Apache Geronimo Passes Java Enterprise Edition 5.0 TCK 100%

Apache Geronimo 2.0-M6-rc1 has passed all tests in the Java EE 5.0 Certification Test Kit. This means that applications that are written to the Java EE platform specifications can be deployed and executed on the Apache Geronimo server.

Milestone 6 is the next step in the journey to a full Apache Geronimo 2.0 release; most likely in July.

Geronimo is a community oriented development project at the Apache Software Foundation. It is made up of a number of committers and contributors from around the world that bring their unique needs and perspectives to the development process.

Apart from the Java EE 5.0 functionality provided by the runtime the server sports enhancements to its console for exploring classloaders, server MBeans as well as the JNDI tree. Other non-Java EE requirements include additional clustering capability as well as the ability to run multiple server instances from a single server image on disk.

Next steps for Apache Geronimo 2.0 include additional performance testing, putting the footprint on a diet (target download size for the EE certified server is 35MB) and improving usability of use and deployment of applications.

For more information about Apache Geronimo please visit the website at http://geronimo.apache.org.

Additional information about the Apache Software Foundation can be found at http://www.apache.org.

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