

通过这段代码学习到fgets实现从文件中一行一行读,fputs实现把每次读到的内容原样写到一个文件中,strstr查找包含某个xxx内容的字符串,feof判断文件末尾,#if #else #endif预编译命令,通过写bat文件向编译好的文件传入main函数的参数(这个同样可以通过在Project中设置实现向main函数传参数),实际上使用bat文件和在cmd使用dos命令作用是相同的,这里就相当于在cmd下cd进入到exe文件夹下,然后敲入xxx.exe arg[1] arg[2],其中后面为传入main函数的两个参数常用的c的文件操纵函数还有

//printf fprintf
//scanf fscanf

//getc fgetc
//putc fputc

//gets fgets
//puts fputs

//fread fwrite

//fseek fgetpos feof


#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;

#define DST_FILE   "dst.txt"
#define SRC_FILE   "src.txt"
//assume that every line is not larger than 256 bytes
#define MAX_LEN    256

static char achBuf[MAX_LEN] = {0};

static int RemoveSameStringLine(int argc, char **argv)
	FILE *fpSrc = NULL;
	FILE *fpDst = NULL;
	char achStr[50] = {0};
	int  nCount = 0;
	int  nArgc = 0;
	char achSrcF[50] = {0};
#if 1
	//argc the number of parameter, here must more than 2
	if (argc < 2)
		printf("parameter is less than < 2\n");
		return -1;

	strcpy(achSrcF, argv[1]);
	strcpy(achStr, argv[2]);
	printf("argc: %d\n", argc);
	for (nArgc = 0; nArgc < argc; nArgc++)
		printf("argv[%d]: %s\n", nArgc, argv[nArgc]);

	for (nArgc = 3; nArgc < argc; nArgc++)
		strcat(achStr, " ");
		strcat(achStr, argv[nArgc]);

	strcpy(achSrcF, SRC_FILE)
		strcpy(achStr, SEEK_STR);
	printf("argv:[0]-%s,[1]-%s,[2]-%s\n", argv[0], SRC_FILE, SEEK_STR);

	printf("File:%s find str:\"%s\", and remove this str line\n", achSrcF, achStr);

	fpSrc = fopen(achSrcF, "rt");
	if (NULL== fpSrc)
		printf("Open source file: %s failed\n", SRC_FILE);
		return -1;

	fpDst = fopen(DST_FILE, "wt");
	if (NULL== fpDst)
		printf("Create source file: %s failed\n", DST_FILE);
		return -1;

	nCount = 0;

	while (!feof(fpSrc))
		memset(achBuf, 0, sizeof(achBuf));
		//Get a string from a stream. the first parameter is the string, the second is the length of the string
		//the third parameter is the File stream
		//fgets reads characters from the current stream position 
		//to and including the first newline character, to the end of the stream, 
		//or until the number of characters read is equal to n – 1, whichever comes first.
		//The newline character, if read, is included in the string. 
		//so if we want to read a file line by line, we can use this function, and in almost every time we make the 
		//size of the buffer larger than the bytes of the most long line, and actually every time we can read a Enter
		//identifier from every line
		//而回车只是一个字符而已,所以每个文件中的回车符可以通过char == "\n"来得到,换行符也是一个char型的ascii码
		fgets(achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), fpSrc);
		//Each of these functions returns a pointer to the first occurrence of strCharSet in string, 
		//or NULL if strCharSet does not appear in string. If strCharSet points to a string of zero length, the function returns string.
		if (NULL == strstr(achBuf, achStr))
			//Write a string to a stream. the first parameter is the string, and the second is the stream
			fputs(achBuf, fpDst);
	printf("Total Count Same string:%d\n", nCount);

	return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int nRet;

	nRet = RemoveSameStringLine(argc, argv);
	printf("RemoveSameStringLine-ret:%d\n", nRet);


	return 0;

之后在编译好的exe文件同文件加下拷贝入源文件src.txt,之后写bat文件 xxx.exe src.txt delstringxxx即可
