
接下来的process能够顺利。今年h1b已经用完了,我是打算quit phd做full time的,
学校的CPT/OPT没过qualify之前还不让full time,庆幸公司允许我先做part time。希

1. 找工作还是要花大量时间精力充分准备的,各种基本概念、data structure,
algorithms, programming language concepts,还有自己简历上写的各种project要把
career cup
programming interview expose
geeks for geeks
thinking in java
C++ interview questions
Introduction to algorithms

2. 一定要坚信自己能找到一份工作,即使在最沮丧失落的时候,也要相信有一份适合

3. 面试前要对公司的project了解一下,这样在聊的时候就有针对性,别人也会觉得你
己open to different roles的诚意。

4. 微笑,再微笑,且直视对方。微笑能缓解很多问题答不上来的尴尬,也显示你的自

个部分,有一些重复的,也有一些本版没见过的,或者和OS system相关的,仅供参考
。公司名就不一一列了,有A M G,一些system相关的公司和一般的software company。

Basic concepts:
1. what’s link list, array, hashtable, search/create time complexity
2. How to implement a hashtable, how to solve collision problems
3. The difference between List, Set, and Map in Java
4. Interface, abstract class

1. Find duplicate elements in two arrays

2. Determine what a system is big- or little- endian

3. reverse a string

4. Design a timing mechanism: when a packet is received, cancel the timing; 
otherwise, start timing until time out. Suppose each timing object has 
different expiration period?

5. Given an integer, print out its square root

6. An integer array of size m + 1 with m unique element, find the duplicate 

7. Given a function to read/write data from/to hard disk. Req(r/w, addr, 
size, buffer), e.g.Read_write(read, 0, 5, …), Read_write(read, 5, 3, …). 
This function will be called thousand times. Consolidate the I/O requests 
and printout to one.
“read command, start from address 0, access 8 sectors.”

8. 输入一串整数数列, 求里面连续的可构成等差数列的sub-array的个数(>=3)
e.g. [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 8, 7];
output should be : 5
[1, 2, 3] [3, 5, 7] [3, 5, 7, 9][5, 7, 9] [9, 8, 7]
Time complexity O(n), space complexity O(1)

9. Print a two dimensional array clockwise

10. N*M grid, walk from (0,0) to (n, m), either 'right' or 'down', return 
the number of possible paths; There might be some obstacles in the grid.

11. Two integers n & m represented as two arrays, return n*m in terms of one

12. An array(0, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1, ...), only three different values, sort in 

13. Print all combinations of an input array, if there are duplicates, e.g. 
(1, 2, 2, 3), output: 1, 12, 122, 123, 1223, …

14. Count the palindrome in a string

15. Given two XML, check whether they are equivalent

16. Career cup: 19.6, print the English phrase of an integer

17. Describe a data structure to store a tree node, if a tree node has a 
pointer to the sibling, write a function to update the sibling (level-order 

18. Mth to the last node in a link list  (be careful about m & m-1)

19. Design a calculator: overflow, -error-, function test

20. Atoi

21. Write a singleton pattern

22. Find overlap between two sets of pairs

23. 1TB file that can not fit into memory, how to rotate the lines randomly 
and write to a new file? How to deal with it in distributed systems? How to 
detect one node's failure?

24. runlength encoded: [number of next elem in the array, the value of the 
2, 1, 3, 6, 1, 9 => 1, 1, 6, 6, 6, 9
Create a class and implement the following two methods:

25. Determine whether two words are anagram, how to do pre-processing for a 
dictionary, so that it could do fast anagram searching

26. Suppose we can compare two arrays like:
{4,2,3} > {3,5,6}
{4,2,3} < {4,3,0}
In each move, you can only swap a number with its neighbor. Given an array 
and a number n, design an algorithm to make this array minimum using n moves.

27. Find the second largest number in an array

28. Design a restaurant booking system

System related:
1. what is race condition
2. what is deadlock, how to detect deadlock
3. what’s kmalloc
4. what happens when an application generates a request, what happen to 
system call, why using system call, how data transfers between user and 
kernel level
5. process vs. threads, address space, etc
6. How a process is created, how to do mapping between virtual address and 
physical memory
7. heap vs. stack
8. condition variable 
9. what's the data flow from OS -> device
10. how to detect memory leak
11. single writer, multi-reader lock problem
12. How linux command 'ls' works
13. spin_lock, mutex, semaphore
14. POSIX interface: sockets mode(blocking vs. nonblocking)
15. The cause of segmentation fault
