interview english 1

1. How do you do? Mr Crane. Very nice to meet you.
   How do you do?

2. Thank you for coming. Did you have any trouble finding the office?
   Oh,no. It was easy . Your office sent me a map.

3. Miss Li? Sorry to have kept you waiting...
   We've so busy around here. Please come in.
   Oh , thank you.

4. I apologize for this mess. They've got me handling so many projects, and it's hard to keep things organized.
   That's OK, Thank you for seeing me.

5. Oh, just call me Mike! Everyone does.
   Er, OK, er...Mike. Thank you for seeing me today.

6. Well, Miss Li, as you know, we are looking for an executive secretary with good English skills and some business background. We looked over your resume and thought you might be a good candidate.

7. Mr. Liu , thank you for coming in today. Please have a seat. I've looked over your resume and wanted to meet you to ask you a few questions.
   Thank you for asking me to come in.

8. I am the director of the personnel division of the company, my name is John Smith.
   How do you do, Mr Smith. I am glad to have the opportunity to talk with you.

9. Take a seat, please, and make yourself comfortable.
   Thank you, Ms Ina
