C++/COM string conversion

char* <--> wchar_t*
1. sprintf(desWChars, "%s", srcChars);
   swprintf(desChars, "%S", srcWChars);
2. wchar_t *desWChars = A2W(srcChars); // ATL convention.
   char *desChars = W2A(srcWChars);    // ATL convention.
   Note: A2W&W2A uses "alloca" to alloc memory from stack. So don't release the pointer.
3. Safe way:
4. CW2A pszConverted (bstrSrc);

5. int converted = wcstombs(pChars, pWChars, MB_CUR_MAX);
    int converted = mbstowcs(pWChars, pChars, MB_CUR_MAX);

STL string <--> char*
   char *pChars = stlString.c_str();
   string stlString(pChars)  // Construct Func

char* --> OLECHAR*
1. Simple but Not safe:
   #include <atlconv.h>
   USES_CONVERSION; // This is necessary.
   BSTR str = A2OLE(pChar);
   char *pChar = OLE2A(str); // pChar can't be freed by user. It is in stack.
        // Pay attention to "stack overflow" exception.
2. Safe:

STL wstring <--> BSTR
   std::wstring wstrAnsiVersion (bstrMyBeaster);

BSTR --> _bstr_t
    _bstr_t bstrDes(bstrSrc); // Constructor.
    bstrDes = bstrSrc;       // Operator "=" function
_bstr_t --> BSTR
    BSTR bstrDes = bstrSrc.copy();
    BSTR bstrDes = bstrSrc;   // Operator "="

Properties -> Configuration Properties -> General -> Use of ATL.

LPSTR = char*
LPCSTR = const char*
LPWSTR = wchar_t*
LPCWSTR = const wchar_t*
LPTSTR = char* or wchar_t* depending on _UNICODE
LPCTSTR = const char* or const wchar_t* depending on _UNICODE


C Language String Types and Classes

This article deals with the following C/MFC/ATL string types:

String Type Description
char/wchar/TCHAR   The C strings for ANSI and Unicode
CString The C++/MFC class wrapper for C strings
BSTR The Visual Basic string type
_bstr_t A C++ class wrapper for the Visual Basic string type
CComBSTR Yet another C++ class wrapper for the Visual Basic string type used predominately in ATL code

Demo Project

The demo project is just an MFC dialog-based application with buttons for each type of conversion. It is built using VC++ 6.0. It uses a couple of support functions you may find helpful:

  _bstr_t bstr1(_T("This is the test string."));

  BSTR bstr;

  bstr = bstr1.copy();

  return bstr;

  CComBSTR bstr("This is the test string.");

  return bstr;

void CVbsDlg::ShowBSTR(BSTR bstr)
  _bstr_t bstrStart(bstr);

  CString s;

  s.Format(_T("%s"), (LPCTSTR)bstrStart);




So, let's get to it. Here are the conversion techniques:

  1. Converting BSTR to _bstr_t
  2. Converting a _bstr_t to BSTR
  3. Converting a CComBSTR to BSTR
  4. Converting _bstr_t to CComBSTR
  5. Converting BSTR to C String


    (Note: conversion that only works in Unicode)

      // BSTR to C String
      BSTR bstrStart;
      bstrStart = GetBSTR();
      TCHAR szFinal[255];
      // direct conversion from BSTR to LPCTSTR only works // in Unicode _stprintf(szFinal, _T("%s"), (LPCTSTR)bstrStart); AfxMessageBox(szFinal); _bstr_t bstrIntermediate(bstrStart); // convert to // _bstr_t CString strFinal; // you have to go through _bstr_t to have it work in ANSI // and Unicode _stprintf(szFinal, _T("%s"), (LPCTSTR)bstrIntermediate); // Or, using MFC strFinal.Format(_T("%s"), (LPCTSTR)bstrIntermediate); AfxMessageBox(strFinal); 


    (this works in both ANSI and Unicode)

      _bstr_t bstrStart(_T("This is the test string."));
      TCHAR szFinal[255];
      _stprintf(szFinal, _T("%s"), (LPCTSTR)bstrStart);


    (not possible; must go through _bstr_t)

      // CComBSTR to C String
      CComBSTR bstrStart("This is the test string.");
      _bstr_t bstrIntermediate(bstrStart);
      TCHAR szFinal[255];
      _stprintf(szFinal, _T("%s"),


    Use a constructor or = operator

      // LPCTSTR to _bstr_t
      LPCTSTR szStart = _T("This is the text string");
      // Use the constructor
      _bstr_t bstrFinal(szStart);
      // or use = operator
      bstrFinal = szStart;


    Use a constructor or CComBSTR::Append function

      // LPCTSTR to CComBSTR
      // Use a constructor
      LPCTSTR szStart = _T("This is the text string");
      // Use the constructor
      CComBSTR bstrFinal(szStart);
      // Or use the Append function
  6. Converting _bstr_t to C String
  7. Converting CComBSTR to LPCTSTR
  8. Converting LPCTSTR to _bstr_t
  9. Converting LPCTSTR to CComBSTR
  10.   // BSTR to _bst_t
      BSTR bstrStart = GetBSTR();
      // use the constructor
      _bstr_t bstrFinal(bstrStart);
      // Use the = operator
      bstrFinal = bstrStart;


    You may want to get a BSTR from a _bstr_t class.

      // _bstr_t to BSTR
      _bstr_t bstrStart(_T("This is the test string."));
      BSTR bstrFinish;
      // use _bstr_t::copy member function
      bstrFinish = bstrStart.copy();
      // use = operator
      bstrFinish = bstrStart;


    You may want to get a BSTR from a CComBSTR class.

      // CComBSTR to BSTR
      CComBSTR bstrStart(_T("This is the test string."));
      BSTR bstrFinish;
      // use the = operator
      bstrFinish = bstrStart;
      // use the Copy member function
      bstrFinish = bstrStart.Copy();


      // _bstr_t to CComBSTR
      _bstr_t bstrStart(_T("This is the test string."));
      CComBSTR bstrFinish;
