}; for(int i=0;i<7;i++) { int nx=x[i],ny=y[i]; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { int qx=nx+dx[i]; int qy=ny+dy[i]; if(qx>=0&&qy>=0&&qx<3&&qy<3&&r[qx][qy]!=-1) { a[ac++]=mk(r[nx][ny],u[nx][ny],r[qx][qy]); a[ac++]=mk(r[nx][ny],u[nx][ny],u[qx][qy]); } int px=nx+dx[i+1&3]; int py=ny+dy[i+1&3]; if(qx>=0&&qy>=0&&qx<3&&qy<3&&r[qx][qy]!=-1) if(px>=0&&py>=0&&px<3&&py<3&&r[px][py]!=-1) { a[ac++]=mk(r[nx][ny],r[px][py],r[qx][qy]); // a[ac++]=mk(u[nx][ny],u[px][py],u[qx][qy]); } } } } void mul(long long a[130][130],long long b[130][130],long long c[130][130]) { long long r[130][130]={}; for(int i=0;i<N;i++) for(int k=0;k<N;k++) if(a[i][k]) for(int j=0;j<N;j++) r[i][j]=(r[i][j]+a[i][k]*b[k][j])%p; for(int i=0;i<N;i++) for(int j=0;j<N;j++) c[i][j]=r[i][j]; } int main() { N++; pre(); // cout << ac << endl; v[0]=1; for(int j=0;j<ac;j++) for(int i=0;i<1<<14;i++) if(v[i]) if((i&a[j])==0) v[i|a[j]]++; int t,n; for(;~scanf("%d",&n);) { memset(A,0,sizeof A); memset(B,0,sizeof B); A[0][0]=1; for(int i=0;i<N-1;i++) for(int j=0;j<N-1;j++) B[i][j]=v[i<<7|(127^j)]; n++; int w=0; for(int i=0;i<7;i++) { int d; scanf("%1d",&d); w=w*2+1-d; } B[w][N-1]=1; B[N-1][N-1]=1; for(;n;n>>=1) { if(n&1) mul(A,B,A); mul(B,B,B); } if(A[0][N-1]==0) puts("No way"); else printf("%d\n",(int)A[0][N-1]); } return 0; }
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> using namespace std; #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE #define DEBUG(a) cout << #a"= " << a << endl #else #define DEBUG(a) #endif typedef long long LL; const int maxn = 1 << 7; const int mod = (int)1e9 + 7; struct Martix { LL C[maxn][maxn]; Martix() { memset(C, 0, sizeof(C)); } void init() { memset(C, 0, sizeof(C)); } void initC() { for (int i = 0; i < maxn; ++i) C[i][i] = 1; } Martix operator*(const Martix& rhs) const { Martix res; for (int i = 0; i < maxn; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < maxn; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < maxn; ++k) { res.C[i][j] += C[i][k] * rhs.C[k][j]; res.C[i][j] %= mod; } } } return res; } Martix operator+(const Martix& rhs) const { Martix res; for (int i = 0; i < maxn; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < maxn; ++j) { res.C[i][j] = C[i][j] + rhs.C[i][j]; if (res.C[i][j] >= mod) res.C[i][j] -= mod; } } return res; } }; Martix start, inc; int Kr[8][4] = { {3, 9}, {3, 6}, {6, 12}, {9, 12, 24, 72}, {24, 48}, {48, 96}, {72, 96} }; int Sr[] = { 7, 11, 13, 14, 25, 56, 76, 88, 104, 112 }; void dfs(int deep, int s, int ps) { if (deep == 17) { ++start.C[ps^(maxn - 1)][s ^ (maxn - 1)]; return; } if (deep < 7) { int sz = (deep == 3) ? 4 : 2; for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { if ((s & Kr[deep][i]) == Kr[deep][i]) dfs(deep + 1, s ^ Kr[deep][i], ps ^ (1 << deep)); } dfs(deep + 1, s, ps); } else { if ((s & Sr[deep - 7]) == Sr[deep - 7]) dfs(deep + 1, s ^ Sr[deep - 7], ps); dfs(deep + 1, s, ps); } } Martix powMartix(Martix base, int N) { Martix res; res.initC(); while (N) { if (N & 1) res = res * base; base = base * base; N >>= 1; } return res; } Martix sumMartix(int N) { if (N == 0) { return inc; } else if (N == 1) { return start; } else if (N % 2 == 0) { Martix tmp = powMartix(start, N >> 1); tmp = tmp + inc; return tmp * sumMartix(N >> 1); } else { Martix tmp = powMartix(start, N); return tmp + sumMartix(N - 1); } } void solved(int nT) { char s[12]; int N; scanf("%d", &N); int rs = 0; scanf("%s", s); if (s[0] == '1') rs |= 1; if (s[1] == '1') rs |= 2; scanf("%s", s); if (s[0] == '1') rs |= 16; if (s[1] == '1') rs |= 8; if (s[2] == '1') rs |= 4; scanf("%s", s); if (s[0] == '1') rs |= 32; if (s[1] == '1') rs |= 64; Martix result = sumMartix(N); LL res = result.C[maxn - 1][rs]; if (res == 0) puts("No way"); else printf("%lld\n", res); } int main() { dfs(0, maxn - 1, 0); inc.initC(); int T = 1; //scanf("%d", &T); for (int nT = 1; nT <= T; ++nT) { solved(nT); } return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string.h> #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <cassert> #include <iomanip> #include <math.h> #include <deque> #include <utility> #include <map> #include <set> #include <bitset> #include <numeric> #include <climits> #include <cctype> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <sstream> using namespace std; typedef unsigned long long ull; typedef long long ll; typedef pair <int, int> pii; typedef pair <ll, ll> pll; typedef pair <double, double> pdd; typedef vector <int> vi; typedef vector <ll> vl; typedef vector <double> vd; typedef vector <string> vs; typedef map <string, int> mpsi; typedef map <double, int> mpdi; typedef map <int, int> mpii; const double pi = acos(0.0) * 2.0; const double eps = 1e-12; const int step[4][2] = {{1, 0}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, -1}}; template <class T> inline T abs1(T a) {return a < 0 ? -a : a;} template <class T> inline T max1(T a, T b) {return a > b ? a : b;} template <class T> inline T min1(T a, T b) {return a < b ? a : b;} template <class T> inline T gcd1(T a, T b) { if(a < b) swap(a, b); if(a % b == 0) return b; return gcd1(b, a % b); } template <class T> inline T lb(T num) {return num & (-num); } inline int jud(double a, double b){ if(abs1(a - b) < eps) return 0; if(a < b) return -1; return 1; } template <class t> inline int find(int val, t *a, int na, bool f_small = 1, bool f_lb = 1){ if(na == 1) return 0; int be = 0, en = na - 1; if(a[0] <= a[na - 1]){ if(f_lb == 0) while(be < en){ int mid = (be + en + 1) / 2; if(jud(a[mid], val) != 1) be = mid; else en = mid - 1; }else while(be < en){ int mid = (be + en) / 2; if(jud(a[mid], val) != -1) en = mid; else be = mid + 1; } if(f_small && a[be] > val && be != 0) be--; if(!f_small && a[be] < val && be != na - 1) be++; } else { if(f_lb) while(be < en){ int mid = (be + en + 1) / 2; if(jud(a[mid], val) != -1) be = mid; else en = mid - 1; }else while(be < en){ int mid = (be + en) / 2; if(jud(a[mid], val) != 1) en = mid; else be = mid + 1; } if(!f_small && a[be] < val && be != 0) be--; if(f_small && a[be] > val && be != na - 1) be++; } return be; } inline int bitnum(ull nValue){ nValue = ((0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaull & nValue)>>1) + (0x5555555555555555ull & nValue); nValue = ((0xccccccccccccccccull & nValue)>>2) + (0x3333333333333333ull & nValue); nValue = ((0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0ull & nValue)>>4) + (0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0full & nValue); nValue = ((0xff00ff00ff00ff00ull & nValue)>>8) + (0x00ff00ff00ff00ffull & nValue); nValue = ((0xffff0000ffff0000ull & nValue)>>16) + (0x0000ffff0000ffffull & nValue); nValue = ((0xffffffff00000000ull & nValue)>>32) + (0x00000000ffffffffull & nValue); return nValue; } long long pow(long long n, long long m, long long mod = 0){ long long ans = 1; long long k = n; while(m){ if(m & 1) { ans *= k; if(mod) ans %= mod; } k *= k; if(mod) k %= mod; m >>= 1; } return ans; } const int mod = 1000000007; template <typename t> struct matrix{ const static int maxn = 130; int row, col; t mat[maxn][maxn]; matrix(int r = 0, int c = 0){ row = r; col = c; for(int i = 0; i < row; i++) for(int j = 0; j < col; j++) mat[i][j] = 0; } bool danweiju(){ if(row != col) return 0; for(int i = 0; i < row; i++) for(int j = 0; j < col; j++) mat[i][j] = bool (i == j); return 1; } matrix operator * (const matrix& b) const{ int i, j, k; matrix <t> c(row, b.col); memset(c.mat, 0, sizeof(c.mat)); for (i = 0; i < c.row; i++) for (k = 0; k < col; k++) if(mat[i][k]) for (j = 0; j < c.col; j++){ c.mat[i][j] += mat[i][k] * b.mat[k][j]; c.mat[i][j] %= mod; } return c; } matrix operator + (const matrix& b) const{ matrix <t> c(max1(row, b.row), max1(col, b.col)); for(int i = 0; i < c.row; i++) for(int j = 0; j < c.col; j++){ t a = 0; if(i < row && j < col) a = mat[i][j]; t b1 = 0; if(i < b.row && j < b.col) b1 = b.mat[i][j]; c.mat[i][j] = a + b1; c.mat[i][j] %= mod; } return c; } matrix operator - (const matrix& b) const{ matrix <t> c(max1(row, b.row), max1(col, b.col)); for(int i = 0; i < c.row; i++) for(int j = 0; j < c.col; j++){ t a = 0; if(i < row && j < col) a = mat[i][j]; t b1 = 0; if(i < b.row && j < b.col) b1 = b.mat[i][j]; c.mat[i][j] = a - b1; } return c; } inline void operator = (const matrix & b){ memcpy(mat, b.mat, sizeof(mat)); col = b.col; row = b.row; } matrix pow(int n){ matrix <t> ans(row, col), temp = *this; ans.danweiju(); while(n){ if(n & 1) ans = ans * temp; temp = temp * temp; n >>= 1; } return ans; } int inv(){ int i, j, k, is[maxn], js[maxn]; double t1; if (row != col) return 0; for(k = 0; k < row; k++){ for(t1 = 0,i = k; i < row; i++) for(j = k; j < row; j++) if(fabs(mat[i][j]) > t1) t1=fabs(mat[is[k] = i][js[k] = j]); if (fabs(t1 - 0) < 1e-9) return 0; if (is[k] != k) for(j = 0; j < row; j++) t1 = mat[k][j], mat[k][j] = mat[is[k]][j], mat[is[k]][j] = t1; if (js[k] != k) for (i = 0; i < row; i++) t1 = mat[i][k], mat[i][k] = mat[i][js[k]], mat[i][js[k]] = t1; mat[k][k] = 1 / mat[k][k]; for(j = 0; j < row; j++) if (j != k) mat[k][j] *= mat[k][k]; for (i = 0; i < row; i++) if (i != k) for (j = 0; j < row; j++) if (j != k) mat[i][j] -= mat[i][k] * mat[k][j]; for (i = 0;i < row; i++) if (i != k) mat[i][k] *= -mat[k][k]; } for (k = row-1; k >= 0; k--){ for (j = 0; j < row; j++) if (js[k] != k) t1 = mat[k][j], mat[k][j] = mat[js[k]][j], mat[js[k]][j]=t1; for (i = 0; i < row; i++) if (is[k] != k) t1 = mat[i][k], mat[i][k] = mat[i][is[k]], mat[i][is[k]] = t1; } return 1; } double det(){ int i, j, k, sign = 0; double b[maxn][maxn], ret = 1, t1; if (row != col) return 0; for (i = 0; i < row; i++) for (j = 0; j < col; j++) b[i][j] = mat[i][j]; for (i = 0; i < row; i++){ if (fabs(b[i][i] - 0) < 1e-9){ for (j = i + 1; j < row; j++) if (fabs(b[j][i] - 0) > 1e-9) break; if (j == row) return 0; for (k = i; k < row; k++) t1 = b[i][k], b[i][k] = b[j][k], b[j][k] = t1; sign++; } ret *= b[i][i]; for (k = i + 1; k < row; k++) b[i][k] /= b[i][i]; for (j = i + 1; j < row; j++) for (k = i + 1; k < row; k++) b[j][k] -= b[j][i] * b[i][k]; } if (sign & 1) ret = -ret; return ret; } }; const int trans[42][2] = {{1, 3}, {1, 9}, {2, 3}, {2, 18}, {4, 12}, {4, 36}, {8, 12}, {8, 72}, {8, 9}, {8, 24}, {16, 24}, {16, 18}, {32, 36}, {32, 96}, {64, 96}, {64, 72}, {3, 1}, {3, 2}, {12, 4}, {12, 8}, {24, 8}, {24, 16}, {96, 32}, {96, 64}, {36, 4}, {36, 32}, {9, 1}, {9, 8}, {72, 8}, {72, 64}, {18, 2}, {18, 16} , {11, 0}, {19, 0}, {13, 0}, {44, 0}, {76, 0}, {25, 0}, {26, 0}, {88, 0}, {100, 0}, {104, 0}}; vi wh[100]; ll dp[128][128]; bool f[128][128]; pii q[1 << 15]; int lq, rq; int ncase, n; char str[10]; matrix <ll> m(128, 128); int main(){ for(int i = 0; i < 42; i++){ int k = lb(trans[i][0]); wh[k].push_back(i); } for(int i = 0; i < 128; i++){ memset(dp, 0, sizeof(dp)); memset(f, 0, sizeof(f)); dp[i][0] = 1; rq = 1; f[i][0] = 1; q[lq = 0] = make_pair(i, 0); for(; rq != lq; ){ int wh1 = lb(q[lq].first + 1); for(int j = 0; j < (int)wh[wh1].size(); j++){ if((q[lq].first & trans[wh[wh1][j]][0]) || (q[lq].second & trans[wh[wh1][j]][1])) continue; pii p; p.first = q[lq].first | trans[wh[wh1][j]][0]; p.second = q[lq].second | trans[wh[wh1][j]][1]; dp[p.first][p.second] += dp[q[lq].first][q[lq].second]; if(p.first != 127 && f[p.first][p.second] == 0){ f[p.first][p.second] = 1; q[rq++] = p; } } lq++; } for(int j = 0; j < 128; j++) m.mat[i][j] = dp[127][j]; } while(scanf("%d", &n) != -1){ for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) while(str[i] != 48 && str[i] != 49) scanf("%c", str + i); int num = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++) num += (str[i] - 48) << i; m = m.pow(n - 1); ll ans = m.mat[0][num]; for(int i = 0; i < 127; i++){ for(int j = 32; j < 42; j++) if(((i & trans[j][0]) == 0) && ((i | trans[j][0]) == num)){ ans += m.mat[0][i]; break; } } if(num == 127) ans += m.mat[0][2] + m.mat[0][8] + m.mat[0][32]; cout << num << ' ' << ans % mod << endl; } return 0; }